Draco Malfoy Harry Potter James Potter Lily Evans
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/28/2002
Updated: 10/19/2004
Words: 148,775
Chapters: 14
Hits: 24,116

Happily Ever After?

Lily Granger

Story Summary:
And here is the long-awaited sequel to Harry Potter and the Time Potion! Dadadadadadada! A couple reunited, a new moon outing, and (surprise, surpise) MORE HEADACHES!!! There is a plot to this one! Lily and James are gone forever... or are they? NOTE: CLIFFHANGER TO END ALL CLIFFHANGERS ENCLOSED!!!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Harry can barely believe it - can his parents really be alive? Is it possible? But Mrs. Granger can't be mistaken for anyone else...
Author's Note:
::bites lip and dodges flying vegetables:: yes, this took a LOOOOONG time. writers block, vacation, and my cousin are to blame. anyway, there is another cliffie at the end ::dodges tomataoes:: but next to the one in the last chapter, its NOTHING, although it still is something... anyway, dont flame too bad, and REVIEW!!!

On a Mission to the Nuthouse

"You must be Draco Malfoy," said Lily / Mrs. Granger. (A/N: Ever wonder about my pen name? This has been the plan all along, you know...) "And of course I've already met you, Harry..."

Harry and Draco just stared at her. Hermione and Ron looked at them strangely. "But - but you're dead," Draco whispered. "You're supposed to be dead."

"What?" Lily / Mrs. Granger asked, looking at them strangely. And Harry knew it was she. Over the past month, he had seen that exact look given to Sirius enough.

"What's your name again?" Harry whispered.

"Molly Granger," she said, looking at them strangely. "What is up with you two?"

"Harry, you're starting to scare me..." Hermione said.

"It can't be her," Draco said. "It just can't be."

"It is," Harry said. "It has to be. Honestly, Draco, we saw her less than a week ago! It's her, I'm telling you, it's her!"

"It's who, exactly?" Ron asked.

"But Harry, she's dead," Draco said painfully. "She died fourteen years ago. She couldn't possibly..."


"Ooh, I've been working too hard today," Molly said, massaging her forehead. "I think I need an aspirin..."

"That PROVES it!" Harry said. "She's the only one in the world who can hear us!"

Draco stared at her. "It is," he whispered. "It has to be."

"WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?" Hermione screamed. Harry ignored her. He looked into Molly's eyes.

"Have you ever suffered... memory loss?"

Molly stared at him. "What?" she said.

"Have you ever suffered memory loss?" Harry said anxiously. "Please, this is very important."

"Well - as a matter of fact, yes," Molly said in surprise.

"About fourteen years ago?" Draco persisted.

"Yes..." Molly said suspiciously.

"What are you two getting at?" Ron asked.

"Shush, Weasley," Draco snapped.

"What are you trying to do?" Hermione asked desperately.

"Did you ever get your memory back?" Harry asked, ignoring Hermione once more.

"Ah... no," Molly said. "No, I didn't."


"That's not your mum," Harry said slowly. "I - I know who she was before she lost her memory."

"Wh- what? Who?" Molly asked anxiously. Harry took a deep breath.

"Does the name Lily Potter ring a bell?"

There was a full minute of silence. "Harry... your mum is... dead," Ron said quietly.

"No she's not," Harry whispered. "She's standing right here."

"Harry... this is insane..." Hermione said.

"Hermione, you're supposed to be the logical one," Draco sighed. "Your supposed mum lost her memory fourteen years ago. Lily Potter supposedly died fourteen years ago. She has the exact same eyes as Harry. Harry has his mother's eyes. She has red hair. Harry's mum had red hair. Molly was the name of her best friend, yes, your mum, Weasley. Harry and I saw Lily less than a week ago. We remember."

Suddenly Harry saw another thing about Molly/Lily that caught his attention. He gasped. "Draco... look..." he whispered.

It was a ring. A beautiful, beautiful ring with emeralds. It was made of pure gold. And the inscription? Draco's jaw dropped. SUFAMS.

"And to top it all off," he added in a quiet voice, "Harry gave his mum that ring two weeks ago, or more realistically, twenty years ago."

Harry closed his eyes. "Do you remember where you got this ring?" he said quietly.

"N- no," Molly/Lily stammered. "I - I had it on when I lost my memory."

"That solves it," Harry whispered. "That solves it. Voldemort didn't kill her. He went through all the trouble to get someone to pose as her while he just knocked her out and Memory Charmed her. Muggles found her - the real her, I mean, and brought her to a Muggle hospital but, of course, Muggles can't undo Memory Charms. And then - this is part is a guess, really - she met your dad, Hermione, and your real mother had died, and they got married. Isn't that right?" he asked Molly/Lily.

Molly/Lily stared at him. "How did you know all that?"

"You're not my real mum?" Hermione whispered. "But - but..."

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Molly/Lily whispered. "Your father and I didn't want to upset you - "

"I - I understand," Hermione said quietly. Ron put an arm around her.

"We need Floo powder," Draco muttered. "Moony and Padfoot..."

"One more thing..." Harry took a deep breath. "Was - was there anyone else found with you?"

Molly/Lily frowned, and Draco and Harry held their breath. "Yes," she said suddenly. "A tall, dark-haired man. I remember his glasses were broken. Had a funny little stick. Kept screaming for some people with strange names... Seerus and Reeses, I think, or something like that..."

"Sirius and Remus," Draco and Harry said as one.

"Anyway, I can only imagine what they did with him. He was probably mad. Why?" Molly/Lily asked.

"I see where this is going..." Ron said.

"James," Harry said quietly.

"Prongs," Draco whispered.

There was complete and utter silence for a moment. "Floo powder," Harry said suddenly. "I need Floo powder. Moony and Padfoot... we need to get her memory back..."

