Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/02/2003
Updated: 02/27/2011
Words: 49,435
Chapters: 12
Hits: 15,035

Ten Days


Story Summary:
After a steamy night in the prefect's bathroom, Harry finds out that he might actually be in love with a certain Slytherin.

Chapter 05

Author's Note:
Sorry this took almost a week. I know it's not long, it can and might get longer. I would like to thank all of you who have been both reading and reviewing and who will continue to! You guys are great! I would also like to know if any of you are willing to do any art on this fic? Just a suggestion. Well, without further ado.. I give you Chapter 5 of Ten Days!

Ten Days

Chapter Five: In a Boy's Dream

If thou remember'st not the slightest folly
That ever love did make thee run into,
Thou hast not loved.

"Draco!" Harry screamed upon awakening. He looked around him, making sure of where he was. He wasn't sure himself. He was in his dorm room, and was the only one who actually was awake. Thank God, imagine if someone heard him screaming his arch nemesis' name.

Harry must have had about an hour of sleep. He yawned and stretched, then reached for his glasses. It was seven in the morning. Every night he had gotten less and less sleep. Well, at least tonight in that hour he had a dream. What was it about? All Harry knew is he waked up screaming "Draco". He really had to think about it for a minute.


It started out with Harry sitting in a rocking chair. He was in an empty room and it was during the day. Harry didn't know what he was doing in that chair, but he was there, rocking back and forth. He looked through the window; it was broken. There wasn't any life form in sight. He wondered what he was doing there. Was he dreaming or what? And then... Suddenly Draco showed up, carrying a giant pumpkin.

"Help me carve this out, will you?" Draco said.

Now Harry was really confused; Draco was asking him to help him carve a pumpkin. It was nowhere near Halloween. "And why do you want this done, may I ask?"

"I want to make pumpkin pie," Draco replied, "you can't make that without a pumpkin."

"Or an oven," Harry added.

"There's one in the other room." Draco nudged his head to his left and there popped a doorway. Okay, now Harry was really dreaming. There was no good explanation for a doorway popping up out of nowhere. None. But of course, Harry was going to help Draco carve the pumpkin out.

Next thing he knew it, Harry was eating the pumpkin pie they had just made. Harry now knew he definitely was dreaming. There was nothing left to do but... Well, Harry didn't know what to do. Nor did he have a chance to think about what to do. The next second in his dream, Harry was falling.

It was as if Harry had fallen down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland, a muggle film. Things were getting scary. Harry wanted to wake up. So that's when he screamed for help.



So now Harry was dreaming about him. Well, Harry thought, it's better than not getting any sleep at all. He shrugged off this very, very weird dream and propped himself up on the bed.

First thing in the morning, Harry was lucky enough to have Care of Magical Creatures with Draco. Just one class, all day, Harry would be able to live. But then he had detention with Draco that night, which was a whole lot worse. Just three more days, Harry thought. Three more days and this mess will be over. Hopefully.

Three more days.


Draco Malfoy couldn't eat. Not since last night. So instead, he stared at his food for the first half an hour of breakfast. How could he, Draco Malfoy, out of all people, develop these feelings for a boy? Harry Potter, his supposed enemy, no less. It was incomprehensible and not even Draco quite understood it. But those feelings were there and that's all Draco needed to know. He poked and prodded at this food, but never would it go in his mouth. He just wasn't hungry.

He considered going back to the library a number of times. At least there he would be away from Potter and his feelings. Or, the fact that the other boy wouldn't be sitting a couple of yards in front of him will at least create the illusion that those feelings weren't there. Don't look at me like that, Draco thought. It really bothered him, to have Harry's eyes fixed on him like that every time they were in a room together. He wanted the wish potion now more than ever.

So what if he admitted to himself that he liked Harry? That didn't change anything. He wanted that memory of that night gone, maybe go back in time or something. He knew that wouldn't be quite possible, but he could at least think about it.

It sure as hell would beat thinking about Harry all the bloody time.

