The Dark Arts
Narcissa Malfoy Severus Snape
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/28/2004
Updated: 05/08/2005
Words: 84,397
Chapters: 48
Hits: 7,513

A Cloud Before the Moon


Story Summary:
It isn't easy to get to close to Severus Snape. It's not impossible; after all, sometimes one simply falls into unusual friendships. The problem is, there is frequently an obstacle in the way. More often than not, that obstacle is Severus Snape.

Chapter 47

Chapter Summary:
In whichEamon FitzGerald joins the conversation, in a manner of speaking

Adams continued down the corridor, which turned left after some distance. He followed that hallway down past several more doors, and it turned left yet again. There seemed to be no point in continuing further, so he turned around.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed," said a nasal voice with a thick Sussex accent.

"I need to speak to him", a deep voice responded, with a hint of urgency.

"It seems that he's preoccupied with a very important matter."

"I have a very important matter to discuss with him. With what is he so busy?"


For several moments, there was silence. Then, a derisive snort. "Is that all? Admonishing him for this little stunt he's pulled?"

"I think not. That would call for an appreciative audience, no doubt. There's something far more intriguing afoot, I'd reckon. Even in these cautious times, Lucius must have something noxious he wants done. I'd love to know what they're plotting."

So would I, Adams thought.

"Something vile and unpleasant, right up Snape's alley. You know, he gives me the creeps, that one. Always pops up at just the wrong moment. But useful in his way, I'm sure." There was a soft chuckle. I hear the Dumb Old Whore thinks he's on their side now."

"Right. And I'm adopting a nest of Mudblood orphans to raise as my own," responded Sussex.

"How about the Potter brat?" Adams heard the two men laugh as they headed back in the direction of the party.

Adams waited until the footsteps died away and made his way over to the door by which the two men had been standing. Did he dare intrude? At worst, he could blame it on his ignorance, as a 'foreigner'. Quietly, carefully, he pushed open the door just enough to slip through, and closed it behind him. He found himself in a large, warm, dimly-lit room, elegantly appointed in rich leathers, unusual animal hides, highly polished rare woods and imposing portraiture. From where he stood, a short foyer led into the main portion of the room, at the far end of which a fire blazed gloriously under a magnificent mantel. Silhouetted in front of the fire, Adams could see the seated profiles of two men, face to face, one dark-haired, the other light. They were completely engrossed in their conversation, and apparently the intrusion had not been noticed.

Adams squeezed himself into a shadowy corner and watched. The slender blond man, whom he assumed was Lucius Malfoy, did all of the talking. Snape's end of the conversation seemed to consist of slow nods and grunts of assent. He could not see Snape's face very well, but he looked and moved in a vague and disconnected sort of way, as if treading through treacle - completely at odds with what Adams associated with the sharp-minded, sharp-tempered wizard. Adams strained to hear what was said. Apparently, he had missed the preponderance of the conversation. Snape sat with a bemused expression, his eyes riveted on Malfoy's face. He gave a treacly nod in response to whatever Malfoy had said, and Malfoy responded with a Cheshire-cat smile. "Then it's settled, Severus?"

Adams had no idea what Malfoy considered settled, but whatever it was, he was pretty sure it couldn't be anything good. Without really thinking about, without entirely considering the matter, he slid out of his corner and strode over to where the two men sat. "Oh there you are Severus; I've been looking all over for you!" he boomed good-naturedly. Malfoy started, but Snape did not even move. Adams smiled cheerfully. "Wonderful party, Malfoy, old boy. I didn't know Severus had so many fascinating acquaintances. The food is exquisite, the music, divine! Wouldn't you agree, Severus?" With that, he clapped his hand heavily on Snape's shoulder, squeezed firmly and shook. To his dismay, Snape's face registered only the barest indication of awareness.

Malfoy's face, on the other hand, immediately took on an ashen hue. His features remained carefully composed, though tautly drawn. "Fitzpatrick, we are engaged in a private conversation of some consequence. Please take your leave until we have finished our discussion." His eyes bored into Adams' with undisguised malice.

