Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
Action Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/17/2005
Updated: 05/26/2007
Words: 66,281
Chapters: 19
Hits: 33,310

Harry Potter and the Secret Horcrux


Story Summary:
Post HBP. Every story must have an end. Harry Potter must now face the greatest adventure of his life. Lives will be lost and love will be found. The only difference between a Muggle and a wizard is his ability to believe. Based on what could occur in book seven.

Chapter 11 - A Direction

Chapter Summary:
Harry must seek outside advice in his quest, question his own judgement.

Chapter 11: A Direction

Harry's words lingered in the air as Remus Lupin watched him with fearful eyes. It was like Harry was a dangerous animal being seen for the first time.

"I don't plan on making one," Harry reassured quickly, wishing he could read what Lupin was thinking.

Remus stumbled backwards, looking unbalanced by what Harry had just said. His hand caught the edge of a nearby desk and a few books toppled to the floor. His breathing quickened and he muttered incoherently under his breath.

Harry started to speak when Remus interrupted him. "Please tell me this isn't what he's planning? Tell me that this is just another crazy theory you kids have created."

Harry could hear in Remus's voice he knew why Harry was asking about Horcruxes, he also knew that Remus could see the magnitude of the situation.

"You know what a Horcrux is then," Harry said after a few tense moments passed.

"Yes, I know what a Horcrux is," Remus said in a heavy voice.

His eyes showed panic as they met Harry's. "Voldemort is planning on making a Horcrux then? Is that what Dumbledore thought?"

Harry felt a bolt of nervousness shoot through him. What if he had given too much away? Didn't Dumbledore tell him he could only tell Hermione and Ron? Hadn't he given Dumbledore his word?

"Harry?" Remus pushed, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

Harry swallowed. "Something like that."

Lupin suddenly stared off and shook his head. He let himself lean against the desk.

"We didn't believe him," Remus sighed.

Harry blinked.

"Sirius thought he was mad. No wizard, no matter how Dark, makes a Horcrux. Those who do meet a fate worse than anything we could imagine," he continued.

"He didn't plan on making a Horcrux; he planned on making seven," Harry revealed, still uncertain about his decision to tell Lupin.

Remus didn't respond at first, but then he suddenly closed his eyes.

"Seven," Remus whispered.

"I need to know how a Horcrux is made. Is it a spell? A potion perhaps?" Harry said.

Remus opened his eyes and almost grinned. "I don't know of anybody who knows how to make a Horcrux. It isn't something that one reads in a book or learns in school. If Voldemort has seven Horcruxes, then it's hopeless; he can't be beaten."

"Yes he can," Harry insisted.

Remus looked at Harry with regret. "Then it's true. You are the Chosen One. That's what the prophecy said?"

Harry confirmed Remus's suspicion with a nod.

"Is there anything else I should know, Harry?" Remus asked in a shaky voice.

Harry lowered his head and then something Lupin had just said hit him. "Who didn't you believe?"

Remus paused. "Sirius's brother, Regulus."

"He thought Voldemort made a Horcrux?"

Remus let out a deep troubled breath. "After Regulus joined the Death Eaters, he came to Sirius. Being Sirius, he thought that Regulus was trying to convince him to join the Dark followers. He said Regulus kept going on about how You- Know-Who was planning a murder to make himself immortal... that he was planning on making a Horcrux."

Harry asked, "Did he know what Voldemort was planning on using?"

Remus shook his head. "Sirius told Regulus he was barking mad and shrugged the entire notion off as one of his brother's plots to reunite the Black clan. It wouldn't have been the first time Regulus attempted to bring his family back together. I'm fairly certain that Sirius only told James and me."

"He didn't tell Wormtail?" Harry asked suddenly.

Remus frowned, "No, Peter was there as well."

"So that is why Voldemort killed Regulus Black," Harry concluded.

"I seriously doubt it. Regulus wasn't murdered till after you were born and he came to Sirius with this information well before then."

Harry felt the frustration of another dead-end slapping him in the face. At the rate he was going, he'd never find the remaining Horcruxes.

"I could try to gain access to information about Horcruxes, but I must warn you to be cautious. If people hear we're searching for information about such Dark magic, we could be asked to appear before the Wizengamot and explain ourselves."