Malfoys did not like other members of the same sex. Not in the way Draco liked Harry at least. He couldn't bare to think what he mother would think or say if she ever found out. Or worse, his father. Draco shuddered at the thought.

Things could be worse, or at least, this is what Draco liked to tell himself. He's sure there are a lot of worse situations, but this, this here was pretty bad.

He didn't like the way Harry looked at him; he didn't like the fact that he liked the other boy. He didn't enjoy the fact that Harry definitely felt the same. And he certainly did not enjoy the memory of that night. That night, memories from then were resurfacing themselves the more time he spent with Harry. And Draco didn't like this at all.



Harry and his two friends arrived at Hagrid's hut more than ten minutes early. Once again, this was all Hermione's fault. A class is a class. As much as Harry loved Hagrid, he wasn't too excited about showing up ten minutes early.

Hagrid walked out of his cabin, greeting the trio with a welcoming smile. "Good mornin' yeh three."

"Morning Hagrid," the three responded.

"Yeh wanna come in? I got some treacle fudge if yeh want."

"No, that's okay," Harry said, "I just ate breakfast; I'm not hungry." Just a half-lie, Harry really didn't eat, he just wasn't hungry.

Hermione smiled. "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I just ate too."

"Maybe next time, Hagrid?" Ron asked.

"Sure," the giant said, "anytime yeh want. Class dun start for another ten minutes, so make yerself comfortable until the rest of the class arrives."

And so they did.


Okay, Draco wasn't a huge fan of being on time for classes. He hardly ever was. So why should Care of Magical Creatures be any different? It was a dangerous and entirely pointless class, and if it were up to Draco Malfoy, the class would have been gone years ago. Especially since that absurd oaf, Hagrid, had taken charge.

What a joke, really. So a giant is wrongly accused of being the heir of Slytherin, let's give him a job. They could have at least given him a real subject to teach. But of course, it's always the dumbest teachers that get the dumbest subjects.

Take Professor Snape for example, epitome of intelligent. And there he was, teaching the most fascinating and useful subject that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had to offer. Well, at least Draco thought so. And that's all that matters, right?

Draco sauntered outside to the hut where this class would be taking place. Was taking place. It was ten minutes into the period, and he knew he was risking detention, but the teacher most likely wasn't going to give him a detention. So Draco didn't fret.

"Sorry I'm late," he said coolly when he arrived, "there was traffic." He took a good look around and realised that class didn't even start yet. Not really, empty cages were out and the kids were looking at them with amusement. It wasn't until Draco took a better look at them when he realised that tiny, sapphire blue... things were flying at lightening speed, around the cages.

He knew what they were, they were Billywigs. To make a not-so-short story short, if you were to be stung by a Billywig, you would first get giddy... and then levitate. Draco had a bad feeling about this lesson.

"Next time yeh late, Malfoy, yer gettin' detention. I mean it this time." Hagrid didn't look too happy with a yet another, late Draco Malfoy arrival.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Draco mumbled as he went to join his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle. He just nodded at them, not that they noticed; they were too busy laughing at the things inside the cage. Figures. Stupid people.

And since Draco, of course, was not one of these stupid people who happened to be amused by the Billywigs, he looked around. There he was, just as bored as Draco was, staring at him like nobody's business, was Harry Potter.

Draco snapped his head around to look at the insects, they didn't amuse him at all, but it beat making eye contact with Potter.


Draco didn't even want to look at him. Harry didn't do anything to Draco, but Draco still didn't want to look at him. He knew this shouldn't have upset him, especially after everything else Draco pulled; it was expected. But it bothered him anyway.

He stopped paying attention to the class, and started paying more attention to Draco.


Draco wished Harry would stop staring at him like that. It was irritating. How Potter stood there, ignoring the lesson, staring at Draco all googly-eyed like that. It annoyed Draco, really. Forgetting he liked Harry would be a world easier if only Harry didn't act like that.