"But Harry," Hermione said. "This is impossible. You saw your mum's ghost, remember? And besides, even if this was her, ordinary wizards can't undo Memory Charms either."

Harry was silent for a minute. "It's simple, actually," said a small voice. "There are charms that can transport memories too, you know, as long as they have something to work off of. Very Dark magic, of course. I'm guessing Voldemort only really needed to kill Harry, so he captured Lily and James first and transported their memories into the posers. It obviously didn't work on James, because both he and the fake had his memories. And if they died looking and thinking like they were Lily and James, their spirits would portray that."

"Really thought that one over, didn't you, Draco?" Harry smiled.

"Let's just say Father taught me to observe things," Draco said, smiling.

"As for your other question, Hermione," Harry said. "Well, me and Boa here aren't exactly what you'd call ordinary..."

"Wha- Oh. Right," Hermione said.

"What?" Ron asked, confused.

"I'll explain later," Harry said. "Get over here, Boa."

"It's Etaivilbo, right?" Draco asked.

"What are you going to do?" Molly/Lily asked anxiously, backing away.

"Yea, I think so... It won't hurt a bit... one, two, three..."

"Etaivilbo!" said Harry and Draco together. There was a jolt and Molly/Lily held a hand up to her head instantly. When she looked up, there was realization in her eyes.

"Harry?" she whispered. Before Harry could answer, Lily was suffocating him. But this time he didn't care. It was his mum. She was alive. It was a miracle.

And Harry hugged her back. It seemed like hours while they held each other. "I'm sorry," she said. "I should have been there for you..."

"No, you didn't know," Harry said. "I mean, literally, you didn't know."

When they finally let go of each other, Lily smiled. "Draco," she said. "It's so good to see you again..."

"You too?" Ron groaned. "I mean, it's absolutely WONDERFUL that you're alive and all, but HONESTLY!!! This is Malfoy here!"

"Good to see you too," Draco said, smiling slightly. "Although I can barely say I missed you, since I saw you five days ago..."

Lily nodded, and looked at Harry again. "I can't believe it's really you," she muttered. "After all these years."

"Yea..." Harry said, sniffling. "Yea..." Harry closed his eyes. "I need Floo powder. Sirius and Remus..."

"It's right over there," Hermione said, gesturing at the fireplace. Harry nodded. "Inferno," he muttered. A fire was lit in the fireplace. Harry took a pinch of the Floo powder and threw it into the fire. He muttered something under his breath. The fire turned emerald green. Harry stuck his head through.

"Remus? Sirius?" he said. They looked over at him in surprise.

"Harry! What's wrong?" Sirius asked, alarmed. Harry shook his head.

"No, nothing's wrong, Sirius, it's... well... I'm at Hermione's house, and you need to get over here ASAP. Is Dumbledore around?"

"Actually, he just left for... Japan, I think. He won't be back for another week," Remus said. "Harry, is everyone okay?"

"Yes, we're all okay, but you need to get here fast. It doesn't matter if anyone sees you, just Apparate here as fast as you can. Trust me. This is really important."

"Okay..." Sirius said. "But why - " But Harry had already taken his head out of the fire.

"Harry?" Ron said quietly. "Do you realize what this means? Beside the obvious, I mean."

"Sirius is free," Harry said, suddenly grinning. "Sirius is free!"

"Sirius? Free? Free from what?" Lily asked frantically.

"Oh, right, gee, uh..." Harry said. "Well, uh... you know about the whole 'Wormtail is a bastard' thing, right?"

"Of course I do, but what does that have to do with - "

"Everyone thought he was the Secret-Keeper," Hermione said.

"And you know, the Ministry thought it was an easy thing to solve, all the evidence against him - " Draco said.

" - So he spent twelve years in Azkaban," Harry said sullenly.


"I expected that reaction," Harry mumbled. "Yea..." Harry bit his lip. "He did."

"But - but - but he didn't!" Lily exclaimed. "He couldn't have - that's not possible - "

"What's not possible?" said a voice behind them. "Harry, what's up here?"

Remus had opened the door, a big black dog at his heels. "Sorry, Mrs. Granger, but Harry here - oh my God." Remus stopped dead.

"Well, I guess the whole reason why it was so important for you to come is self-explanatory?" Draco said quietly. The dog stared at him, and then at Lily. Lily stared at both of them.

"Remus?" she whispered. "Si- Sirius?"

"But you're dead," Remus said, backing up. "You died." The dog stood in its place, staring at her.

"No..." she whispered. "I didn't."

The dog just kept staring at her. Finally, with a pop, it wasn't the dog, but Sirius. He stared at her.

"But - but you died. I remember," he said quietly.

He almost looked as if he expected her to shriek that it was Sirius Black, and for everyone to run for their life. But she didn't. Instead, her eyes filled with tears. She hugged him. "Oh God, Sirius, it's me, you great prat! I'm alive!"

Sirius hugged her back so tight that under normal circumstances she would have turned purple. "But how - what - why - "

"It was a Memory-Transport Charm," Draco said disgustedly.

Hermione watched Lily and Sirius's joyful reunion apprehensively. Sirius would know Lily anywhere. But that meant that her mum was really dead. She choked. Ron tightened his grip around her.

When Lily and Sirius finally broke apart, Lily looked at Remus, who was still backed up against the wall and looking stunned. Lily didn't hesitate to give him a huge hug.

"Remus... oh God, Remus... it's you. It's me."

Remus's reaction time was even faster than Sirius's. "Merlin's beard, Lily, we thought you were dead! We thought - we thought - "

"I know... I know..." Lily's eyes filled with tears. "I just don't believe."

There was utter silence. "We need Dumbledore," Ron said suddenly.

