Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/06/2002
Updated: 08/20/2003
Words: 28,659
Chapters: 13
Hits: 8,961

You Don't See Me


Story Summary:
Upon her graduation from Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley moves back home only to be surprised by an announcement coming from the guy she had loved for ages. The situation forces her to do some soul-searching and finds out that fate truly works in mysterious ways.

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
Harry and Ginny finally meet again after 7 years! But under what circumstances? Plus, meet the adorable kids of Ron and Hermione, and Harry's daughter, for the first time.
Author's Note:
Please check my livejournal at


"I still can't believe you're really here!" Hermione told me later that afternoon as we sat comfortably on the couch at the living room. "Ron would flip when he sees you here this evening."

"Well that's to be expected," I chuckled. "He hasn't seen me for seven years after all."

My homecoming had stunned my mother earlier when she found out that the newly arrived visitor was none other than her runaway daughter. It was a good thing that my father and brother were at work otherwise it would have been mayhem at the Burrow.

"Expect the same reaction from dad," Hermione added. "We've all missed you here, Gin. It's about time that you came back home."

I searched her face and smiled apologetically. "I'm so sorry I didn't make it to your wedding." I had a hell lot of apologies to make. I figured it would be best if I started now. "I guess I just wasn't ready to come back at that time."

The words came out quietly but Hermione hushed me and said it was all in the past now. She understood my reasons perfectly and told me that what was important was the fact that I was here right then.

Mum interrupted our conversation when she emerged from the kitchen carrying a pitcher of pumpkin juice and some homemade cookies for snacks. I couldn't help but smile as Ron and Hermione's adorable little kids followed their grandma and then snuggled comfortably between their mother and me on the couch.

"Mummy, can I have a cookie?" the little boy, Andrew (nicknamed Drew), asked.

"Yes you may sweety," Hermione replied. "Now why don't you offer some to Aunt Ginny as well." The little boy obeyed immediately and handed me a cookie after he got one for himself. Charlotte helped herself to cookies as well.

"You have adorable kids here, Mione. I can see that motherhood keeps you pretty much occupied lately," I noted, feeling a bit envious that my brother and my best friend now had a family of their own. "Twins are good luck in some cultures, did you know that?" I added.

Hermione was quick to reply, "Not these two," she laughed. I arched an eyebrow wondering what that statement meant.

"I can see what Hermione here is trying to say. These two seem to have taken after Fred and George," Mum commented as she joined us from the kitchen. "You have no idea what they're capable of when they're in their element."

"I can only imagine." And we broke into laughter. My twin brothers were well-known pranksters when they were still at Hogwarts and it was no surprise when they decided to make a career of it after graduation.

"Aunt Ginny, can I ask you a question?" Charlotte interrupted innocently and made the three of us stop laughing.

"Sure, what is it?" I leaned over.

"How come we've never seen you before?" she asked.

"Oh honey, Aunt Ginny has her reasons," Hermione answered for me. "She's been very busy with work."

"So that means you have lots of money!" Drew chirped. "Will you buy me chocolate frogs?" he pleaded.

"Me too!" Charlotte joined in.

Hermione tried to intervene but could only shake her head in disbelief as the twins successfully struck a deal with me to take them shopping at Diagon Alley soon. Proof that two adorable children can really be disarming.


"What on earth are you doing here?" Ron exclaimed when he saw me later that evening. At Hermione's suggestion, I waited until he arrived from the Daily Prophet to surprise him, and sure enough, a look of pure shock was plastered on his face when he saw his dear sister. "I thought work had kept you busy back in New York?"

"Hey! Don't I get a hug first?" I shot back.

Ron grudgingly approached and whacked me playfully on the shoulder. "Don't you ever go scaring us again with your runaway tactics again, okay? You made me a nervous wreck for a week because of that! But honestly, New York has done you some good. You look pretty sophisticated to me."

"Aww! Thanks for the flattery, dear brother," I replied.

"Dadddyyy!!!" Drew and Charlotte bellowed as they ran to give their father a hug.

Ron hugged his twins and gave them each a playful pat on the head before he turned to me again. "So what do we owe this visit of yours?"

"It's Dad and Mum's anniversary in two weeks, remember? I couldn't very well miss that," I answered casually.

Before Ron could grill me any further, Dad appeared from the kitchen with a comforting expression that I'd sorely missed through the years. "Now you two, it's dinner time. Best to stop whatever it is that you're discussing and join us here at the table."

"Thanks Dad!" I laughed nervously. "Saved by the bell," I muttered, making my way to the dining room. My father pulled me aside for a moment to tell me something.

"Honey, you don't know how much you've made your mum and me happy by being here," Dad told me. "We've missed you so much. Having you back is the best present we've got so far for our anniversary."

"I've missed you too, Dad," I apologized for the nth time, "I'm sorry that I worried you with what I did seven years ago. It was very irresponsible of me."

"You did it for yourself, honey. And I couldn't be more proud with how you turned out today," Dad added. "Maybe it will turn out to be one of the best decisions you've made."