If only... If only Harry didn't remember that night, because it never happened. That's what Draco wanted now more than anything. Things would have been a lot different these past days if that never happened. Draco needed the Wishing Potion.

And it was only a matter of time until he had it.

"Well, that's all fer t'day," Hagrid said, summing up the period. Draco just realised that he wasn't paying attention at all the entire time. All because he was thinking about Harry. Damn him. "Malfoy, Harry, before yeh two leave c'mere." Okay, Draco thought, this is getting just a little bit too repetitive.

The two approached the giant, knowing that he was probably going to tell them their next detention. Sure enough he did, "I think yeh two know why I'm callin' yeh here." He paused. "Yeh two'll be servin' detention with me."

Draco responded to the news with a guttural noise in the back of his throat. This was unpleasant information, now he had to spend detention with the worst teacher known to Hogwarts... and Harry. Just his luck.

"I'll see yeh two at eleven." Hagrid said as he went off to prepare for his class that was just arriving. Harry and Draco were there, standing alone again.

Draco cleared his throat. "So, just you and me again, Potter."

Harry was less than sincere. "How lucky of me." Harry turned away and began to walk to the school. Draco decided to walk next to him. "So what do you want now, Malfoy?" Harry asked.

Draco shrugged. "I don't want anything, Potter. Is it a crime to walk next to you? If so, I'll just speed up and walk away."

"It's not," came the response, "but from past experiences the only thing you've done the past few days is fake me out in some manner. Or just say that night 'never happened'. Or pretend that moment in the hallway never --"

"'Moment'? What moment? There wasn't any moment, I wasn't pretending. I don't know what you've got going on in your head, or what you plan on happening, but once these detentions are over and done with I won't be spending any more time with you. The only reason why I have been spending time with you, if you want to call it that, is because I'm forced to."

Harry didn't seem all that convinced. "You're not forced to be walking next to me now, are you, Malfoy?"

"So what?" Harry did have a point though... That was besides the fact.

"Well," Draco changed the subject, "I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

It was too late, they were entering the school; Draco had to go to his next class. That wasn't with Potter. "I'll tell you later." And he sped off in the other direction.


So what did Malfoy want?

That's what Harry wanted to know right now. He was in History of Magic, the most boring class invented. So, as usual, Harry was daydreaming about something else. Or, in this case, someone else. That came as no surprise.

Harry had tried his best to make it look like he wanted nothing to do with Draco this morning. He thought he did a pretty good job. Now Draco wanted Harry to do something for him. Harry wondered what it could possibly be. He also knew, that no matter what it was he would do it. There was just something that made Harry feel that way about Draco.

Draco has been acting different lately, a whole lot different. For one thing, he's been a lot nicer. Not a whole lot nicer, but nicer. That's all that mattered to Harry.

As long as Draco continued to act like this, Harry had hope.


It was dark.

Dark and cold. But what else would one expect out of a night in the middle of January? They were lucky it didn't snow in a while; there wasn't a trace on the floor.

So Draco had to go to detention outside, by Professor Hagrid's hut thing. He remembered the last time he did, he was a first year. Nearly five years ago, and they went into the forest. Draco shuddered at the memory.

Harry was nowhere to be found, and he guessed that Hagrid was inside his hut When Draco reached it, he wasn't going to knock. He considered sitting on the floor but thought it would be too dirty, so he leaned himself against a wall.

Ten minutes later the door opened and out popped Harry. He must've been in there the entire time, Draco thought. "There you are, Malfoy," Harry said, "I thought you ditched detention or something."

"I wouldn't ditch detention, Potter," Draco snapped.

Harry walked out of the cabin more and then out came Hagrid. "Well, now that yer both here... Master Dumbledore told me to give yeh two somethin' to do. There ain't much to do but I think some of the Billywigs broke free into the forest so..."

"Wait," Draco cut in, "the dark forest? I'm not going in there... Not again."

"Just the edge, I wouldn't send yeh in there again." Hagrid seemed to not have a problem with sending the boys. "It's just right there, I'm sure yeh don't need me. But just in case, I'll be right here." He took a seat.