"He's in Japan by now..." Remus said. "Just one other thing, Lily..."

"What happened to James?" Sirius whispered. Lily closed her eyes.

"He was - he was there when I got up. He - he kept calling for you, kept screaming it was Wormtail's fault. He kept asking to see me, to see Harry." Lily's eyes filled with tears. "They- they thought he was mad. I can't imagine what they might have done with him."

More silence. "Hospital records," Hermione said quietly.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Every hospital keeps a record of all of its patients," Hermione explained. "If - If James Potter was a patient there, then they would have in a record what they did with him. If they transferred him to a specialist, if they just let him out, or if he's still there, or if he died..." Hermione gulped. "Anyway, all we have to do is go to the hospital where he was, and then we can find out what happened to him from there."

"Hermione," Sirius said quietly. "You are my new best friend." And he hugged her so tight she did turn various shades of purple before he let go of her. "You are the most wonderful person... oh, sorry Moony."

Remus just rolled his eyes slightly at his friend's behavior. Harry watched all of this happen in silence. His parents were alive. It was a miracle. But that means... Hermione is an orphan. His eyes turned to her. The girl who had always worried about him. The girl who had always told him when he needed more beetle to make a Shrinking Solution. The girl he thought he loved. The girl who had just handed his father back to him on a silver platter.

He squeezed her hand. "Thank you," he whispered, so that only she could hear him. She nodded ever so slightly.

"Thank you," she whispered back.

An hour had passed, and Sirius, Harry, Remus, Draco, Lily, Hermione, and Ron found themselves looking through records in a hospital in London.

"This is impossible!" said Ron and Sirius at the same time, throwing up the papers they had in their hands.

"Just look harder!" Hermione and Lily said together. They looked at each other and sighed.

"I have to admit, I'm with Weasley on this one," Draco muttered. "This is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"We'll find it," Remus assured him. "We have to."

Harry didn't take part in any conversation. He just looked through his stack of files. "Potter, Potter, James Potter..." he muttered. He gasped as he pulled one up. It read:

Name: Potter, James Harold

DOB: March 29,1960

Date signed in: November 1, 1981

Condition: Found with cuts and bruises: called for various people and blamed someone called 'Wormtounge;' insane.

Date signed out: None. Transferred to Dr. Darling's Insane Asylum on November 5th, 1981.

Signed, Dr. Barneveld

"Remus," Harry asked shakily. "When was my dad's birthday?"

James Potter sighed heavily. He sank into his chair. He was thinking; thinking about a dream he had had last night. It had been a good dream, a dream about the good old days, his Hogwarts days. He dreamt about Sirius and Remus, and that bastard, Peter... he thought about Lily, and how much he loved her and wanted to see her again; but most of all he thought about Harry. His only son. He could hear Harry coo as if it were yesterday. But Harry was no longer a baby... he had to be at least fifteen now. He was at Hogwarts. He was happy with Sirius somewhere, probably having forgotten him. But at least he was safe.

Over everything else, James wished he could see his family and friends again. All night they haunted him. He just wished he could have peace of mind over them. Just let him see them one more time, and he would never ask for anything else ever again.

"March 29th... why?" Remus said.

"Because I think I found it," Harry said. There was silence. Even Ron and Draco stopped fighting. They all crowded around Harry and read the card over his shoulder. The air was tense.

"We've got to get him out," Sirius whispered. "We have to."

"Fourteen years," Remus said. "Fourteen years and we never knew. Never even tried to find out."

"But where's Dr. Darling's Insane Asylum?" Lily asked, sounding pained as she said it.

"Don't look at me," Draco said, shrugging. "God, can't something be easy, just this once?"

"Of course not," Harry sighed. "It would mess up all the psyche of life, and plus, it would be boring."

"No, it would just be... easier," Draco ended lamely.


"Oh shut up, Harry."

"I'd be delighted to."

"You know, Malfoy," Ron said, looking at Draco strangely. "I think I'm seeing the human side of you right now, and I never thought that would happen, considering I always thought of you as a wild rampaging beast."

"Not that far off," Draco muttered.

"So you admit that you're a wild rampaging beast on the inside?" Ron questioned. Draco tried to smile, but only a small one came out.

"Well, Weasley, let's just say I'm one of a kind."

"Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way," Harry said, "I say we find out where this Dr. Whosawhatsits's thingymabobber is."

"Yea..." Remus said quietly.

Sirius was biting his lip. "Right."

"Of course..." Lily said. They were all clearly feeling horrible that they had let their friend and/or husband rot in a place like that for fifteen years.

God, Boa, I can't believe this. Fourteen years.

Beaky, no one knew...

"I hope you are aware that I am not deaf and can hear you quite clearly," Lily said out loud.

"What?" Ron asked, apparently very confused.

"Yes, we know, Lily, and nothing, Ron," Harry said.

"Just making sure..." Lily said, smiling at them. "And no, Harry, it wasn't your fault that..."

That James was locked up in a mental asylum.

Of course YOU would say that, Mum.

I feel oddly out of place in this conversation.

Meanwhile, Hermione was looking at Harry, Lily, and Draco in surprise. "Why do you keep staring at each other?" she asked. They didn't seem to notice her. "Hello?" she said louder. They still took no heed of her. "ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING?" she shouted. They all jerked.

"What?" Harry said. "Mione, what are you talking about?"

Hermione just shook her head and sighed. "You people are creepy."

"What were you doing?" Ron asked.

"Discussing our present situation," Lily said, relaxed.

"Whatever..." Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, I wonder if one of the nurses could tell us where this place is."

"Yea," Remus said. "And what do you suppose we do when we get there? Say, 'Hello, my friend is one of your insane nuts, of course he's not really an insane nut, but anyway, how much do you want for him?'"

