Killing Me Softly


Story Summary:
What if Harry was too late in saving Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets? How will this affect the course of history and the relationship between the Boy Who Lived and the young future Dark Lord?

Chapter 17

Author's Note:
Many thanks to my wonderful beta Mortalus. I could not have done it without you. :)

Chapter Seventeen
Riddle vs. the Wizengamot

"In the end, we will remember not the words
of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

- Martin Luther King Jr.


Vivian had been legally known as the wife of Lord Voldemort for the past six months, but the couple had not slept together since Vivian received her Dark Mark. However, she never questioned why he did not bed her; in her mind, they were a perfectly stable couple that ate meals together and sat by the firelight in the evenings.

Lord Voldemort made sure the young woman never bothered him. She rocked in her chair, her unfocused eyes staring at a point far off in space, and occasionally muttered nonsense under her breath. He only roused her to send her on missions with other Death Eaters. She acted normally then, although the fake memories of their marriage still floated in her mind.

No one ever had suspicions.

Voldemort found himself slipping into Harry Potter's mind more often. He could see what went on at night; Harry's mind was changing, finally catching up to his body's appearance. The boy's thoughts on Voldemort's younger self were steadily becoming less innocent. A mischievous grin was plastered on Harry's face as he daydreamt in his tiny bedroom, thinking back to the night Tom gave him his first climax.

He raised his head, made sure Tom wasn't anywhere near the bedroom, then slipped his quivering hands under the covers. Voldemort pulled himself away from Harry's mind at that moment. He tried to convince himself that he did not wish to see any more, but a tiny part of him inside was shamefully attracted to the one would know if he went back and looked...

"No," he hissed to himself angrily, his fingers gripping the sides of the armchair tightly. He looked up at where his wife sat in the corner. I am not like him!


Harry kept his eyes on Tom throughout breakfast.

"Er, Tom..." Harry said, watching Tom's hands clench and unclench nervously near his glass of pumpkin juice, "I've never seen you this nervous before." He met Tom's eyes. "You are prepared for the hearing, right?"

"Of course," Tom said. "It's natural to feel nervous before such an important event."

"I hope you won't be like that during the hearing."

"I won't," Tom assured him. He took a swig of pumpkin juice; he still hadn't touched his bowl of porridge. "I need to see Miss Granger and Luna before I go," Tom suddenly said.

"What for?" Harry asked. He wasn't sure if Tom appearing in the Great Hall right before his trial was a good idea.

"Oh, I punished the two girls for annoying me so much in the past few months," Tom explained casually. "I had them do a little research that might aid me in my defense. I must see them right away."

He got up abruptly and made for the door. Harry knew that it would be pointless to talk Tom into waiting till the students left the Great Hall, so he ran after Tom to the third floor corridor and down the grand staircase.

"What is it that they were researching?" Harry asked as they entered, trying his best to ignore the hundred pairs of eyes that turned towards them.

"Oh, just a recent amendment to a rule," Tom said vaguely, smiling faintly. Luna was sitting next to Hermione, looking over some papers while absentmindedly grabbing food from Hermione's plate. Hermione looked like it was taking all her willpower not to explode at Luna.

"Oh!" Hermione said when she noticed them. Ron looked up from his bowl of cereal, a big frown on his face.

"Did you find it?" Tom asked.

"Yes, I think we did," Hermione said as Luna handed Tom a small stack of papers.

Owls were pouring in from the windows, dropping off mail and packages. An eagle owl had found Hermione, and she was soon busy attending to her mail while Tom skimmed through the papers.

"Got your answer?" Harry asked while peeking behind Tom's shoulder, wondering what it was Tom had planned.

"Yes," Tom said after a while, clearly pleased. "This will help me immensely."

"Hermione, are you okay?" Ron asked.

They all turned to Hermione. She was staring down at something in her hand. Her eyes were wide, her face eerily white. She seemed to be struggling to breathe.

"Oh...oh my..." she croaked, gasping for breath. A few other students, including Neville and Dean, were now watching.

"Hermione?" Ron asked again, panic seeping into his voice. Harry then realized that she was looking at a bunch of photos; Tom, who was standing right behind Hermione and looking over her shoulder, had a curious look on his face. Harry made for the photos, but Tom was quicker.

Tom took one glance at the photos before rounding on Ron, Dean, and Neville.

"Take her to the infirmary - now!" Tom ordered. "She's been traumatized!"

Neville and Dean jumped to their feet and helped Hermione out of her seat. She was trembling, and by the time Ron caught up with her, she was wailing uncontrollably.

Luna's eyes never left Hermione.

"Tom, what's going on?" Harry asked, worried. A few professors were rushing towards them. "What's in those photos?"

"I don't want you to see them," Tom said firmly.


"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall demanded as she, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Snape reached them.

"Her parents," Tom said. "They were murdered. These photos are of what remains of their bodies."

Harry gasped. Luna blinked; her eyes widened.

"Let me see them," Professor Dumbledore said.

"Are you sure?" Tom said, and there was an odd seriousness in his voice. Professor Dumbledore stretched out his hand.

"I am sure," Professor Dumbledore said.

Tom glanced at Professor McGonagall. "Don't let any lady see it," he said seriously before handing it. Harry's curiosity got the better of him; he shifted around until he could look behind Professor Snape.

