Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Tom Riddle Lord Voldemort
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/04/2003
Updated: 01/03/2006
Words: 367,495
Chapters: 42
Hits: 27,767

My Eternal Curse


Story Summary:
Ginny thought she was free of Tom Riddle forever… only to discover that he never really left. Now she must confront him and her own worst fears before it’s too late. But how do you fight an enemy that knows you better than you know yourself? ``Tom thought that he could turn Ginny Weasley… only to discover that particular path goes both ways. In a world that is neither Dark nor Light, they must survive the impossible without losing themselves. But how can you preserve who you are, when you have no idea what that is anymore?

Chapter 33

Chapter Summary:
Ginny thought she was free of Tom Riddle forever… only to discover that he never really left. Now she must confront him and her own worst fears before it’s too late. But how do you fight an enemy that knows you better than you know yourself?

My Eternal Curse

By Mara456

Chapter Thirty-Three

The Learning Curve: Part Four - Continuing Developments

Ginny and Ix Chel sat in Arithmancy class, between a Hufflepuff girl with strawberry-blond hair and a Ravenclaw boy she had only recently become aquatinted with, towards the back of the classroom. As Ginny and Tom listened to the magical mathematical construct they were supposed to write up as their assignment, Ginny felt happy that there was at least one class where nothing had changed. Tom was bored already, having learned this level of Arithmancy long ago, and opted to listen to their advanced senses instead, letting Ginny do the work. She let nothing distract her as she started writing down the variables she would need to take into account before she began, and left plenty of room for expansion in case she had forgotten anything. She fell into an easy rhythm listening to the silent music of the math before her. Ix Chel suddenly tensed.

"What's wrong, Ix?" Ginny thought, as she continued to write.

"Someone is using The Sight, someone close," Ix Chel thought. "Wait... She's next to you."

"She?" Ginny thought, finally looking up from her work. She observed the other girl's unfocused gaze as the Hufflepuff wrote down something peculiar.

It's time to go to Virginia Weasley. She needs you.

The girl's eyes snapped back into focus, and then she read the message. She looked anxiously about, hoping no one had noticed. With a wave of her wand, the girl erased the message, going back to work as if nothing had happened.

"Strange..." Ginny thought, returning to her own task. "Are you sure that this girl has The Sight?"

"She's an automatic writer," Ix Chel thought.

"A what?" Ginny asked.

"She can connect to her gift, and to others through writing," Ix Chel thought. "She's another one Professor Montgomery will need to look after."

Ginny nodded. She effortlessly returned to the rhythm she had been working with, adding new variables as the equations grew more complex. She quietly groaned in frustration when she realized that the page she was working on wasn't large enough for what she needed. She pulled out extra parchment to work with and continued unabated, numbering the pages as she went. Ginny's work flowed out of her in an exhilarating stream of consciousness, like nothing she had ever experienced before. Near the end of class, she had finally finished the assignment. She went through her bag and pulled out some spell-o tape. Connecting the pages together with it, smiling at the results. At last, she had done something that her altered state didn't affect.

That's when it occurred to Ginny that she had never needed to use tape with an Arithmancy assignment before, and her smile faded. She checked it over, but couldn't find anything wrong with it. She was positive about only one thing, the scale wasn't normal. Professor Vector went around the class, checking over each student's work. She pushed aside her trepidation when the Professor stopped in front of her. She completely unfolded her assignment for the teacher to review, sure that Professor Vector wasn't going to like it. The Professor gasped, staring at the twenty-five page, spell-o taped, rectangular, chart she had constructed during the course of the class.

"Of all the things to come from a fifth year..." Professor Vector whispered, still taking in the immensity of Ginny's work. The teacher's expression quickly shifted from shocked to truly impressed. Tom returned to himself and saw what his princess had done.

"Isn't that a bit of an over-kill, princess?" Tom asked.

"What were you trying to accomplish here, Miss Weasley?" Professor Vector asked, kindly.

"The assignment," she answered, feeling like a failure. "I started out with the construct in the center, but I couldn't give you a truly accurate representation of its effects, inter-relationships, and interactions with our reality without adding its environment..." Ginny sighed. "I've failed the assignment, haven't I?"

"You haven't failed at all," said Professor Vector in an encouraging tone. "It's more than I've asked for, yes, however, this is anything but a failure. Don't worry about it. What you've created here is a work of art. I would give you house points for it, if I could. I think I'll to take this to study for a bit, and get back to you later with my critique."

"...And while I'm at it, I'll talk to Severus about arranging private tutoring sessions for us," Professor Vector thought as she took Ginny's chart away and folded it back up. "Lydia is going love this!"

"Who is Lydia?" Tom asked.

"Professor Sinistra," Ginny supplied. "Great, now the teachers are going to think I'm some sort of freak."

"Going to think?" Tom asked. "I hate to break it to you, Gin, but we are."

She sighed once more.

Professor Vector continued her evaluations of the other student's work. Ginny felt grateful when the bell signaling the end of class finally rang. She had just finished packing up to leave when the Hufflepuff next to Ginny addressed her.

"Hello, my name's Kathryn Kelly," the Hufflepuff said, with a light Irish accent, offering her hand. "I take it you're the odd witch out, Virginia Weasley?"

"I suppose you could look at it like that," Ginny replied, briefly taking her hand. She was surprised by the same tingling sensation she had felt when she had taken Professor Montgomery's hand. "Call me Ginny."

"Sure, Ginny," Kathryn said. They walked out of Arithmancy together. "How have you been adjusting?"

"As well as could be expected," she answered.

"That bad, huh?" Kathryn said.

Ginny chuckled.

"Let's just hope that this one doesn't have all the intelligence and personality of a turnip, like her other housemates," Tom commented.

"Hey, don't insult the turnips," Ginny thought.

Ix Chel laughed.

"What's your next class?" Ginny asked.

"I've got a free period just now, and you?" Kathryn replied.

"I'm free till this afternoon," Ginny said. "Have you met Professor Montgomery yet?"

"No, I never put much stock in Divination," Kathryn answered.

"You should," Ginny recommended. "You never know, you might have The Sight."

"I doubt it," Kathryn said.

Drop the idea and don't bring it up again.

Ginny blinked, as they quickly shook off the suggestion. What was that?

"Be careful, her gift is trying to protect itself," Ix Chel warned.

"Thanks for the timely warning, Ix," Ginny thought.

"Next time, warn faster," Tom suggested. "Who knows what this one has up her sleeve."

"You can learn a lot from Seers," Ginny spoke directly to Kathryn's gift. "I'm sure Professor Montgomery would be more than happy to tell you about the different precautions Seers take to protect themselves."

