Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Action General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/29/2002
Updated: 11/01/2002
Words: 49,480
Chapters: 15
Hits: 27,667

Harry Potter and the Magic Within


Story Summary:
Harry finds himself back at Hogwarts for his fifth year when he stumbles across powers he never knew he had! There's a new Dart Arts teacher, Ron and Hermione as always, and a reasonable amount of action including Quidditch and the Dark Lord!

Harry Potter and the Magic Within 25 - 26

Author's Note:
Thank you, Thank You for the reviews!! Please review more as well! I looooove getting reviews. This has taken a little while to come out, SORRY! So, enjoy, the plot is picking up and there is a bit of a cliffy this time.

Harry Potter and the Magic Within

Chapter 25: 'The Departure'

Harry kept a close eye on Genevieve after lunch. Luckily, Herbology was cancelled, as Professor Sprout was ill. This made it easy for Harry to check that Genevieve was still in the castle the rest of the afternoon.

When he had to go to Gryffindor tower to do some homework that evening, he kept looking out of the window, making sure Genevieve wasn't leaving on her broomstick.

No, he thought to himself, she won't leave until late at night.

Harry didn't know it, but after Ron had told Hermione about the Divination class the two of them had come up with a plan.

It was simple, Ron would pretend to be asleep when they went to bed that night, but when Harry made his way out, Ron would get up, get Hermione and then they would both try to follow him.

Harry, being too nervous of what might happen that night, hadn't noticed the way Ron and Hermione kept exchanging meaningful looks.

When Harry and Ron got in to their beds at about eleven o'clock, Ron pretended to fall asleep straight away. Harry sat on the edge of his bed gazing out of the window.

Something caught his eye. It was definitely Genevieve. Only she had that silvery hair which was so visible in the moonlight.

He jumped up and stood right up to the glass of his window. She was riding her broom and she was holding some parchment which undoubtedly had directions written on them. It seemed to Harry that Lupin was planning to meet she somewhere indicated on the parchment. Then they would go on to where ever this secret place was and rescue Snape and Sirius.

Harry went and opened his trunk, pulled out his Firebolt broomstick, grabbed his Invisibility cloak, inherited from his father, from the bottom of the trunk and closed it as quietly as he could.

Then he slipped out of the dormitory, unaware of someone following him, who was being as quiet as he was.

Once Harry had reached the common room, he put the cloak on and left through the portrait hole. The cloak would make it harder for Ron and Hermione to follow. Ron slipped up the girl's staircase, and knocked softly on Hermione's dorm door three times. It opened in a moment and Hermione was ready.

'Has he left the tower?' she whispered tensely. Ron nodded as they headed back down the spiral steps.

'The problem is,' Ron began, 'that Harry's got his cloak and so we won't be able to see where he is to follow and we won't be able to tell if he sees us.' Ron looked half worried and half annoyed.

'Wait, I have an idea,' Hermione hissed. 'Ron get your broomstick for us to travel on. Then meet me in the Owlery. We can use Hedwig; she's been there before. She can lead us.' Ron raced off up to the dormitory and pulled his second hand broomstick out from under his bed.

He snuck up to the Owlery and got there in a matter of minutes. Hermione was sitting on the windowsill, looking utterly miserable.

'What - is - it?' Ron panted.

'Harry took Hedwig,' she said quietly, 'and now I can't see any way for us to follow.' She sighed and stared at the floor.

Ron sat down heavily beside her.

'Oh no,' he muttered. 'We should be there Hermione. We should be there with him,' he wore a hopeless expression.

'Ron! We can't give up, come on! Let's go down and find him before he leaves!' and with that she rushed out of the door and flew down corridors at a great speed. Ron followed.

By the time they reached the Entrance hall, they were very out of breath and paused for a moment.

'Can - you tell - if he's left?' Ron panted, looking around.

'The front door,' Hermione panted back, 'it's open a crack, he's gone!'

