Action Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/20/2002
Updated: 12/17/2002
Words: 32,193
Chapters: 5
Hits: 8,066

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor


Story Summary:
The war has begun in this post Goblet of Fire story. Harry is back with the Dursleys under Dumbledore's instruction, and the summers does not look bright. Harry has to chose whether or not he wants to acknowledge who he really is. Gryffindor's sword must be used once again against the darkness and evil. The training has begun and the lessons are in place and the test are even more interesting. Lesson one is pain, lesson two is humility, lesson three is love. Tournaments, death, deceit, dueling, hate, and love all play a part in Harry's chaotic life.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
The war has begun in this post Goblet of Fire story. Harry is back with the Dursleys under Dumbledore's instruction, and the summer does not look bright. Harry has to chose whether or not he wants to acknowledge who he really is. Gryffindor's sword must be used once again against the darkness and evil. The training has begun and the lessons are in place and the tests are even more interesting. Lesson one is pain, lesson two is humility, lesson three is love. Tournaments, death, deceit, dueling, hate, and love all play a part in Harry's chaotic life.

A/N: Thank you all, I really like reading the reviews and I hope you continue to write them. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. THIS CHAPTER IS GOING BACK TO THE SUMMER WHILE HARRY IS BEING HELD PRISONER!!! Just a different perspective. IT SKIPS AROUND QUITE A BIT SO YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION!!! Some of it I show you as its happening and some of it is flash back. OKAY. I DON"T WANT ANYONE TO GET CONFUSED.

While I Was Away

August 24

It was a Wednesday, a gray, horrible Wednesday. A light drizzle sprinkled the earth causing a general dampness that only served to augment the terror of that day. Yes terror, a universal fear that seemed to fall and that seemed to settle in. The hopes of many have been broken; the hearts of few were shattered. And on that day, there stood twenty people on a hill below a tree, each with their pain, each with their thoughts and fears to brew upon. Reflections on life were common place and thoughts of death unavoidable. The common goal was a simple one. It was to say good bye to their friend, their brother, and their son. The tombstone wasn't even in place yet and the ground still bare with dirt. A few feet away lay two graves that looked older, more settled, side by side.

They stood there silently, not able to talk or even breathe. Each doubted if they would be strong enough to cry. They bowed their heads in silent remembrance that little more than reminded them of what they had lost. A stifled cry was heard followed by others that were more openly pronounced. The huge man with the soft heart allowed the tears to trickle down his beard with no care of how he looked. Those that had stopped themselves from crying out of support for others or themselves did so with a tear in their eyes and a pain in their heart. They remained in their fixed positions for over five minutes. Then an old man, whose eyes had no twinkle and a face that looked beyond grim, moved to the front of the group of mourners. He waved his hand across the crowd and each hand was filled with a single white rose. Then he took his own and dropped it on the newly dug dirt. He moved slowly to the side so that each could line up to do the same. Every flower dropped was like gun shot that startled each of them no matter how prepared they were for it to its onlookers and torture for its former holder. No one good could contain themselves when it was their turn, no matter gender or age, and many muttered silently to the ground. Vows were made, truths were told, and sins confessed in that low converse, not wanting to leave anything unsaid or undone. They moved back to their original positions and the old man with the dull eyes stepped once again before the congregation.

"This is a dark day for all of us. Another love one has been taken from us and we mourn deeply for him. He was the bravest man that I know. I say man because he was never really allowed a childhood. He was a dear friend to us all and he will be sorely missed. His kindness will be remembered, his bravery will not be forgotten, and his love for his friends was unquestionable. He tried to correct the wrongs when he thought he could right them. Even when he thought he couldn't, he still tried to help because that was the type of person that he was. He will be in our hearts and in our minds for as long as we shall live. Now we, we that stand witness to this horrible tragedy, are left with a choice. We, who stand at the beginning of a great war, must make the choice to take up his righteousness and bravery so that he might not have died in vain. We must also keep living our lives; that is what he would have wanted. Do not swear upon oaths of vengeance or malice, but upon righteousness and honor so that we may make this world good and decent for all others. Hate only leads to pain, and pain leads to more hate. Do not hate, but help each other, protect each other, and love each other. With this love, good will never be defeated. It will live on in the hearts of all that we touch. And that will be enough. May your actions honor him each day. The boy who lived is dead, but his spirit lives on in all of you. Let him never be forgotten from our heart[s] and minds as long as there is still good in this world." The tears followed freely with no strength left to hold them together and no will to do so either. They each whispered to the wind their vows so that maybe they would be carried to heaven.