"What sort of precautions would somebody with The Sight need?" Kathryn asked, interested. Ginny could feel the other girl's gift react to her statement. Now to take advantage of that...

"Why don't we go see him?" suggested Ginny. "Maybe you'll change your mind when you discuss it with him."

"I don't think so," Kathryn said.

If you know what's good for you, you will stop pressuring us, and move on to the request you need to make.

The second suggestion hit Ginny a lot harder than the first. She shrugged it off with an even greater force, startling and confusing the Hufflepuff. She couldn't let this situation lie; this girl needed her help. She reached out with her senses, trying to find Professor Montgomery. She was surprised to sense the teacher waiting in her room.

"There's something important I need to ask you about, but not here," she told the girl. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?" Kathryn asked, following her.

"To my chamber," she answered. "We should be free to speak there."

Ginny felt the gift in Kathryn ease. They conversed lightly as they headed down to the Dungeons. Opening the door to her room, she feigned surprise when they saw Professor Montgomery.

"Hi, Professor," Ginny said. "Kathryn, this is Professor Montgomery - Professor Montgomery, this is Kathryn Kelly. We met in Arithmancy class."

"Hello, Professor," Kathryn said, beginning to feel trapped.

Professor Montgomery used the Seer detecting spell on Kathryn. They both froze for a moment.

"You're a Seer and a powerful one at that!" Professor Montgomery exclaimed.

She felt the Hufflepuff's gift in The Sight suddenly turn hostile. Kathryn let out an inarticulate cry and pulled her wand. Ginny quickly stepped between them, hoping to defuse the situation.

"Get out of my way!" Kathryn growled.

"Oh wonderful, another balmy Seer," Tom said. "Just what do we do to attract the deranged?"

"Exist?" Ginny offered.

"No," she declared aloud. "You know the strength of my power in The Sight. You know you can't control me. Listen, you can trust Professor Montgomery, he can help her. He can show Kathryn ways to safeguard you, and teach her to listen to you, to make the most of you."

"Who are you talking to?" the enraged girl asked, confused. "Just move aside and let me do what I must!"

"Your gift in The Sight is working through you, Kathryn, it always has-" Ginny started.

"Stop it!" Kathryn shouted. "I don't have The Sight! Just move, Ginny,


"Nothing will change if she knows," Ginny continued, trying to reach her gift. "She'll still follow you, just as I follow my gift. Professor Montgomery isn't your enemy; the truth isn't your enemy. You know I'm not lying. You know that it's time for her to see you for what you are. Why else would you take the risk of sending her to me? Believe me, your role in her life isn't being destroyed. Kathryn is mature enough to handle working with you. Allow Kathryn to see the world through your eyes, allow her to know how long you've been there. Please, allow us to help her!"

Ginny felt something within the Hufflepuff give way. Comprehension returned to Kathryn's eyes as the girl dropped her wand, falling to her knees. They immediately went to her aid.

"Are you alright?" Professor Montgomery asked Kathryn.

"Yes," the girl answered in a lost voice.

Ginny helped the Hufflepuff back to her feet and sat with her on the couch.

"I've got The Sight," Kathryn said, shaking her head. "Who would've thought... and, for this to have begun so early, it's amazing."

"Early?" Professor Montgomery asked.

"The first time it happened, I think- no, I know I was six," Kathryn said, as the Hufflepuff's mind reached back to previously dormant memories. "I was so young... I had no idea what was happening to me."

"I didn't know it could become active so early," he replied.

"Can you really help me with... whatever this is?" Kathryn asked the teacher.

"Certainly," Professor Montgomery said. "Come to my office this afternoon and, we'll see about working Divination into your schedule."

He gave the other girl directions on how to get there. They discussed basics of The Sight for awhile, and Professor Montgomery told Kathryn what he knew of the nature of her powers.

"As much fun as this is, I've got to go set up for my next class, Professor Lupin will be picking you up this afternoon, Miss Weasley." he said, excusing himself.

"Have you seen Gryffindor Tower for yourself?" Ginny asked Kathryn after the Professor left.

"Yeah," Kathryn shuddered. "It was horrible..."

Ginny explained to Kathryn what had happened to Gryffindor Tower.

"Do you think it should be redeemed?" she probed.

"Yeah, I mean... what happened to you was unimaginable, but not everyone is to blame," Kathryn answered. "It's a crime to just leave it like that, but if the teachers can't repair it..."

"What would you say, if you could help fix it?" Ginny asked.


Hermione sat down next to Harry at the Ravenclaw table, while Arthur took his place at the high table. The second day of being trapped with the Auror didn't feel nearly as intrusive as the first. She was beginning to think that she might get used to it, in time, while everyone else seemed to think of it as some sort of joke. She noticed that half of the Professors were missing, and then a conversation taking place several seats away drew her attention.

"How was Divination?" Leonard was asking.

"The new Divination Professor was amazing, and the class was like nothing I'd ever expected," Jessica answered. "Montgomery started it by using this weird spell I'd never heard of, to check our potential in The Sight. He told most of the class that they didn't have it, but they were free to stay on and learn about the subject."

"What about you?" Leonard asked.

"I saw... something, signs I guess, it was really strange," Jessica said. "Montgomery told me I can become a powerful Seer, but I don't know. I still have trouble believing that I've got The Sight, much less the potential to master it. In Trelawney's old class I was hopeless. She told me I'd never amount to anything, but now things have sort of changed. What about you, Harry, don't you have a class with him this afternoon?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "From what I've seen of Montgomery, he's really determined to help anyone he finds with potential."

"Isn't he already working with Ginny?" Leonard asked.

"Yes, and so far he's helping her," Hermione interjected. "You know, it looks like he may actually be trying to teach, instead of just constantly promoting himself. Divination could be worth a second look. Do you think he would object to me observing-"

"Of course you can observe, Miss Granger!" Professor Montgomery cut in eagerly, appearing out of nowhere, causing two of the startled Ravenclaws to choke on their food. "I think it would be wonderful having a skeptic auditing my class. Maybe, once you've spent some time there, you'll decide to permanently re-add Divination to your schedule."

"Thank you for the invitation, Professor," Hermione replied. "I'll see you there."

"Splendid!" Professor Montgomery said. The teacher noticed how many were missing from the high table. "Where's Professor Snape and the others?"

"I heard Professor Sinistra mention some meeting in the staff room," Jessica told him.

"Thanks," Professor Montgomery said. With a whispered spell Professor Montgomery vanished again.

"How does he do that?" Mark asked, sitting next to her.

"Really great charms?" Harry suggested.

The new Divination teacher was one of strangest Hogwarts Professors Hermione had ever met. She hoped that she wouldn't regret this.