'Oh no!' Ron punched the wall in frustration, then, he danced about howling in agony.

'Shhh!' Hermione hissed. 'We need to be quiet.'

Ron grimaced at his painful hand, but took Hermione's warning and made no more sounds.

Then a voice sounded behind them, which made them jump out of their skins.

'So, Potty Potter has gone after Snape, and his Mudblood friend and his Weasley sidekick want to go and help,' sneered the voice of Draco Malfoy.

'Go away, Malfoy!' Ron hissed.

'Not before I take you to Dumbledore,' Malfoy replied.


'No one should be up in the middle of the night and Potter shouldn't be out on rescue missions,' Malfoy said grinning evilly. 'I'm taking you to Dumbledore right now.'

'No way, Malfoy,' Ron said through clenched teeth.

'Ok, fine,' Malfoy said, 'I'll just have to bring him here then.'

Ron and Hermione started back up the marble staircase in hope of being back at Gryffindor tower by the time Malfoy could fetch Dumbledore.

They didn't get far. Dumbledore came around the next corner, a glass of water in his hand.

'Hermione, Ron, what are you doing?' he said placidly.

'They are walking around the school at night, Professor!' Malfoy put in smirking.

'So are you,' Dumbledore said simply, his eyes twinkling over the top of his half-moon glasses.

'Well, yes - but they were here to go after Potter!' Malfoy carried on.

'After Harry?' Dumbledore repeated slowly.

Ron and Hermione looked at Dumbledore meaningfully.

'Perhaps you had better come in to my office,' he suggested to them. 'Mr Malfoy, you can go to your dormitory.'

Malfoy left smirking to himself, obviously sure he had managed to get them in trouble.

Once Dumbledore had entered his office behind Ron and Hermione he told them to sit down by his desk, which they did. He sat behind it, looking rather serious.

'Now,' he said, 'what exactly is going on? What is Harry doing?'

'Well, Professor, Harry found out that Sirius was captured as well as Professor Snape. We were sure he was having a hard time not to think about it. He was acting very quiet and almost secretive which isn't quite like him. We guessed that he was planning to go and try to rescue Sirius and the Professor,' said Hermione promptly.

Ron nodded in agreement and Dumbledore sat silent for a moment.

'So it was right then,' he said softly, as though to himself.

'What was right then?' Ron asked. Dumbledore straightened up.

'Nothing, nothing,' he said, but his eyes were very bright and wary.

'We were going to go after him, Professor. We didn't like the idea of him going back alone in to danger,' Hermione paused, looking awkward.

'He is not alone,' Dumbledore said simply.

'What do you mean, Professor?' Ron said leaning forward in his chair.

'I mean,' Dumbledore said, 'that Professor Argent is also going to be there.'

'Argent?' Ron repeated bewildered. 'But I saw Harry leave alone.'

'Professor Argent is not in the castle, and Remus Lupin has given her instructions to Voldemort's hideout. He should be waiting for her there,' Dumbledore paused, 'I think that Harry was reluctant to let his guardian go alone, so he has gone also.'

Ron and Hermione sat in bewildered silence.

'But why did she go?' Hermione asked slowly. 'Surely she would know the danger and would not want to go.'

'Well,' Dumbledore said, 'Genevieve and Sirius got on very well at one time, not long before he was taken to Azkaban, in fact, they were engaged. Sirius and Genevieve are Harry's godparents, though I don't think he knows Genevieve is his godmother. Lily and James thought they were the best couple in the world. Harry would have grown up with them if Sirius hadn't been taken to Azkaban. Genevieve has wanted to see Sirius ever since I told her what really happened the night the Potters died.'

Ron and Hermione's mouths fell open. Dumbledore chuckled at the sight.

A thought struck Hermione.

'Oh, Professor!' she said excitedly, 'if Sirius' name got cleared, Harry could have a proper family!'

Ron grinned widely at this thought, but Dumbledore looked somber and rather serious.