Everyone walked away, no matter how hard it was to accept this seemingly finality to this life they once knew. The rain grew steadier as the day grew later. It was nearly down- pouring when another visited the grave, a dog. It walked slowly, almost fearing what he might see when he finally reached the bottom of the tree. The dog sat down in front of his destination. The man that it changed into appeared pale, a ghostly white, and it was further amplified by his now wet black hair knelt in front of the three graves and wept bitterly. Guilt seemed to pour from the sky like rain and it swept him away like a flood. He couldn't see the point anymore. His redemption, his forgiveness, and his friends were gone; and he could only see himself as the guilty one. He heard a sound, but he didn't seem to flinch or care. The old man that had made the speech touched the man's shoulder. "Sirius, I feel your pain and it is more than I can bear, but bear it we must. Feeling guilty will not help anything or anybody. I have my regrets, and I have much to be repentant for, but you and I must go on."

"How? How can I just simply forget that I let them all down? I should have been there to protect them. I should have been there to help Harry," Sirius said.

"This has and never will be your fault, but I can see that it is useless to try and convince you of you own innocence, so I would ask you a favor. Fight with me. It is time that you finish your mission. We will be meeting at Hogwarts on September fifth. We must move quickly. That is little over two weeks from today. We may have failed Harry, but I refuse do the same to anyone else without a fight," he spoke with urgency, but also soothing.

"I will complete my task and yes I will fight. For Harry I will fight until Voldemort and every last Death Eater is wiped from the face of the Earth," his voice sounded sad yet determined. He left quickly in his dog form. Dumbledore remained a few seconds longer.

"I don't know how much hope we have without you Harry. Goodbye," he whispered and then disapparated . The land was left alone, but not forgotten.

'It's been three weeks, 2 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes, and 45, no 46, 47....' Hermione sat up in her bed thinking. It had been all this time since she had heard the news. She could still remember the clear sky of that morning and the anticipation of that day. She had gotten her letter naming her a perfect last night and she was in an especially good mood. She could remember the sleepy look that Ron had while he ate his large breakfast, she remember the sobs that came from the living room, and the way that she felt when she heard this, confused and terrified. She nearly ran away when Mrs. Weasley came into the kitchen, supported by a sad Mr. Weasley. She could remember everything now from the sound of the birds chirping happily off in the distance to the way Ron's face looked like it was going to burst with uncertainty. Yes she could remember everything that occurred right before Hermione spoke, "Harry's missing. You-know-who took him and left a note," she cried.

"What did the note say!? Tell me now. I have to know," she pleaded. She could feel her eyes begging for the information that she desired. Ron just sat stunned besides her. She wasn't sure if she could speak let alone know what to say.

"Hermione, it is nothing you need to know. Just have hope. That is all we can do now," Author Weasley put a comforting arm around her. It really didn't matter if Mr. Weasley wouldn't tell. His protection only lasted so long.

She cried with Ginny and Mrs. Weasley for nearly the entire day. Ron played the twins in a few games of chess; the rest had left to see what they could do to help the situation. These hours were mostly lost in a blur of sadness and guilt for not preventing this from happening to her best friend. 'A best friend,' she thought to herself, 'yes he was my best friend. His was such good friend. He always put up with me and cared for me and now that he's gone it feels like a part of me is missing that can not be replaced.' She wanted him back more than anything or anyone. She could never go as far as to say that she loved Harry as anything more than a friend, but there always lingered the possibility, something that was better left unsaid and unthought-of because she knew of its impossibility, now more than ever. Sometime much later in the day, Mrs. Weasley's wrist watch told her that it was time to make dinner. So she left for the kitchen after she asked the younger ladies if they would like to join her, but they politely refused. The unnerving silence that filled the house after she left was too much so she decided to go out for a walk.