A soft knock on the door suddenly interrupted the conversation. Remus gave Harry a look indicating they'd finish this conversation later as he went to open the door. Tonks stood there looking miserable. Remus wrapped his arms around her as she collapsed into his shoulder.

"There was nothing you could do," Remus said in a sympathetic voice as his eyes nervously caught Harry's.

Tonks sniffled. "I just notified Doge's daughter... that part never gets any easier. Scrimgeour is going to open an investigation as to why Elphias was in the attack at Diagon Alley. He's already suspicious about The Order's activities."

"I'm sure Kingsley can appease him with answers again," Remus responded as he gently patted her on the back.

Harry took this as his cue to exit and bid Lupin and Tonks a goodnight. Ron was waiting up for him when he made it to his room. Harry shook his head and Ron knew it meant Remus did not know how to make a Horcrux.

"Blimey, if Lupin doesn't know..." Ron sighed. "Did you tell him everything?"

"I left some parts out," Harry confessed, "but I think he's has the main picture."

"Hermione is going to be rather disappointed. How can we find these Horcruxes if we don't even have a place to start?" Ron ranted.

Harry collapsed onto the bed wondering if he should remind Ron again that they did have a place to start when he remembered something much more important.

"Lupin wants me to go back to Hogwarts to finish my NEWTs," Harry started. "He told me if I do, then he'd convince the Order to let me join at the end of July."

Ron's eyes lit up, "What about me and Hermione?"

"He said you'd have to take that up with your mum," Harry grinned.

Ron let out a frustrated moan. "Oh, she'd never agree to that... Won't it be rather pointless for you to be part of the Order if you're going to be stuck at Hogwarts? It's not like you could just leave the castle whenever you wanted."

Harry shrugged again. "According to Lupin, the Governors are creating some sort of a compromise. He said most of our studies would take place here and not at Hogwarts."

"You mean no Quidditch then?" Ron asked.

"I would assume," Harry said blankly.

"And no Heads or Prefects since we aren't staying there over a long period of time?" Ron continued.

Harry shook his head in annoyance. "I didn't get that much information about it, Ron."

"So you're going back then?" Ron asked after a couple minutes.

"Don't suppose it would hurt if I'm not going to be trapped there, but my main focus is going to be on finding Voldemort's Horcruxes and destroying them," Harry said firmly.

Ron didn't respond. After what seemed like a long period of time, Harry heard the faint sounds of snoring coming from Ron's side of the bed. Harry had become accustomed to fighting sleep. It seemed that no matter what he was dreaming, it was something he'd rather avoid. However, sometimes exhaustion did get the best of him.

He didn't remember falling asleep and he didn't remember what he had dreamt, but he did remember being startled awake. His glasses were slightly skewed and his neck was cricked from being in an unnatural position. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he could tell it was dark outside.

Harry noticed Ron was missing so with one last yawn he pulled himself to his feet. Harry took in a musky breath and walked over towards the window. The half moon sent its beams down to touch the earth, and for a single moment, a sense of peace washed over him.


Harry turned around and saw Hermione peeking in, probably to see if he was awake yet.

"I'm over here," Harry responded, as she pushed her way through the door and closed it softly behind her.

"I wasn't sure if you were still asleep or not," Hermione admitted, as she shifted nervously and bit her bottom lip. "Ron told me about your conversation with Lupin."

She took a seat at the edge of the bed and Harry could feel her eyes staring at the back of his head.

Harry let out a troubled breath. "Another dead-end."

"Maybe we're going about this the wrong way," Hermione commented.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly.

"Harry, is everything all right?"

Harry grimaced as he turned to look at her. "Why?"

Hermione looked as if she might reconsider what she was about to say, but finally spoke. "You were tossing and moaning in your sleep. Ron said he was going to wake you but you haven't slept in days."

"I'm fine," Harry lied. "I just haven't been all that tired lately."

"Does it have anything to do with you having nightmares again? Do you think you should practice Occlumency again?" Hermione questioned.

"I'm fine," Harry repeated.

