The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch/Original Male Muggle
Original Female Witch Original Male Muggle
Original Characters Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 10/04/2006
Updated: 03/14/2007
Words: 17,705
Chapters: 6
Hits: 853

La Vida Loca


Story Summary:
Bert Hawley and Viola Beanacre are sent to Spain to recover an ancient spell, and uncover a mystery. Who killed a little girl's family ... and are they coming back for her grimoire? And what plans does Severus Snape have? (Mostly OCs with canon cameos)

Chapter 01

Bert Hawley and Viola Beanacre are sent to Spain to recover an ancient spell, and uncover a mystery. Who killed a little girl's family ... and are they coming back for her grimoire? And what plans does Severus Snape have? (Mostly OCs with canon cameos)

Words: 1,889
Hits: 196

Bert and Viola arrive at the little village of Santa Maria de los Milagros searching for a book and a spell.

Words: 3,540
Hits: 138

While Bert tries to memorise a Mayan spell, Viola discovers there's some secret surrounding the last visitors to Santa Maria de los Milagros.

Words: 2,878
Hits: 147

Dedalera reveals the secret of the Jaguars, and Doña Ana tells Viola and Bert about the British wizards who killed Dedalera's family.

Words: 3,526
Hits: 129

Ethelina arrives in Santa Maria de los Milagros and Viola makes her reveal who told her about the spell.

Words: 1,526
Hits: 122

The Death Eaters show up to steal Dedalera's codex. Little do they realise what damage a squib and a donkey can do…

Words: 4,346
Hits: 121