"FitzGerald. Eamon FitzGerald."

"Yes, whatever. Just go!"

"Certainly; I'm not the sort to go sticking my nose in where it's not wanted. Until later then, love." He quickly moved in front of Snape, leaned over, and gave him a loud and vehement kiss on the lips. Snape's eyes widened into two inky black pools, and he let out a gasp, like a submerged man who has suddenly been pulled from the water. Davy stood between the two men, so that Malfoy was unable to see the stunned expression on Snape's face. When he'd gathered his wits, Snape began to open his mouth, but Adams gave him a warning look before slipping out of the way.

"Eamon, perhaps you should apologize to Mr. Malfoy for your rather immoderate behavior," Snape urged.

"Frankly, I see no reason for it, but if it makes you feel better, Malfoy, I'm sorry if I offended your delicate sensibilities."

Malfoy shot out of his chair angrily. "I do not know who you think you are, but you have made a serious mistake! I challenge you to a duel!"

Adams looked at him in a calm, slow, unruffled way. "I accept."

Malfoy's eyes glinted malevolently. "Severus, this will provide you with an excellent excuse to find yourself a far more charming companion. Or perhaps you will reconsider your sexual preferences altogether."

"I fear Mr. FitzGerald misspoke, Lucius." Snape said quietly. He looked at Adams pointedly. "No insult was intended. I fear that Eamon is at times a bit - impetuous."

Mr. FitzGerald puckered his lips sourly. "A challenge has been tendered, and accepted. That's the long and short of it."

Snape opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Adams avoided his eyes.

"Very well, it is settled. Tonight is out of the question, of course. Tomorrow, midnight, out on the lower western field." Malfoy waved his hand dismissively.

Snape stepped forward. "I am afraid I will not be available tomorrow evening. I will be occupied for the next week."

Malfoy scowled. "Then I am afraid, FitzGerald, that you will be on your own. There will be no adjournments made to suit your convenience." He turned to Snape. "Well, Severus, what could be so urgent that you would be willing to miss this?"

Snape smiled thinly. "I have an important appointment with Professor Dumbledore..."

"Do you really? Change it."

"...and Professor Calibrato," Snape concluded, ignoring Malfoy's comment. "I believe I may be offered Calibrato's position once he retires."

"A teaching position at Hogwarts?" Malfoy laughed. "That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Just picture it! Severus Snape, standing before a classroom of ill-mannered snot-nosed brats! I can see the headlines: "Hogwarts professor convicted of petrifying entire class of first-years!"

Snape did not look amused. He whispered, "I hardly think so."

"Maybe not, maybe not. It's simply an idea that - takes some getting used to." Malfoy folded up his grin as neatly as he had unfurled it, and glanced sharply at FitzGerald. "So, there it is; other matters apparently take precedence over you. Severus will not be there. But, you had better be."

"You needn't worry. I will be there, Mr. Malfoy." He winked. "With bells on." With that, he turned around and left the room, adding as he closed the door, "Just be sure you don't chicken out."

Several minutes later, Adams found himself facing a very furious Severus Snape, who silently raised one long finger and beckoned him to follow. He led Adams to the scullery, and shooed away a very surprised-looking house-elf. "Are you INSANE?" he hissed.

"I wasn't the one who initiated the challenge," said Adams defensively.

"But you accepted! Do you realize that we are talking about a duel of magic? Need I point out that your odds of winning a duel against a wizard - ANY wizard - are easily calculable? Precisely. Exactly. Zero."

Adams considered. "Is this a duel to the death? I'm hoping that's not allowed."

"You are correct, but there are a great many other very unpleasant things Malfoy can do to you."

Adams made a face. "I can imagine. Is he good at it?"

"What difference does that make?"

He tapped his wand. "If you load up this thing with a few really good zingers..." He stopped when he saw Snape's expression of disgust.

"Is THAT what you thought? Let me tell you what happened to the last man who used that wand. He, too, overestimated his own paltry skills." He paused, then added, "may he rest in peace."