Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Action General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/29/2002
Updated: 11/01/2002
Words: 49,480
Chapters: 15
Hits: 27,667

Harry Potter and the Magic Within


Story Summary:
Harry finds himself back at Hogwarts for his fifth year when he stumbles across powers he never knew he had! There's a new Dart Arts teacher, Ron and Hermione as always, and a reasonable amount of action including Quidditch and the Dark Lord!

Harry Potter and the Magic Within 03 - 04

Chapter Summary:
Well, these chapters are a bit of a mystery. Not much I can say bout them, u just have to read 'em. Enjoy!
Author's Note:
Sorry about a little mix up when I submitted the first part of this fanfiction. It is both chapter 1 and 2 and I only labelled it as one chapter!

Harry Potter and the Magic Within.

Chapter 3: 'Comatras'

Harry opened his eyes. Everywhere was dark. He got to his feet and tried to clear his rather painful head. He felt as though he had been hit hard on the head with a baseball bat. He couldn't see any signs of the small figure that had drawn his attention in the first place. He walked out of the narrow alley to see that it was definitely night. Some of the shops in Diagon Alley were closing and there were very few shoppers around.

Harry made his way back to The Leaky Cauldron, he had to get back to the Weasley's house and the best way to do that would surely be through the Leaky Cauldron's fireplace using Floo powder. He then remembered the school books he was meant to get. He walked on, hoping that Mrs Weasley had picked all the books up before noticing he was missing. He could pay her back when he got back to their house if she had got his books as well as all the others.

Harry walked in through the hidden archway and in to the small shabby pub. It was totally deserted. Even Tom the barman wasn't there.

Harry walked straight over to the fireplace, picked up a small round cup holding the Leaky Cauldron's supply of Floo powder and threw a pinch into the flames. They went green and rose up as before. He stepped in and shouted: 'The Burrow', this was the Weasley house, it had a small plaque out the front with 'the Burrow' inscribed on it.

Harry, once again, found himself spinning around in a blur of green. Just when Harry felt as though he would be sick, he came out of the Weasley's fireplace in the kitchen. There was not a light in the house, and not a person to be seen. Harry bit his lip. What was going on? Where was everyone? He walked in to the hall, then started going up the stairs.

Mumble, mumble, mumble. He stopped. He was sure he had heard murmurs, as if someone was talking far off. He stood still on the staircase.

Mumble, mumble. There it was again. Harry climbed up to the top

staircase. He stood listening, in front of Ron's bedroom door. There was no one in the house. Where was that sound coming from?

Harry sat on the top step feeling a mixture of anxiety and puzzlement. He wished he knew where everyone was. Then he heard a distinct voice.

'What's wrong with him? Why won't he wake up,' it said. Harry was sure it was Ron's voice but it was a little muffled. Harry looked around expecting to see Ron standing near by, but he wasn't. Harry then was sure he heard Mr Weasley.

'Mumble, it's a spell, mumble, Comatras,' said the voice. Harry was now really confused. He sat on the top step and listened intently for any more voices.

'Oh, Harry, mumble, mumble. Do something Arthur!' said a voice that surely belonged to Mrs Weasley.

'Oh gosh! What has happened to him?' said a voice like Hermione's only it seemed higher than usual.

'He won't wake up,' said Ron's voice, 'and what did it do to him?'

'I can't imagine,' said Mr Weasley slowly.

Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Harry then couldn't hear them

any more. From what he had heard, Harry could gather that he seemed to

be under a spell.

Harry sat deep in thought for at least five minutes. He had a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach. What was he to do? Would he be stuck in a sleep spell forever? How could he stop it? Could he even stop it? Was there some way to wake himself up?

Harry got up having decided to try and find a way to wake himself, it seemed the only thing to do. He walked down the stairs and went out through the back door to the garden. To his great surprise, it didn't seem to be the Weasleys' back garden at all.