The sun was starting to set when she started her walk. The burrow looked beautiful, she remembered, clothed with every color flower imaginable. With wild flower even climbing up the wall, the house looked almost happy. She took herself a fair distance away without truly even knowing that she was moving. All she thought about was Harry. Her feet managed to take her to a hill that stood about a mile away from the Burrow. The hill was covered in a tall, green grass. It had a gentle slope, but rose pretty high. When she reached the top, Hermione could see dots of lights from a nearby village. It was peaceful here, tranquil, welcoming. She laid her head down in the grass and looked up at the sky. The stars shown like diamonds; they were so bright. She stared at them wondering if Harry could seem too. Hermione sat there for an unknown amount of time until she was awaken from her thoughts by a small sound. A barn owl flew away from her after dropping something a few feet away from her. She found the paper; it was the Evening Daily Prophet. She shed cold tears when she read what it had to say.

The Boy Who Lived Captured

Or is He?

By Anonymous

Harry Potter, the infamous Boy Who Lived, has gone missing today. We, at the Daily Prophet, have been informed by a source that Mr. Potter's whereabouts have been unknown since late last night. Experts mostly agree that he fled his home after doing illegal magic that horribly disfigured a family member. That person's condition is unclear at this point, but what is clear is that Mr. Potter left that house in a hurry and has not been seen since. It has come to our attention that this is not the first time that Harry Potter has used his powers against a muggle family member. On another occasion he nearly killed his aunt by blowing her up. Ministry was forced to call in a team to modify the woman's memory of the event. Mr. Potter received no punishment for this incident.

Now experts believe that he had done it again, though his motives are unclear. Some say that he has done it out of pure pleasure, while others say that it was staged to get more attention and fame from the wizarding community. But, what all agree on, is that that these actions were out of desperation. Why, do you ask? Well at the scene of the "crime" Harry's trunk was found open and a note left that proved that this was completely the work of a delusional child. We have received a copy of it from the Minister so that we can convey this evidence to you. It must be warned that this letter shows the inner workings of a sick mind.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am evil. I am the darkness. I am fear. Death will come to all that face me. Mr. Potter will die, but not before I have taken what I want from him. It will be slow and painful because of the pain that he caused me. He shall feel my wrath.

You-Know-Who (Uses real name)

Above the scene was the Dark Mark. How Potter knew how to conjure this is still a mystery, but most believe that he did commit these insane acts. Though we should hope the minister will investigate deeply into this matter. The minister denies strongly that it is from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and says that this is only a way for Mr. Potter to get back into the spot light. Minister Fudge also urges everyone to not panic and that the Dark Lord has not come back despite this stunt.

It is in this reporter's humble opinion that Mr. Potter has run away and is hiding out somewhere trying to cause fear and chaos so that he might reap the rewards. Do not let him and urge the ministry to set an example and punish Mr. Potter for his complete disregard for rules and for order. We will have more news for you when it arrives.

Picture showed an open trunk with a note laid on top of it and the Dark Mark menacingly in the background.

Hermione furiously ripped the moist paper into a thousand pieces and, without noticing set on fire burning it to nothing. She placed her head to her knees and tried to calm herself. She now and again felt a cold breeze, heard the swooshing of the grass, and sounds of crickets in the background. They somehow served to calm her a little.

After a little while longer she heard a sound in front of her and she pulled her head up to see her other best friend. Ron, she remembered looked pale, angry, yet somehow compassionate towards her. Without saying a word he sat next to her in the grass.

"This sucks doesn't it?" He said simply, "I don't mean to sound stupid, but I can't believe it ended like this. I always thought it there would be more to it. I hate this so much. Why? That's all I want to know. He might be dead and for what. He never deserved any of this and now on top of it, this crap," Ron said pointing to the newspaper." He is made out to be some dark wizard because he was kidnapped." To her he looked angrier than she had ever seen him. "And then there are the regrets. I couldn't save him, there was nothing that I could have done I know, but there should have been. I should have been a better friend. I didn't even trust him when Harry told me he didn't enter the tournament. I got angry and jealous, and I questioned him and all it gave me was less time to spend with my friend. Those are things I have to live with now and I hate myself for it, But. there are those things that I don't have to live with, that I can change and someday I will, but not today, today is a time for reflection and hope because that is the only thing that we have left." Hermione remembered the way his eyes looked at her. There was a kindness, a longing, and a sadness that looked at her without blinking as if searching for something in her. Hermione longed for this moment; she had had a crush on Ron for as long she could remember, but not right now. She was too confused with all that was going on. They moved sluggishly back to the house after a few minutes of meaningless banter. She hugged him goodnight and left for her lonely bed in Ginny's room.

