The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans
Action Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/04/2002
Updated: 12/22/2002
Words: 23,910
Chapters: 19
Hits: 5,906

You Were too Young to Die

Lily Potter Flower

Story Summary:
Lily and James are married. They begin their couple life. Mission for Dumbledore, friends' death, cries and other things...

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
I would have liked....
Author's Note:
Thanks to Peo' because we always laughs...

Chapter 12


( I would have liked )

Lily struggled up the flight of steps, Harry in her arms. James went in front of her and he settled pillows on the sofa so that his wife can lay down.

She smiled to him then held the baby out to him. James took Harry on his knees with tenderness.


She was sleeping.

He looked at her.

Oh Lily... I would like so much giving you more...

J´aurais voulu te dire des mots nouveaux

J´aurais voulu t´écrire des lettres à fleur de peau

He brushed her arm with his fingers.

I love you, Lily.

He sat down on the floor, putting the young lady´s hand, she had dungled, against his cheek and closed his eyes, always holding Harry against him.

Some minutes later, he dozed off.

J´aurais voulu changer le jour et la nuit

J´aurais voulu t´offrir le beau temps et la pluie


Sirius decided to go to visit his future godson. He apparated in the Potters´ kitchen, as he had often did before. But today, he didn´t smell any nice smell of cake, or hear any cheerful voice.

Maybe had they gone out ?

He came into the lounge and smiled.

They were all sleeping. They seemed so vulnerable at this moment...

Lily, laid down on the sofa, her hair thrown back, one hand put on her breasts and the other on James's cheek... James who looked like to the teenager in days gone by, his glasses on the tip of his nose, his shirt half taken out of his jeans, the laces of his trainers trailing on the ground...

And Harry, so small, so quiet...

Sirius didn´t want to wake them. For the first time since James and Lily were married, he felt stranger here... Nevertheless, he was always welcomed with open arms but there, at this exact time, he felt that he bothered, that he went into their private life. He stole them secret moments which they should have shared only between them... Only between James, Lily and Harry...


Lily hadn´t slept for a long time. Opening her eyes, she felt stiff. She stood up, stretching and stepping over James, she went to the kitchen to prepare Harry's bottle. Until the milk was warm, she took her son, delicately, off her husband´s arms, trying not to wake him. But when she put down a kiss on Harry's cheek, he opened his eyes. She smiled :

" Are you hungry ? "

J´aurais voulu sauver ta vie des milliers de fois

J´aurais voulu combattre les dragons d´autre fois


She put down the empty bottle on the kitchen table then placed the baby in the cradle, rocking him until he fell asleep, one minute later.

James was always sleeping on the carpet, his head put on the armrest of the sofa. She snuggles up beside him and murmured :

" I dreamed about an great thing, yesterday. In my dream, we did so many fantastic and impossible things... It was almost a tale...

J´aurais voulu la belle au bois dormant

J´aurais voulu être le prince au destrier d´argent

J´aurais voulu construire un pont de la terre au ciel

Voler parmi les goélands et les hirondelles

... But I didn´t know that more beautiful would arrive to me, that I would do better than that... "

J´ai fait mieux que ça

J´ai fait mieux que ça

James opened his eyes, looked at her smiling and ended :

" I didn´t know that I would do better than everything, a child of you, either. "

She kissed him.

J´ai fait mieux que ça

Un enfant de toi.