"Have you quite finished yet?" said an annoyed nurse, opening the door.

"Yes, but we were wondering if you could tell us where Dr. Darling's - " Hermione gulped here, " - Insane Asylum is? Please?"

"And then we'll leave," Sirius added. Remus slapped his forehead.

"It's just down the street, actually," the nurse said, wrinkling her nose. "Only for extreme mental cases. They only allow one visitor at a time," she said, looking around at all of them. "Now if you'd please - "

"Yes, thank you," Lily said, her heart sinking, herding everyone out of the room. When they were out of the hospital, they sank onto the park bench.

"Damn," Sirius said under his breath. "Damn, damn, damn..."

Harry looked towards the sky. He could see a sign in a tall building that read, Dr. Darling's Insane Asylum. He's somewhere in that building, Harry thought. Somewhere in that building...

"I'll go," Harry said suddenly. "I will."

"I don't think so, Harry!" Draco exclaimed, standing up. "There are about three hundred psychotic, dangerous freaks in this country that are out to kill you! You cannot go alone!"

"Fine then, Boa," Harry snapped. "You're coming with me."

"But, Malfoy, even though for some psychotic reason I agree with you, there's only one visitor allowed at a time," Ron pointed out.

"You know, Weasel, I think we'll manage," Draco snapped.

"But how - " Hermione started.

"They'll work it out," Remus interjected quickly.

"Yes, they are very resourceful," Sirius interrupted.

"You will be careful, won't you?" Lily said worriedly, looking at her newly found son with worry.

"Of course, Mum," Harry said.

"Yes, Lil - I mean, Mrs. Potter," Draco said sweetly.

"Please you make me feel old, Draco. No comment, Sirius," Lily said, glaring at Sirius.

"Not saying nothing, Lils, not saying nothing," Sirius smiled slyly.

"Shut up," Lily said, wrinkling her nose.

"Just don't get yourselves killed," Hermione pleaded.

"Would I do that?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry, you would," Hermione said firmly.

"Ah, yes, well, I'll be careful," Harry said grudgingly.

"Come on," Draco whispered to Harry. "They'll just go on forever if we don't leave."

"We mean it, Harry, and even you too, Draco," Sirius said, his face turning sincere. "Voldemort has come back, you know, and there are Death Eaters around."

"Don't say his name!" Ron hissed.

Sirius ignored him. "Okay?" he said, looking at them both sternly.

"Yes," Draco and Harry mumbled.

"Don't leave the road," Remus said. "And don't talk to anyone who looks suspicious. We'll all be at... well, Hermione's house, I guess. Just Apparate straight there."

"But they can't - " Hermione started.

"Okay," Harry interrupted.

"Anything else?" Draco asked, looking at everyone. "Okay then. Let's - "

"One more thing," Lily said. Draco sighed quietly. "Hurry."

"Right," Harry said. "Come on, Boa, let's go."

"Mhmm..." Draco mumbled. He and Harry walked out of their sight and waited for them to walk away. Then they sat down on a bench and stared at each other.

"I could Summon the Invisibility Cloak," Harry whispered.

"No," Draco said firmly. "London's too busy, besides, someone would notice it flying through the air and all."

"Well, then I could transform," Draco muttered, surveying the Muggles passing them by carefully.

"I think that would be the best way to go," Harry said.

"I'll be right back," Draco muttered out of the corner of his mouth. He slipped behind a large tree and a minute later a snake slithered out.

"Come on," Harry said, picking him up. "Let's go."

The snake hissed something quietly. Harry could make out: You'd better think of a good excuse for bringing a snake in there, or we might be spending more time in there than we were planning.

"Oh, I doubt it," Harry said quietly. "I'll just say that I lost my pet in the park and I found it and decided to give the old crazy person a visit." Harry winced at the last words.

PET? Draco hissed loudly. I am not your pet!

Harry gave a small grin. "You are now."

Draco swore violently in Parseltounge. Harry wondered where he got such an evil vocabulary. Probably from his father, Harry decided. "Oh shut up," he whispered, smiling just a tiny bit.

"Mr. Potter?"

James looked up from his chair. "Yes?"

"There is someone here to see you," said a nurse over the intercom.

"Who is it?" James asked, clueless.

"I'm not sure, but he's got a strange-looking snake around his neck... he says it is extremely important that he see you."

"Let him in," James said, wondering who in bloody hell it could be. He had never had a visitor, ever.

The door opened. A fifteen-year old boy stepped in. Sure enough, a bright green snake hung around his neck. James looked at him strangely. He had messy black hair, much like his own, but his eyes were green. On his forehead was an oddly shaped scar.

"Who are you?" James asked.

"Don't you know who I am?" said the boy quietly.

"No, not really," James replied.

"You used to know me," said the boy. He stared at James through dark round glasses. "A very long time ago."

"I've been in here for fourteen years. You can't be much older than that," James said, staring at him. "Though you do look like Har - no, you couldn't be him." James shook his head. "That would be impossible."

"Couldn't be who?" the boy asked. "Harry? Your son?"

James looked up. The snake had slithered off the boy's shoulders. The boy did look oddly like - no, Harry thought he was dead. But still - wait a minute! A scar! Harry had a scar on his forehead from Voldemort's attack! "Ha - Harry?" James whispered.

Harry flung his arms around his father. "I don't believe it. It's really you," he choked.

"Harry? But - but how -?" James asked.

"It doesn't matter, Dad," Harry whispered. "It doesn't matter."

James and Harry held a tight embrace for a very long time. Finally, the snake got tired of waiting poked Harry. Harry looked down in a huff.

"Well, Boa, we'll get going eventually," he said, wrinkling his nose.

"Boa?" James asked blankly.