Harry wished he hadn't looked. He could barely make out which bloody body was Hermione's mother and which was her father.

He quickly looked away.

Poor Hermione! Harry thought, his heart constricting painfully. The images wouldn't leave him. He met Tom's eyes. How could anyone do this?

Professor Dumbledore led Professor McGonagall and Snape out of the Great Hall, and Harry followed, Tom close by. From the corner of his eye, Harry caught Draco smirking with his pet eagle owl.

"Bastard!" Harry hissed under his breath. "That's the same eagle owl that gave Hermione the photos!"

"How are you sure?" Tom asked in their tongue.

"It was an eagle owl!" Harry insisted.

"The markings on this owl's wings are different," Tom observed.

"Good point," Harry said, defeated. "But he knows what's happened, and he's happy about it! I hate that smirk!"

"You think he's involved?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "That's Lucius Malfoy's son."

"A Malfoy?" Tom said. "I hated Abraxas Malfoy when I was a student. He thought me too poor to be allowed into Slytherin."

"But if you hated Abraxas Malfoy so much, why is Lucius Malfoy supporting Voldemort?" Harry asked.

"No idea," Tom said.

They had reached the infirmary. Hermione was lying in one of the beds while Madam Pomfrey tended to her. She still looked pale, but she was no longer trembling.

"She will be fine," Madam Pomfrey said.

"Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a potion," Neville added. "The smell was awful, but it's helped her." Hermione's eyes turned to Harry and Tom. She looked as though she was on verge of sleep.

"What happened, Professor?" Dean asked Professor Dumbledore.

"Her parents were murdered," Professor Dumbledore replied gravely. "The murderers sent her the photographs of what remains of their bodies."

Neville whimpered; Dean looked sick.

"I'm so sorry," Dean whispered, glancing at Hermione sympathetically. Ron, who was sitting beside the bed, took Hermione's hand and gave her a gentle squeeze. A single tear ran down Hermione's check, but she did not move.

"Madam Pomfrey, I'd like to have a few words with you," Professor Dumbledore said.

"Yes, Professor," Madam Pomfrey said. Professors McGonagall and Snape followed Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey into her office.

Everyone stood quietly for a few moments.

"I saw my mother die," Luna suddenly spoke, her dreamy voice breaking the silence. She was staring at Hermione.

"Luna?" Harry said out loud. He had never known...

"You mother died?" Hermione asked in a small voice, looking as bewildered as Harry. She was suddenly more awake.

"Oh, yes," Luna said gently. She settled herself on the edge of the bed and took Hermione's free hand. "She was an extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment. One of her experiments went wrong..."

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, looking at Luna as though it was the first time she had ever seen her.

"Oh, it was sad," Luna said calmly. "I do miss her terribly. But I still have my father."

"I have no one left," Hermione said, a tightness creeping in her voice. "I don't have a home to go to anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Ron said. "You have us!" he motioned to the entire room. "You can live with my family in the summer!"

"Ron's right, Hermione," Harry said. "You're not alone. My parents died too."

"You're not the only one," Neville comforted her. "My parents..." he trailed off. "I live with my Gran," he finally said.

"I never knew what happened to my biological father," Dean said. "I assume he died."

Harry glanced at Tom, who was watching everything silently. "Tom is an orphan too," Harry said.

"And I lost my sister..." Ron added.

"Everyone here has someone," Luna said kindly. "You won't be alone, Hermione. We'll get through this together. We're here for you."

"Thank you." Hermione's voice was barely audible. Her hand slipped out from Ron's, and she buried her face in Luna's shoulder. Harry could hear muffled cries. Luna wrapped her hands around Hermione in a motherly matter and patted her back, whispering soothingly to her. Harry felt an incredible amount of affection for Luna at that moment.

The door to Madam Pomfrey's office swung open, and the professors and headmaster poured out.

"Don't you have a place you should be heading to right now?" Professor Dumbledore asked Tom as Madam Pomfrey went to Hermione's side.

"That's right!" Harry gasped, grabbing Tom's arm. Tom was preoccupied, staring at the two girls. "The hearing!"

"Oh!" Tom snapped out of his reverie. Together they ran after Professor Dumbledore to the giant oak doors.

"I can't believe what I saw back there," Tom said as they made for the staircase.

"Me neither," Harry said distractedly. "I don't think Hermione will be fighting with Luna for a long time."

Professor Dumbledore and a couple of Ministry officials were waiting for them next to one of the school carriages. Harry turned away from the Thestrals; with a horrible jolt in his stomach, he realized that Hermione would be able to see them from now on.

"You ready?" he asked Tom shakily.

"Yes," Tom said. "You, on the other hand, are a nervous wreck."

Harry grabbed Tom's arms. "Stay out of Azkaban, got that?" He whispered, giving Tom a soft kiss on the cheek. Their lips met briefly before Tom pushed Harry away. Harry watched as Tom slipped into the carriage, soon followed by Professor Dumbledore.

"You better come back," Harry mumbled under his breath as the carriage disappeared beyond the iron gates.


The trip to the Ministry was uneventful. Tom took the time to clear his mind, speaking only when spoken to. The Ministry officials distrusted him, so they magically handcuffed him with invisible binds; Tom made sure to be on his best behavior so they wouldn't have any reason to tighten security around him.