"Wait..." Draco's voice was shaky. "So you're not coming with us?"

"I don't see a reason to."

This didn't make sense; sure it was weird that all these teachers have been leaving him and Harry alone. But to let them go in the forest alone? Just to capture a few Billywigs? It made no sense. Especially because chances were, those Billywigs were long gone. Draco wasn't going into the forest without putting up a fight.

"But what are the chances we'll even catch those things?" was the best Draco had.

"Not that good," the giant admitted, "but yer gonna do it anyway." He sat down on a stool in front of his hut.

Then it hit Draco, the only reason why he and Harry were there doing this ridiculous chore was probably so Hagrid could keep an eye on them. Not that this worried Draco or anything; Hagrid would be the last person in the world to fear. Besides, if he was there to look after the boys, he would have done a hell of a job with his back turned to them. The two didn't say anything to Hagrid and walked to the edge of the forest.

"So..." Draco began, "how does he expect us to find these things?"

"By using our eyes, Malfoy." Something told Draco that he wouldn't be able to get away with making fun of the professor. Too bad, he would have had a good time too.

Wait, since when did he care who was in his company while making fun of people? He had to concentrate on not liking Harry. Even though, he knew it himself, it wouldn't happen. "So, Potter," he said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice, "how do you suppose we spot these things?"

"Magic," the brunette answered plainly.


Harry shrugged. "How would I know? Answer seemed appropriate."

He was beginning to get on Draco's nerves. "Well it wasn't."


Just pretend you don't like him. That's all Harry had to keep telling himself. But it was a lot harder than he thought it out to be. And what did Draco want from him? Harry didn't forget about earlier, but it sure seemed like Draco did. Maybe it was nothing. So that's what Harry did about it, nothing. It still bothered him.

They were "looking" for Billywigs for maybe twenty minutes now. Harry was sure Hagrid lost interest in turning around, as long as he didn't hear them fighting. He knew that Hagrid probably thought of this detention to make sure the two didn't fight, and to make life a little bit easier for Harry. Harry didn't mind at all.

After all, Harry's been in the forest a couple of times since he started his schooling here at Hogwarts. And even though they might not have been the most pleasant occasions, he was a lot more comfortable than Draco. The only time that Draco had been in the Forbidden Forest was in their first year, and he was pretty sure that was the last time. Draco's uneasiness proved that.

As time progressed, of course, Draco appeared to become more and more relaxed. He stopped jumping at every noise and actually began to look for something. Whatever it was they were looking for. He never even looked up to even glance at Harry.

This depressed Harry a bit, Draco not looking at him. Draco was all that Harry could look at. He knew, that even if it were possible to see a Billywig, Harry wouldn't find one. And he still couldn't think of what Draco wanted from him. "Draco..."

The blond looked up to see Harry looking at him. "What?" It wasn't the usual, cruel and cold response that Harry would've expected. It was just... a response.

"What did you want to ask me for earlier?"

It took some courage, but Harry wasn't a Gryffindor for nothing. He said it. He asked Draco what he wanted; now Draco had to reply.

"Forget about it, Potter," he said. Draco then went back to pretending to look for the Billywigs.

"I'm not going to forget about it, Malfoy." Harry went to put his hands on his hips. Figuring it was too feminine, he crossed his arms instead.

"Well, you're going to have to forget about it."

"No, what was it?" Harry wasn't going to give up so easily.

Draco tried to change the subject. "So why wouldn't you kiss me last night, Potter?"

"Because I didn't want to."

"Okay, okay." There was a moment of silence, until Draco appeared to notice something behind a group of trees. "Hey, what's that?" He walked in the direction of where he was looking, and Harry followed.

What Harry thought to be something at first, turned out to be nothing. When Draco moved the low branches aside, they exposed nothing but a clearing. "It's a clearing," Harry dryly stated.

"I know," Draco replied, staring up at the sky.