'I wouldn't mention that if I were you,' he said.

'Why not?' Ron asked puzzled.

Dumbledore looked at his watch. The different coloured planets and stars moved slowly as he checked the time. He tapped it.

'It's late,' he said pointedly, 'you two had better get some sleep. There is plenty for you to do tomorrow, there's that trip to Hogsmeade, you know.'

Ron and Hermione left his office, sure that there was something they had not been told which they would want to know.

They talked in the common room for some time. They hoped Harry was alright, but he had come out of so many terrible encounters before that they were beginning to think him rather good at combating danger by now.

They fell asleep by the dying common room fire.

Harry Potter and the Magic Within

Chapter 26: 'Deadly Darkness'

When Harry left the common room, he went straight to the owlery and woke Hedwig up. She perched on his arm underneath the cloak as he made his way to the front door.

As he pulled it closed, it started to creak loudly so he left it almost shut but not quite.

Then he let Hedwig take flight and he mounted his broom and took off, ready to follow his owl.

The journey was certainly not short. Harry didn't have a watch on but he thought it felt like hours and hours.

His eyes were stinging with weariness and he found it most uncomfortable to sit on his broom for that long in one go.

He flew over vast woods, roaring streams, hills and valleys, villages and even some towns. When he did fly over inhabited areas, he flew in the clouds if he could.

Hedwig flew a little way in front of him, and if he lagged, she would turn back to wait for him. She seemed to understand that this was important.

When Harry was starting to think they were never going to reach their destination, Hedwig flew down heading for the bushy woods crowded around the hill on which stood the decrepit old house, half hidden in ivy.

Harry landed in a patch of thick trees, which blocked out most of the bright moonlight.

'You stay here,' he whispered to Hedwig, 'this will be dangerous, stay in these woods.'

Hedwig hooted softly and perched in a low branch.

Harry left his broom against the tree under Hedwig and put his cloak on before walking towards the hill with his wand out.

His steps were practically silent. His hand shook slightly as he held his wand in front of him.

He could see something silvery gleaming in a clearing up ahead. Could it be Genevieve?

He crept closer. The clearing had a large oak tree standing in the center and he saw Genevieve standing with her back towards him. Another figure stood erect in front of her.

Harry gasped and had to stop himself stumbling backwards.

It was a werewolf! Harry's initial shock wore off quickly. He knew that Lupin was a werewolf as he had been bitten as a child. When Lupin taught at Hogwarts, he took a potion, which would enable him to keep his own mind when he transformed. As Lupin wasn't attacking Genevieve, Harry was certain that he was still taking the potion.

Harry looked up and it was indeed a full moon.

By the time Harry looked back to the middle of the clearing, he could see no sign of Genevieve or Lupin. Harry walked cautiously out into the clearing.

When he reached the shadow of oak tree, he leant against it as he tried to think of where they could have got to. He would have seen them go through the trees in the other direction.

As he leant on the old ivy covered trunk, the covering of ivy gave way and he fell in to the tree trunk itself. The trunk was hollow inside and he had to stop himself falling down a flight of carved stone steps, which wound down into the darkness below.

He staggered to his feet and covered himself with the cloak again.

He made his way down a long and gloomy passage. There was an unwholesome smell about the place and Harry hardly dared to breathe for fear of making an echoing noise.

He could hardly see, so he muttered, 'Lumos,' to his wand. A small light appeared at the end of it and he held it high in front of him as he walked.

Harry didn't walk far, as he had to slow down after a short while because he could hear noises up ahead. From the snuffling noise he guessed it was Lupin, perhaps Genevieve was further ahead.

Harry turned a corner to find himself face to face with the werewolf Lupin. He was growling softly. Harry knew Lupin could smell him even if he couldn't see him. He trusted to luck. He took the cloak off slowly and dropped it at his side, hoping Lupin would recognise him.

