The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans
Action Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/04/2002
Updated: 12/22/2002
Words: 23,910
Chapters: 19
Hits: 5,906

You Were too Young to Die

Lily Potter Flower

Story Summary:
Lily and James are married. They begin their couple life. Mission for Dumbledore, friends' death, cries and other things...

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Lily and James will learn something which will change their lives.
Author's Note:
I thank Peo' to have beta-read this fic and of course Elisa because she wants to be famous.

Chapter 2


Lily undressed in the bedroom, under James's delighted eyes, already slept:

"You are really the most beautiful woman I have ever known Lily ..."

Met you by surprise

Didn't realise

That my life could change

For ever

"Let's not exaggerate,"she said to him smiling. Then trying to divert the conversation, she commented :

"I am utterly exhausted ... This mission was really tiring." She slipped between the sheets then continued :

"But I liked it."

He squeezed her against his chest and murmured :

"You have been brilliant darling, you know?"

She had a little smile caressing his face but her smile transformed into a grimace and she jumped up outside the bed, running in the toilets. James got up too and called her :

"Lily? What's wrong?"

She soon went out of the bathroom, shaky, but smiling.

"Oh it's nothing. I am a little sick. Don't worry ."

They went back to bed :

"Don't forget that next week we are invited to Hogwarts, what a shame if you are sick ..."


James knocked at the door of the castle. McGonagall opened to them with a smile :

"Ah! You are there, we have begun to worry. You are the last ones."

Lily apologized :

"I am sorry, it is all my fault. I wasn't really in peak form this morning..."

"Do you feel better?"

"Yes, more or less..."

Minerva McGonagall led James and Lily to the Great Hall where were already held Sirius and Rigel, his sweetheart, Remus and Cecilia, Lily's best friend and Remus's girl friend, Peter, as well as Dumbledore. Alison and Franck didn't have been able to come. They took place at table and began chatting. The conversation eventually diverts on James and Lily's new couple life. Dumbledore asked mischievously :

"Will you have a baby, soon?"

"We think of it," answered Lily. "Maybe in some months..."

Saw you standing there

Didn't know I'd care

There is something special

In the air

With a click of fingers, Dumbledore did dishes appear on the table. Everybody help himself but when the dishes came on Lily, she pushed them away :

"No, thank you ... I ... I am not very hungry."

James surrounded her with his arms :

"Are you sure that you don't want to go to the infirmary?You have been sick for several days and..."

"No I assure you sweetheart, I... I will feel better..."

It you do exist

Honey don't resist

Show me a new way

Of loving

As to deny her words, Lily raised a hand to her mouth and sood up deeply :

"I ... I am sorry ..."

She ran towards the door and went out. James became pale and stood up, ready to follow her. But Sirius held him by the arm :

"Go on Jamsie! She said to you that would go..."

James sat down reluctantly. The conversation started again but he didn't manage to resume the cheerful tone he had at his arrival. Sirius saw it at once :

"You are worrying Jimmy aren't you?"

"Yes I am."

"Stop it! She isn't going to die!"

"No, naturally, but it is stronger than me... I always worry about Lily."

Tell me that it's true

Show me what to do

I feel something special

About you

He was fixing the door anxiously. Suddenly, he saw the handle turning. He jumped, ready to run to support Lily. But it was not Lily who pushed the door, but... Madam Pomfrey . Sirius saw his friend lose all his colours. The nurse advanced in the Great Hall and said :

"Excuse me for disturbing you but I would like to see James Potter a few minutes. His wife asks for him."

James stood up, as white as a sheet :

"She is terribly ill isn't she? Please, I beg you, tell me! It's serious isn't it?"

Madam Pomfrey sounded mysterious to answer:

"Oh, serious, if you want... Please, come on, follow me. She demands you."

On these words, she pulled him outside the room.


Sirius had an amused expression when he saw James so worried for Lily :

"Sometimes, I don't recognize him any more. He is afraid for a mere thing as soon as it concerns Lily." Dumbledore smiled :

"To my opinion, he will have quite another expression when he will go back the door!"

"Why?"Remus asked.

"I don't know," said Dumbledore with an enigmatic voice,"an idea like that!"

"Oh!" Remus exclaimed. "I think I have understood!"

Dreams are my reality

The only kind of real fantasy

Illusions are a common thing

I try to leave in dreams

It seems as if it's meant to be


"Are you sure?"

"Yes James! It is no need to worry!"


Madam Pomfrey took a slightly annoyed expression:

"Yes, she will tell you herself! I can't announce this kind of things..."

They finally arrived at the infirmary. The woman faded:

"Let's go, please, enter!"

James got into the room, expecting the worst. But Lily was sitting on the bed, pale, but her eyes laughing, exactly like their wedding day. He rushed beside her to surround her with his arms.

"Oh, Lily, is it OK? I was worried."

"Let me kiss you."

She took his lips and put down a gentle kiss which smelt good, flowers and happiness. She continued quite low, as if nobody should hear:

"Christmas approaches... What is the present which you would like more than ever?"

"I dunno..."

"Look harder."

"I do not know... No, really... In reality, I know. But it's impossible."

Dreams are my reality

The only kind of reality

I dream of loving in the night

And loving seems all right

All see how the real thing to be

"Why? Nothing is impossible."

"This present is."

"Tell me."

"A child of you."

The young lady's eyes sparkled.

"Are you really sure that it is impossible?"

"Yes, you are not pregnant; he can not be born in three weeks!"

"No, naturally. But if I told you that I am pregnant, wouldn't it be such a beautiful present?"

He tightened her in his arms, tears pouring on his cheeks.

"Is it true, Lil? You are pregnant? It was thus that..."

She smiled then whispered:

"It is magnificent, isn't it Jamsie? I am so hap..."

She had no time to finish, James kissed her.

Dreams are my reality

The only kind of reality

Maybe my foolishness is past

And maybe now at last

I'll thought it's only fantasy


Lily jumped up on her feet and dressed up :

"Hurry up James, they are going to wonder what we do."

"We can go in the kitchens to take some champagne to celebrate that, can't we?"

"What a good idea!"

He followed her in the stairs tightening her by the waist and thinking of this baby, his baby who was going to be born in nine months.


The door of the Great Hall turned on its hinges. Sirius exclaimed :

"Here they are!"

James and Lily crossed the door, a radiant smile on their lips, holding a bottle of champagne. Cecilia opened round eyes :

"Lily! I thought you were sick?"

Lily smiled:

"I feel better. Don't worry. But it is the least of my worries! We have something to celebrate!"

Dumbledore sent a wink to Remus while the young couple put down the bottle on the table :

"What?" Sirius asked, interested.

" Something which made us jump up with enjoyment and burst into sobs."

"What?"an impatient Sirius repeated.

"We were two, James and I... Well, in nine months, we shall be three."

"Is it true?"

"Yes it is, I am so happy."

Sirius stood up and surrounded Lily with his arms:

"Great, doll!"

Then, going to James who blew up the cork of the bottle:

"Well, my old man Prongs, I don't believe it."

"Neither do I," James declared laughing."

Dreams are my reality

A wondrous world where I like to be

I dream of holding you all night

And holding you seems right

Perhaps that's my reality...