The two stayed quiet for a while. Harry didn't know what to say, and neither did Draco, apparently. Harry looked at Draco, and Draco looked up at the stars. It was nice. And all the same time, it was painful. Whether or not Draco felt the same for Harry right now, he wasn't exactly showing it.

"It's beautiful," Draco said while still looking up at the sky. Harry could make out slight smile on Draco's face. He never really saw Draco like this, appreciating something. Harry saw Draco in a new light, figuratively and literally. The light of the moon made Draco look... different. It didn't make him look better, or worse, just different. Peaceful, even.

"You think so?" Harry didn't take his eyes off Draco. Once again, he found himself drawn to the other boy. It just dawned on Harry that he was standing only a few feet from Draco. He wanted to reach out and touch him, and he would have, if Draco didn't bring his gaze back down to meet Harry's.

"I think so," Draco replied softly. Draco's eyes met Harry's.

And there it was, that silent moment. Now the two were looking at each other. A little unsure of what was to come next. Harry opened his mouth as if to speak, but just closed it soon after, not sure of what he was going to say in the first place. He reached out his right hand, slowly and cautiously. It met with Draco's.

The blond pulled Harry by the hand close to him, against his chest to be precise. Harry looked up at him, and there wasn't a doubt in his mind this time; Draco was going kiss him. Harry closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss him back. Their lips finally met. And it was like everything Harry had remembered. He brought up his left hand to rest on Draco's face.

Harry could barely stand; he couldn't believe Draco was kissing him. It was like a dream.

But there the two were, standing there, in a forest clearing, holding each other with their lips locked. Harry absorbed every second of it; he let the moment take control and didn't hold back. He opened his mouth, inviting Draco in, and the other boy didn't refuse.

It was strange how this all came about, how Draco was so cruel to Harry earlier and now he wasn't. Not that Harry minded, he was kissing Draco now and that's all that matter. Then suddenly, the kissing stopped, Draco released Harry's hand, and took a step back.

Another moment of silence. "So..." Harry didn't know what to say.

"About what I wanted to ask of you earlier," Draco said, acting as if nothing happened between them two seconds ago. Typical. Harry didn't say anything in reply. "I need you to get a book for me, Potter."

"A book?" That's what he wanted? A book? He could get a book himself. "You can get that yourself."

"Well, not really, in theory," Draco reluctantly responded.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can't think of how I would get it, being as I don't know the title of the book and I'm not ready to get myself in trouble and--"

"You don't know the title? How would you expect me to get it then? And you'd rather me get in trouble? How nice of you" Harry sighed. "I'm guessing it's in the restricted section."

"It is."

Harry was giving in and Draco could tell. "I still don't see how you expect me to find a book there."

"Well, I'm sure you can ask Granger, she's resourceful enough." Draco shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm not going to do this. Besides, I don't even know what it's for. God Malfoy, you're not being so helpful, y'know."

"Well, remember when I asked about the Wishing Potion in class?"

"Yes," Harry said, "Snape said it was rubbish."

"Well I found it."

Harry was taken aback. "You did?"

"It's in the restricted section, in a green book with gold writing. That's all I know." He took a pause, making sure he had gotten all of the fact out. Then he added, "Oh, and it's written in Latin."

The last bit wasn't any more helpful than the first two. But Harry had to admit, he was intrigued. Even if his worse teacher said it wasn't anything to look into. Though, Draco could easily ask Snape himself. "Why don't you just go ask Snape about it again, then?"

"You know how Snape is."

"And what makes you think I would have better luck?"

"You're Dumbledore's favourite. I figured you might be able to pull a few strings if it came to it."

This whole ordeal was beginning to get on Harry's nerves. "Well, you're wrong," he said as he turned for Hagrid's cabin.

"Harry, please," Draco pleaded. And that did it; Draco Malfoy said "please" to Harry. Harry knew what this meant.

The world as he knew it was coming to an end.

A/N: And there sums up chapter 5 of Ten Days.. Review and stuff on your way out, and tune in next time!