"Oh - uh - Dad, this is my friend, Draco," Harry said, picking up the snake. "He's a pain in the butt."

James slowly felt Harry's forehead. "Harry," he said slowly. "WHAT HAS PADFOOT DONE TO YOU???"

"Is there a security camera in here?" Harry asked, looking around.

"No, Harry, those are only for the extreme nutters... why?" James asked, looking at the snake curiously.

"Then it's okay, Boa," Harry said. The snake nodded. In a second, there stood not a snake, but a blonde-haired boy who looked about Harry's age.

"Draco Malfoy," the blonde-haired boy smiled. "I know you, though I'm sure you don't know me - "

"Lucius Malfoy's son?" James spat distastefully.

"Yes, but he's the only bastard in the family," Draco smiled. "And I do believe you know my mother?"

"No, sorry, can't think of anyone stupid enough to marry a Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy at that," James said.

"Maybe someone who didn't do it on her own free will?" Draco said, smirking slightly.

"Narcissa?" James said. "Narcissa actually went as far as married that stupid git?"

"Yup," Draco said cheerfully. "But now the 'stupid git' is in Azkaban, and Narcissa's back with guess-who."

"Sirius?" James said in awe. "But - but I thought they thought he was the Secret-Keeper? Wouldn't he be in Azkaban?"

"Yes, but he escaped two years ago," Harry said, wrinkling his nose. "He's on the run. But now," Harry smiled, "now, because we've got proof of the whole Wormtail-is-a-bastard-and-Sirius-is-innocent theory, he's free."

"So you know him?" James asked. "Is he okay? What about Remus? And what about Lily? Did you find her? Is she alive? Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes, he's fine, she's fine, yes, yes, and yes," Harry said, having a little trouble keeping up with all the questions.

"And actually they are all waiting at a certain location for you. Pretty convenient, eh?" Draco smiled.

"But I can't get out of here," James said, glancing around the room.

"Why didn't you Apparate out of this hellhole?" Harry asked. "It would have been easy enough."

"Never passed my test," James said, frowning. "Ask Sirius for full details. Besides, you can't Apparate anyway, you're both underage."

"Well, we're both underage to be Animagi too, but the Ministry is too stupid to take care of the petty details," Draco said.

"Exactly," Harry smiled.

"So we can help you," Draco finished.

"Apparating someone else can be tricky..." James said, looking at them both.

"Don't worry, we won't splinch you, Dad," Harry said, taking his father's hand. "Ready?"

"Three, two, one, go!" Draco said.

And with a swoosh, none of them ever saw that room again.

"God, I wish they'd hurry up," Lily said anxiously.

"They'll get here," Remus assured her, but he didn't sound too sure of himself.

"I really hate to break it to you all," Ron interrupted. "Yes, I know that you are various relations and/or family friends of Harry, but Hermione and I have actually known him the longest out of all of you, and he is going to take his time with this kind of thing. It's just the way he is. Either that or he's going to get himself killed, but, well, I'm an optimist."

"Well I'm not, Ron, and they've been gone for - how long have they been gone?" Hermione ended lamely.

"Twenty minutes," Sirius said. "Merlin's beard, can't you people wait for anything?"

"Padfoot, most people in the room have not spent twelve years in Azkaban waiting to kill someone. You have gained patience waiting while we have lost it waiting for them to get back. Okay? Okay," Remus said.

"Touchy," Sirius said.

"What is taking them so long?" Lily groaned.

"What, did you miss us?" came a familiar voice. They all spun around and saw three people standing behind them. They were Harry, Draco, and...

"James?" said Sirius and Remus quietly.

James shook violently. "Moony? Padfoot?" he whispered. He stepped forward and stared at both of them.

"We thought you were dead," Remus said quietly.

"I know," James said, not taking his eyes off either of them. "I know."

"Prongs?" Sirius said. Sirius put his hand on his shoulder. "It's really you?"

"Yea," James said, his face cracking into a small smile. "Yea, Padfoot, it's really me."

All of a sudden, Sirius hugged him. "Prongs, you insufferable, stupid, stupid, idiotic, wonderful, brilliant man! God, we thought you were dead! We missed you!"

"Padfoot, I'm back!" James said, hugging him back. "I'm back! That's all that matters right now, other than the fact that you're splitting me in two."

Sirius let go and shook his head as he sniffled. "Now you know where you get your smart-aleck side from, Harry."

James sighed and shook his head. He turned to Remus. Wordlessly, they held each other in a tight embrace. "All right, Moony?" James choked.

"Okay. You?" Remus whispered.

"Never better," James said quietly.

When they finally let go of each other, James's eyes moved to another person. "Lily," he whispered.

"James," Lily said, her eyes filling with tears. She walked up to him and put her head on his shoulder. James put his arms around her. Harry watched the tears trickle down his mother's cheeks. "Oh James, I love you."

"I love you too, Lily," James said, resting his head on top of hers. "I love you too." They seemed to stay like that for an eternity. When they finally broke apart, they looked full again. James turned to Ron and Hermione blankly. "Do I - uh - know you?" James asked.

"Ron Weasley," Ron grinned. "Harry's friend."

"Ron Weasley?" James asked. "As in son of Molly Weasley? As in son of our Transfiguration professor?"

"One in one," Ron grumbled.

"Well, please to meet you then, Ron," James smiled. "And you are...?"

"Hermione Granger," Hermione smiled. "Another friend of Harry's."

Or is it more than that...?

Shut it, Draco. And I mean it.

"WHAT?" Lily said out loud.

"Shut it, Malfoy, or you are going to regret it," Harry said threateningly.

"But I didn't - "

"Shut your trap!" Harry snapped.

"What was that about?" Ron asked.

"Oh, just a little something..." Draco smiled.