Three weeks after Harry's disappearance was reported, Dumbledore was in his office writing furiously at his desk. He had slept little since he heard the news. He couldn't help but feel much sadder these days. Dumbledore took a few seconds to think about what had happened and it only wounded his perspective further. He had confronted the Dursleys the next morning, but they ran away at the sight of him. He would have found it funny when the large man had to force his obese son into the back seat of their car, if it wasn't under such a grim circumstance that he had come there. As they drove away the man called out, "Get away from us! That boy is no longer our problem!"

So Dumbledore was hard at work when around eight o'clock three owls flew into his office through his window. The birds were of relatively small sizes, but that was not what interested Dumbledore about them. They were a pure shade of black that seemed to absorb any light around it into its void of color. They stayed for only a moment and were off once again to their nightly plutonian shore (A/N: From the Raven, stems from the word Pluto which is the God of the Underworld). They only stayed long enough to complete their mission. They had dropped a letter and besides it a package. The letter was silver, almost rustic looking with a green border surrounding his name. Beside it lay a package; it was small, but of a relatively large weight so that it needed the extra bird.

Dumbledore being overly cautious due to recent events checked the objects for curses, the usual and the rare. He had become quite efficient over the years and sometimes he wondered if he was becoming more like Alastor, but he knew something like this warranted a proper inspection. Though, he doubted it would be cursed. It was simply not his style to kill someone in such a way; it had to be more personal for him. His nerves were not at ease even after performing the checks because he knew terror awaited him. There was no point of being afraid. 'What will come, will come,' he reasoned to himself when he found it almost hard to cut the letter with his letter opener. When he finally managed to pull the letter out he knew for sure whom it was from. The dark mark snickered over the letter head and the writing seemed to move like a snake that was entwined into words.

My Dear Former Professor

You will be happy to know that I am alive and well. I have been given the chance to think about the things that I have done and have come to one conclusion: I was being too merciful. Mercy shows only weakness and I am not weak. I have been cleansed of my disgrace. I will rule. I expect that you will try to stop me by putting up some pitiful resistance that will only serve to end men's lives, but I am looking forward to it. Indeed I am as it will only serve my purposes in the end. There is no greater demoralizer than a lost battle, and no greater loss than a fallen hero. Here is my first victory. I have given you what is left of your hope. Yes there will be more, including you. That will be a proud day when you, Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of our time, is struck down by me. Know this you fool and know this well. I have no more fear left in me, only hate and ambition. Then I will be known as the greatest wizard ever. As for your fallen hero, he is no more. But you will be glad to know that he coward before me and begged for my mercy before he died.

In the name of Evil,

Lord Voldemort

P.S. I hope you like the gift.

Dumbledore was no longer able to keep himself calm. The rooms nearly exploded in fury. The desk tumbled over knocking itself against the wall, the windows shattered into pieces no bigger than a grain of sand, and the paper vanished (later he would wonder if it was him or Voldemort's charm). When his anger subsided to within reason he found the package that had been blown of his desk. It was covered in a silver paper. He opened it with shaky hands, not because of old age, but out of fear. He had not been this enraged since the time of Grindelwald, and that had been a long time ago. When he opened the box he saw thin velvet covering its contents. He peeled it back slowly. A knife sat threateningly at the bottom of the box. The handled was pure silver, encrusted with enormous gems. The blade was bent back slightly and was menacingly sharp. The blade was silver as well, but it was impossible to tell because blood covered it entirely. As Dumbledore watched in silent shock and disgust, he watched as the blood trickled down onto the velvet. Dumbledore placed the box down and wept bitterly for forgiveness from a boy that did not deserve his fate.

"48, 49, 50, No get a hold of yourself, this is no time to fall apart," She then stopped counting to do some studying. She wasn't going to dwell on Harry anymore. This was a vow she never wanted to keep, but she only wished that she would stop thinking about how she felt about him. No matter how many times she told herself that she didn't care for him that way or that it just didn't matter, she would still ask herself it anyway just more constantly. Sometimes the answer would be no or sometime she would surprise herself by saying yes.