Lupin tilted his head to one side. Then he shook his head as though trying to tell Harry off for coming.

'I had to come,' Harry whispered.

Lupin's eyes shone yellow in the wand light as he turned and kept going along the tunnel.

Harry looked ahead of Lupin but Genevieve wasn't there. He walked behind Lupin as quietly as he could, wondering if perhaps Genevieve was going on ahead to look for the captives first.

After a short while of walking along the straight dismal tunnel, Harry could see a yellowish glow coming from around a sharp corner up ahead. Lupin stopped, sniffed and growled.

Harry stopped behind him as he slapped his hand over the pain in his scar. Lupin continued to walk on, slowly and cautiously so Harry did the same, rubbing his scar furiously as though trying to rub the pain out of it.

The light ahead seemed blinding after all the time in the long dark tunnel. Harry whispered a well-chosen word to his wand and its light went out. He still gripped it tightly though. He had an awful feeling that he was going to need it.

At that moment a high-pitched blast of laughter came to their ears. Harry shivered and Lupin growled.

Then, quick as a flash, Lupin dashed forwards and around the bright corner. Harry, very reluctantly, followed, his scar extremely painful.

As he turned the corner, a chilling sight met his eyes. Wormtail was crouched by a tall dark seat at the other end of a long blue candle lit chamber on which sat none other than Lord Voldemort himself.

A cloak mostly covered him, more like shadow than material. His chalk white face and evil red eyes were just visible from under his hood.

Lupin stood growling at Voldemort, his teeth bared. Wormtail cowered behind his master. Harry stood rooted to the spot, not far behind Lupin.

'Harry Potter,' Voldemort hissed. His voice rang high pitched, cold and menacing through the passages and tunnels around the chamber.

Harry held his wand, if it were possible, more tightly.

'I have been expecting you,' Voldemort continued, 'and your friends. The third of your company should have found the prisoners by now and should arrive here very soon,' he laughed again.

Lupin was slinking towards the raised dark chair, still growling. Then, in less time than it would take to blink, Lupin had lunged at Voldemort, baring his sharp teeth.

Harry edged around the right side of the chamber as Voldemort took out his wand and threw Lupin off him in a yellow flash of blinding light. Harry gasped as Lupin fell motionless to the ground in his ordinary wizard form wearing his usual tatty wizards robes.

At that moment Harry became aware of Genevieve walking cautiously in to the chamber from a tunnel opening opposite him. Two stooped figures stood behind her.

Genevieve clapped her hand to her mouth in surprise as she saw Harry. Harry then saw one of the figures behind her come in to the pool of blue light emanating from the tall blue candle flames. Sirius stood there his mouth slightly open as he saw Harry.

'Ah, come in, come in,' Voldemort said, mockingly, 'come and join us.' He then nodded at Wormtail, who rushed over to Harry and, before Harry could move, had taken his wand out of his hand, placed it on a low table near by and held him down in a small rickety chair.

Genevieve made to rush forwards, so did Sirius, but Voldemort waved his wand, almost lazily, and bright silver bars appeared around all three figures by the tunnel entrance. Harry could see it would be no good for them to try to penetrate it. It looked like a powerful prison, too powerful for them to break out of for a long while at any rate.

'I have failed to kill you too many times, Harry Potter,' Voldemort said, with icy hatred. 'I don't think I will use my wand this time, as it does not seem very successful. Instead I will use this...' he pulled out a glittering bottle of scarlet coloured liquid from his shadowy robes. 'This is a wonderful little potion,' he went on, pacing around the cold dim room, obviously enjoying himself immensely, 'one drop of it will paralyse the drinker and will slowly kill them. This works out wonderfully for me because I can give you this and then you can have the pleasure of watching your friends being tortured and killed.' Voldemort smiled from beneath his black hood.

Harry stared in horror. Threats to himself, he had grown accustomed to, but threats to his friends were something new and horrible to contemplate. His heart sank.