- Rating:
- PG-13
- House:
- The Dark Arts
- Ships:
- Original Female Witch/Original Male Muggle
- Characters:
- Original Female Witch Original Male Muggle
- Genres:
- Original Characters Drama
- Era:
- The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
- Stats:
Published: 10/04/2006Updated: 03/14/2007Words: 17,705Chapters: 6Hits: 853
La Vida Loca
- Story Summary:
- Bert Hawley and Viola Beanacre are sent to Spain to recover an ancient spell, and uncover a mystery. Who killed a little girl's family ... and are they coming back for her grimoire? And what plans does Severus Snape have? (Mostly OCs with canon cameos)
Chapter 01
10/04/2006Bert Hawley and Viola Beanacre are sent to Spain to recover an ancient spell, and uncover a mystery. Who killed a little girl's family ... and are they coming back for her grimoire? And what plans does Severus Snape have? (Mostly OCs with canon cameos)
Chapter 02 - Santa Maria de los Milagros
11/03/2006Bert and Viola arrive at the little village of Santa Maria de los Milagros searching for a book and a spell.
Chapter 03 - Viola Sniffs Out A Mystery
11/12/2006While Bert tries to memorise a Mayan spell, Viola discovers there's some secret surrounding the last visitors to Santa Maria de los Milagros.
Chapter 04 - The Secret Revealed!
12/22/2006Dedalera reveals the secret of the Jaguars, and Doña Ana tells Viola and Bert about the British wizards who killed Dedalera's family.
Chapter 05 - Who Needs Charm?
02/09/2007Ethelina arrives in Santa Maria de los Milagros and Viola makes her reveal who told her about the spell.
Chapter 06 - The Death Eaters Attack!
03/14/2007The Death Eaters show up to steal Dedalera's codex. Little do they realise what damage a squib and a donkey can do…