"You look familiar," James declared, ignoring the rest of them and staring at Hermione. "Like someone I used to know..."

Harry cleared his throat. Draco, deciding that enough was enough, put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe we'd better take the Memory Charm off Prongs, eh?"

"Yea..." Harry said, pushing Laura out of his mind. "Yea... hey Dad?"

"Harry?" James asked, turning to him.

"Remember a certain Harry Finnigan?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"Yea... what about him?" James asked. Sirius and Remus snorted.

"Well... Etaivilbo!" Harry and Draco said together. James stumbled backward a bit, but when he straightened up, his eyes widened.

"Boa," he said, nodding towards Draco.

"Prongs," Draco said, nodding back.

"Long time no see."

"I would say same here, but we got back less than a week ago, so it would be a lie."

"What is it with Boa???" Ron asked.

"Looooooong story, Ron," Harry said, shaking his head. "Very long story."

"That should best wait until a more appropriate time," Draco added, grinning.

"Speaking of which..." Sirius said. "You have no idea how much this will mean to some people. Arabella, Narcissa, Molly, even Petunia and Vernon, although in a much more negative way."

"Petunia," Lily said, wrinkling her nose. "The greatest moment of my life, Sirius, and you ruin it by mentioning her."

"I think what Padfoot means," Remus stated, "is that we're going to need a lot of Floo powder..."

Arabella Figg paced the room she was staying in at the Hogsmeade Inn anxiously. Remus and Sirius had left without any inclination of where they were going six hours ago. "God, where ARE you?" Arabella muttered. As if answering her prayers, a pop told her that someone had appeared in the fireplace. Expecting it to be Remus, she turned around and opened her mouth to say something. But nothing came out when she saw who it was.

"Long time, no see, Arabella," said the head of Lily Potter.

"Wh - but - you - how - why - who -?"

"I never died, Arabella," Lily said clearly. "Neither did James."

"But I remember," Arabella said quietly. "I remember when you died."

"But I didn't," Lily said. "You have to come through to here. We'll explain everything as soon as everyone gets here."

Molly Weasley sat in her kitchen, humming as she knitted a sweater. She was thinking about Charlie, and wondering how he was doing with those bloody dragons. There was the familiar pop of someone putting their head through on the Floo Network. She turned around, wondering who it could be.

"Hello there, Mum," Ron grinned widely.

"Ron? Are you all right?" Molly asked.

"Oh yes, I'm fine and dandy. You see, there's someone who wants to talk to you - or two people, to be more accurate. Shall I put one of them on?"

"Okay... but who - "

"Hello there, Professor," said a voice. A nagging voice. A voice that would always annoy her to no end. A voice she would recognize anywhere.

"James? James Potter?" Molly whispered. "But you died!"

"Yes, that is the typical reaction," James Potter grinned. "But you see, I didn't really die, because if I did I wouldn't be here now, would I?"

"But - but - "

"Yes, Lily's alive to. Ever met Mrs. Granger? Well, poo on you!" James said. "She's been in hiding, all though not really hiding, since - anyway, ever been to the Granger household? Yes? We're not going anywhere. Oh, and Lily wants to talk to you."

Quick as a flash, James was gone and Lily's head was in the fire. "Hello Molly," Lily grinned. "I guess James told you the extremely condensed version of the story."

"Which is...?"

"Well, we're alive," Lily said, smiling at her. "Never did die either. Listen, we're at Hermione's house, come now, will you? We're explaining things to everyone at once."

"Wha - but - right then," Molly said, dropping her sweater and forgetting everything about Charlie.

"See you in a bit," Lily grinned, disappearing with a pop!

"FRED! GEORGE! GINNY!" Molly screamed. She watched as three of her children bounded down the stairs.

"What is it, Mum?" Fred asked.

"I'm going to the Grangers," Molly said. "No idea when I'll be back. Ginny, you're in charge because your brothers can't even control themselves. Got it? Good. Love you." Before they could say a word, she had Apparated away.

Narcissa Harlem (she no longer used the name that belonged to the git she had married) sat at her dining room table. She smiled to herself. She had Sirius back, Draco was safe and happy, and he finally had a friend, her best friends' son at that. He was safe and sound, and no one needed to know his secret.

She heard a pop in the fireplace and turned to see who it was. She gasped when she saw Sirius's smiling head in the fire.

"Sirius!" she hissed. "What if I'd had company? Don't you ever think?"

"It doesn't matter," Sirius said, his smile growing wider. "Nar, Lily and James are alive. They're here at Hermione's house."

"Wh - what?" Narcissa spat. "But - that's impossible. Sirius, they died fourteen years ago!"

"No they didn't," Sirius said. He was smiling so widely that his face was in danger of ripping. "The details aren't important right now. Just come here ASAP, okay? We're explaining things to everyone at once."

"Everyone as in who, exactly?"

"Everyone as in Molly, Arabella, and... you," Sirius said. "I really have to go, Nar. I love you."

"Love you too," Narcissa said, her brow furrowing slightly.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley were extremely disappointed. They had received word that their nephew was alive. On the up side, he was going to his stupid friends' house. Just while they were pondering whether this was a good or bad thing, the doorbell rang. When they opened the door, two people in cloaks stoop on the steps. One was a sandy-haired man and the other a silver-blonde with gray eyes. Both of their eyes twinkled mysteriously.

"Hello, Vernon," said the man. His cloak swished as Vernon stared at them both in horror. "May we come in?"

"No," Vernon said at the exact moment Petunia said, "Yes." They both stared at each other.

"Excuse us a moment," Vernon said. He grabbed his wife aside and hissed, "What were you thinking?"

"They may be bringing news," Petunia hissed back. "They might be here to tell us that the boy is dead!"

