Harry Potter and the Orb of Slytherin


Story Summary:
The world hangs on the courage of one person: Harry Potter. In a struggle between two different kinds of magic, that of love and hate, Harry must find the will to overcome the Evil One. The last year of the story takes Harry from Alexandria to Bulgaria in a search for not only Voldemort, but also himself. A true Book 7 replacement guaranteed not to disappoint. Pumpkin Pie Unite!

Chapter 05 - Flight to Hogwarts

Chapter Summary:
Going it alone, Harry begins his personal vendetta against the Dark Lord with a quest for information.

Chapter 5: Flight to Hogwarts

August 1st

Harry was woken up by the feeling of sharp pecks to his cheek. It was light out but not quite sunrise and Hedwig knew it was time for him to be off. Harry needed little encouragement and within ten minutes he was dressed and beginning to pack what he needed for his journey.

It was a surreal moment for Harry as he unloaded his trunk and emptied his room of all the things important to him - he had so few. He had his broom propped up next to the door and his invisibility cloak tucked away inside the small traveling bag he had managed to produce. Along with the cloak were the Marauders' Map and the three items Dumbledore had left to him in the package Harry had received after his death. There were a few rations of food and a canteen of water, plus a winter cloak all tucked away inside his bag. Last of all, there was his picture album Hagrid had given him his first year at Hogwarts. Harry had since added a few pictures, one of them being a favorite of his: Ron and Hermione sitting on either side of him at the Gryffindor table of the Great Hall taken by Colin Creevy. Harry turned to that picture often... they were so happy in it.

Harry just needed one more item before he had finished packing. He went to his desk and opened a drawer he had come to open many times since he had first discovered it. Inside was a hand mirror and Harry carefully picked it up, examining it. Will this accursed item finally become useful?

* * *

July 27th

Screams in the darkness echoed in Harry's ear. There was smoke everywhere and he couldn't see a thing. He tried to find a way out, but he couldn't move. He looked down and saw that his feet were completely useless, mobilized to the ground. He looked around him, but there was only black haze. Finally, a break in the smoke came and he saw Ron and Hermione, standing in the distance, looking around.

"Hey! Over here! Ron! Hermione!" Harry frantically shouted. Without the use of his legs and no wand, he was a sitting duck.

Ron and Hermione didn't seem to hear him though. They were looking at something beyond him, squinting to see. Then, they become frightened and began to run away from him. Something behind me must be after us! Harry began to think. Why can't they see me?

"Wait! Ron! I'm right here! Don't leave me!"

As he was waving his arms, trying desperately to get his friends' attention while still keeping his balance, a swarm of Inferi shot past him in hot pursuit. They didn't seem to notice Harry was there and they were moving a lot faster than Harry had seen them move before. Once Harry realized they were after only Ron and Hermione, he became fearful and bent down to try to pull his legs loose of whatever invisible bonds were holding him, but his attempts only led him to lose his balance and fall forward on his stomach, his feet still useless and stiff.

He looked up in desperation to see what was happening. Ron and Hermione seemed to be barely moving and the Inferi were soon upon them. They had them and were picking them up and dragging them off. Ron began shouting Harry's name over and over and Hermione was sobbing and struggling

"NO! No, wait! I'm here! I'm coming! Don't give up!" Harry's eyes were now filled with tears and he tried to crawl, but his arms suddenly became useless as well. All we could do was watch as his friends were carried off. As they disappeared, a pair of long legs stepped next to him. Harry couldn't see who it was, but he began begging anyways.

"Please, sir, help my friends! Please! They need help! They're all I have!"

"I know," said a cold, heartless voice. "I know all too well."

Harry's stomach rose to his throat when he realized it was Voldemort who was standing over his useless body. It was over.

"I have waited for this moment a long time. Your friends are being ripped apart as I speak and now that I've finished that and you've witnessed it, it's time for our final parting. So, now Harry Potter, like your mudblood mother, die... Die... DIE!"

Harry awoke and sat straight up in a cold, profuse sweat, flinging his arms up in defense. He looked around and finally calmed a bit when he realized he had been dreaming - it was only a nightmare. Harry let out a shaky exhale and looked around him. The day before, he had finally come out of his unconsciousness after the attack on Hogsmeade and was found to be alright; he was allowed to stay one more night before returning to the Dursleys to finish his last week under their care.

