That Epilogue Was Really, Really, Really Bad


Story Summary:
Were you upset by the vague, mysterious, and corny ending to your favorite series? Are you wishing for a little more closure? Join us for a look into the lives of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and their children, as they work through a year of crushes, fitting in, and of course, sexual tension. (This is a SPOOF and should NOT be taken seiously!)

Chapter 01


The crisp morning sunlight was just beginning to break through the misty clouds overshadowing the small village home of Ron and Hermione Weasley. They were fighting again, this time presumably about some odd thing that had happened in the night.

"Ron you are disgusting! I will NOT do that!"

"Come on, its new, we've never tried it before!"

"You are a freaking pervert!"

"Hermione, you know you're curious!"

"Mummy, Daddy, what are you fighting about?" little Rose whined. She was peeking around the corner of her bedroom door curiously.

"Oh, Rose sweetie, just go on back to bed. Mummy and I were just chatting about the weather," Ron said smoothly. Rose giggled.

"No you weren't, Daddy, you were yelling at Mummy about something," Rose said innocently. "What was he asking you, Mummy?"

"Err, Daddy was just telling me how much he would like to have waffles tomorrow morning," Hermione made up quickly. Ron glared at her. He knew she wouldn't believe that.

However the lie apparently worked well, and Rose took their hands and lightly pulled them into their bedroom. As they all got into bed together, Hermione sneered at Ron. Looks like whatever he had wanted would have to wait.

12 years later

"Bye kids!"

"We love you!"

"See you soon dears!"

"We'll write you often!"

The Hogwarts train rolled around the last corner and chugged merrily out of the station. Almost immediately, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny dropped their happy demeanors.

"Oh thank God the little buggers are gone. Now I might finally get a little action!" Ron said in an annoyed voice.

"Ron, how many times do I have to tell you, I just don't feel comfortable having sex while the children are in the house," Hermione said.

"Hey, I know what you mean, Ron," Harry said as he took Ginny's hand.

"What and... Ginny... pants... and you... and she!" Ron stuttered.

"Ronald, how many times do I have to tell you?!" Hermione said angrily. "Harry and Ginny have been married seventeen years! They have three children!"

"I don't want his dirty hands near my sister!" Ron yelled. Several people around the station turned to stare.

"Well you know what, I don't like the idea of you touching Hermione!" Harry yelled back. A small crowd was gathering about them.

"Oh no, Harry, his hands are fine...all over me...making me..."

"TIME TO GO!" Ron yelled. "See you 'round for dinner one night, but now we have some business to take care of." He grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her out of the station.

Timidly, Hugo raised his small hand and knocked on the compartment door. Inside, Rose and her friend Scorpius Malfoy were laughing about something his cousin James had said, while his other cousins Lily and Albus looked at James like he was an idiot.

He knocked again, this time a bit more forcefully. When Rose looked up, she rolled her brown eyes and waved him in.

"Hey, look who came to sit with us," James said in a joking manner, "couldn't find any other people to sit with on the train?" Hugo was about to answer when his sister cut him off.

"Oh no, he's just upset because he used ALL of my make up this morning completing his 'emo' look. Honestly, you little fag, who do you think you are stealing all of it?"

"Oh, at it again are we?" Scorpius sneered. "Are you trying to make people at school think you are a girl, or do you just like to look like a homo?"

"I--I just--like it..." he stammered.

"Oh I bet I know what it is," Lily chimed in, "I bet little Hugo has a crush on someone at school! Do you have a crush little Hugo?" The others erupted in laughter as Hugo hung his head. From the corner of his side bang hair cut, he snuck a glance at Scorpius.

"Who is she, Hugo?" Albus asked. Hugo was hurt. He and Al had always been looked upon as the black sheep in the family, but now it seemed that Al was being excepted by the others.

"I she-he..." Hugo couldn't form words properly. His face was steadily growing redder, and he looked longingly at Scorpius's laughing face. He couldn't really say anything, so he just turned and ran away quickly. Unfortunately for Hugo, he had forgotten that he closed the sparkling glass door and he ran straight into it.

[[Lynn's Note: Yes, we are back with your favorite story from before. We've been through a lot in the past few months, what with our big move and our new found loves. (Who contrary to popular belief are NOT each other.) Jenn, being an idiot, deleted our entire story from her laptop when she was mad at me, so we are starting from scratch. Please bitch at her, not me. So we are starting over, and in our spare time, so not all of the story will be written by both of us. We also can't do the author's notes in the middle of story text anymore... sorry. We were constantly cyber yelled at by the vaildators here so SORRY but no more comic relief in the middle. And now that this author's note is longer than the first chapter, I leave you dear friends. Please enjoy the new story. And remember to bitch at Jenny for deleting the last.]]

POSTED BY JENNY [[11:37 AM April 8, 2008]]