Astronomy Tower
Charlie Weasley/Original Female Witch Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Original Female Witch
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/11/2004
Updated: 03/21/2004
Words: 5,475
Chapters: 4
Hits: 3,150

Love Runs Its Course

Lily Michelle

Story Summary:
Rose Brown lost her boyfriend Charlie when he graduated ten years ago. Ten years is a long time but Rose still misses him. Will that change when an unknown but familiar sixteen year-old redhead runs by her house? A RW/HG from a different POV. Also includes CW/RB, and hints at BW/NT, HP/GW, and PW/PC.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Rose Brown lost her boyfriend Charlie when he graduated ten years ago. Ten years is a long time but Rose still misses him. Will that change when an unknown but familiar sixteen year-old redhead runs by her house? A RW/HG from a different POV. Also includes CW/RB, and hints at BW/NT, HP/GW, and PW/PC.
Author's Note:
Contrary to what my disclaimer suggests, I am not crazy. I just like having fun. Thanks to everybody who reviewed for the last two chapters. I read them all today and they were the bright point in an otherwise bad day. Thanks a lot. Now read and review this chapter!

Chapter 3- The Prodigal Son's Return

A week later Ron and Rose were running when Ron suddenly broken their usual silence.

"Charlie's coming home tomorrow."

Rose almost tripped over herself. It wasn't possible. They would be within five minutes of each for the first time in ten years. It was too good to be true. Rose had told Ron a little bit about knowing Charlie but she'd never told him about dating his brother. Somehow, she got the impression that Ron knew there was more to her relationship with Charlie than she'd let on. Every time she talked to him he reminded her more and more of his older brother.

She waited for him to say more about Charlie coming home but he didn't. It wasn't until they were standing in the kitchen with Lavender that he brought it up again.

"Would you like to come over for Charlie's welcome home dinner party?" he asked.

"Dinner party?" That sounded quite fancy to her.

"Oh, it's really just a dinner and a party afterwards but Mum's been calling it a dinner party. It won't be fancy at all; just the family. Oh, and Harry and Hermione. They're staying over for the summer. I think Bill is bringing his new girlfriend too. He hasn't told us who it is yet."

Lavender giggled. "A party! We'll be there!"

Ron looked over at Lavender. "Er, that's great, then."

Rose could tell by the look on his face that he hadn't meant to invite Lavender but he wasn't about to un-invite her.

"What time, Ron?" Rose asked.

"I think six should be about right."

Rose nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you, Ron."

"No problem. I'm Charlie will be very happy to see an old friend."

Rose made no comment. We'll see, she thought. We'll see.


The next night Ron stood in his kitchen at the Burrow greeting his brother, Charlie, who'd just arrived. At that moment, Charlie was enthusiastically shaking Bill's new girlfriend's hand. Bill had certainly put the family for a loop when he introduced Tonks, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, as his girlfriend. Ron was still adjusting to the news.

"Let's eat, shall we, now that everyone's here," Charlie said.

"Hold on, Charlie," Ron interrupted. "We're still waiting for two more. I invited the girl I run with to come and her little sister's tagging along."

"Why would you do that?" Charlie asked.

"You were friends with her at Hogwarts."

"What's her name?"

Ron avoided the question by going to the door, which had just been knocked on.

From inside the kitchen, everyone heard the door opening and a high-pitched voice yell, "Ron!"

There was an 'omph' sound, indicating that whoever had just shrieked had thrown themselves at Ron. They heard Ron mutter a bit and then a third voice mutter back. Charlie had his back to the door when they three entered and the third voice spoke to him.

"Well, well, well," the warm and familiar voice said. "If it isn't Charlie Weasley, the prodigal son, returned from Romania."

Charlie turned around slowly as he recognized the voice.

"Rose?" he said softly.

"In the flesh," she answered.

Rose stood before her lost love nervously. She had done her soft brown hair up in a slightly messy bun. Her shirt was a pale pink and her knee-length skirt was deep blue. She hoped she impressed him.

For his part, all Charlie could do was stare at her. She looked beautiful. She'd hardly changed in ten years and yet she'd changed immensely. He tried to collect his wits so he could say something impressive. He looked away and saw his youngest brother trying get out of a pretty blond girl's grip while being inconspicuous. Charlie had almost got something to say before he looked back at Rose. All the smooth things he'd thought of left his head and all that came out was, "I thought you were working out of the country."

His ears turned red with embarrassment. That wasn't the sort of thing he'd been looking for.

Rose laughed slightly at his blushing. Still the same old Charlie, she thought. "I am. It's called a summer holiday."

"Oh." He didn't know what else to say.

"How is Romania?" she asked, sensing it was her turn to start the conversation.

"Er, it's fine," he said. He didn't really want to talk about the reason he'd left her. He still missed her all the time.

"I thought so. You know when I applied to work there they told me they didn't need me because you had everything covered."

"You applied to work in Romania?" he asked.

"Yeah, you really sparked my interest in dragons."

"You work with dragons?" He felt like all he could do was repeat after her.

Rose laughed at his lack of original conversation and held out her arm. "Well, unless this is from a puppy," she said pointing a set of scars.

Charlie approached her and looked at her arm. There was a half circle of scars, which looked like teeth marks. His eyes widened as he looked at it.

"This is a Swedish Short-Snout bite. You've been working in Sweden, at the reservation that the broom race goes through," he cried.

"Right in one, Weasley. I always knew you were smarted than you looked," she teased.

Charlie laughed. It was like old times. He'd missed this; he'd missed her. Mrs. Weasley called everyone into the kitchen for dinner before he could respond.

After dinner everyone scattered around the house and garden. Charlie saw his little sister, Ginny, go up to her room with her new boyfriend, Harry, right behind. Normally Charlie would've gone after them and stopped them, but he had more important things to do. Percy, who had made up with the family earlier that summer, took his girlfriend Penelope outside. Bill and Tonks followed their lead. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley took care of the dishes. Charlie didn't see where the twins went or where Ron, Hermione and Lavender had gone. He pulled Rose into the sitting room so they could talk.

"It's nice to see you, Rose," he said warmly.

Rose smiled and looked down at the ground. "It's nice to see you too, Charlie."

Neither really knew where to start. How do you go about telling your first love that you couldn't get them out of your head even after ten years? Charlie did what he always did and went with his gut.

"Do you remember what I said before I left, Rose?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she said, without looking up. "But you said so much. Which part do you mean?"

"I said that I loved you and I'd never forget you." He paused and took a breath. "Well, I never have, Rose. Have you forgotten me?"

Her eyes snapped up to his. "Of course not. I could never forget you, Charlie," she forcefully.

Charlie smiled. She could still see the love that she'd seen ten years ago reflected in his eyes. It was still there. Her heart skipped a beat and she was sure he could hear it. She waited for his next words anxiously.

"Do you still love me, Rose? Because I still love you," he whispered.

"I do," she said just as quietly. "I've always loved you."

Charlie leaned in and just like the first time they'd confessed their love he whispered, "Good," before kissing her softly.

When they drew apart Rose put her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. "I've missed you," she whispered in his ear.

He wrapped his arms around her. "I've missed you too, Rose. I-"

He was cut off by a voice in the hall.

Author notes: Click that review button right up there, everybody!

Teaser: “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing, ____________?”

I don't want to give away the name, so you'll just have to wait until next time to find out.