He spent the majority of the trip gazing out the window, his mind drifting back to the traumatized Hermione and Luna comforting her. Many times Tom pondered why Luna was so kind to Hermione when she was so disrespectful of Luna's beliefs. The image of them together had set off an uncomfortable memory in his mind...a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor...they were so very much like Eileen and Marilyn...

Tom shook himself out of his reverie; he would not let his late friends get to him. Especially not today.

The Ministry and the journey to the courtroom was far more boring and tiresome than Tom had imagined it to be. He was shoved hither and thither, his image taken, and his papers filed before he was finally sent along. Some time during procedures, Professor Dumbledore disappeared.

Tom's presence drew attention at every corner. Witches and wizards regarded him with disgusted looks. Tom soon learned that the Ministry officials walking around him were more for his own protection than the safety of the Ministry workers.

Tom was led down the dark passage to the courtroom. He willed his heart to steady as two Aurors brought him in. The entire Wizengamot were there; fortunately, there were several witches in the room.

That's going to make my plan run much more smoothly, Tom thought as he was seated on a hard wooden chair. The binds around his wrists were taken off, but almost immediately his wrists and ankles where clamped tight by the magical chains attached to the chair.

Tom scanned the rows of plum-colored robes, noticing that Professor Dumbledore wasn't among them.

But isn't he the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot? Tom asked, trying not to appear concerned by this. Although their animosity for each other was as terrible as ever, Tom knew that Professor Dumbledore wanted him out of Azkaban as much as Harry did.

"The hearing may proceed!" the witch at the center of the first row announced to the entire courtroom. She examined one of the parchments in her hand and read, "Trial of the sixteenth of February for the murder of Ginevra Molly Weasley, allegedly committed by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Interrogators: Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement..."

Tom's insides squirmed, but he kept his breathing to a normal rhythm, not allowing his heart to jump to his throat. He made sure he neither blinked too frequently nor too sparingly, and he constantly checked his posture, making certain his hands weren't clenched or his shoulders hunched. All eyes were on him; this was just like when Professor Dumbledore first interrogated him on the Chamber of Secrets more than half a century ago.

Look calm, believe you are innocent, and they will believe it, he told himself.

"Witness for the defense: Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Madam Bone's booming voice broke into Tom's thoughts.

Tom spun around just in time to see Professor Dumbledore give a nod to the Wizengamot.

So, that's where he's been! Tom thought. But why didn't he ever mention to me that he was to be a witness? He turned back to the Wizengamot. What if the buffoon is trying to spoil my plans? he thought, staring daggers in Professor Dumbledore's direction.

Don't be ridiculous, another part of him told him in a voice that was very much like Harry. Just trust him.

"Tom Riddle, you are here this day because you have allegedly murdered an eleven-year-old girl, abducted and attempted murder of a twelve-year-old boy, and terrorized the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a basilisk. The reports against you state that you fed the girl to the basilisk shortly after killing her."

"I don't recall ever giving the girl to the basilisk," Tom said calmly.

Madam Bones regarded him with fierce eyes. She adjusted her monocle.

"Oh? Why not tell us your side of the story," she said sternly.

"I do not know what killed her," Tom said in a soft voice. "When I left the diary, she was already pale and still."

"The diary?"

"Yes ma'am," Tom said. "As I'm sure everyone in this room already knows, my future self is the Dark Lord." He took a deep breath. "I am a part of him, a fragment of his soul. I was kept inside a diary until I could find a way out.

"I slowly grew stronger as words were poured into my diary. On the night in question, I became strong enough to develop a corporal form. I was able to leave the diary, and when I was out, I saw for the first time the body of the little girl who had written in it. She was dead, perhaps from writing in my diary. But I would have never thought writing in my diary would be detrimental to anyone."

"What do you mean?" Madam Bones asked skeptically.

"I put myself in the diary just to preserve my own life. I didn't think it would take away another's." He paused, furrowing his eyebrows as though he was deeply disturbed over the girl's death. He fell into silence, appearing as though he was thinking hard about the situation. "I suppose my older self must have put a curse on the diary after I entered it. He's done so many horrible things that it wouldn't surprise me."

"So why were you in the Chamber of Secrets?" Madam Bones next asked.

"I do not know," Tom said softly. "Harry Potter was there. He was frightened and ready to fight. I took him with me."

"And the basilisk?"

"I did not know what the basilisk did after I left with Harry. I wasn't interested in it."

Both eyebrows raised, Madam Bones gave a short dry laugh and rested back on her chair. "So you're saying that the basilisk happened to eat the girl and decided to crawl up the school?"

"It's possible that's what happened," Tom said. "I was far away with the boy by then."

"Why did you take the boy?"

"I knew who he was," Tom said. "I knew about his destruction of my future self. I was curious about what his special powers were and if he was capable of hurting me as well. But as you well know, our relationship changed."

"Indeed it has," Madam Bones said curtly. "Articles and gossip ranging from surrogate brothers to horror stories of the boy being raped."

"Oh, I assure you rape was never involved," Tom said kindly, making a mental note to strangle the journalist who published that article. "You can take a look into my mind; I do not lie."

Professor Dumbledore regarded him, but Tom simply smiled.

"Take him out," Madam Bones ordered. "Investigate him."