He was still exhausted but requested that he spend the night in his own room. All his memories of the encounter with the Inferi had come back and he was worried. He knew his friends were strong, but they seemed to be helpless against Voldemort's attacks. He had learned that he himself was saved when some villagers came to his rescue, but others were not so lucky. Many had been killed in the chaos that ensued at Hogsmeade and Harry was almost among the numbered.

As Harry began to sink back down into his bed, he noticed Hermione sitting in a chair next to him, slumped over with her arms resting on the mattress.

"That's right," Harry said quietly to himself. "Hermione was here when I began to fall asleep. She said she would go to bed once I had... I didn't think she would stay."

He brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and became a little more relaxed. I am so lucky to have friends like Ron and Hermione. His mind then began to churn with worry and regret. And what kind of friend am I putting them in this jeopardy? They shouldn't have to bear this burden at all. They've already done everything for me and then some.

Harry got out of his bed needing to get the jitters out of his legs. Instinctively he walked to his writing desk. He had just begun to explore the many drawers that seemed to be magically infused in it and was curious about all the items his godfather kept. He opened the next drawer and what he found made his heart sink. Inside was the second half of a set of mirrors Sirius had split between himself and Harry so they could keep in touch - it was the mirror Harry had failed to think to use when he was tricked by Voldemort two years previous - it was the mirror that could have saved Sirius from Harry's stupidity.

Harry closed his eyes in pain. If only. Now, I'm considering putting my two best friends' lives in the same kind of risk I put Sirius. What kind of friendship is that? Harry placed the mirror back in the drawer and walked back to his bed. He was still pretty weak and he needed a lot more time to think - he had a serious decision to make.

* * *

August 1st

"And now that decision has been made," Harry said. "I have to do this alone. I cannot let them suffer like Sirius suffered. I cannot let them die like he died."

Harry went to his trunk and pulled out his own mirror and placed it in his bag. Then, he wrapped the other in a large piece of parchment from his desk and tied it with some string from one of the drawers. Hedwig already knew what Harry was thinking and flew to his shoulders.

"Well, Hedwig, this is it. You won't be able to find me anymore, so I need you to look after Ron and Hermione. Pay special attention to Hermione. I have a feeling she won't take this very well. Make sure they get this once I'm gone." Harry tied the package to Hedwig's leg. "They won't be coming with me, but at least they can contact me.

"Also, take this." Harry pulled a folded note from his cloak. "Once you've given the mirror to Ron and Hermione, take this to Ramses. It shows him where we will meet in two days' time. I know I can depend on you Hedwig."

Hedwig made a hooting sound that sounded a little to Harry like sadness and he was appreciative. He let Hedwig fly back to her cage and then picked up his bag and started towards the door. After picking up his broom, he turned to the wide-awake Worthwhile.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked.

In lieu of a response, the large python slithered onto Harry's raised arm and crawled the length of his back, resting on his shoulders and letting his body hang into Harry's hood. In a moment, Harry apparated outside and was off into the morning light.

* * *

December 23rd

"You made a decision to save your friends," Worthwhile hissed quietly, interrupting Harry's drift into the past. "Think of what we've been through! They most likely wouldn't have survived. We were lucky enough as it was. Even Ramses, as powerful as he was... well..."

"You don't know them as I do," Harry said calmly, his eyes fixed on Ron and Hermione through the frosted panes. "They're strong. We're strong... together. I had forgotten that. What if they hate me? What if they've become dour because I left them behind?"

"You know that is nonsense, Harry. You said that when Hermione found you that one fateful night, she couldn't have been more relieved."

"Yes, but now she probably thinks I am dead like the rest of the world. What if she hates me because I was foolish and brash like I've had a habit of being in the past? She probably thinks my stupidity cost me my life."

"Look at their faces, Harry. Look at all of them. They need you like the world needs you. I need you and I never thought I'd say that to another human as long as I crawled on this earth."

Harry looked again at Ron and Hermione and the distance that was between the two of them. What had happened with them while I was gone? Did they look to each other for support? Had Harry driven a spike into their friendship?