Voldemort-Ron left earshot of Potter's little gang. If this Professor, this bloody Seer was the real thing, then there was no way he could risk confronting him. He would have drop out of Divination and avoid this Montgomery at all costs.


In the staff room Alicia stood in front of the bulletin board, half of which she had cleared off in preparation for this meeting. She watched as Severus, Lydia, Filius, Remus, and Minerva seated themselves in the various armchairs arranged facing the board. On a table before the chairs the house-elves had left a repast, so they could eat while they talked. Alicia couldn't wait to show them what Miss Weasley had done. She was certain they would understand the implications of this uncommonly talented child's creation!

"Please enlighten us as to the reason you called us here, Alicia," Minerva requested.

"Virginia attended my fifth year Ravenclaw - Hufflepuff class. Today I asked them to write up a magical mathematical construct of an object." she explained excitedly, pulling out a copy of the first page of Virginia's work, and then tacking it to the center of the bulletin board. "She wrote this at the very beginning of the class."

"So, she did her assignment," Severus said, unimpressed. "Since when does such triviality warrant a national holiday?"

"Why are there so many variables outlined?" Lydia asked. "You don't need to take into account nearly that many for a simple little assignment."

"I was getting to that," Alicia continued. "But what had started out as a simple assignment, quickly evolved into this..." She removed the copy she had made of Virginia's work, then she unfolded the spell-o-taped chart, and firmly attached it to the board. It completely covered the empty space. Minerva, Sinistra, and Filius looked shocked, while Remus and Severus awaited further explanation.

"What is that thing?" Zach asked the question that was on everyone's mind, as he entered the room. He shut the door as the other Professors turned to face him. "Why didn't you call me for this meeting?"

"You always said math gave you a headache, Zachary," Lydia replied. "Alicia was just trying to spare you the migraine."

"Still, Miss Weasley's well being is as much my concern as it is yours, I would have preferred it if you had informed me of this meeting," Zach said, sternly.

"Fine, take a seat and let me continue," Alicia said, crossly. Accepting her belated invitation he sat in one of the chairs. "As I was saying before, Virginia's simple Arithmancy assignment developed into this. And I quote 'I started out with the construct in the center, but I couldn't give you a truly accurate representation of its effects, inter-relationships, and interactions with our reality without adding its environment...' End quote. She doesn't know it yet, but she's just written her doctoral thesis. Something that should have taken months to factor out, she's accomplished in under an hour. I've been studying it and, as far as I can tell, it's flawless! I'm sure you can see the implications of this. She is naturally seeing probabilities and relationships on a level previously unheard of. I'd like to continue working with Miss Weasley privately, because as you can see, her current class would be a waste of her talents, and even the advanced class wouldn't be ready for her. Severus, you're lucky you snapped this one up when you did. Right now, I doubt I'm only one who feels that way."

"This amazing piece certainly gives us an idea of how far her perceptions have been altered, and perhaps, even an insight into her thought processes," Lydia commented.

"If so, her thought processes are so complex, I don't see how the human mind could cope with such a thing," Filius replied.

"Filius is correct, humans simply aren't designed to handle so much information at one time," Minerva agreed. "Yet she seems to be dealing with it except for some concentration slips. How far can any mind rewire itself, before it is no longer recognizable as human?"

Zach couldn't believe his ears. How could they, of all people, dehumanize her? He was beginning to see why she bound people to her for protection, and why Severus was so intent on hiding his gifts. They had to put a stop to this.

"Let me assure you, my apprentice is still just as human as you or I," Severus argued tensely, as offended as Zach. "Yes, she's working on a different level, but that doesn't change what she is, or our role in her life. Miss Weasley is a child in need of guidance and we are here to provide that to her."

"Zachary, what do you see when you look into her mind?" Remus asked, curious.

"Should I look into your mind and tell everyone what I see?" Zach challenged. "Let's invite Virginia to this little lynch mob, that way the trade would be even. Maybe once I've told the school each of your dirty little secrets, I'll tell you what I know of hers!"

"Maybe they have a point, maybe we're not as human as we once were..." Severus began to silently stew.

"Don't you dare let them make you think like that!" Zach snapped angrily aloud. Severus looked up, startled by his severe response.

"You and Virginia are connected," he thought to Severus. "Your distress may draw her focus. For all we know, she could be listening to this nonsense right now. This line of thought must be stopped here and now, before it gets back to her. She's too fragile to handle hearing such speculation from her teachers as well."

"What do you propose?" Severus thought back.

"Let me handle this one," Zach suggested. "If anyone can kill this disgusting concept in their minds, I can."

"As the muggles say, 'the ball is in your court,'" Severus agreed.

"How dare you people gossip about the poor child like this?" he started aloud. "Especially you two, when she believes so much in you. The girl trusts your judgement, places great stock in your opinions, and this is what you do the moment her back is turned. You should be ashamed of yourselves! Filius, is this what you thought of me all those years ago, when my gift in The Sight became active? Was I nothing more than a monster in your eyes, a freak to be tolerated and speculated about? Was I just some point of curiosity for you, something to be labeled and discarded when you no longer needed it?"

"Well, I-I didn't me-mean it to..." Filius sputtered.

"And you, Minerva, I don't know what happened between you, but I do know that you earned her trust," Zach went on, ignoring his babbling mentor. "She believes in you, when others would want nothing more to do with you. It would destroy her if she heard you dehumanize her, if she knew that you were tearing her down. How can we get her to trust us, if we can't accept her for what she is? I thought you were better than that. I thought you were more accepting of people's differences than that. How about you two, Alicia, Lydia? Was this why I was excluded from this meeting in the first place? Did you call this meeting just to attack a defenseless girl, who's terrified of the changes taking place in her?"

"No, I called the meeting to share a work of magical art, and to ask Severus about altering her schedule," Alicia answered, affronted by the accusation. "The work she presented to me is beautiful... I would never attack Virginia because she's different!"

"And, I just wanted a greater insight into the way her mind works to better understand her," Lydia added, also insulted. "You can't damn me for simple human curiosity, Zachary! In the end, it's our differences that define us, not our similarities!"

He knew that they were telling him the truth.

"I apologize for my accusations," Zach replied to both Alicia and Lydia. "Thank you for pointing out that I'm just as capable of making mistakes as anyone else is, for reminding us that no one is infallible. Also, for putting that point far better than I could."

"You got that bloody right," Alicia muttered under her breath, crossing her arms.

"Remus, you believe that she's human, why didn't you say anything?" Zach asked, bringing the discussion back to the point. "Why didn't you come to her defense? Is it because you believe that the others don't really see you as human, and you didn't want to draw attention to that fact?"

"I think you know the answer to that," Remus replied, defensively.

"I know how hard that is to admit," Zach told him gently. "Just so you know, I think you're just as human as any of us."