Tucking the parchment inside his robes, Sirius left the Hogwarts staff room. Professor McGonagall had given him instructions passed from Professor Dumbledore concerning new orders for the Order of the Phoenix. Though grateful for his freedom, Sirius was bogged down with so much work. He did not mind, being eager to help Professor Dumbledore in any way possible, but he did wish he could have just one chance to meet his godson.

Just as those thoughts were running through his mind, Harry and a friend stepped out of the school's infirmary.

"You need to get to class, Ron," Harry said. "You can come back later."

"You're right," Ron said heavily. He looked back at the door as though he could see Hermione through the hardwood. "See ya later, mate."

"Give Snape a hard time for me," Harry said, smiling. Ron's face cracked into a brief grin.

Sirius watched from afar until Harry's friend was out of earshot before approaching Harry.

"Hello," Harry said politely, looking up to meet his eyes.

Sirius smiled. The boy resembled his father so much, yet there was his mother's kind, compassionate eyes looking at him.

"Hello, Harry," Sirius said. "I'm Sirius Black, and I'm from the Order."

"Nice to meet you," Harry said, shaking his hand.

"I was just coming by to pick up more instructions from Professor Dumbledore," Sirius continued, give his left breast pocket a light tap. "I never had the chance to stop and talk much." He glanced down at his wristwatch; it was too tempting... "Say, do you have some time to spare right now?"

"Yeah," Harry replied. "I don't really have much to do today. Hermione's sleeping in the infirmary...she's a bit of a wreck right now, she needs her sleep..."

"Yes, I heard," Sirius said softly.

"Um, wanna come in?"

"Nah, don't want to wake her up," Sirius said. "There's a lot I want to tell you, Harry."

"Like what?" Harry cocked his head to one side, suddenly more curious about him.

"Well, for one I'd like to apologize for not being a part of your life more often," Sirius said. "Oh, this will take some explaining. Here, come with me."

Harry watched him, never speaking during Sirius's tale, but his eyes were wide.

"You knew my father!" Harry gasped, staring at Sirius. "I thought I recognized you! You were my dad's best man in his wedding! I have a photo of you!"

"Do you really?" Sirius asked.

"Yes! Hagrid collected photos of my parents and gave them to me at the end of my first year," Harry said. He gazed out towards the lake, the wind blowing against his face. The weather was tranquil today, a brief moment of calm after many nights of rain and gloom.

"Godfather..." Harry sighed. "I had a godfather all this time, and I didn't know. Merlin, what's Tom going to think when he hears this!" He looked back at Sirius as though making sure all this was real, that Sirius was solid and not going to disappear at any moment.

"Ah, Tom," Sirius said. "Your friend from the World Cup. Yes, Harry, I know about the extent of your relationship."

Harry's eyebrows shot up.

"Well, I shouldn't be surprised. There isn't anyone in the world who doesn't know about it," Harry said in an unconvincingly calm voice. Moments passed in awkward silence before Harry spoke again. "Er...Mr. Black?"

"Just call me Sirius, Harry."

" do you think my mum and dad would have felt about...about me?"

Sirius paused, thinking fast on how to approach the question. "Well, Harry...your mother wouldn't have cared, as long you were happy."

"And my dad?" Harry inquired, his eyes never leaving Sirius. When there was no response after a moment of hesitation, Harry said, defeated, "Never mind." Sirius sighed as Harry looked away; he didn't want anything like this to happen.

"And you? What do you think?" Harry asked timidly after he had some time to think. He turned back to face Sirius.

"Me?" Sirius said. "Harry, I'm grateful you're still alive! That's what's most important to me!"

Harry smiled, a little less hurt.

"So tell me what your life's been like since you arrived at the Dursleys."

Harry laughed, now relaxed. "Where do I begin?" he said. Sirius listened attentively, rolling his eyes at the Dursleys' treatment of his godson. The guilt that had been eating at him returned as Sirius learned how empty and lonely Harry's childhood was; had he been present in Harry's life, he would have had a happier time as a child. A tear threatened to fall as Harry described the first ever birthday card he ever received in his life.

"Harry...I am so sorry," Sirius said heavily. "Had I know, I would have tried breaking out of Azkaban."

"They didn't even allow you to write a letter?"

"Nothing!" Sirius said. "No prisoner is alive in Azkaban, though their hearts still tick."

"That's awful!"

"Only if you're innocent." Sirius murmured to himself, "Bloody Ministry didn't even give me a proper trial."

"If they're that ruthless, what about Tom then?"

"Professor Dumbledore will look after him, I guarantee it," Sirius said. "He cares deeply for you, Harry. If you want Tom out of Azkaban, Dumbledore will make sure he's out of there."

"A couple of years ago, Professor Dumbledore would have thrown Tom in there without a second thought," Harry said with a laugh. "But he's seen how good Tom has been for me. He's taught me magic and helped me gain weight!"

Sirius glanced at him with a funny look. "Gained weight? My, most people I know struggle to keep their weight down."

"I struggled to keep my weight up," Harry said. "I've never eaten so much before and so many different dishes! Ever had tiramisu?"

"Er, no, I don't think I have."