It was about midnight when she heard a knock on the door. She was still living with the Weasleys, though she wanted to see her parents more (she had only stayed with them for about two weeks over the summer) she need to be around people who knew what she was going through. Her present location though only increased the possibilities as to who was knocking so she went to the door because she didn't want to wake Ginny who was fast asleep in the bed next to hers (she had been using a flashlight to read which she had brought to show to Mr. Weasley). She opened the door slowly to see who was at the door and found a fully dressed Ron at the other end. She didn't even ask what he wanted before she put on a pair of sandals and a cloak and left Ginny to her slumber.

When she asked him what this was all about he simply said that he wanted to go for a walk. Walking was something that they had been doing a lot together lately. They would talk about quidditch or rather Ron would talk like it was the best thing that ever existed while she just listened enough to occasionally agree with him. This brought out the normal carefree Ron, full of jokes and mischief, but then everything would go serious. They would talk about Harry together and what was going to happen next on both sides. She would sometimes hear him making rash decisions about what he would do if he ever saw Voldemort. Sometimes he was kidding and others he would sound dead serious.

They had walked a lot, but mostly in the day time and never this late. Everyone was asleep, but they didn't talk above a whisper on their way to the backdoor. They reached the backyard without much of a problem, then he did something he hadn't on any of their previous excursion. Ron grabbed her hand. It felt so natural that Hermione barely even felt it until she was being pulled along by a very excited Ron. They moved much faster than normal and when she inquired as to where they were going a reassuring "it's a surprise." Hermione couldn't say she wasn't extremely excited, but Hermione had a thing about always wanting to know everything and it vexed her a little not to know an answer.

Then he slowed at a few overhanging branches, which he pulled back to let her walk through. It led to a clearing, to the hill that she had come to after that night. She asked again what they were doing there, but he again refused to answer giving her a broad smile instead. He took her hand again and led her up the hill. He then sat her down on the tall grass and leaned her down so that Hermione was lying on her back. "Hey what's the big idea," she said when Ron wouldn't her up.

"Just lay there and be patient," Ron said with a grin. He left for only a few seconds to retrieve a few items; a blanket, a few pints of butterbeer, and a few chocolates of various kinds. Hermione, not one to be left in the dark for too long, asked again what this was about. Instead of answering, he put the blanket underneath her, gave her a glass of butterbeer, and a chocolate. Then he just pointed up.

It was amazing. The sky was filled with streaks of light. All the land was completely dark and lit up with ever passing shooting star. It was so beautiful. She turned to look at Ron, who was enjoying her gazing, and they both smiled at the other and went back to losing themselves in the heavens, occasionally glancing at the other. An hour had passed when Ron put an arm around her. He was lost in the moment enough to build the courage and Hermione just pulled closer to him. They stayed like that for a long time, neither wanting to disturb the connection that they had because of the fear that it might be broken. Then Ron finally spoke, "What are you wishing for?"

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Well when you see a shooting star you get to make a wish. It can be anything at all."

"Harry," Hermione said sadly. She almost was sorry to say his name because of the feeling that it brought, but that was the answer.

"Yeah me too," Ron said just as somberly. They remained quiet for a while after that, thinking deep thoughts and just enjoying their closeness. The sun started to rise from just over the sky line beyond the village. The shooting stars slowly came to a halt to the power of the new sun, but it was just as magnificent.

"There's been something that I been meaning to ask you," Ron sort of blurted out. He quickly recuperated some of his composure by saying, "I been thinking a lot about what's really important in life. There just isn't any room for fear or doubt anymore is there. I've been afraid for a very long time, too long and I didn't want things to change, but I realize that things have to change and are going to change whether you like them or not. I'm not afraid anymore, Hermione would you be my girlfriend?"

Hermione was shocked to say the least. Whatever she thought he was going to say, even though all the signs where there and were practically shoved in her face, she was still surprised and excited. This had been what she was dreaming of, something she hoped for more than anything. "Yes of course I will." She said as she threw her arms around his neck with joy, and then they pulled away a little and kissed. It was short, but tender, and it served to redden both their ears. Ron suggested they go back to the house before his mom woke up and started to worry about them. She agreed and took one last look into the sun. Then an image moved into her head and refused to leave. She left with the sun on her back and uncertainty in her heart.