"Now, Professor Montgomery, we were merely-" Minerva attempted to reason with him.

"Merely what?" Zach asked, harshly cutting her off. "Merely trying to categorize Virginia according to the narrow-minded views you were taught by Albus? The same Albus who tried to have the child committed just for being the victim, for defending herself against his perfect Gryffindor students who wanted her out of their way?" He heard Alicia gasp. "If that man's moral compass was that badly corrupted, then you have to question all the so-called 'values' he tried to impress upon us. Consider where this is coming from before you decide whether or not to discount me, whether you can take the moral high ground because you've deluded yourself into believing that you know better! And Filius, my old friend, have you gathered enough of your wits to compose one of your well thought out answers? Oh, and please include the truth in there somewhere."

"The point I was trying to make was that the idea of a human mind naturally handling such a great level of complexity was difficult to grasp," Filius answered. "I apologize if I phrased it badly."

"You suppose now that you've sufficiently couched your suspicions in academic objectivity, I'll back down, like I did when I didn't know any better," Zach said. "By the way, if you're planning to go into your second muggle-hood, Murphy's law is that 'anything that can go wrong - will.'" He heard Severus' mental laughter in the background. "The muggles wouldn't see us as human either. Who are we to make that same judgement? We're supposed to be so much better then our muggle counterparts, yet here we are, making the same foolish errors. If you really think she's not human, Filius, then I will have no choice but to take over her Charms tutoring sessions. There is no way you can continue working with her, because, if I can see it in your mind, she'll see it just as plain as the noses on your bloody faces. I doubt Virginia could handle hearing such ghastly suspicions from her Professors as well. Think about what we're dealing with here, think about what Virginia's already endured, and consider for a moment how far she has left to go. This is a person who can't even dream about her future any more, because she's virtually convinced that she'll never live to fulfill her potential. She called it 'unhealthy' to even consider those possibilities. Virginia desperately needs a stabilizing influence in her life. She needs us."

"No, we wouldn't be able to hide it from her," Minerva whispered, beginning to see his point of view. "I've spent some time with Miss Weasley, and I've seen how difficult this has been for her... I don't see her as a monster, and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression."

Zach knew that Minerva was sincere. He turned back to Filius, still waiting for a response.

"What can I say?" Filius answered. "Do I see Virginia Weasley as a monster? No. Do I think that she is different from us? Oh, yes, but I, personally, don't see an evolved human as a bad thing. Given time, who knows what she could grow into, what she may be able to teach us? That is my honest opinion. If you believe that it would be harmful for her to hear it, then I will accept being replaced. As for what happened with you, Zachary... I never saw you as a 'freak.' I'm sorry if I ever made you think otherwise. You were one of my most promising students. I would have made you my apprentice if your gift in The Sight hadn't interfered. I was... disappointed when your visions began. If you wish to condemn me for this-" Filius sighed. "-then go right ahead."

"And, I would have accepted," Zach replied. "But things rarely work out the way we want them to. I believe you, and you won't be replaced for your beliefs. I think you all understand why it was so important to find out where each of you stands on these issues. We don't want to risk setting her off out of our own shortsightedness..." He turned back to Alicia. "I know that what you've shown us is important, but I really don't get why. Would you mind explaining this thing to me in English?"

"As you know, Arithmancy is an intricate mathematical approach to defining, bending, and in some cases, circumventing the everyday rules of reality..." Alicia began to explain.

It's almost time to set up for my next class, Remus thought as he listened to the continued exchange between the teachers with interest. Other than the argument earlier, this meeting was turning out quite well. If they could continue to pool their resources and coordinate, without resorting to childish games and petty infighting, things would run much smoother around here.

"We should continue to instruct Miss Weasley at her own pace," Filius said. "The last thing we want is to risk a relapse."

"I suggest we allow Miss Weasley to research freely in the library, and see where independent study takes her," Remus recommended, considering the issue. "As long as we can closely monitor what she reads, and restrict her access in the more dangerous areas, it might help her progress."

"Give Miss Weasley nearly unfettered access in the Restricted Section?" Minerva asked. "I don't know if that's wise."

"Think about it this way. Before her shift she was a talented, hardworking person," Remus argued. "Now her mind is grasping things in ways no young mind ever has. We should let the girl explore her new limits. If we try to hold her back, she may come to resent us, and none of us here want that. On the other hand, if we give her the freedom she requires, while continuing to look out for her best interests, she's less likely to feel the need to rebel in order to get her point of view across."

"It should make for a very interesting preventive measure," Severus said, as he appraised his suggestion. "I'll inform Madam Pince of the new arrangements and get her to compile a list of the more dangerous tomes available. Minerva and I will decide which my apprentice should steer clear of."

He watched Severus and Zachary made eye contact, and knew that they were somehow communicating again. He couldn't understand how those two had grown so close, so quickly. What had brought them together in such a short period of time? Remus knew from the way Zachary acted that he was just trying to help. He needed to find some common ground with the eccentric Seer after this full moon was out of the way, or they were going to have a problem.


Heading back toward his office before his next class, Filius couldn't stop thinking about Zach's words, or Virginia's proposal. The fact that the girl was willing to face that room one more time, to help the very people who harmed her, was incredibly brave, worthy of Gryffindor. He agreed that the tower was worth salvaging, but how could he assist her if he wasn't certain that he was willing to take the same risks? Filius changed direction, bound for Gryffindor Tower. If he were going to agree to this, he needed to be sure of the strength of his conviction. Otherwise, his own misgivings were going to ruin what the young Seer was planning. His skin began to crawl as he entered the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room. He felt an unsettling power in the area, just waiting, but for what? The place wasn't alive. It was just there, along with whatever contamination permeated the place, he told himself. He stopped at the damaged portrait hole, visually inspecting the wreckage.

If he were going to do it, it was now or never. Filius entered the room. Suddenly, the magically charged air turned hostile, making him seriously nauseous. Unearthly screams filled the air, blocking out all other sounds. A crippling wave of hatred, jealously, and fear hit him. He grabbed onto a nearby wall for support, trying to understand what was besetting him. As the screams became deafening he recognized the voice. The very air itself became oppressive. He couldn't breathe as wave after wave of desperation and guilt besieged him. He knew he had to escape but he could feel himself succumbing to its power. Filius took a step and his knees buckled. He managed to crawl out of the room, collapsing on the cold stone floor just outside, gasping for air.