"We did. We also had grape leaves, hummus, and falafel. That's all from Middle Eastern restaurants. Oh, and they have stuffed lamb stomachs." Sirius's eyebrows shot up. "I liked it! And we've had food from all over the world. Fried plantains and sushi of all kinds, but I still refuse to eat uni; those are the gonads from sea urchins. Tom loves it though. I can't even look at it. But I've eaten two lobsters in one sitting, at Tom's insistence!"

"And where do you get the money for all these fancy dishes?"

Harry hesitated. "We...sorta faked the money."

Sirius sighed. "I am not surprised. But you are looking good."

"I've looked better," Harry said. "I've gotten paler since the Quiddith Cup."

"Partly to do with the torture Voldemort inflicted on you."

"Maybe," Harry said. "I've never felt the same since then, to be honest. I keep getting these migraines." He stared off into space before continuing. "I protected Peter Pettigrew when Voldemort was resurrected. I didn't know he had betrayed you as well."

"He's no friend of mine," Sirius said quickly.

"I'm sure there's still good in him," Harry said.

"You're still young," Sirius mumbled.

"I'm involved with a mini Voldemort," Harry said. "I think I know a thing or two about humans' minds." There was no bitterness in his voice. He smiled at Sirius. "So are you a free man now?"

"Of course," Sirius said. "Colin snapped a picture of him. It's all the evidence they need."

"Do you have your own place?"

"No, my bitch of a cousin burned the house down!" Sirius growled, surprising Harry with his outburst.

"Er...sorry to hear that," Harry said tentatively. "Where are you staying then?"

"Here and there," Sirius said. "The Order's headquarters."

"Tom and I have a nice place," Harry said. "Aside from here, that is. I don't know what he'd think if I asked him to have you over." I don't know how he'll react to me having a godfather, Harry added in his mind.

"I hope Tom likes you," Harry suddenly blurted out. "Er, he has problems forming connections with other people."

Chuckling, Sirius ruffled Harry's hair. "I'll be especially kind to him," he promised.


The interrogators were flabbergasted.

Tom was smiling inwardly as he was led back into the courtroom. The chains resumed their tight hold of his wrists; Tom's expression remained neutral.

"What have you found?" Madam Bones asked one of the interrogators.

"Everything he has told you is the absolute truth," the eldest spoke first. "We dug deep into his mind, unraveled the entire events on the twenty-third of May in 1993. He drew out of the diary, developing a corporal form, and then noticed the dead girl several feet away from him. He caught sight of Harry Potter, who had just arrived to save the girl. Recognizing him as the boy who defeated his older self, Tom attacked him. They quarreled, ending with Riddle taking the boy away. The basilisk wasn't even seen. Riddle never spoke to the basilisk.

"Madam, we dug very deep into his mind; there's not a trace of wickedness in him! There was never an intention to kill the girl."

"That will be all," Madam Bones said. Tom watched the disbelief play in her eyes. A couple of witches and wizards exchanged hushed words over the news.

Tom was innocent! He did not murder Ginny Weasley! Impossible! The ends of Tom's lips threatened to curl.

"Professor Dumbledore," Madam Bones's booming voice silenced all whispered conversations. Anger, disbelief, and desperation dripped from her tone. "What can you tell us of this boy?"

Tom's back and arms muscles tensed, but the Harry-like voice in his head repeated, trust him.

"Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle was the most brilliant student I had ever seen walk unto Hogwarts grounds," Professor Dumbledore said. "As you well know from his records, he's received numerous honors and awards from the school. He was polite to everyone, humbled by his childhood at the orphanage. It's such a shock to know what this boy has grown up into, but people do change, Madam Bones. We must not penalize this boy for crimes his older self has committed. He is clearly free of guilt."

"But is it true you didn't like him as much as the other professors?"

"Oh, it was envy, I confess."

Laughter erupted in scattered areas of the court room. Tom allowed himself a smile.

Madam Bones set her eyes back on Tom. "There is still the matter of the girl's death."

"I do not think it is wise to punish the lad for a crime he did not perpetrate," Professor Dumbledore spoke up. "As the interrogators informed us, there is not a drop of wickedness inside him. He had never intended to murder Miss Weasley. The death was purely an unfortunate accident."

"Oh? And what about the basilisk? Why was it there?"

"I never called the basilisk forth," Tom replied calmly. "I believe it came out due to the smell of..." He paused, biting his lip, looking disturbed.

"Why were you in the Chamber of Secrets?"

"It was where the monster resided," Tom Riddle said. "I had helped capture the culprit of the attacks in my time. The idea possessed me; I wanted to know what the creature was, what it was that I had saved the school from."

Her scrutinizing eyes never left him.

"Any other reason why we should not lock you up?" she asked.

"I cannot control whatever your decision will be," Tom said. "However, I did read about a new amendment passed not more than three years ago." This was it, the piece of information he required from the two girls. "Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the new law states that no one who's has had trauma to the brain can be sent to Azkaban. Research had proven that 'scars on the brain,' as the researchers had called it, results in severely dire effects when in the presence of a Dementor. They do not lose their mind. Rather, they..." his voice cracked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"The Dementors have a reverse effect," he continued in a nervous voice. "The psychotic inmates have been known to try and escape, murdering anyone in their paths, even their loved ones. They completely lose their mind and any sense of reason, but they also become a threat to everyone around them." He turned to his interrogators. "I was inflicted with terrible curses when Voldemort abducted me."

