Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/02/2003
Updated: 11/30/2003
Words: 68,155
Chapters: 8
Hits: 11,390

How To Mend a Broken Soul


Story Summary:
It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and obviously the events of GoF left him deeply troubled. He can finally go to The Burrow, and discovers that a fiery headed Weasley might be just what he needs. Ron/Harry slash, cuddles (and later sex), nightmares and nightly discussions abound. A little knot of angst in the middle of a bundle of fluffiness.

Chapter 01

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and obviously the events of GoF left him deeply troubled. He can finally go to The Burrow, and discovers that a fiery headed Weasley might be just what he needs. Ron/Harry slash, cuddles (and later sex), nightmares and nightly discussions abound. A little knot of angst in the middle of a bundle of flufiness.

Words: 2,658
Hits: 2,749
Chapter 02

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and obviously the events of GoF left him deeply troubled. He can finally go to The Burrow, and discovers that a fiery headed Weasley might be just what he needs. Ron/Harry slash, cuddles (and later sex), nightmares and nightly discussions abound. A little knot of angst in the middle of a bundle of flufiness.

Words: 2,603
Hits: 971
Chapter 03

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 6,848
Hits: 1,151

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 6,395
Hits: 1,152
Chapter 05

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 10,778
Hits: 1,171
Chapter 06

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 17,022
Hits: 1,370
Chapter 07

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 16,025
Hits: 1,311
Chapter 08

It's the summer after Harry's fourth year, and when he finally comes to the Burrow, Ron has to pick up the pieces of his broken friend. Ron/Harry slash.

Words: 11,420
Hits: 1,515