So, the stories were true. Virginia's pain, everything that had happened that night was still in there, waiting for someone to wander in, waiting to tell its gruesome tale. No wonder Virginia wanted to heal this place. No wonder Severus wanted it sealed off- Wait a moment. That couldn't be right. If she were the aim she required a matching anchor, an anchor determined to get the task done... then, Severus doesn't know. She's keeping this from him, but why? Of course! Because he wouldn't approve. Could he go against Severus to do this? Did he still want to do this? No, Virginia was right. They couldn't leave an open wound in the school, free to expand if something went wrong. They had to do this; there was no other way. He hoped that Severus would be able to forgive him.


Harry and Hermione entered the new Divination classroom with the rest of the Ravenclaw - Gryffindor students. Everyone took in their new and very different surroundings, each drawn to the awesome view of Hogsmeade below.

"Beautiful..." a Ravenclaw admired.

"I like the informal environment," a Gryffindor commented.

"I've got to hand it to the Professor, he has taste," another Ravenclaw complimented.

"It's so quiet in here," whispered Annika Knight, an unremarkable Gryffindor girl, who'd recently given them her support. Harry thought about the other students who had come forward since the Weasley twins' warning. There were more each day, but it wasn't going to be enough. The iron fist of the Dark Lord around the heart of Gryffindor was too strong to shake by swaying a few here and there. Many Gryffindors saw him as Professor Snape's pawn, and a Slytherin sympathizer who was collaborating with the Dark Witch Ginny, a traitor to the values he was still fighting to uphold. As a result most Gryffindors had been acting more hostile towards him, but not toward Hermione, because she was under constant guard. He was still the same Harry they knew, the same person who had repeatedly sacrificed everything for them. Why wasn't it enough?

"Harry, let's get a seat," Hermione said, shaking him out of his dark musings. They sat together at a table near the gigantic bay windows. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Everything's fine."

"If there was something wrong, you would tell me, right?" she persisted.

"Of course I would, Hermione," Harry lied. He felt guilty for lying to her, but she couldn't help him with this. There were some problems you just had to face alone. As Professor Montgomery arrived Harry put that gloomy prospect out of his mind.

"Hello class, I'm Professor Montgomery," the Divination Professor introduced himself, leaning on his desk. "I know that many of you are skeptical of The Sight, and the true ways of a Seer, because of the appalling examples of Trelawney and other self-aggrandizing, pompous, so-called Seers. And so you should be, it's a sign of intelligence. So, now you ask yourselves 'What makes this guy any different?' I started out just like you. When I attended Hogwarts at the dawn of time, Ravenclaw to be exact, I was at the top of my class, a Prefect, and life was somewhere in the vicinity of normal. Then my gift in The Sight became active, and everything changed, I changed. It would have been wonderful to have had someone who understood how hard it was to face each day, someone to teach me, but I didn't.

"Luckily for those of you who are genuine Seers, you have me, and I hope you will come to see me as a role model and confidant, as someone you can come to with your questions or problems. I can't guarantee that I will have all the answers, but I can guarantee that I will help you in whatever way I can. Most of you here won't have The Sight. Those of you who don't are free to stay on, and learn about the subject. I'll be happy to explain whatever I can. For those of you with the gift, your journey has just begun. I can't promise that it will be easy, but I can reassure you that you aren't alone. Now that that's out of the way, onto the second order of business. Everyone, take out your materials on Divination, every piece of parchment, every essay, everything Trelawney ever assigned to you. Hurry up, the sooner you have it out, the sooner we can proceed!"

"Proceed with what?" Neville asked fearfully.

"Burning your bridges," Professor Montgomery answered cryptically. Harry took out his Divination notes and placed them on the table, and even Hermione pulled out her old notes from their third year class with Trelawney.

"You kept your third year notes?" he asked, unbelieving.

"Only for reference," she answered, stiffly.

He shook his head. The Professor waited until everyone was finished before continuing with his strange presentation.

"Look at the notes before you," Professor Montgomery ordered. "They represent the culmination of your time on false paths. They represent ignorance, greed, lies; they represent everything we are now leaving behind. Every person here is entitled to a fresh start. Don't worry about your previous grades, children, they've been thrown away, and that's exactly what we're going to do with these!"

Professor Montgomery picked up a small waste bin that sat next to the desk.

"This is The Garbage Can of No Return," Professor Montgomery said, holding up the waste bin. "Its been charmed to make anything that goes into it vanish, permanently. Be very sure you want to get rid of something before you throw it in here, because there's no way to get it back once you've done it. Now, I'm going to go around, and each of you is going to rid yourself of these notes once and for all!"

As Professor Montgomery went around the class, each student threw out a small mountain of notes. He stopped in front of their desk. Harry tossed his in the bin without hesitation, watching his notes vanish. Hermione picked up the neatly ordered stack of old Divination work she had, but wouldn't let go of it.

"Come on, time's wasting, Miss Granger," the Professor urged.

"Is it really so important to throw everything away?" Hermione asked. "Who says they won't be useful somewhere along the line?"

"I understand how you must feel, but the notes you hold are of an archaic system, a system we seek to redefine by taking a whole new approach," Professor Montgomery explained. "The notes don't matter. It's the person we're here to nurture, not the old way everyone is accustomed to. Now please, let go of the past, and we'll continue."

Professor Montgomery took hold of the neat pile of parchment with his free hand, and Hermione reluctantly let go. The Professor tossed them out and moved on to the next table. When he had finished, the Professor put the empty waste bin down, and pulled out his wand.

"It is time to see what you're made of," Professor Montgomery announced. "I will use a spell on each of you that I call 'The Sight's Inner View,' which will activate any resident gift you may have. If you don't have the gift, all you will feel is a minor tingling sensation. When I call on you, leave your wand on your table and join me in front of the room. Hermione Granger."

Harry saw Hermione's trepidation as she put down her wand, stood, and went to the Professor. The teacher directed her to stand across from him.

"Conspicio Abscondutius Prudentia!" the Professor cried, drawing a funny looking symbol in the air between them.

Nothing happened.

"You don't have The Sight, Miss Granger," Professor Montgomery informed her. "Would you like to continue learning about the subject?"

"I might, Professor," answered Hermione.

"Then take these," Professor Montgomery handed her a muggle notebook and pen. "I'll explain the purpose of them later. Return to your seat."

Hermione sat next to him again and put away her wand. One at a time they were called in a seemingly random order. Professor Montgomery asked each person who he deemed didn't have The Sight, if they wished to stay. The Professor gave a book and pen to each student who answered yes, including Seamus and Dean, who didn't have the power, but wanted to stick around.

"Annika Knight," Professor Montgomery called. Their new Gryffindor ally brushed a wisp of her short, still Weasley-red hair out of her face, disarmed herself, and took her place in front of Montgomery. The teacher used the spell and for a moment they froze. When they were released Annika started screaming and lunged at the Professor trying to choke him, but was repelled by some unseen force.