"I do suppose you're right..." Vernon whispered. "All right then," he called to the people at the door. "Come in!"

"Thank you," said the man. The boy made a face, but nodded towards them to acknowledge that he had heard them. They both stepped inside as Petunia led them to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" Vernon asked gruffly.

"We're here to tell you something that may seem strange at first..." the man began.

"Well, actually it is strange overall," interrupted the boy, speaking for the first time.

"Yes, Draco, I do suppose that is true..." the man said.

"Holy s***, Moony, cut out the formal crap!" the boy who was supposedly known as Draco cried.

"Fine," said the man in a huff. "Well, Vernon, Petunia, you may remember me as Remus Lupin, this is my impatient friend, Draco Malfoy. Maybe Harry's told you abut him? Anyway - "

"Cut to the chase, Moony," Draco interjected.

"You try it then, Draco, if you're so clever!" Remus Lupin said, throwing up his hands.

"Fine. Mr. and Mrs. Hunk-of-Crap - I mean Dursley - Lily and James Potter are alive. Got it? Good. Come on, Remus, I just completely wasted five minutes of my life! I'll never get those five minutes back!"

"WHAAAAAAAAT???" said the Dursleys as one.

"The freak???" Petunia shrieked.

"And the freak's husband?" Vernon roared.

"No!" Draco said. "The loving mother and the caring father to Harry are back!"

"Boa..." Remus groaned. "Don't yell..."

"But that's great!" Vernon said in realization. "THE BOY IS GONE!!!"

Draco was seeing red. But this time Remus was way ahead of him.

"If you ever," Remus said, drawing his wand and pointing it at both of them, "ever, EVER insult Harry, or James, or Lily, or anything besides your pig of a son in general, you WILL regret it."

Petunia squealed and hid behind her husband's bulk. Remus shook his head. "Come on, Draco," he said, turning to go and pocketing his wand. "It's not worth it."

"You can say that again," Draco mumbled. With a pop they Disapparated.

When Remus and Draco reappeared in the Granger's house, everyone stared at them.

"I - hate - Vernon - Dursley," Remus said loudly.

"I hate the Dursleys in general," Draco mumbled.

"Mhmm," Harry muttered, staring into space.

"Was Petunia really that bad?" Lily asked apprehensively, watching her son.

"Yes," Remus and Draco said firmly.

"She was absolutely horrid," Remus said. "Worse than I remember."

"Worse than I imagined," Draco said. "God, she thought we couldn't hear - she said - the only reason they let us in was because they thought we might have come to tell them - to tell them Harry was dead!" Draco looked like he was going to explode.

"I'd imagine it to be worse," Harry said, looking up at them all suddenly. "They attacked Ron's dad with fine china."

"Well, that was right after the Ton-Tounge Toffee incident, Harry," Ron reminded him with a slight smile.

"That's true..." Harry said, smiling back.

"I'll kill them," James said, in a tone that made Hermione back up a little. "I'll kill them both, and their stupid son too!"

"Not alone, Prongs, not alone," Sirius said, cracking his knuckles.

"They didn't!" Lily said in anger. "They wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, they dared all right," Remus growled.

"But - but how could anyone be so cruel?" Hermione whispered.

"Mione, you haven't met the Dursleys," Harry said to her. "They're cruel and many other synonyms of evil."

Before there could be a reaction to this statement, there were several pops! Three very confused woman had Apparated into the room.

"WHAT'S GOING ON???" shouted Molly Weasley, Arabella Figg, and Narcissa Harlem.

"Well," James said, grinning, "you see, me and Lily, we're alive. Yup. That's what's going on."

"James," Lily said, slapping his arm. She turned onto the three women - her three friends.

"Lily?" Arabella said quietly. "Is it - is it really you?"

"'Course it's me, Ara," Lily said, smiling slightly. "Who'd you expect?"

Arabella was stunned. Only Lily had ever called her Ara. "Umm..."

Lily ignored her and gave her a huge hug. "Oh Arabella, I missed you!"

"God, Lily, I - I missed you too," Arabella said quietly, putting her arms around her friend. "I missed you too..."

They broke apart and Lily smiled at her. She turned to Molly.

"Molly," she said quietly.

"Lily," Molly said even more quietly. "We missed you." Lily squeezed her.

"I know," she said. "I know." She nodded, and Molly smiled. Lily's eyes drifted to Narcissa, who bowed her head.

"I'm sorry," she said. She looked up. "Really, really sorry."

"It's okay," Lily smiled. "It wasn't your fault."

"But - "

"Nar, I missed you," Lily said, hugging her tightly. "I missed you more than you could imagine. For a very, very long time."

Nar broke down. "I missed you too, Lily. Even though I couldn't show it, I missed you. So much. So much..."

When they broke apart, Narcissa looked at Sirius and smiled. "I guess you do think after all."

"And you doubted it?" Sirius asked playfully, smiling.

"Of course not." Sirius kissed her. Everyone else smiled. James turned to Arabella.

"Arabella," James said.

"James," Arabella said blankly. "We missed you."

"I know."

"A lot."

"I know."

"A whole lot."

"I know."

"And you always used to be the talkative one," Arabella smiled.

"Haven't changed that much, have I?" James asked, grinning.

"You'd be surprised."

"Mmm..." James said, squeezing her hand. When he let go, his eyes wandered to Molly.

"Professor Weasley," he nodded in acknowledgement.

"James," Molly nodded in return.

"Still teaching?"

"Heavens, no!" Molly laughed. "I've got seven children now, James!"

"Three didn't stop you, did it?"

"No... no, I suppose not," Molly grinned.

James, turning to the last person, frowned a little. Then he smiled. "Narcissa," he said.

"James," Narcissa said.

"Don't say sorry."

"But - "

"You don't have to be sorry."