I beamed at him and thanked the good heavens silently for giving me such wonderful and understanding parents.

"So tell me, how do you like Muggle lifestyle so far?" he asked me curiously. I always knew we'd eventually drift into that subject considering my dad's fascination for anything related to Muggles. I filled him on the things he wanted to know as we joined the rest of the family for dinner. Gauging from his enthusiasm, it seemed like we were stuck with that topic of conversation for the rest of the evening.


I missed the large family dinners we used to have when we were younger. As of now, only Ron's family was left residing in the Burrow with my parents. George had moved out earlier that year because he wanted to be closer to Fred (now married to Angelina), who was now living in Muggle London, and because of their business venture. Percy, on the other hand, had been living alone for the past five years according to Hermione and would occasionally come to visit during Sundays. My two oldest brothers were based overseas with their respective families. But they made it a point to come back for a holiday every year so the kids could get acquainted with their cousins.


"Come on, Aunt Ginny. Aunt Ginny? Over there!"

I glanced over to where the twins were gesturing wildly. They wanted to go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. As promised, I had taken them to Diagon Alley two days later for some shopping and treats. Hermione was only too glad to lend me her kids since she was off to visit her parents for the day.

"OK, we'll go there next," I said, shouldering my handbag and walking toward the ice cream parlor. The twins, each holding one of my hands, propelled me toward the front entrance.

We pushed through the door and glanced around the crowd that gathered that afternoon. There weren't many customers. I motioned for the kids to grab a nearby table as I ordered for us. Drew requested a choco sundae while Charlotte wanted a vanilla one topped with nuts. I settled for a banana split. The kids seemed to be enjoying their ice cream treat when we were distracted by a voice across the street.

"Drew! Charlotte!" A little girl of about five years old, with Asian features, yelled at us. I figured she must be a friend of the twins since the two waved at her.

"Over here, Abby!" Charlotte shouted back.

I flinched. 'Abby?' The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out where I heard it before.

"Is she a friend of yours?" I asked one of the twins. Drew nodded. The child in question was now striding toward the ice cream parlor apparently to join us.

Sighing, I reckoned there was nothing wrong with treating the kid to an ice cream as well. She was apparently alone for I couldn't see any grown-up accompanying her. The parents of this kid should be given a lecture, I thought. It was conduct unbecoming of a parent, and a completely irresponsible act, to leave a five-year old child wandering alone in the streets of Diagon Alley.

I approached the little girl and led her over to our table. "Hello, I'm the twins' aunt. Would you like to join us for ice cream?"

"I'd love to!" The little girl replied. She followed me over to our table where Drew and Charlotte waited excitedly.

"I'm Ginny, by the way. And you are?" I asked her.

"I'm Abby," she introduced herself.

I liked this kid. She was very vivacious and very adult for someone her age. At that moment, Florean approached our table and served Abby. Soon her attention was focused on finishing the huge sundae in front of her.

"By the way, where are your parents?" I couldn't help but ask. I couldn't believe that she was left alone in Diagon Alley, though if she was, then we could accompany her home. The twins must know where she lived.

Abby looked up and answered, "My dad's over at the bookstore. He said he was going to buy something and told me to stay with him but I got bored and went outside," she said while licking the chocolate syrup off her spoon. "Then I saw my friends here and so I decided to come over."

I eyed her amazingly. She didn't talk like a typical five-year old.

"So your dad doesn't know that you're here," I said nervously, not wanting to be accused of child abduction afterwards. "How about your mum? Where is she?"

"My mum's in heaven. She's now my guardian angel," Abby replied seriously. A wave of sympathy washed over. She was too young to have lost her mother.

"Well, maybe we should go back to the bookstore after you finish with that. Your dad might be looking for you already," I said to her. "Would you like to buy some books as well, kids?" I turned to the twins. The two replied unanimously in the affirmative and so our itinerary was set.

In a few minutes, the kids were done and we were set to go when...

"Hey hot stuff! I should have known I'd find you here!" A male voice called out.

My back was to the entrance and so I didn't see who the speaker was. But judging from the reactions of the kids in my company, they knew him pretty well.

"Daddy!" Abby replied, gleefully running towards him. The twins followed suit.

'So this was her dad?' I wanted to talk to him and give him a lecture for not watching his kid more closely. I glanced over my shoulders to see what Abby's dad looked like and the sight that greeted me was enough to freeze my insides. I turned to face him and the scene that unfolded after was straight from a Hollywood movie. Just when I least expected it, we bumped into each other. I almost dropped my bag as my emotions clouded my thoughts and I held on to a chair for support. 'This wasn't how I expected our first meeting in seven years would be!'

I struggled to regain my composure as I approached him. He bore the same expression as I did a few seconds ago, probably in shock as well. He still looked the same. Only he had grown slightly taller and looked like he gained a few pounds from working out.

"Ginny?" he asked, still bewildered.

"Hello, Harry," I greeted him.

'We meet again.'

(To Be Continued...)