The morning of September 1 was just as hectic as it always was with an added cloud of depression hanging over all of their heads, especially those that were going to Hogwarts. Fred and George had been spending all their time working furiously on new items for their shop that they planned to open after the seventh and Mrs. Weasley commented less about the constant explosions that originated from their room. They seemed so committed to their work, or at least to make money. In fact, they had worked extra hard to honor a pact they had made to a lost friend. They had also carried out the other request and bought Ron dress robe of his choosing when they went to Diagon Alley a few weeks or so before hand. They left the Burrow around eight o'clock because of their usual track record and the usual traffic that they hoped not to encounter, but knew they would. Mr. Weasley had gotten two cars from the ministry for the trip. No one asked why.

With minimal delays the whole Weasley gang excluding the elder two sons and including Hermione passed through the entrance to platform nine and three quarters. It felt good for them to see the old familiar train again, but with that came another great sadness. Memories were everywhere and that was the hardest part. They were one of the first groups there, so they found a nice compartment and put their stuff away. They talked a little about the O.W.L.s that were coming up that year and about who they thought the Defense Against the Arts teacher was going to be and things of trivial nature for a while. When it had gotten closer to the trains departure they said their goodbyes and thank you's and went back in their cozy little compartment. Hermione had opted not to go with the perfects and stayed with Ron, Ginny, George, Fred, and Lee Jordan who had just arrived at the station.

The group sat and talked a little about who would replace Wood as the Gryffindor keeper and who the new Captain would be. Hermione, who was totally indifferent to the conversation and laid her sleepy head on Ron's shoulder, who put an arm around her. This was becoming more customary practice for the new couple and they both loved it. She began to here whispering outside of her door. She was the only one as the rest, including Ginny, had all joined a spirited debate of who the best quidditch team was. She could hear vague statements coming from the corridor like, "did you hear about...?" or, "do you think she". Then suddenly Neville busted into the rather small compartment. He was so out of breath that he couldn't even speak to his now extremely impatient audience. Thankfully Seamus and Dean were right behind him and in better shape.

"Did you guys here the news?" Dean asked. There was a unanimous no from the crowd so he continued, "It was in the Daily Prophet this morning. Cho Chang has disappeared. She just vanished without a trace yesterday. She lives with her muggle father and he has no idea where she went. It took a while for any person in the wizarding community to even hear about it. They got a team of Aurors over there now, but there isn't much they could do. The thing is that they found another note from Voldemort saying that it will happen again." Neville looked scared. In fact they all looked varying degrees of scared. The only one showing any signs of composure was the person who stood smugly by the compartment door as four rather large figures stood behind. He looked at those in front of him in the most condescending manner that he could muster and then spoke, against everyone's wishes he spoke.

"Well, well, well. I see the dramatic trio has been cut down to a duet. Of course it doesn't seem to be too much of a problem for the survivors. I pick those out very carefully because you are survivors. Survivors of a losing cause and it is just a matter of time before...." He was interrupted rather forcible when numerous curses and hexes came flying his way. Unlike their last encounter all Malfoy had brains enough to move this time, though his four body guards, the usual Crabbe and Goyle, along with Nott and Avery(Brutish 7th years), were not so lucky. They were blown out the door with tremendous force, leaving a very lonely Malfoy in a very big pickle. He took the last opposition he had against waking up in the train aisle with warts covering his face. Draco drew his wand and dove at Longbottom who was the closest to him. Malfoy maneuvered around a few random hexes and with one good punch in the side of the head and quick twist of the body. He had Neville as a human shield with his wand pressed against his temple. "Now this doesn't exactly seem fair now, does it? What is it- eight against one? That hardly seems even and yet I still manage to have the upper hand, interesting. Just like life, the ruthless always win. Now put you wands down! Good, but I will give you your chance. Due to my father's connection I have learned of a Dueling Tournament that will occur this year during Halloween. You may fight me there, if you are not afraid to. That goes for all of you." Malfoy backed away slowly moving his head back and forth watching his would be attackers. He gave up a very pale Neville at the door and ran leaving his "friends" in the hall

"Did I hear him right? Did Malfoy just say that there is going to be a dueling tournament at Hogwarts? That little Death Eater in training is going to regret everything that he has every said in front of me. I promise you all that," said Ron. It was almost scary how serious he looked. Hermione knew that instant he would do all it took to curse the living daylights out of Malfoy and his goons.