"Don't move, you don't want to provoke it!" Professor Montgomery quickly cautioned the class.

"Provoke it?" Hermione whispered.

"The gift is working through her," their Professor replied. "It's trying to protect itself!"

"I don't have The Sight!" Annika cried. "Tell them I don't have it, or I swear I'll make you wish you were never born!"

"Let Miss Knight see you for what you are," Professor Montgomery said. "You don't have to hide anymore. I'm here to help you both. Annika will be able to work with you, but only if she knows you exist-"

"What are you talking about?" Annika cried, frightened and confused. "What's wrong- shut up, you're lying to me! Don't make me kill you!"

She lunged again but was still repelled. Annika cried out in frustration and anger.

"You can't kill us all, you know you can't," Professor Montgomery reasoned calmly. Several of the students discreetly reached for their wands, while Neville hid under the table. "If you can't trust me, trust Annika. You need each other. She can handle knowing about you. Let her see things as they are. Let her see the truth. Please, let her decide what to do for herself."

Annika's whole demeanor changed and then she burst into tears. Professor Montgomery helped the Gryffindor back to her seat, whispering soothing words to her. He summoned a book and pen from his desk and put them before the Gryffindor. Montgomery explained to Annika and the class that what they had witnessed was Annika being reconciled with her gift. Returning to his original position Professor Montgomery called the next student. Several students later, Montgomery called Neville. The Gryffindor put his wand on the table with a trembling hand, stood, and took his place across from the teacher. When Professor Montgomery used the spell this time, the room began shaking, as the hanging lamps malfunctioned, flickering on and off at will. Suddenly, a lamp above Seamus and Dean exploded, showering hot oil and glass everywhere. The two Gryffindors ducked under their table, just in time to avoid being hurt. Abruptly, the quivering stopped and silence reigned.

"Sor-sorry..." Neville stuttered in apology. "I didn't mean-"

"Don't apologize, Mr. Longbottom," Professor Montgomery said, calmly.

"But I messed up the spell-" Neville started.

"Not at all," Professor Montgomery corrected, smiling. "Actually, it worked perfectly! You have a very odd gift, Mr. Longbottom. The power to disrupt objects at the molecular level, and in some cases-" Professor Montgomery glanced at the shattered lamp. "-make them explode. Your gift has been active for years, and it's growing, to what end I'm not sure. It often becomes activated when you're nervous or afraid, so try to remain calm, limiting unnecessary stress where you can. That should help lessen the risk until you learn to control it."

"Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen..." Neville laughed in sheer disbelief.

"There's hope for you yet, Mr. Longbottom," Professor Montgomery said, fixing the lamp and putting it back. "We'll discuss unconscious predictions soon enough."

"Ye-yes sir," Neville said, still stunned, taking a notebook and pen from the Professor, and returning to his seat. Professor Montgomery tested the rest of the class and found three more Seers. Finally, the time came for the teacher to call on him.

"Harry Potter," Professor Montgomery said.

He took out his wand and placed it on the table, standing. Without warning he was stricken with unendurable pain from his scar, and collapsed. The last thing he was aware of before losing consciousness was someone taking his hand.

Harry and Professor Montgomery were standing in a darkened tavern filled with unsavory looking wizards. Harry struggled to bear the pain as he tried to take in what was happening around them, and he wasn't alone. Professor Montgomery looked like he wasn't faring any better.

"What are you doing here?" he asked the Professor.

"I connected with you when the vision began," Professor Montgomery answered. "Through this I will experience what you experience."

"I'm not crazy?" Harry asked. "Even when Ix Chel told me I was a Seer, I didn't want to believe it, because if I did, if I accepted it..."

"You don't have to be afraid any longer, Mr. Potter," replied Professor Montgomery. "You're not alone."

"You don't understand!" he exclaimed, as the pain coursing through them went up a notch. "This is only going to get a lot worse. I don't want anything to happen to you, Professor. You have to leave!"

"I couldn't, even if I wanted to," Professor Montgomery told him. "Once the vision has started, I must ride it out with the other Seer. What about you, Mr. Potter? If I could leave, you would still be trapped."

"I don't matter," Harry replied, sincerely. "You do."

"Of course you matter!" his Professor objected sternly. "Merlin, whatever made you believe such a thing?"

"Now is not the time for this conversation, look," he said, pointing to the bar.

Harry watched Professor Montgomery turn and catch sight of Voldemort, sitting at the edge of the bar, drinking. The crowd of presumably Dark Wizards cowered in the various corners of the place, keeping their distance at all costs. He knew that Voldemort was here to personally make his presence felt among the Dark, so that when they're called, they won't hesitate to follow.

"The Dark Lord," Professor Montgomery whispered.

"I see him all the time," he supplied. "I've never seen anything else."

"Harry?" a voice called. He and Professor Montgomery turned to see Ginny and Ix Chel on the other side of the room. She rushed to their side.

"What are you doing here, Miss Weasley?" Professor Montgomery asked, astonished.

"I was in DADA one moment, and then the next..." Ginny laughed mirthlessly, staring at the Dark Lord. "We're inside a vision of Lord Voldemort!"

Harry turned back to the Dark Lord as the piercing pain continued to increase. A young, brown-haired wizard, wearing a dark blue cloak, bumped into Voldemort on his way out of the room. The Dark Lord sprung to his feet, knocking over the stool he had been sitting on with a resounding clatter. Then Voldemort grabbed the Dark wizard's left arm, and twisted it behind his back, effortlessly restraining him. The man struggled until he realized who held him.

"M-my Lord!" the Dark Wizard stammered. "I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to disturb me?" Voldemort hissed. "Didn't mean to show blatant disregard for your Lord? You must be suicidal to dare risk my wrath with your inept bumbling!"

"Master, I'm so sorry!" the Dark Wizard cried.

"You're sorry?" Voldemort laughed cruelly, his voice echoing off the walls. The other wizards looked ready to bolt, but didn't dare draw their evil Lord's attention. "My little pawn has a death wish? That's it, isn't it? You're tired of carrying on in your pathetic, miserable, insignificant existence? Well, you're about to get your wish."

"Please..." the Dark Wizard begged, as Voldemort forced the young man to his knees. Harry couldn't help but feel sorry for the man, as he dreaded the inevitable suffering that awaited them. He never wanted it this way, never wanted anyone to bear witness to this travesty, never wanted others to see him this way. He would never wish this on his own worst enemy, and now they would know. Merlin help them all, they would know.

"Please beg," Voldemort commanded, relishing every dark second. "It will make this all the more exciting!"

