Deathly Hallows - the Missing Fluff


Story Summary:
While Deathly Hallows was a fantastic end to the series, it seemed to lack somewhat in the romance department. This is a set of oneshots seeking to remedy that, primarily as it relates to the Orange Crush Ship.

Chapter 02 - Sacrifice

Chapter Summary:
An alternate scene of what could have happened when Harry found Ginny on the grounds of Hogwarts as he went to face Voldemort.
Author's Note:
This was the second suggestion from SnakeEyes16. I'm really sorry it took me so long to post this, but I was having some technical difficulties with the site, and then I just got busy. This is something I thought should have happened instead of what did at this scene in the book.


When Harry saw Ginny there, just a few feet away, his resolve to leave without saying goodbye completely failed him. Although he didn't want to interrupt her comforting the other girl, the thought of just passing by as though he weren't there felt unbearable. He drew up until he was a few feet away.

"Ginny," he whispered. Her head jerked up, and she looked reflexively around. She nodded, as though to herself.

"I'll be right back," Ginny assured the other girl before walking towards Harry. "Harry?"

Harry did not say anything, but he pulled off the invisibility cloak so that she could see him. She looked straight into his eyes, and he drank in every detail of her, not wanting to forget a thing as he went to his death.

"You're going, aren't you." It was not a question.

"I have to." Harry licked his lips, rapidly considering what to tell her. "I don't have time to explain everything, but he - Riddle - managed to split up his soul. That's why he didn't die before, because pieces of his soul were still all over the place. We've destroyed most of them, but he accidentally put a piece in me. As long as it's still there, he can't die."

Ginny just stood there, mulling this over. Slowly, she reached up to rub across his scar with one finger. It felt oddly warm at her touch. It didn't burn. Rather, it felt comforting, like a cheery fireplace, and the warmth seemed to spread through his body.

"When he gave you this?" she asked. Harry nodded.

"Once I - that part is gone..." Harry swallowed, still having difficulty wrapping his mind around the idea that he was going to die in just a few minutes.

"He can be killed," Ginny finished. Harry did not have to explain what this meant for him. They both understood what he had to do. Of course, there was still the snake, but Harry had already asked Neville to take care of that, and there was no reason to go into any more detail.

Ginny did not cry but gazed solemnly back at him. Harry could only think of all his lost moments, all of the things he would never have the chance to do. If he had known that his life would end at this point, he would never have broken up with her last year. He would have enjoyed their summer together, however short it may have been.

"Ginny...I love you," he said finally. "I just wanted you to know." At this, Ginny's eyes did begin to spill over.

"I love you, too," she responded in a voice that was soft yet firm. She moved toward him again, and Harry did not resist what they both wanted. Their mouths met, and he had his first taste of her since his last birthday - the last in more ways than one.

All too soon, however, he knew it was time. Harry pulled back and found that his vision was blurry. He'd begun crying, too, during their kiss. He reached under his glasses and wiped his eyes clear. He cast one more glance towards Ginny, and then pulled the cloak back over himself, ending their encounter. His destiny awaited him.

I couldn’t believe Harry could resist the temptation to speak to Ginny when he saw her. I wouldn't have thought he would want to see her to be talked out of his sacrifice, since I don't think she'd have done that, anyway. My view is that it was just to gain some closure, so this is my re-write. Oh, and thanks to witchfromsouth for reviewing the previous chapter.