Seo Gerecednis

Magnolia Mama

Story Summary:
It's Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts and all hell has broken loose. Hermione's been sent away, new students are coming to Hogwarts from all corners of the globe, adolescent hormones are raging, Voldemort and his loyal Death Eaters are baying for blood -- and that's just during the first week of term. The greatest threat, however, as Harry confronts both the ordinary and the extraordinary problems in his life, may very well come from within. AU; begun prior to [I]HBP[/I].

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
It's Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, war looms on the horizon, and someone wants revenge. In this chapter, Harry and Ron get their O.W.L. results and Ron makes a confession.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Peter were already seated at the table when Harry and Luna arrived downstairs. Upon seeing Luna, Mr. Weasley and Bill jumped to their feet. Peter simply looked amused by their calisthenics.

"Luna dear, why don't you sit here so Harry and Peter can get to know each other," Mrs. Weasley said, indicating the chair next to her. Harry sat at the opposite end, across from Bill and between Peter and Mr. Weasley.

"Does Ron intend to make an appearance?" Bill asked.

"He should," Harry said. "He was getting dressed when we came down."

"That's a welcome change," Mr. Weasley said, giving his wife a smile. "That's more activity than we've seen from him in a week. I was about to call in an expert from St. Mungo's."

"Arthur, you would have done no such thing," Mrs. Weasley said.

"Yeah, I'm sure something from the twins' shop would've done the trick just as well," Bill said. "Or Ginny could've just hexed him."

"I heard that," came Ron's voice. He didn't look amused as he came through the doorway, Ginny hot on his heels and pulling faces behind him. Harry stifled a laugh. "I can cast a curse or two myself, you know." He plopped down in the chair opposite Peter and immediately began piling mounds of food onto his plate.

"Not like Ginny can," Bill said, passing a platter to Ginny, who sat opposite Luna on Peter's other side. "I don't ever want to be caught facing the business end of her wand." Harry was rather inclined to agree; Ginny'd made a lot of progress during their D.A. sessions last year, almost as much as Neville, and she'd been a better witch to begin with.

"Mmphptoo," Ron protested around a mouthful of what Harry thought must be blood pudding. Then he spotted Peter and his eyes widened. "Oo 'e 'elleroo?"

"Ron, chew and swallow before you make us all sick," Ginny said with disgust.

He swallowed everything in a single gulp. The instant his mouth was free, he cleared his throat, looked at Peter, and said, "Who the bloody hell are you?"

"Ronald Weasley!" his mother squawked. "Where are your manners?"

"That's Peter, you big dolt," Ginny said. "The exchange student? From Kenya?"

"Oh," Ron mumbled, once again stuffing his mouth with food.

Harry caught Peter's eye and grinned. "Don't mind him," he said. "He's quite harmless, once he's been fed." Ron glared.

Peter laughed. "Rather like a lion," he said. Ron beamed.

"More like a crocodile," Bill said. Everyone, Mrs. Weasley included, laughed at the scowl on Ron's face.

"Well," Mr. Weasley said with a twinkle in his eye as he pulled a bundle of envelopes from an inside pocket, "I have here some letters from Hogwarts that may be of interest to you all." He distributed them around the table. "There's one for you, too, Luna. Peter, yours will have a list of the books you'll be using this year. Professor Dumbledore has already arranged to have them delivered to your room at school, but you're more than welcome to join Molly when she goes to Diagon Alley next week."

Peter gave a slight nod. "Thank you, sir, that is most generous. I should like very much to see this Diagon Alley. We have nothing like it in Nairobi."

"Say," Ron said, looking up from his Hogwarts letter, "does he fly? Does he play Quidditch?"

"Why don't you ask him, you prat?" Bill said, ignoring his mother's frown.

He wasted no time. "Do you play Quidditch?"

Peter knit his eyebrows. "Is this a game?"

"You could say that," Ron grunted.

"Yeah, like breathing's a bodily function," Ginny muttered. Harry almost snorted pumpkin juice out his nose.

Ron just glared at Ginny. "Can you at least fly a broom?"

"I have never done this," Peter said. Ron's face fell. "But I am willing to try, if you will show me how."

Ron's expression immediately brightened. "Brilliant!"

"Why the sudden interest?" Bill asked. Harry'd wondered the same thing; Ron looked as though he was about to burst with some deeply-held secret.

His face split into a wide grin as he waved his letter from Hogwarts. "I've been appointed Quidditch team captain," he crowed.

"Cool!" Ginny said.