Voldemort took a corkscrew off the bar and showed it to his victim, taking sadistic pleasure in the young man's whimpers and pleas for mercy. The Dark Lord took a hold of the man's hand and slowly drove the corkscrew through it, laughing maliciously at the wizard's screams. Harry could feel every agonizing moment of the victim's pain, coupled with Voldemort's excitement, and knew that Professor Montgomery was experiencing the same. Ginny gasped, grabbing her own hand as if in pain.

"It's all right, Harry," she whispered. "It's only a shadow."

Voldemort ripped the corkscrew out with sickening ferocity, and started in on the other hand. Professor Montgomery groaned. The pain increased as the victim began to struggle uselessly in a desperate bid for self-preservation, while the Dark Lord loved every second of it. Voldemort pulled the corkscrew out again and drove it into the man's shoulder. Professor Montgomery stumbled for a moment, beginning to lose the struggle to hold himself together. Harry tried to steady the Professor, and when she saw what was happening Ginny tried to help. When Harry saw the reflection of his horrible torment staring back at him from the Professor features, he wished he had never gone to Divination, that the Professor hadn't been able to connect with him.

"Don't think like that, Mr. Potter," Professor Montgomery said in a strained voice, turning back toward the carnage. "Joining your vision was my choice, not yours."

Voldemort repeatedly drove the corkscrew into his victim, careful not to kill the suicidal fool just yet. Harry knew that the Dark Lord had missed this hands-on approach, missed causing damage in such a wonderfully life-affirming manner. Voldemort realized how much he needed this thrill, this example to the others. Sometimes, there were tasks that one was better off doing oneself. As the pain reached a fevered pitch, Harry began screaming at the top of his lungs, unable to hold it in anymore. Professor Montgomery let out his own pained cry, collapsing into their arms. Ginny helped him ease their teacher down to the tavern floor.

"Professor!" Ginny cried, terrified. "Answer me, please!"

Professor Montgomery tried to answer, but nothing coherent came out. Harry saw red as he was emotionally ransacked by a helplessness he had never known before. In all of his years, nothing had ever felt so out of his control as this nightmare. They heard a fearful cry and looked up as a frantic Dark Witch attempted to escape the tavern. Voldemort drew his wand with lighting fast reflexes, aiming for the fleeing woman.

"Adeva Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted.

Green light flew out of the Dark Lord's wand, and the woman fell over dead. Voldemort holstered his wand.

"Now... where was I?" Voldemort asked, admiring his handiwork.

Without warning, Ginny vanished, leaving them alone in Harry's personal chamber of horrors.

In his classroom Remus watched Miss Weasley's performance in each trial he had prepared for her. He was unnerved by some of her solutions, and curious about others, but he was certain that the girl would be able to hold her own if attacked again. Although Miss Weasley was still, potentially, too dangerous to the other students for her to return to normal classes. He was fascinated by how quickly her survival instinct had adapted to her new equilibrium. The girl's instincts had always been one of her best qualities in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but the fashion in which she seemed to apply it to everything was amazingly rare for one so young. It normally took years of practice to pick up a reaction time like hers. As they worked he continued to consider the proposal Miss Weasley had made earlier in the class.

Suddenly, in the middle of the session Miss Weasley fainted. He knelt beside the girl and tried reviving her, but stopped when he realized that she was having a vision. He knew that there was nothing he could do but wait for her to come out of it on her own. When she finally came to, she was deathly pale and seriously weakened by the incident. She opened her eyes for a moment, and groaned, closing them again.

"Miss Weasley?" Remus asked. "Are you alright?"

"Professor Montgomery..." she whispered, still groggy.

"No, it's Professor Lupin," he corrected. "You're still in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. What happened? What did you see?"

At his words, Miss Weasley's eyes opened again and she watched him, frightened suddenly.

"We have to get to the Divination classroom, Professor Montgomery needs our help!" Ginny exclaimed, as if suddenly remembering. "Help me up..."

With his assistance she managed to sit up, but there was no way the girl could even stand unaided in her condition.

"Miss Weasley, you're in no condition-" Remus began to object.

"Then carry me if you have to, but we have to get to the Divination Tower before time runs out!" she insisted. "Professor Montgomery isn't going to make it without our help!"

"What did you see?" he asked again, severely disturbed by the news.

"I'll tell you on the way, but we have to hurry," Ginny maintained.

"Alright, grab ahold of my shoulders..." Remus said, hoisting her onto his back. "Are you two secure?"

"Yes," Ginny replied.

Remus headed to his office carrying Miss Weasley, glad for once that the time of his transformation was so close, strengthening him. He listened to Miss Weasley's account of the situation carefully, as he picked up some floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. He stepped in and made sure the girl remained in place.

"Professor Montgomery's office!" Remus cried, and they were whisked through the school's internal floo network.

Arthur watched the Divination lesson, interested by Zachary's strange approach to things. He was glad that Hermione had decided to audit the class. It gave him an opportunity to learn about the subject that had become such an integral part of his little girl's life, along with one of the mentors she looked to for guidance. He was surprised when Zachary called Harry last. He'd figured that the man would have called The-Boy-Who-Lived first. Harry put his wand on the table, and stood up just as the others had. All at once he rubbed his scar, groaning in pain as he attempted to remain standing, and then fainted. Hermione froze in a moment of indecision. Zachary ran to Harry's aid and knelt beside him, quickly taking his hand. Without warning, the teacher cried out in pain, fainting as well. Hermione stood as the others began to panic. Arthur rushed to her side, ready to deal with whatever happened next.

"Calm down, everyone," Hermione ordered quickly, addressing the class. "Harry has had attacks like this before, and he's always come out of it. Professor Montgomery has the power to follow a Seer into their vision. Now, remain in your seats, and try to remain calm. Everything's under control."

Many of the students listened to her and returned to their seats, but some weren't taking to the Gryffindor Prefect's orders so well.

"Shouldn't we get Madam Pomfrey?" Mr. Longbottom asked.

"No," Hermione said, kneeling beside them. "She's never been able to help in these cases, I'm afraid."

Arthur saw how taut their expressions were, and realized that they were in a great deal of pain.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Arthur asked, watching the unconscious figures for any sign of life, apart from their pain-wracked features.

"All we can do right now is wait," she answered, worried.

He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. As time dragged on the tension in the room increased. He watched their condition continued to deteriorate, both of them beginning to moan, perspiration soaking their skin. Suddenly they began screaming as whatever they were going through worsened, and then Zachary went into convulsions.

"Help me! He's having some kind of seizure!" Hermione exclaimed, as she tried to hold the teacher down.

He knelt down and tried to help her restrain the Seer, but Zachary struggled uncontrollably.

"We need to sever the link somehow!" Arthur said, trying desperately to separate their hands, but the teacher had a death grip on Harry.