A vast expanse of wasteland lay before him in which he could only see a few trees and rocks for a long way.

He looked back to find that the Weasleys house had disappeared. He was turning whiter every minute. He turned back to the empty wasteland behind him. He saw that, standing by one tree not far off, there was a small hut, which he had not noticed last time he looked. Feeling increasingly nervous, he walked towards it.

In three short minutes time he was standing in front of the small shabby and not to mention dark and dingy looking hut. Perhaps he could get some rest in there before going on in the wasteland. He had to find some way to wake up. He went forward to open the door but stopped when he once again heard the voices.

'How long has he been like this,' said a voice Harry was sure belonged to Fred. He wondered if he should shout, maybe he would shout out for real.

'Hello? Hello, can anyone hear me?' He called, looking up to the grey clouded sky.

'Yes, Harry Potter, I can hear you,' said a quiet voice. There was something in the voice Harry didn't like at all. In fact he hated it instantly, it reminded him very much of.... Him. He spun around to come face to face with the speaker. He saw no one. Had he heard a sound out of this dreamlike place?

'Hello?' He called louder. No answer came. He walked back to the hut, opened it and sat in a far corner from the door. It was only a few feet wide in any direction, but he felt safer there than outside.

Harry jumped. He had heard a great burst of laughter, high cold laughter that made his hair prickle with fear and dread.

'Ha ha ha ha!,' it went again. At this point Harry tried to pinch his arm in order to wake himself up but this had no effect. He huddled himself up in the corner, wishing he was awake and at the Weasleys.

'How on earth do I wake myself up,' he muttered miserably to himself. He then noticed that it seemed a lot darker than a minute before. The loud laugh echoed all around for a third time. There then came a loud knock at the small hut's door. Harry stood up but made no move towards the door. He stood flat against the far wall. The knock came again but was then followed by the high cold laugh. Harry felt as though he his legs were going to give way.

Bang. The door was blasted off its hinges and there in the doorway stood a tall thin, cloaked figure. All Harry could see under its hood were two points of red light. It was Voldemort.

'Harry, how are you?' said Voldemort, coldly. Harry didn't reply. 'It isn't very nice here is it,' he carried on, mockingly. Harry wished he had his wand. He wondered what would happen to the real him if Voldemort killed him in his spell dream.

'I suppose you are wondering what happens when I kill you in this dreamland place,' said Voldemort shrewdly, Harry stood motionless. 'Well, I won't pretend that you don't die in reality as well,' he said half laughing. 'You do die, and that works out wonderfully for me,' he laughed loudly. There seems to be no way out, Harry thought darkly.

Mumble, mumble. Harry then caught some of the voices around him again.

'Do you think this will work?' he heard Ron say.

'It had better,' replied Mr Weasleys voice.

'What do you mean?' said Ron.

'Never mind,' said Mr Weasley hastily. Then the voices ceased.

Harry turned his attention back to Voldemort who had been continually

talking and didn't seem to have heard anything of the voices at all.

'It was one of my good supporters' sons who managed to help me get you under the spell,' Voldemort was saying, as he paced around the small hut. Harry then realised who he was talking about.

It had to have been him, Draco Malfoy. He and Harry had been great enemies since the first ever trip to Hogwarts. His father Mr Malfoy, had been in Voldemort's inner crowd when he was on the rise last time and had gone back to him after his rising at the end of last term. Harry didn't find it hard to believe that his archenemy would take part in the plot to kill him.

Harry wished that whatever Mr Weasley was doing, he would hurry up.

'Now, I shall finally have the pleasure of killing you,' said Voldemort as he pulled out his wand. Harry looked over to the door. Could he get out before being blasted with Voldemort's wand?

'Goodbye, Harry Potter,' sneered the hooded Voldemort. He raised his wand. Harry abandoned any thought of getting out of the door and even that Mr Weasley could perform the counter spell in time. He closed his eyes tight.