As Harry began speculating all of the good and bad things that could have happened in their relationship, Hermione looked up from her book. She looked into his eyes for the first time in a month, and all Harry could do was return the look and feel every emotion he had ever felt in his entire life come welling inside his heart in one breaking moment. He knew in that instant that they weren't angry at him or ashamed. Ron and Hermione missed him and wanted him back more than anything, just like Harry wanted them back. Hermione's eyes in that moment answered every waking fear, every question Harry had dared to ask himself on his long journey. It felt like home again.

Harry was home.

* * *

August 1st

Harry's first priority was to somehow get into the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts. He was hoping Dumbledore's things had not yet been moved since his death. It was a long shot since it had been close to three months, but worth the effort. Every little bit of information about Horcruxes before his travels with Beauregard would be useful.

Arriving at Hogsmeade, he found it would not be very difficult to make his way towards Honeyduke's candy shop. The town was almost deserted; as Harry walked down the road to his destination he felt eyes boring into him from all the closed windows. People were still in the town, but afraid. Harry did not want to be recognized, so he pulled up his hood.

Arriving at Honeyduke's, Harry saw that the store was closed. He considered breaking in, but thought better of it and knocked.

"Who is it?" a fearful voice came from behind the door.

Harry decided he wasn't going to be in the area much longer and that, perhaps, the truth would get him further than a lie.

"My name is Harry Potter. I need your help."

There was a pause outside the door - in the corner of his eye, Harry caught a glimpse of a window curtain moving, then there was a click and the door opened slightly. A thin, wiry little man with round spectacles much like Harry's and bushy eyebrows poked his head out and Harry recognized him as Ambrosius Flume, the owner.

"How do I know it's really you? Why have you come here?" he asked with tremble still in his voice, his eyes focused on the snake hovering near Harry's ear.

"Sir, I'm not sure if you are aware, but there is a passageway in your cellar that leads to Hogwarts. I need to get inside the school and that's my best way. I can show you the scar on my head if you wish, but all I can really do is ask you to trust me."

Flume looked at Harry curiously before opening the door wider and motioning Harry to come inside. The candy shop was warm, but dark and the candy barrels and various displays were slowly gathering dust.

"I was there when you were fighting off those Inferi creatures. You were very brave lad, very brave. People are starting to believe what Albus Dumbledore said about you." Flume shut the door quickly and lit a nearby candle before turning to Harry.

"I'm sorry Mr. Flume, but I have very little time. I must get to Hogwarts as soon as possible." Harry pulled back his hood and stood calmly.

"Alright, alright," Flume said and he led Harry to the back of the room where the cellar door was. "But please, call me Ambrosius. I can't say I'm surprised about the passageway. I had always thought I would see children come out, even though I never knew how they got in. It was always a couple of redheaded boys."

Harry smirked as they walked down the stairs to the basement. Harry quickly went to the hidden passage in the floor and opened it. He was about to descend into the tunnel, when Flume stopped him.

"Mr. Potter..." The man pulled off a chain around his neck that had a small vial attached. Harry's eyes followed it.

"I had always kept this potion with me in case anything ever happened. It's a very rare potion that can only be made by the few experts that know how. I acquired it from an old friend of mine and have always kept it with me in case I ever needed it. I see now that I would probably never be in a position to really use it effectively. But you on the other hand... well...."

He placed the vial in Harry's hand. Harry looked at it with curiosity. It looked like liquid silver and had a slight glow to it in the darkness of the storage room.

"That there is what's known as the Potion of Durability. It's similar to an Imperturbable Charm for your skin in liquid form. Drinking it will instantly make your skin as strong as dragon hide and your stamina and strength will also increase during the short time it's in effect. Use it wisely Mr. Potter. To many people, you are our last hope. It isn't much, but anything to help you for what you do for us, well... I'll do it."

Harry regarded the man with sympathy and respect for a second before responding. He clenched his fist and brought it up in determination.

"You can count on me. I will not fail you." He pocketed the vial and dropped down into the path, lighting his wand as Mr. Flume shut up the passageway.

After a good length, Harry noticed the path becoming steeper so he pulled his invisibility cloak out of his bag and donned it. Once he had come to the exit and climbed out of the statue, Harry took in his surroundings.

The air was thin and shallow and the sky was dark despite the midday hour. The structures surrounding him were morose and the walls and doors seemed bitter and hostile. The leaves of the fall blew drearily across the grounds and the lack of happy students and responsible professors around seemed to make the school even more glum-feeling.