"He is not lying," the youngest interrogator said. "We saw scars all over his mind. He's suffered grand mal seizures from the curses."

Several of the ladies gasped, followed by hushed whispers.

Poor boy, and he's so polite!

Madam Bones fell into contemplation, disappearing behind her papers. Tom caught sight of the one of the witches watching him. He gave her a small, sweet and shy smile.

"Poor dear," the witch whispered to her friend. In his mind, Tom sneered. He got her. He got them.

He turned back to Madam Bones. "Madam Bones," he said tentatively, "with this knowledge, do you think it wise to send an innocent mentally scarred man to Azkaban?"

She regarded him again, but Tom noticed that her stare was less piercing than before.

"Judges, please exit the room and make your final decision," she ordered.


I have a godfather, Harry kept thinking in a daze. A godfather!

"Hey, Harry," Ron's voice broke through his content reverie.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, looking at his friend. Hermione was not far away, working furiously at her class assignments. Instead of taking a break from her studies, Hermione seemed to have gained a new mania to succeed in her education.

"My mother and father wouldn't like it if I stopped just because they died!" she had snapped at them when they had asked her gently to rest.

"Looks like she's back to normal," Ron had said teasingly to Harry.

However, Ron was no longer smiling. Harry had a feeling he knew what was on his mind.

"He's going to win this case," Ron said bitterly, kicking the leg of the nearest infirmary bed.

"It's better for him and us if he's not in Azkaban," Harry explained to Ron for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"And what about Ginny?" Ron said forlornly. "I can't just let my sister's murder go unpunished! Hey, maybe I can give him one good hex, just to, you know, settle the score a little."

Harry laughed. "Hex Tom Riddle?" He caught sight of Hermione glaring at them with mad, bulging eyes, her pale face obscured by extremely frizzy and wild hair. Harry quickly lowered his voice. "Jeez, you'd think she was possessed by Pazuzu."

Ron shivered. "Well, why not?" he said. "About Riddle, that is."

" could hex him and try to get away as fast as you can, but are you sure you want to risk that?"

"You know they're going to let him go," Ron said. "What does Ginny get out of this?"

"Then, if you want, you have my permission," Harry said. "Just don't do anything too stupid or extreme. Just a simple hex, okay? That's all I'm allowing. And get out as fast as you can. If worse comes to worse, I'll handle Tom." Harry studied Ron for a while. It was a stupid idea, but he could not find any reason to dissuade his best friend. Harry's stomach squirmed as he reminded himself that it was because of him that Ron was never going to get justice for Ginny's murder.

"Yeah, I'll hex him, just to do something," Ron said, nodding decisively.



He was cleared of all charges.

Tom sat with his hands folded on his lap, watching the Wizengamot politely. His arrival to the courtroom seemed like it had happened days ago, but he determinedly kept his well-mannered façade even though deep inside he wanted to laugh at his triumph.

He found himself politely thanking anyone who congratulated him.

"Such a sweet lad," he overheard one of the elderly witches whispering to her friend. "Such a pity what he has become."

"Oh, but this boy will be different, surely," her friend said. "He has seen the horrors of his future self. He will not make the same mistakes."

Tom resisted a sneer.

Professor Dumbledore was waiting for him near the elevators. No words were exchanged between them until they got back in the Ministry car. As the car sped on back to Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore waved his wand before them, casting an invisible shield of some kind, separating them from the driver.

"There, that should give us opportunity to talk," Professor Dumbledore said. "That was an impressive display."

Tom relaxed in his seat. "I modified my mind," he said. "All of it." He arched his head back and ran his fingers through his hair as though he was rinsing under the shower. He could feel the fake memories slipping away and disintegrating as though rain had washed the memories from his mind.

"Modified your entire mind?" Professor Dumbledore questioned. "I have never heard such thing. Normally concerned individuals can modify one or two memories, but they are always caught. You, however, had your mind examined meticulously, and the interrogators did not discover your deception.."

"I invented it," Tom said. "I've been researching and developing this little trick for months. I compressed my entire real memory and tucked it safely into a region of the subconscious mind where not even the most expert Legilimens could uncover it."

He ran one hand through his hair, massaging his scalp. A dull headache was setting in.

"Impressive," Professor Dumbledore repeated. "But I should not be surprised really, for you truly were the most gifted pupil to ever attend Hogwarts. Do you not worry that they might interrogate other people you have had contact with since your escape from the diary?"

"Their words against mine," Tom said smugly. "The investigators would never imagine that I could modify so many of my memories, so of course they would take me at my word." He looked out the window, a large grin plastered on his face, but not for long. The pain of his headache rapidly increased tenfold. A metallic taste filled his mouth, and he felt pins and needles all over his body. He pressed on his temples and gave a sharp cry. Professor Dumbledore watched him.

"You overworked your mind," Professor Dumbledore said gravely. "Don't forget the damage Lord Voldemort inflicted on you."

"The Healer said I would be fine!" Tom gasped.

"Not if you put so much stress on your mind as you have done today," Professor Dumbledore said.

"No!" Tom scratched his head violently; he was rapidly losing control. "No, no, n-n-no, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no..."

