James Potter/Lily Evans
James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
General Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 11/12/2005
Updated: 03/25/2009
Words: 83,356
Chapters: 25
Hits: 29,426

Out of the Books


Story Summary:
This is a story about Lily and James after Halloween 1981. You say, that is not possible? Read and decide for yourselves!

Chapter 01

This is a story about Lily and James after Halloween 1981.

Words: 3,663
Hits: 3,736
Chapter 02

Lily is worried about what happened to Harry in the night, when she and James died.

Words: 2,970
Hits: 1,956

Liz deals with the realization that she is really dead in her own world, while Jack is looking forward to seeing her again.

Words: 3,610
Hits: 1,620

Seven years have passed, since Jack (James) and Liz (Lily) have met each other.

Words: 4,924
Hits: 1,434

Liz has more dreams about Harry and Jack starts to wonder about them.

Words: 3,513
Hits: 2,095

Leo and Amy show that they have inherited some marauder traits.

Words: 3,146
Hits: 1,268

Leo and Amy are curious what their parents are hiding.

Words: 3,023
Hits: 1,121

What will Sirius find behind the Veil?

Words: 3,471
Hits: 1,196

After running away from the group, Leo has to face the anger of his classmates for messing up the trip.

Words: 3,203
Hits: 1,195

While Liz is still in London and Jack goes to school, Leo and Amy stay home alone with Padfoot.

Words: 3,706
Hits: 1,256

Finally the family history of the Pearsons is revealed to the twins.

Words: 3,375
Hits: 1,139

The Pearson family goes on a trip to Exeter and finds much more than expected.

Words: 3,151
Hits: 1,009

The Pearsons and Padfoot read "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

Words: 4,079
Hits: 934

The Pearsons go to Edinburgh to meet Joanne Rowling there

Words: 3,490
Hits: 996

The Pearsons solve Joanne Rowling's riddle.

Words: 3,647
Hits: 891

How will the wizarding world welcome Lily, James, Amy, Leo and Sirius?

Words: 3,096
Hits: 988

Remus reaction to the shock had received from seeing Sirius.

Words: 3,412
Hits: 998

Amy and Leo tell Harry about their parents and Sirius having come back from the dead. But will Harry believe them?

Words: 3,207
Hits: 1,007

How is everyone going to cope with the shock of meeting three supposedly dead people?

Words: 3,129
Hits: 991

The Potters and their friends start planning on what to do in the fight against Voldemort.

Words: 3,205
Hits: 849

The search for the Locket is not as successful as Harry and family and friends would have hoped for.

Words: 2,788
Hits: 819

The Horcrux hunt has begun - and it's not quite secret anymore.

Words: 3,377
Hits: 773

While Harry and Hermione are researching the hints they have received at the festival in Godric's Hollow, Leo is trying to cope with being a squib.

Words: 2,399
Hits: 396

Voldemort has realized that the Order is hunting down his Horcruxes - now the race for the fragments of his soul has begun.

Words: 2,842
Hits: 373

The Weasleys mourn Percy, but Voldemort does not allow them to rest, now that he knows about his Horcruxes being hunted.

Words: 2,930
Hits: 296