"Excellent!" said Bill.

Luna patted Ron's hand. "That's wonderful news, Ronald."

His parents simply beamed with pride.

Ron gave Harry a pointed look, clearly expecting more congratulations. Harry grinned, then waved his own letter. "So have I." The chorus of praise was now doubly so, and everyone spent the next several minutes drinking pumpkin juice toasts to Gryffindor's two new Quidditch captains.

"Say," Ginny said, after the celebration had settled down, "those letters don't happen to have your O.W.L. marks, do they?"

Harry shared a fleeting look of panic with Ron. In all the excitement over being named co-captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Ron, he'd completely forgotten about his O.W.L.s. Now that the results were in his hand, however, he wasn't keen on finding out how he'd done. Postponing the inevitable disappointment meant he could indulge in his fantasy about becoming an Auror a few minutes longer. He wasn't quite ready to burst that bubble just yet.

"Blimey!" Ron said, his ashen face giving Harry a welcome excuse to avoid looking at his results a few minutes longer.

"What is it?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"How'd you do?" Ginny wanted to know.

Luna and Bill leaned in from opposite directions to read over Ron's shoulders. Bill whistled. "I'll be buggered," he said.

"Bill Weasley!" his mother said. "Poor Peter is going to think I've raised a troop of barbarians!"

"Sorry, Mum," Bill said, "but you're not going to believe these marks."

"That's no excuse for that sort of language at the table!"

"How did you do, Ron?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Luna gently took the sheaf of parchment from Ron's shaking hand and read aloud:

     Astronomy - Exceeds Expectations

     Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding

     Charms - Exceeds Expectations

     Defense Against the Dark Arts - Exceeds Expectations

     Divination - Poor

     Herbology - Exceeds Expectations

     History of Magic - Poor

     Potions - Outstanding

     Transfiguration - Acceptable

"An O in Potions?" Harry asked. "That's brilliant!"

"That means you have to put up with Snape for two more years," Ginny said with a grin. Ron put his head in his hands and groaned.

"That's seven O.W.L.s," Bill said, ruffling Ron's hair. He looked at his hand, then wiped it on his pants leg. "Only Percy's done better."

The silence that descended on the table was stifling. Harry made a mental note to wait until he and Ron were alone to ask about Percy. Whatever may have happened since June, he thought, it couldn't have been good.

"All right, Harry," Ginny said, her voice slicing through the tension, "time to 'fess up. How'd you do?"

Harry groaned, knowing he could no longer avoid the cold, hard truth. He lifted the parchment gingerly and read:

     Astronomy - Acceptable

     Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding

     Charms - Exceeds Expectations

     Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding

     Divination - Poor

     Herbology - Outstanding

     History of Magic - Dreadful

     Potions - Outstanding

     Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations

"You took an O in Potions too!" Ron said. "Looks like we can suffer together."

"How'd you end up with the same number of O.W.L.s as Ron?" Ginny asked. "You're a far better student."

"Oy!" Ron exclaimed, although Harry could tell he wasn't really offended. "He did fall asleep during the History of Magic exam."

"As though I had a chance of anything above an A to begin with," Harry said with a laugh.

"I believe Harry earned more O's," Luna said. "Ronald has two, for Care of Magical Creatures and Potions, but Harry took O's in four exams."

He double-checked his results. "That's right," he said. "Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions. Though I have no idea how I managed the last two."

Ron laughed. "That O in Defense Against the Dark Arts was a sure thing, though."

Harry snorted. "Not if Umbridge had been scoring my exams."

"I wonder how Hermione did?" Ginny said.

Harry couldn't miss the shadow that passed over Ron's face, or the worried look his parents exchanged. "I'm sure she'll owl us as soon as she gets her results," he said. "Do they even have owls in India?"

"She probably took O's in everything," Bill said.

"I guess we'll have to wait and find out," Mrs. Weasley said, rising from the table. "Would anyone care for pudding?"

Ron's glower immediately disappeared. Ginny got up to help her mother clear the table. In the commotion, Harry thought he heard Luna say something, but the clatter of dishes and the scraping of chair legs against the floor drowned out her voice.

"I'm sorry, dear, did you say something?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Luna's face flushed. Harry was astonished; he didn't think anything flustered her. It left his faith in her seemingly steadfast composure somewhat shaken. "I said," she said quietly, staring at the table, "that I've been made a prefect for Ravenclaw." Her already pink cheeks darkened.