Hermione huffed and puckered her lips in frustration before finally deciding that Harry wasn't ready to talk about his nightmare on the train.

"So you're going back to Hogwarts then?"

Harry nodded.

Hermione offered Harry a friendly smile. "I think that's a good idea. We should finish our NEWTs."

"Did Ron tell you Hogwarts is only partially opening?" Harry asked.

"Yes, he did. I suppose we'll be getting more details soon," Hermione said. "I also heard you were joining the Order. I plan on asking Lupin if I can join as well, since I'm already of age."

Harry paused for a moment as he admired Hermione. Moments such as this reminded him of the first time he met her. She had a matter-of-fact tone to her voice and he knew no matter if he objected or agreed with her, there was no changing her mind.

"Ron wants to join, too, of course, and I imagine Ginny will object if Ron's allowed to join and she isn't," Hermione continued.

Harry shifted uncomfortably.

"What?" Hermione asked.

Harry seemed to fumble for a second before finally admitting, "I told Lupin I didn't think she should be allowed to join the Order."

Hermione looked at Harry critically. "Well, it's really not up to you, is it?"

With one last look, she stood-up and made her way towards the door, but before she walked out she looked back around and said determinately, "She still cares for you, Harry."

"I never doubted that," Harry retorted.

"I just thought you needed to be reminded of it," Hermione sighed before disappearing.

Harry turned to look back out the window when the sounds of Apparations caught his curiosity. When he reached the base of the stairs, he noticed several people, talking frantically, gathered together in the parlor.

"What's going on?" Harry asked Ginny, as he reached the bottom of the steps.

Ginny shrugged. "I don't know.... Moody called some sort of mandatory meeting."

Just as Harry was about to ask Ginny what the meeting was about, a few more Apparations interrupted his train of thought.

"She best be trustworthy, Bill. Access to the Order's headquarters is strictly forbidden," Moody growled at Bill and Fleur.

"'Arry, Ginny," Fleur greeted. "What are you doing 'ere?"

"We live here now," Ginny commented, looking rather annoyed that Bill had allowed his new bride to tag along.

"Fleur, over here," Bill called, as she waved bye to Harry and Ginny.

Harry felt a brisk tap on his shoulder and turned to see Kingsley smiling at him.

"Daring escape you lot pulled off. Don't think I could have pulled it off better myself."

"Don't encourage him," Tonks joked, as she nudged Kingsley from behind.

Kingsley grinned. "A good Auror knows how to think on his feet."

"And how to follow the rules," Moody reminded, as he hobbled over.

Harry noticed Tonks had cheered up significantly since the last time he had seen her only a few hours ago. She passed him a friendly smile as she, Kingsley and Moody made their way towards the kitchen, where the meetings were traditionally held.

"Curious as to what the meeting is about?"

George greeted Harry with a cheeky grin. It struck Harry as odd to only see one of the twins and glanced around to see where Fred might be lurking.

"Yeah, something like that," Harry admitted.

George shrugged and then passed Ginny a concerned look.

"It's my business, so keep your ruddy nose out of it," she said in a stern voice. "The same goes for Fred."

George didn't seem moved by Ginny's warning, but he did move along and follow the rest of the Order members. Ginny glared after him before finally turning back towards Harry.

"Ron, the bloody git, let it slip to the twins that you and I dated and that you broke up with me," Ginny explained. "Overprotective brothers..."

"That explains it then," Harry replied.

Ginny touched Harry softly on the arm. "They'll get over it. Besides, I've already told them I'd tell Mum about their research into their new line of 'Mummy Pranks' if they don't leave you alone."

"Mummy Pranks?"

Ginny grinned. "Don't ask."

Harry felt the familiar sensation of something floating around his stomach as her hand lingered on his arm. Deep in his heart, he knew she could take care of herself, but something much more primitive made him feel he should protect her.

His thoughts were interrupted as the front door flew open and Hagrid hobbled his way in.

"Stree's a bit crowded tonigh'."

"Hello, Hagrid," Harry said, as he watched the half-giant shake off his overcoat and throw it over his burly shoulder.

"Has Olympe arrived yet, Harry?" Hagrid asked.

Harry shook his head. "I haven't seen her."