"Don't do it, father, you'll kill him!" Ginny cried, as his daughter burst into the room, being carried by Remus. "Move away, and let me handle this."

Hermione listened without question and Arthur moved aside a moment later. Remus set Ginny down in front of Zachary and went to stand next to Arthur.

"What's happening?" he asked Remus. "Why were you carrying her?"

"She had a vision and it weakened her," Remus explained.

"It was the vision they're trapped in," Ginny explained with a determined sound to her voice. "Please, no matter what you see, don't interfere. I can separate them... I think."

"What are you going to do?" Arthur asked.

"Help them the only way I can," his little girl replied, removing her gloves and pocketing them.

His daughter clasped her hands around Zachary and Harry's clenched grip, letting out an agonized wail. Arthur saw Ginny's pain and tried to stop her, but Hermione and Remus held him back.

"Let me go!" he demanded. "I've got stop her!"

"There is nothing you can do," Hermione insisted. "If anyone can do this, Ginny can."

"But I just can't stand by-" Arthur protested.

"There are going to be times when you have to," Remus said. "Right now, interfering is the worst thing you can do. By interfering, you can kill them."

Arthur gave up struggling, condemned to watch his little girl's suffering.

Ginny and Ix Chel found themselves back in the tavern, only this time they appeared right next to Harry and Professor Montgomery, who were both writhing on the floor in pain. It took every ounce of will for her to overcome the agony from the vision enough to focus. She looked behind her and saw the portal she had made that led back to the real world. A fresh wave of pain hit and she screamed again, falling to her knees. Lord Voldemort continued his gruesome torture of the Dark Wizard who now sat in a puddle of his own blood.

"I've got to get you guys out of here," she said, fighting an uphill battle just to remain conscious at this point.

"Take the Professor!" Harry yelled, pushing Professor Montgomery into her arms. "I'll survive."

"I won't leave you!" Ginny shrieked.

"You don't have a choice!" Harry argued. "You only have time for one, you know that... Go, please-" Harry screamed again. "-I'll make it through this. Go!"

"It looks like you've found your true calling at last, my entertainment," Lord Voldemort told his Dark toy. "Too bad I can't take my time, and play with you properly. It would have been wonderful to watch you suffer day in, and day out, but I do have more important matters to attend to... I guess, whatever time you have left will have to suffice."

Ginny nodded, dragging Professor Montgomery the short distance to the portal, and with a final heave they fell backwards through it.

Ginny awoke still holding Professor Montgomery's hand. She felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief. He was alive. He was going to be just fine. She listened to the sounds around them and realized that Harry was still screaming. She opened her eyes, but the vertigo they'd experienced earlier returned with a vengeance, and she was forced to close them.

"Why do I always get stuck with these atrocious side-effects?" Tom asked.

"We share one body, remember?" she thought. "Therefore, The Sight drains both of our resources. I have to help Harry."

"No, you don't," Tom said, stopping her. "He said he'll survive, and I have no reason to believe that he won't. I won't let you harm us further for nothing."

"I have to agree with him, Virginia," Ix Chel thought. "Atra Seers are built to withstand a great deal of strain. Harry can easily endure far more than we just lived through."

"You saw the vision?" Ginny asked Tom.

"No..." he replied. "But I could see Ix Chel's memories. After the vision ended I saw the Dark Lord's actions, I saw what he did to that inattentive fool, and I... I..."

"I know how you feel," Ginny thought.

"You have no idea what it feels like to watch the mirror image of yourself commit such senseless, meaningless acts of terror, when he should be-" Tom cut himself off.

"What is it?" she thought. "What's wrong?"

"I am his mirror, I always have been," he said, figuring it out.

"We've been through this, Tom," Ginny began. "You're not that mon-"

"You don't see it, do you?" he asked her. "Only I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, could ever be Lord Voldemort's equal and his opposite. Things have happened just as they were meant to, the way Taleen needed them to for her plan to work. Think about Ix Chel's question, my princess. 'There are only four necklaces. Why then, are there five people described in the Gray witch's prophecy?' The answer has been right in front of us, and neither of us realized it until now. I am The Fifth in the prophecy!"

Suddenly it all made sense to Ginny, the extra verse in the prophecy, everything. She noticed that Harry's screams had ceased and attempted to open her eyes again. The first sight that greeted Ginny was her father and Professor Lupin looking down at her.

"...she's coming around," Professor Lupin said.

"Thank, Merlin!" Arthur exclaimed. "How do you feel?"

"Exhausted," she replied, weakly. "The others...?"

"Recovering," Professor Montgomery answered in a shaky voice. "Thanks to you, Miss Weasley..."

Arthur helped her reach a sitting position, and she gave him a reassuring hug, before taking in the state of her current surroundings. The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students were watching them with a varied mix of expressions. Hermione and Neville were helping Harry back into his seat. Arthur was concerned and relieved, worrying about what he could do to help her, to get her to open up to him. Professor Montgomery sat next her, holding her hand in both of his, the Professor's gaze filled with concern.

"You were very brave going back into the vision to rescue me," Professor Montgomery continued. "I wouldn't have made it out without you. This makes it twice in one day, let's try not to go for a third."

"Agreed," Ginny replied. "The sooner this day is over, the better."

"Aww, but it's so much fun going from one disaster to another, spending the entire day being led around by a vision choke-chain," Tom said in a mocking childish mental voice. "Please, just one more terrible trial! We'll be good and save your miserable hide, we promise."

She didn't know whether to laugh or to be disturbed.

"Do me a favor, don't joke like that about The Sight right now," Ginny thought. "I'm not sure how much more I can take today."

"Thank you, Professor Lupin, for assisting her the way you did," Professor Montgomery said. "She wouldn't have gotten here in time without you."

"You're welcome," Professor Lupin replied. "After all, the last thing we want is to lose our Divination teacher on the first day of classes."

Professor Lupin helped Professor Montgomery to his feet, and the Divination teacher sat in the nearest empty chair.

"I'm sorry this introductory class didn't turn out quite the way I had intended," Professor Montgomery told the class. "As much as I'd love to continue, I'm afraid I can't. You're all free to go, except for the students I found with The Sight. There are a few things we still need to discuss."

Most of the class gathered their things and left. Only Hermione, Harry, Neville, Annika Knight, and three Ravenclaw Seers remained.

"You have The Sight?" Ginny asked Neville, surprised.

"That's what Professor Montgomery says, though I still don't get it," Neville replied.

"Don't worry, Neville, with some time and thought you will," she encouraged him.

Her father and Professor Lupin helped her into a chair, before the DADA teacher left to tell master Snape what had happened. Ginny didn't want to think about her master's reaction to the news. Master Snape wasn't going to be happy when he heard the risks she had taken today.