"Congratulations," Harry said, giving her a smile. "I think that's excellent." She smiled back.

"You're a prefect?" Ron asked, his disbelief all too apparent. Luna's blush deepened even further. Harry wondered if Ron may have hurt her feelings. Bill cuffed Ron on the head. "Hey!"

"Luna, that's wonderful," Mr. Weasley said. "I know your father will be very proud when he hears."

Luna smiled shyly at him. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley." She sat back from the table. "If you don't mind, I'd like to write him now, before the owls go out hunting. May I use one of your owls?"

"Go right ahead, dear."

"You can use Hedwig, if she's around," Harry said. He watched her go upstairs. He wondered what it must be like to go through life as "Loony" Lovegood, perpetually out of step with the rest of the world. Professor Flitwick must have had a lot of faith in her to nominate her for prefect; if she'd had trouble with her housemates before, then being prefect would probably only make matters worse. On the other hand, maybe Dumbledore saw in her a diamond in the rough, as he had with Ron.

"Oy, Ginny!" Ron's bellow interrupted Harry's thoughts.

"Don't shout at the table, you oaf," Bill said, rubbing his ear.

"What d'you want?" Ginny asked, returning from the kitchen with a stack of dessert plates and forks.

"Did you make prefect? Luna did."

Silence descended once again as Ginny stared at the floor, seeming to weigh her options. Then, in a measured voice, she said, "No."

Ron's bark of laughter brought another swipe from Bill. "Will you cut that out?" He rubbed the back of his head. "I swear, sometimes you're worse than the twins."

"Both of you, stop it this instant," Mrs. Weasley said. Harry looked up to see her in the doorway, carrying an enormous cake decorated with so many candles he thought the cake itself was ablaze. "Happy birthday, Harry," she said.

"Happy birthday, Harry," the Weasleys chorused around him.

Harry felt his cheeks grow hot. Beside him Peter murmured under his breath, "Today is your birthday?"

"Day before yesterday," he murmured back.

Mrs. Weasley set the cake before Harry. "When is your birthday, Peter?" she asked.

"My people do not celebrate birthdays every year," he said, "so I am not sure. I know I was born sometime during the winter, after first frost, and that I have seen sixteen summers."

"What do you do in place of a birthday?" Ron asked, accepting the slab of cake Harry passed to him.

"We observe certain rites of passage, from childhood to youth, and youth to adulthood, and so forth. I underwent initiation a few years ago. When I complete my education and return to my village, then I will have to undergo another trial."

"Trial?" Ginny asked. "What do they make you do?"

Peter smiled slyly. "Ah, but that is a secret I cannot share."

"Sounds rather dodgy to me," Ron said around a mouthful of cake. Ginny just rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

Harry was amazed how quickly his birthday cake disappeared. Not that he minded sharing any of it; as delicious the treacle tart Mrs. Weasley'd sent him was, pudding always tasted so much better in the company of friends. His only regret was that there were so many people absent he wished could be here. Again memories of Sirius rose unbidden and unwelcome in his mind, and he found himself blinking rapidly to prevent the tears from forming. He sought solace in the bottom of his goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Shouldn't we save some for Luna?" Ginny said as Ron reached for what Harry reckoned was his third slice. Ron pulled his hand away and scowled.

"Here, dear, why don't you fix a plate and take it to her," Mrs. Weasley said. She handed Ginny a clean plate and fork.

Just then the fireplace burst to life in an explosion of green flames. As everyone turned in unison to see who'd come to call, out stepped --

"Crookshanks!" Ginny squealed, rushing to him.

-- Hermione's bandy-legged ginger cat, his bottle-brush tail held erect. He trotted over to Ginny and butted his head against her knee, purring loudly.

"Look, he's got a letter!" she said, untying a small scroll from around his neck. "It must be from Hermione."

"That must mean she made it safely to India," Mr. Weasley said.

"Who's the letter addressed to?" Bill asked. Harry saw the look he gave Ron, and no wonder, for Ron's ears were as scarlet as his hair.

"It's okay, the letter's for me," Ginny said. "But I'll read it aloud for anyone who's interested."

"Why don't you children go into the other room," Mrs. Weasley said as she pulled out her wand. "Arthur and I will finish clearing the table."

Mr. Weasley coughed. "Actually, dear, I have Order business to discuss with Bill."

Harry took one look at Mrs. Weasley, grabbed the plate she'd prepared for Luna and backed away, tugging at Peter's shirt sleeve as he did so. He'd seen that particular expression on Ron and Ginny's faces enough times to know that danger was imminent. As much as he wanted to know how things were going with the Order, he knew the wisest course of action was to clear out of the room. Now.