Ginny waved at Hagrid and then went across the room to chat with Hermione, who had just emerged from the library.

"Mus' be runnin' late," Hagrid shrugged. "Ah, well how yeh bin? Keepin' out of trouble?"

"Trying to," Harry smirked.

"Yer too much like yer dad I s'pose," Hagrid grinned. "Well, best be goin' ter the meetin'. Moody wants us ter choose new members fer the Order," Hagrid explained.

"Is that what the mandatory meeting is for?" Harry asked.

Hagrid nodded. "We're dwindlin' down ter nothin'. Death Eaters are outnumberin' us five ter one. Ah, don' look at me tha' way, Harry. Yeh know yeh can' join the Order yet."

Hagrid disappeared into the kitchen and soon the house seemed empty. At least he knew what the meeting was about now. He could always count on Hagrid.

"What was Hagrid saying?" Ron asked.

"They're choosing new members for the Order tonight," Harry revealed.

He and Ron took a seat in the living room as they watched the kitchen door. Harry half hoped that Lupin would suddenly peer out and tell Harry to come in. He didn't see why he had to wait until he was officially of age. Hadn't he already faced Voldemort? Hadn't Dumbledore trusted him enough to let him come along on his quest for Horcruxes?

Ron sighed. "I bet Mum objects to any bids I get on joining."

Harry thought so too, but he felt a bit tactless admitting it. Hermione dropped a large book on the table in front of Harry and both he and Ron jumped an inch out of their chairs.

Dust flew out of the aged pages and Hermione let out a little cough as she tried to regain her composure.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Ron swore.

"It's a book, Ronald," Hermione snapped.

"Looks more like a brick," Ron snickered.

Hermione scowled. "I found it in the library... we're obviously not getting anywhere looking for Horcruxes, so I decided to focus on those medallions we found at Godric's Hollow and Porter's Glen."

Harry leaned over and flipped through a few of the pages. The wording was heavy and the letters were written in an old style of calligraphy. Ron hadn't been exaggerating when he said the book looked like a brick. It had to be more than six thousand pages in length and from what Harry could see every square inch of every page had been reserved for writing.

"This is a record of magical items dating back to the dawn of magic," Hermione explained. "I'm almost positive that the medallions were created some time in the middle period."

"Would that be in the middle of the book?" Harry asked with an uncertain look.

Hermione gave a small 'tsk' before continuing. "I've combed through most of this book and I've narrowed it down to about fifty different objects. The descriptions are too vague and someone who is educated in charmed objects could give a much more accurate assessment."

"Like Bill," Ron commented.

Hermione nodded, "That was my line of thinking. Kingsley said they weren't cursed with Dark magic... what if they aren't Dark objects? What if they have nothing to do with Voldemort?"

Ron shrugged. "I guess I could ask Bill to take a look at them. What harm would it do? I mean, if they aren't these horribly cursed items."

"It will cause too many questions," Harry argued. "Lupin already knows too much."

"I agree," Hermione said quickly. "That's why I think Ginny should do it."

Ron's face twisted in confusion. "What does Ginny know about cursed objects?"

Hermione shook her head. "I meant I think Ginny should ask Bill to examine the objects. You'll just muddle it up and make it look suspicious and it would be too obvious if Harry or I did it."

Ron jumped to his feet. "Bill is my brother, too."

"I didn't say he wasn't," Hermione pointed out.

"You said Harry didn't want Ginny to get too involved. I think we should respect his wishes," Ron argued.

Hermione's hands flew to her hips. "That's ridiculous! Ginny is already involved and she's the more logical choice to approach Bill."

"Ron," Harry started.

"Well, I don't want Ginny involved," Ron ranted. "She's my sister, is that ridiculous, too?"

"Yes, it is," Ginny snapped.

Ron's head popped up towards Ginny who, with a look of fury, was entering the room.

"It's not ridiculous," Ron challenged.

"Ron," Harry said a little louder, "I think Hermione's right. Ginny would draw less attention."

Ron went to speak, but Harry had rendered him speechless. Instead, Ron flashed him a look that clearly indicated he felt betrayed. With one last look, he stormed out of the room.