Hogwarts... you have seen better days. It's a terrible feeling to know this school will never be my home again. It will never see Dumbledore as its Headmaster. Will it survive? Will it even be open come September? He doubted everything concerning the school's future as he pulled out the Marauder's Map and headed towards Dumbledore's office.

Harry saw that the school was empty, except for Filch, Hagrid, Professor McGonagall and a few students. Harry always wondered what teachers did during holiday. He was sad to think Professor McGonagall spent her free days here at the school. He hoped she was only at Hogwarts for a short time. Harry was glad, however, that she was present. If he was unable to enter Dumbledore's office, he would approach her as a last resort; however, Harry had a pretty good idea of the purpose of one of the items Dumbledore had given him in July.

Reaching the horrific-looking ogre statue, Harry reached into one of his inner-pockets and pulled out the Every Flavor Bean Dumbledore had left in the mysterious package sent to him. Harry smiled to himself as he thought back to all the times Dumbledore had talked with him and guided him, even when Harry didn't want to be cooperative.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans!" Harry said clearly to the statue. The gargoyle sprang to life once more and moved aside for Harry. Smirking, Harry took a step towards the ascending staircase, before almost tripping over himself.

"Harry?" a voice came from behind him. Harry whirled around and there stood Luna Lovegood. She was looking curiously in Harry's general direction, but could not see him. Harry considered whether he should reveal himself or try to pretend he wasn't there. Luna has always been a friend. Taking off his cloak, Harry just looked at Luna, but she came up to Harry as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"I thought I heard your voice. How are you?" she said more dreamily than ever, switching her gaze back and forth between Harry and Worthwhile.

"I'm, uh--I'm good." Harry didn't have a clue how to reply to that question.

"Are you staying here now too?"

"Um, no. I'm just, uh... visiting." Harry didn't like lying to Luna. He actually was beginning to wonder if he had to.

"There's talk about Hogwarts closing. Headmistress McGonagall is fighting for it to stay open. She didn't think it would have been a good idea at first, but she decided it's what the Headmaster would have wanted."

"I agree. Hogwarts must remain standing, even if no one comes. Those who remain loyal will find protection."

"In the meantime, she has decided to stay at the school and make sure the everyday matters are taken care of so that the school can be ready come September."

"Everyday matters?" Harry replied puzzled.

"Oh you know, letters to new students and finding a new professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions positions. I've asked Headmistress McGonagall to switch houses and she's allowed me to become a Gryffindor!"

"That's terrific," Harry began, but then hesitated. "But I wasn't aware you could switch houses."

"Normally, you can't, but I've always felt I was a Gryffindor through and through. I feel like my courage has increased ten times over since I've met you and since all my friends are from Gryffindor, I asked the Headmistress to switch me. I think she likes me, because she said normally it would be out of the question."

"Well, Professor McGonagall is a softie at heart, even though it takes a long time to discover that."

Luna smiled at Harry before continuing. "Where does that staircase lead?"

"That leads to Dumbledore's office. I'm leaving for a long time Luna, but first, I need to see if Dumbledore had any information that could be useful to me before I go. I have a long journey in front of me and I need you to keep it a secret." For the first time since he met her, Harry saw Luna's face become completely fixed with a serious expression.

"You haven't told Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger have you?"

Harry looked away, because he didn't want anyone to see sadness in his face anymore before it was all over. He had to remain strong for the wizards and witches like Mr. Flume - those who put their hopes in him.

"No, I haven't Luna and they can't know; but I promise, I will be back. I won't let Voldemort get the best of me. I'll find a way... somehow."

"I know."

"You do?" Harry looked at Luna sincerely. She was always open and honest with Harry. That kind of affirmation struck right at the center of Harry's heart.

"You are the strongest person I've ever known. You are a student just like the rest of us, but that night at the Ministry, I saw fear in the eyes of those evil men who trapped us. People like to call you 'the Chosen One,' but I see you as just someone to trust. I trust you, Harry."

"Luna, you have no idea what that means to me. I promise I will be back." He took a hold of her and gave her a quick, but tight hug and one last look of steadfast courage before he whipped around and stepped onto the magical elevator leading to Dumbledore's office.

Reaching the large oak door, Harry wondered if he'd be able to get in. He took the handle and, surprisingly, the door opened. Harry guessed there was no need to lock a door when the stone gargoyle prevented anyone from getting in who wasn't supposed to.