"Oh dear," Professor Dumbledore sighed. He pulled Tom away from the window lest his head smashed against the surface. Waving his wand around, Professor Dumbledore stretched out the back seat enough to lay Tom across, moving away enough so Tom's convulsing body did not strike him. He rummaged through his robes for the appropriate potions; he'd had a feeling Tom's condition would relapse eventually...

"No crime goes unpunished, Tom," Professor Dumbledore said gently, although he knew Tom could not hear him at that moment.


Tom wiped the froth around his mouth, staring at the potion vial Professor Dumbledore had given him. The sour-tasting liquid stung as it splashed into his stomach.

I was perfectly fine while experimenting with the spell! Tom thought. No, he had pushed himself to the limit; there was only so much his mind could handle after being scarred.

Now you have to be careful! he chided himself while rubbing across his forehead. He pocketed the potion vial just as Hogwarts came into view. His victory in the courtroom seemed nonexistent at that moment. Now he just wanted to take a nap; perhaps he could coax Harry to join him under the covers.

He needed Harry.

The world was a dark blur to Tom as he entered Hogwarts. He couldn't remember what anyone said to him, couldn't remember leaving the car. He followed Professor Dumbledore to his office, not meeting the eyes of anyone who glanced at him.

"Free as a bird," Tom heard Professor Dumbledore tell someone. "Cleared of all charges."

"Thank you, Professor," replied a voice that made Tom look up instantly. Tom and Harry's eyes met.

"Er, hello," Harry said hesitantly when Tom didn't speak. "Um...congrats on the hearing."

"Not here," Tom said in their tongue, his voice too quiet for Harry's comfort. Taking his hand, Harry led Tom back to their rooms on the third floor. He kept his eyes on Tom, considering whether to ask why he was so sullen.

"Everything went okay in the hearing, I hope," Harry started.

"My performance was spectacular," Tom said emotionlessly. He walked over to the small kitchen table, leaning against it with his arms supporting him. "I fooled everyone; I gave them evidence they could not refute."

"Well, that's good," Harry said, standing across from him.

"I destroyed a part of my brain in the process," Tom added, bitterness seeping into his soft voice. "I thought I was well. I put so much strain on my mind that..." He pulled out a few tiny vials from his pocket, setting them on the table. Harry's eyes widened, understanding. "Dumbledore had these with him."

"He sensed what was going to happen," Harry deducted. "Good for him."

"Am I going to live with this for the rest of my life?" Tom's tone stopped Harry from responding. "I wouldn't have had to go through this if it wasn't for the hearing that you oh-so-graciously requested for me!" Harry stepped back, anticipating that Tom would overturn the table. But Tom continued to stare lethally at him.

"It was either that or Azkaban," Harry reminded him as kindly as he could.

Tom snorted. "They wouldn't have put me in Azkaban anyway once they knew about the scars on my brain."

"But you wouldn't have been cleared of all charges," Harry refuted, edging closer to his friend. "They would have found other ways to imprison you."

Tom didn't stop Harry from coming closer, allowing Harry to wrap his arms around him. He held Tom tightly.

"You're exhausted," Harry said. "Come." He led Tom into his bedroom, hoping the portraits or any passing by ghosts wouldn't make a ruckus. Tom broke away and flopped on Harry's bed, his back turned towards Harry. Harry settled next to him, one arm over Tom's body; he was slightly shaking, perhaps from the convulsions, Harry thought.

"I don't want to stay here for the summer," Tom suddenly spoke. "This isn't my home; there is nothing welcoming in this damn school."

"I owe you," Harry said gently, petting Tom's hair but stopping when Tom's shoulders tensed. "I'll find someplace."

"Grindelwald's manor!"

"If Professor Dumbledore agrees," Harry said. "I don't think he would want us without supervision even if the manor had extreme security. He kept us here because of Voldemort." Harry rested his head on Tom's shoulder. "We can't go the Weasleys; they'll have your head." Tom gave a strange laugh at this. "Not the Grangers, obviously. Oh, of course! Sirius! My godfather!"

"Godfather?" Tom spun around. "Since when do you have a godfather?"

"Since today," Harry said, perking up. "He introduced himself to me, and we had a nice chat together."

"How are you sure he's your godfather?"

"I recognize him from one of the photos of my parents' wedding. He said he lives in the Order headquarters - hey, I think Professor Dumbledore wouldn't mind us staying there!"

"No," Tom said flatly.

Harry's grin flattened. "Then where else?" he mumbled after Tom turned his back on him again. Then it hit him. "I know where! You'll like it, I think." Smiling, Harry said no more.


Tom was in a foul mood for weeks following the hearing. Hogwarts' walls were closing in on him, suffocating him. He spent as much time as he could outside under the sanctuary of the trees, watching the students pass by. Harry never left his side; his friends often joined him.

Hermione had changed. Her mania over studying had become an extremely unhealthy obsession; several times Tom had to slap sense back into the young witch. She was annoying him again; thankfully, Luna's patience with Hermione kept everything under control. Ever since her parents' murders, Luna had become something of a sister to Hermione.

Ron too had changed, in subtle ways. Tom sensed the boy's eyes on him on several occasions, and he suspected Ron was following him around the castle.

Trying to avenge your precious little sister? Tom thought, laughing to himself. I want to see you try that.