"Er...we-we'll just join the others then," he said, casting one last fearful glance at Mrs. Weasley's face before he grabbed Peter by the elbow and steered him out of the room. Bill, he figured, could fend for himself.

They found the others, Luna included, draped across the squashy but mismatched sofas that decorated the Weasleys' family room. Crookshanks was curled up on the back of the sofa behind Ginny, playing with her braid. Harry gave the leftover slice of cake to Luna and sat next to Ron, on the sofa opposite Ginny and Luna. Peter took a seat in a neighboring armchair.

"Happy birthday," Luna said as she took a bite of cake. "Thank you for letting me use your owl."

"No problem," Harry said. "So, what does Hermione have to say?" he asked Ginny. "Did I miss anything?"

She rescued her hair from Crookshanks and unrolled the scroll. "I haven't started reading yet. I was waiting for you two." She cleared her throat and studied the letter. "Oh! It's directed to all of us anyway." She then read:

*Dear Ginny, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Fred, George, Charlie, Luna and Ron,*

Harry heard Ron make a strangled sound in the back of his throat.

*I arrived safely in Calcutta a few days ago, and have been with my host family ever since. School here does not begin for several more weeks, after the monsoon rains have ended, so I have been taking advantage of the extra time to practice speaking Bengali and study the history of wizardry in India.*

"That's our Hermione," Harry said, nudging Ron in the side. "Never passes up an opportunity to learn something new."

*The trip here was uneventful, even for Muggle transport.*

Ginny stopped reading and looked up at Ron. "Did she tell you she was taking Muggle transport?" He nodded, but didn't say anything. She continued,

*There was some turbulence over the Arabian Sea, but nothing to worry about. Please tell Ron that I am sorry I missed him at the airport.*

At this Ginny dropped the scroll to gape at Ron. "'Missed him at the airport'? 'Missed him at the airport'? You were supposed to see her off, and you didn't go?"

"Er --"

"She asked you to come to the airport to say goodbye, and YOU DIDN'T GO? WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Her shouting had reached such a pitch that Crookshanks leaped to the floor with a yowl and stalked out of the room.

"Uh --" Ron's face was a rather interesting shade of purple. He looked beseechingly at Harry. "Har --"

Harry shook his head. "Don't look at me," he said. "I'm with Ginny. If Hermione asked you to see her off at Heathrow, you should've gone."

"I don't believe you, Ron," Ginny said. "I just don't believe you."

Ron buried his face in his hands. "Oh, bugger," he groaned. "Bugger, bugger, bugger. Bugger."

Peter gestured towards Ron. "He admires this girl, what do you call her? Hermione?"

Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes at Harry. "That's putting it mildly."

"And now she is away at school in India for the year, just as I am here in England?"

She nodded. "Full marks."

"And he did not wish her farewell?"

Another "Bugger" emanated from Ron. Harry choked back a laugh. As funny as the situation was, he knew Ron was hurting, and would be kicking himself for days on end for his stupidity.

Peter grinned. "We have a saying among my people," he said. "'The bull that neglects the cow will make no calves'." Harry saw Ginny's eyes go wide. He suspected he had much the same look on his own face.

Ron raised his head and gave Peter a look of utter incredulity. "Are you barking mad?" he finally managed to ask. "Do I look like a farm animal?" Harry caught his arm just as he started to rise to his feet. He turned on Harry. "Do I look like a ruddy bull to you?"

Harry gave him a look of pity. "Er...well...."

"Bloody hell," Ron muttered, shaking off Harry's hand and rising to his feet. "I'm not going to sit around and listen to this codswallop." He stomped out of the room.

They all stared at the ceiling in stunned silence as Ron's heavy footsteps could be heard moving up the stairs. At the sound of a slamming door, they flinched as one. Then Ginny exhaled sharply through her nose. "Well," she said. "That went well." Luna laughed softly.

"I should probably talk to him," Harry said, although he really didn't want to, at least not until Ron had had time to cool off.

"Perhaps I --" Peter began, but he stopped when Ginny raised her hand.

"Don't let my brother's behavior get to you," she said. "He's a git sometimes, but a sensitive git with a tender heart. He's more angry at himself than you. Although," she snorted, "I don't think it helped that you compared him to livestock."

A solitary moment of silence passed before Ginny, Harry and Luna burst into peals of laughter.