Stepping inside, Harry found the office still looked exactly as it was when he had last been inside. The circular room was full of the same magnificent and odd-looking devices. The sorting hat sat in its place behind Dumbledore's desk and portraits of past Headmasters were hung all over the room. Some were still sleeping; others regarded Harry curiously, but said nothing.

Harry spotted Dumbledore's golden frame above his desk and saw that he was looking at him. His heart took a plunge looking into those sparkling eyes - they had lost a little of their twinkle because he was a portrait, but they were undoubtedly his. Harry had not even thought about the portrait; the prospect of speaking to Dumbledore again, even if only a shadow of the actual Dumbledore, was ominously chilling and wonderful at the same time.

"Harry, I expected you sooner," Dumbledore's voice from the portrait came. He was smiling and Harry felt a little better. He approached the frame with dread as well as hope. Would he be able to help Harry? Would he disapprove of Harry's lone hero act? Would this portrait of Dumbledore even be capable of helping? He remembered that the portrait of Phineas Nigellus had showed some sort of emotion and dread when Dumbledore had told him Sirius had died, so Harry hoped.

"Professor... I don't know where to begin..." Harry truly was at a loss for words so he said the thing he truly wished he could say. "I'm so sorry."

"For what, Harry?" Dumbledore's gaze, although only two-dimensional, still penetrated Harry to the core. "What's been done is done and you can't look back. You are here, alive, which is more than could be said about myself. I can see from your appearance that you are growing to be a truly remarkable young man. Now you have a burden that you must carry alone and you are doing so splendidly."

"Sir, there's something I must know. Please don't deny me this time."

"Harry, I will answer what I can, but there are still some things that cannot be revealed until their proper time, even by a very fine-looking portrait."

"You know my question, don't you?" Harry slunk his head slightly. He was stumped. Why was Dumbledore still protecting Snape?

"I do. Harry, it is the hardest thing I have ever asked you to do, but you must show patience towards Professor Snape--"

"He's no longer a professor," Harry said coldly. "And he killed you! You can't possibly still expect me to trust him can you?" Harry felt weird talking to a man who had died, but realized he did it all the time with ghosts, so he continued. "I may never know why you won't reveal to me the history behind you and Snape, but if he and I cross paths again... I will kill him."

"And I see now that it will be quite easy for you to do so, but before you strike him down, ask him the question you have always wanted to ask him."

"What question..." Harry spoke before he fully registered what Dumbledore had said. There is a question I've always wanted to ask Snape. Dumbledore smiled down at him and Harry couldn't help but smile back.

"Even as a picture, you can't fail to amaze me. I can only hope I become as great as you are Professor."

"Piffle Harry. You have more courage in you than I had ever hoped to attain. I see you have a new acquaintance."

"Oh yeah, this is Worthwhile." The snake had been peering at the portrait inquisitively, but had not said anything to Harry since they had arrived at Hogwarts. "He is a good friend and will be coming with me on my travels."

"He could prove to be quite useful as you no doubt have already realized. If you trust him, he must be a worthy companion. Now, shall we move on to why you are here?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry nodded. "I need to know everything you found about the remaining Horcruxes. We already figured Voldemort probably placed two Horcruxes within ancient magical items belonging to the school's founders, one of which is probably Helga Hufflepuff's cup. I need to know what magical powers these ancient relics might possess. We also guessed one might be in Nagini, Voldemort's pet snake, and one other must still reside within himself. Three we have already destroyed."

"Three?" Dumbledore replied with raised eyebrows. "You destroyed the Horcrux within the locket we retrieved then?"

"No. The Horcrux was not in the locket we got out of the cave." Harry dropped his head. "That work was for nothing. It had already been taken by a wizard named Ramses Beauregard, a Death Eater turned enemy of Voldemort. He has destroyed it."

"Beauregard," Dumbledore muttered to himself. "Beauregard, Beauregard. I've heard that name before."

"He claims his family members are historians and that they know much about Horcruxes and the ancient magic of the founders of the school."

"Do you trust him?"

"I'm not sure yet, but he's not bluffing about the knowledge he has. He helped Voldemort make his Horcruxes and he's currently searching for ancient relics of Slytherin, much like we were. He knew of a book of magic that Slytherin wrote - I know it exists, because I found it."