It happened on a Sunday while Tom was discussing with Luna one of the articles in a recent Quibbler magazine. Weasley was following them, keeping a safe distance. Tom cracked into a smile, wondering if the brat would attempt a curse in front of Luna, who would surely chastise Ron for his behavior.

"Father thinks the bastard was brainwashing them," came Malfoy's drawling voice. Tom stopped in his tracks, listening intently. He turned his head just enough to locate the annoying brat talking to the two large goons that always accompanied him; they were huddled together in an adjacent hallway. Weasley didn't seem to have noticed them. Luna was engrossed in The Quibbler, unaware of Malfoy's presence.


Ron had lied to Harry. He had promised only one curse, but as the days went by, Ron found himself planning dozens of curses to throw at Tom. He had it all planned; he just needed the perfect opportunity.

When he saw Riddle walking alone with Luna, Harry no where in sight, Ron followed them.

Of course, the only problem left was Luna.

I'll deal with her later, Ron thought. This is for Ginny!

Riddle paused and glanced to his side. Luna busied herself with her father's magazine, but Riddle's attention was focused elsewhere. Now was Ron's chance. He raised his wand, softly muttering the first syllable of the first hex.

And then Ron heard Malfoy's voice.


"Pity," Malfoy continued in his annoying tone. "I was hoping the Potter fag would be visiting his boyfriend in Azkaban." He laughed. "Do you think the Dementors carry any diseases? I'm surprised Potter doesn't have several already. I wouldn't be surprised if he gives service to the school in the boy's lavatories."

Tom's jaw dropped, anger igniting inside him.

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled dumbly.

"Think we should send Potter a little present?" Malfoy sneered. "We'll send him a bunch of sticks with a note saying, 'faggots are for burning.'" The two goons laughed again. "Maybe I can curse it so Potter can get a few nasty diseases. Maybe he'll never -"

He never finished his sentence.


Ron gasped. He had heard what Malfoy had said, and he was just about to storm in and curse Malfoy, but Riddle was quicker. The look on Riddle's face alarmed Ron; he had snapped, yanking the wand out of its place behind Luna's ear. Ron watched, terrified, as Tom sent dozens of silent curses at Malfoy and his friends. Horrible screams filled the passageway.

Maybe cursing him wouldn't be a smart thing after all, Ron thought. Luna was staring at Tom, looking more surprised than usual.

"Mr. Riddle! You can't do that!" she chided him, reaching back for her wand. "What you did was wrong!"

"Shut up!" Riddle screamed. He grabbed Luna by the collars and flung her against the wall. "Don't tell a single soul what had just happened here! He deserved it!"

"Go easy on her!" Ron protested, rushing towards them. He freed Luna from his grasp and held her protectively. His wand was still in his hand, just in case Riddle attempted to curse them next. "Take it easy. Luna's just...doesn't want you getting in trouble again."

"There is no fear for me," Riddle snapped. He examined Luna's wand. "What was it, Eileen?" he whispered to himself. He closed his eyes. "Yes, that's the spell." He ran his fingers around the wand, muttering foreign words under his breath. Indigo sparks shot out, disintegrating before it reached the ground.

"You erased the wand's memory," Luna said dreamily as Riddle handed back her wand.

"So you won't be in trouble," Riddle explained.

"There's a spell for that?" Ron asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Not well known, but an old friend of mine invented it," Riddle explained quickly. "Their memories are erased as well. If anyone asks you, you know nothing of what's happened here."

"But -" Luna started.

"Just lie for once in your life!" Riddle snapped.

Ron shifted around, getting a better look at the damage in the hallway.

"What did you do to Malfoy and the others?" he asked, feeling sick.

"Malformed is a more appropriate name for him now," Riddle said.

Ron laughed before he could stop himself. Their eyes met.

"Er, thanks for protecting Harry," Ron said after an awkward moment of silence. "Shouldn't we take him to the infirmary?"

"And put ourselves under suspicion? Someone will find them eventually. Go. Pretend you never spoke with me today."

"Fine." Ron stopped hugging Luna, blushing at how tightly he had been holding her. "Let's get out of here." Luna gave another look at Tom before walking away with Ron.

"Think about what you did," she told him.

"For you, I will," Riddle said sardonically, rolling his eyes. Ron stifled a laugh. It wasn't long before Ron heard Riddle call out his name. He turned around.

"Aren't you going to hex me, Weasley?" Riddle asked tauntingly. He was standing alone, unarmed. It was too tempting, even if Luna was going to scold him.

But then Ron thought of the malformed Malfoy that lay not too far away. How powerful was Riddle without his wand?

"Nah, it would be unfair," Ron said casually, "especially not when you're without a wand."

Riddle's lips curled into a nasty sneer. "Very well then," he said pleasantly before leaving.

Ron's eyes narrowed, but Luna took his wrist and tugged in the other direction.

"Don't" Luna warned. "It's not worth it. He's an immortal, and you aren't." Ron looked around them. Soon students and teachers would come and find Malfoy, and he didn't want to get dragged into the mess Riddle had created. Deciding not to argue with Luna Lovegood, Ron followed her out the corridor.

"Jeez, you'd think she was possessed by Pazuzu."
According to Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, Pazuzu was the king of demons. He was featured in the movie The Exorcist and in the music video "Rock It" for The Gorillaz.