The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
Wizarding Society
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/30/2006
Updated: 05/30/2006
Words: 841
Chapters: 1
Hits: 434

The Right Path


Story Summary:
We've repeatedly heard about Sirius Black and how when he got into Gryffindor, his family was shocked and ashamed. Turn the situation around to look at a girl who everyone expected to get into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor --Hufflepuff, at worst. As Hagrid says in book one, "Better Hufflepuff than Slytherin". Modesta's world is turned upside down when she finds herself in the last House she'd expected to get in. She finds herself exploring Slytherin as she never thought she would and discovering things that make her wonder if there is more to this stereotyped house.

Chapter 01


Dear Diary,

This is my last evening at home before I go to Hogwarts. I'm so excited but am increasingly nervous, Brian and Lynn are frequently contemplating which house I'll be in. I can't believe that this is Brian's O.W.L. year and that it is Lynn's third year. They seem so experienced with the way Hogwarts works. Will I be able to adjust? I'm afraid I'm going to be sorted into Hufflepuff, that wouldn't go over well Mother. It isn't fair that I have to follow Lynn and Brian. Brian is in Gryffindor, and Lynn's in Ravenclaw, if I don't get into either of those Houses mother will be ashamed of me. Father probably won't care so much, he says he just wants me to do well, but Mother...she won't mention me to anyone for at least a month. Brian says I shouldn't worry so much, he thinks that I'm overreacting. That's the great thing about Brian, even though he's four years older he's always there for me, we get along better than any siblings I know, much better than either of us get along with Lynn.

Lynn is a bit self-involved and tends to get into fights with the entire family, often arguing with Mother and Father. I can't understand it, I just use nicer words and I usually get my way. Then again, it might have to do with the fact that I'm the youngest. I guess I'd better finish packing and get some sleep, tomorrows going to be a long day.

Modesta Peters

Dear Diary,

Something impossible has happened. I've been sorted into the wrong house. Everything had gone well this afternoon; I met up with a friendly girl with light brown hair who was really nice. Both of us were really shy at first but then we got talking and we realized we had a lot in common-she likes plants and nature as well and has a cat called Fluffy which I couldn't stop petting. Her name was Bridget Tatulli. Finally we got to the sorting; I could hardly breathe while the hat sang I was so nervous. More than half the first years had been sorted when it was my turn. I went up like everyone else and put the hat on; it fell down almost to my chin. There was a quick silence and then the cry, "SLYTHERIN".

Slytherin. I couldn't believe it. I froze in the seat in shock, I didn't think about getting up until McGonagall took the hat from my head and pushed me toward the table. My legs took over but my brain remained in shock. I glanced over to the Ravenclaw table, Lynn looked away but I had already seen the look of repulsion. I looked over at the Gryffindor table and could see Brian's eyes following me, a look of confusion on his face. I sat down at the Slytherin table and felt someone pat my back. I was so confused, how could I have been sorted into Slytherin? I was thinking so hard that I began to get dizzy.

"Tatulli, Bridget" had interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see Bridget walk up and sit on the stool. The hat covered her eyes and after a moment's contemplation the hat yelled out, "Gryffindor". As she walked over to the table she glanced at me and in that instant I realized what this meant. I couldn't be her friend, I was on a different team now, and I was the enemy. I watched as Brian patted her on the back, I watched as he congratulated her. In my mind I kept telling myself that this was wrong, there had been a mistake, it was I who was supposed to be over at that table, and Brian was supposed to be congratulating me, not Bridget. Nothing made sense. Somehow I was able to eat some food. I was only half-able to listen to Dumbledore's speech. Finally the feast was over and I was ushered up to the common rooms, some other first years tried to talk to me but I ignored them, my thoughts were occupied. None of it makes sense. How could I have been sorted into Slytherin? Am I cunning and shrewd? Well, I guess I am smart, I know how to get the things I wanted but I thought that would have made me be more of a Ravenclaw. Am I ambitious? Yes, I suppose I am, but is that a bad thing? I'd never thought so until now. Mother had always said I was going somewhere, she had been proud of my ambitions but now she would only be ashamed. What had gone wrong? How could I have possibly gotten sorted into Slytherin? I've written a letter to Mother, like she requested, and I'll send it in the morning. I've tried to make it as cheerful as possible but I'm so afraid of what her reaction will be, not even Father will be able to adjust to the fact that I'm in Slytherin.

Modesta Peters