'Avada Kedavra,' yelled Voldemort. Harry could see the deadly green light through his eyelids. He heard a rushing noise and was reminded forcibly of when Cedric died. The next moment Harry was in considerable pain, as though someone was filling him with needles. He felt himself start to fall to the ground, then he heard a scream. Then he heard nothing at all.

Chapter 4: 'The Waking'

Harry could hear voices. That was odd, if his memory served him right he was supposed to be dead. He listened to the voices.

'Did it work, Mr Weasley?' said a worried Hermione.

Mr Weasley gave a long sigh.

'I have performed the spell correctly,' he began, 'but I think Harry was killed in his dream,' he ended shakily.

'What?' yelled Ron's voice. 'You mean he's - he's,' he stopped abruptly. Hermione made a funny noise like a cough but also a bit like a sob. Harry wanted to open his eyes but they seemed a little too heavy. He heard the sound of footsteps. Then more footsteps. Harry heard some murmurs as even more footsteps followed and then there was silence.

Harry got up, opened his heavy eyelids and looked around to find that he was lying on the floor in the Weasleys sitting room. He was astounded. He hadn't died. He supposed Mr Weasley had got the counter spell to work. He felt so happy he could have shouted out. He got up and went out into the hall. He was about to go into the kitchen, where he thought the Weasleys had gone to, but then he saw Hermione and Ron sitting on the grass in the back garden through the open back door. He walked outside and came up behind them. Hermione was crying. Ron was sitting very still and seemed to be trying to cheer Hermione up.

'Oh Ron!' sobbed Hermione, 'I can't believe it! How could this happen? Why did it have to be Harry?'

Ron sniffed a little. 'I don't know,' he then said. Harry was only a few feet behind them now. He stood still for a moment. Then he walked around and sat in front of them. Hermione, who was crying with her face in her hands, didn't see him. Ron sat open mouthed.

Harry grinned at him. Ron then shook Hermione's shoulder, still staring at Harry.

'Ron, stop it,' said Hermione through sobs. Ron shook her shoulder harder. 'What?' she shouted, as she turned to face him. Ron pointed at Harry. She turned her gaze to Harry, who still sat grinning slightly. Hermione looked as though she would scream, but she didn't. Instead she fainted. Ron barely noticed, he was still looking at Harry.

'What? How? But when? I mean - what happened?' said Ron, looking absolutely bewildered.

'It was Malfoy's fault,' said Harry. 'I saw a figure in the alleyway between two shops and when I went closer, there was a purple flash and next thing I woke up in the dark. I went to the Leaky Cauldron and used the Floo powder to get back here and when I did there was no one here at all. Then I heard voices, your voices, from around me and I heard I was under a spell.' Harry then went on to explain all about the strange events that happened afterwards. Ron listened intently and sat open mouthed through it all.

'Erm, shouldn't we do something about Hermione,' said Harry, when he had finished telling Ron about his little adventure.

'Yeah,' said Ron. Harry and Ron picked up Hermione and carried her in to lie on the sofa in the sitting room.

'So, you have had a really bad day, Harry,' said Ron as he put Hermione down.

'Yeah, I have,' said Harry, nodding. Then there was a scream.

Mrs Weasley had walked in and at the sight of Harry had screamed out in utter surprise and shock. Harry and Ron had both jumped.

Next moment, Harry was being hugged by Mrs Weasley, who was almost crying. Ginny came in with Mr Weasley a moment later and Ginny wiped her eyes furiously as she tried to hide the fact that she had been crying. Mr Weasley was looking rather bewildered.

'Harry, how on earth did you survive that curse?' he asked.

'I don't know,' replied Harry, shrugging.

'What happened to Hermione,' asked Mrs Weasley when she had let go of Harry.

'She fainted when she saw Harry,' Ron answered.

Hermione didn't wake up until everyone else had finished dinner. When she did, she hugged Harry and told him never to scare her like that ever again. Harry grinned, and promised he would certainly try not to.