Dumbledore sat up in his armchair, rapt with amazement.

"You found Salazar Slytherin's magical texts?"

"I did," Harry said somewhat proudly. "I've already used some of its magic, although much of what's in it seems too cruel for anyone to know about."

"You must be careful, Harry. Slytherin's power was infamous. When he turned evil, his power spread across the earth. That book has been searched for by countless wizards throughout many centuries. Voldemort would kill anyone in his way to finding that book if he knew it existed."

"Trust me, Professor. He will not find me. I have employed a magic that renders me invisible to any magical means."

Dumbledore sat back in his chair with a look of wonder and paused a moment before speaking once more.

"The Spell of Untraceability," Dumbledore said quietly. "That was supposed to be a lost magic. It was said to be too powerful to be given to wizards and witches who might use it for evil." He paused before looking back at Harry with a small smile on his face and a brighter twinkle in his eye. "And you cast this spell?"

"I did," Harry replied meekly.

"Well done Harry. Well done. You are surpassing even your father's greatness. I know you can save the ones you love. Now, I have a few things for you that will help you greatly along your way."

"First off," Dumbledore began as Harry took a seat in Dumbledore's old chair. "Did you bring the key I had sent to you?"

Harry reached inside and produced the small key that had the phoenix etched into the end.

"Excellent. That key opens a door I set up inside the Chamber of Secrets. A few years ago, I explored the area more thoroughly and found a small opening to an empty room that had but one small hole in one of the walls and nothing more. I knew, however, that there was something more to that room, because it was filled with magical wards and spells. I could not find out where the hole led nor could I perform any effective counter-jinxes. I knew it must be hiding something, but I was unable to find out what it was. I am sure, however, that you will be able to discover its secret, for you have a more keen sense of the things related to Slytherin."

"Thanks to Voldemort," Harry quipped.

"Precisely. To ensure no one was able to try to find out for themselves what was in that room, I set up my own protection: a door that has but one key."

Harry held up the key and looked at it. It was small and frail, but looked special.

"I will discover what is hidden there, Professor. You and Hermione have taught me a thing or two about hidden magic. Just leave it to me."

"Ah what marvelous courage you have, Harry. Now, as for all my research on Voldemort and Horcruxes, they are in my own texts, which I was almost finished with before ah... that most unfortunate event took place. You will find them on the book shelf behind you where the Sorting Hat lies."

Harry went over and spotted the rather large magical tome behind the hat. He pointed his wand and levitated it to his hands. The red volume had a large phoenix adorned on its cover and, unlike Slytherin's book, it was intact and well-kept.

"Inside, Harry, you will find all the knowledge I would have liked to pass on in this world. Some of it is, perhaps, not for many people, but I want you to have it. Learn from what I have experienced and remember what I have taught you. There are many different sorts of magic in this world, but love is the most mysterious and powerful magic of all. Use it and it will never fail you."

"Professor, no... Albus," Harry corrected himself. "I am still your man. I will take everything I have learned and do that which is in my power to bring this evil to an end. Thank you so much for being patient with me. You have been my instructor and friend when I had nothing else to lay claim to."

The tears that came to portrait Dumbledore's eyes matched the ones in Harry's. They stood at a still moment in time, teacher gazing upon student, student looking up to teacher. It did not matter who was alive... it was a final connection between a powerful force that had frustrated Voldemort for seven years - Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. Harry hoped that he would be able to talk to him once again. He would succeed just to vindicate the faith his mentor had placed in him.

"Oh, before you leave, there is one more thing," Dumbledore finally spoke up. "I had planned on giving this to you personally, but I now find myself unable. Inside the drawer in my desk is an item I know you will appreciate. I sent an identical one to Mr. Ronald Weasley and a similar one to Ms. Hermione Granger. It was well-earned by all three of you."

Harry went behind the desk and opened the drawer. Inside was an envelope among other small trinkets that Harry was sure was the item Dumbledore spoke of. He opened it and inside was a badge that read Head Boy. He wiped his tears away for the last time before looking up at Dumbledore.

"Thank you, Professor. Hogwarts will see a Head Boy again."

END Chapter 5

Some might find the flashback style I use a bit confusing, but it gets easier from here on – this was the most complex chapter using the style. It is important, though, and the style I used is not without purpose. Read on.