The rest of the train ride to Hogwarts was rather uneventful. They all played exploding snap a few times, but engaged in little talking. They each quietly were deciding if they would join the tournament with Ron and if they had any chance of winning. Hermione nearly cried when she saw Hogwarts' castle. She remembered how Harry's eyes used to light up whenever he saw it or how sad he looked when he had to leave. Before they knew it they were all back in their seats at the Gryffindor table waiting impatiently for the sorting to begin and then to end. Though they were hungry everyone took notice of what the Great Hall looked like.

The tables were clothed in black as well as the sashes that hung from the high corners of the walls. The same floating candles filled the sky above the tables, but the light looked dimmer. It was somber, depressing. It perfectly described the teaching staff, especially Dumbledore who sat in his seat smiling slightly. But it was sad, and forced, unlike the Dumbledore all the students knew and respected.

The first years were sorted into their houses. Ron and Hermione couldn't help but feel bad for all the new Slytherins who probably didn't know what they were getting themselves into. Malfoy welcomed the newest students in a kind voice and tell them that he was a perfect. Ron thought he was only faking to get the little ones on his side. Another surprise was that Snape's chair was empty. Ron and Hermione debated for a while on if he had left to join Voldemort. Then Dumbledore stood up and thundering silence beset itself on the all students.

"I have a few sad words to speak before we eat this most bountiful harvest. It pains me to say again what I wish never to have said in the first place. Lord Voldemort has struck again, taking from us our friend Harry Potter. Do not fool yourself with idealistic lies that will only serve you harm in the end. The dark lord capitalize Dark Lord has risen and he has struck again just a day ago. Miss Cho Chang of Ravenclaw has been captured from her home. We are trying everything that we can to get her back. Know this, as long as we stand together we shall never fall; we are only as strong as we are united. Also know that Hogwarts is safe and it will remain so. We have suffered, but rest assured that good will arise victorious in the end. It always will, as long as good men still live to fight. That is all I wish to say about such a terrible subject. I hope I have not scared or saddened you, but you all must know the truth. Now eat," He said. Hermione would have cried if it wasn't for Ron who was hugging her tightly. "Don't cry," he said, "You're too pretty to cry."

Not long after that, Professor McGonagall walked up to her and asked if she was alright. She lied and then McGonagall told her the password to Gryffindor tower, which was quaffle, and went back to her usual seat at the head table. She told Ron where she was going and started to gather up the Gryffindor first years.

Bam, Bam.

The doors were slammed open and they hit the walls with an amazing force. The shock that followed that moment would be like none she would ever hope to encounter again. The entering figure was dark, dirty, and bloody. His robes were torn to little more than shreds and a few scars lay across his chest. He was tall about six feet and muscular, but it was hardly noticeable through the slithers of cloth that he wore. His eyes gleamed, a green that seemed to glow. His face was covered with nothing other than a lock of hair. It wasn't all this that made people stare the most. It was the girl that he held in his arms. She was unconscious. Her eyes were closed and she looked to be asleep. Then suddenly his eyes faded and he dropped upon his knees as if making a sacrifice of this girl that he held. He screamed, "Help her!" He laid her down and dropped beside her, unconscious as well.

There was a scream from a first year Hufflepuff and then a rumbling of voices. "Silence!" Dumbledore said. He then rushed to the two fallen students and conjured up stretchers for them quickly exited the hall. All the students were left to stunned to do anything, but wonder. This was not good enough for a few Gryffindors who followed the teachers immediately upon their departure. It would be an interesting school year they decided in one unanimous thought, 'that was for sure.'

A/N: Ok I know what you're thinking and I can explain myself. Your probably asking yourself why does everyone think he is dead when Snape said that Dumbledore told him to give Harry a potion right. Did anybody catch that. Well the answers quite simple really. Snape could never tell Dumbledore because of the 24 hour surveillance that Voldemort had on him. Voldemort's no fool and he won't let him go back to Dumbledore or write him a letter. So he told Harry that lie for two reasons. First he wanted to keep his hopes up so that he didn't break. Secondly he didn't want Harry to think that he was making a personal sacrifice for him by giving him this pain blocking potion that he had made for himself. Anyway do you have any other questions. No one ever said the romance in this story was going to be easy to follow. Will it be H/H or R/H or both. Or H/C or H/G or neither. Who can truly know the answer to that. Oh what me. LoL. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I plan on writing some more soon. PLEASE REVIEW!!! I really enjoy reading them. Any other questions. I will gladly answer if you email me at [email protected] The next chapter will hopefully be better.