There was a silence. "But - "

"Hey," James smiled, "if Padfoot could do it, so can I."

From behind Narcissa's back, Sirius looked at him. "Thank you," he mouthed. James winked at him.

Narcissa smiled at him slightly. James continued to smile.

"Well," Draco said, grinning. "Now that we've had another little reunion - emphasis on the word another - could we please cut to the chase?"

"Draco..." Narcissa said, frowning. "Be nice."

"Yes, Mum," Draco said, his grin fading.

"Now," Remus said, looking around at them all. "You all know the public version of what happened fourteen years ago..."

"Bloody hell," Molly whispered, holding her son tightly. "Bloody hell."

"Mum, you're strangling me," Ron choked.

"I - I can't believe it," Arabella said quietly. "Fourteen years..."

"And we never knew..." Narcissa said faintly. "We never knew."

"And I'd met you," Molly said, staring at Lily absentmindedly while Ron withered in her grasp. "And I didn't even know."

"You didn't know, Molly," Lily said comfortingly.


"But you couldn't have known."

"I could have."

"No, you couldn't have."

"Yes I could have. Don't argue with me, Lily."

"Never did do any good," Lily sighed.

"'Course it didn't," Sirius sighed. "I mean, I told her that Remus ate my homework, but did she listen? NO!"

"YOU DID WHAT???" Remus screamed.

"Help me," Sirius said in a weak voice, hiding behind James.

"God, Padfoot, get off me..." James mumbled, pushing Sirius off. Sirius made a face.

"Thanks a lot, Prongs."

"You're quite welcome."

Remus, taking a deep breath and trying not to scream again, looked around at everyone. "What are we going to do?" he asked, glaring at Sirius and cracking his knuckles.

"Well, for one thing, we are separating these two," Lily said, nodding at Sirius and Remus, "before Remus ends up killing Sirius."

"Yes, very good plan," Sirius said, backing away a little. "Very, very good plan... stay back, Moony..."

Remus grumbled something under his breath and said, "I kind of meant about the other situation. You know, Lily, the one where you're alive?"

"Right," Lily said. "Umm..."

"Dumbledore?" Hermione suggested.

"Japan," Sirius and Remus said.


"America on Ministry business," Arabella said.

"Ah... Snape?"

There was complete and utter silence as everyone stared at Hermione. "Hermione..." Harry said, feeling her forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, Harry, I am," Hermione said, brushing his hand away grudgingly.

"ARE YOU MAD???" Narcissa, Sirius, Remus, James, Arabella, and Lily cried.

"No, she's got a point," Draco said.

"She does?" Molly asked, looking at him strangely.

"Yes. Unfortunately, he is the highest official at Hogwarts at the moment. Who else are we supposed to contact? Fudge? Rita Skeeter?"

"Cornelius Fudge," Sirius stated, "is an illiterate - (very long series of beeping sounds here) who can't even keep his own mind under control, much less the whole Ministry's."

"SIRIUS!" Molly, Lily, and Narcissa cried.

"There are children in the room, Sirius!" Molly wailed, covering a still suffocating Ron's ears.

"Let go of me, Mum!" came Ron's muffled voice. Harry could see his ears go pink.

"No," Draco said. "He's absolutely right."

"DRACO!" Narcissa cried, staring at her son in horror.

"I mean in the part where he can't control the Ministry, Mum," Draco assured her.

"For your own sake I should hope so," Harry muttered under his breath.

"Oh shut it, Harry," Draco said irritably.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Well, then, shut it anyway!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Right. Well, it pains me to say this, I assure you, but - I think we'd better ask Snape for help." Harry seemed to have a hard time getting those last words out.

"Great. Now we have three for Mungo's!" James exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "Snape would never even consider in the slightest helping me at all, and telling people that I'm alive does fall under the "Help" category! So forget it!"

"Oh, but you forget who you have with you," Ron said, finally breaking away from his mum. "Malfoy here is little Mr. Ooh-Lookie-Here-I-Think-I'll-Twirl-Snape-Around-My-Little-Finger!"

"Oh yes," Draco said sarcastically. "I really love him patting my beautiful hair with his slimy paws..."

"Draco, it is true," Harry smiled.

"BUT," Remus said, before Draco could reply, "They do have a slight point. I've witnessed first hand Snape's favoritism towards Draco, and let me comment now, I almost vomited afterwards."

"So... you're suggesting that we go ask the greasy git for help?" Arabella said, looking around at everyone. Hermione, Draco, Remus, Ron and Harry nodded. "Well, my world's turned upside-down in a matter of thirty minutes. Somebody wake me up, please."

"Well..." Lily said. "I'll admit, it's an edgy idea, but... well, it's worth a try."

"It might work," Molly, always the optimist, said positively.

"I still think you're all insane," Narcissa muttered, "but let's give it a go."

"Uh... ditto," Sirius said gloomily.

"Merlin's beard, I'm the only sane one here," James muttered. "But if you're going to go, I guess I'm going to have to come."

"Right," Lily said, getting up. "Now, the only thing I'm concerned about is if we'll have enough Floo powder!"

Approximately ten minutes later, all of them stood at the entrance to Snape's private chambers, Draco, James and Lily in the front with Harry, Hermione and Ron right behind them, and everyone else behind them. Taking a deep breath, Draco knocked on the door.

"Professor?" he called. The door opened. Snape, in his billowing black robes appeared.

"What are you doing here - students aren't allowed - and all of you - who are - Merlin's beard - but - you - died - dead - you - " Snape stuttered, words failing him as he started to look decidedly queasy.

"Severus," James said, stepping forward with a gulp. "Forget the past. We need your help."

A/N: MWHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Another cliffy!!!!!!!!! ::ducks incoming tomatoes:: Hehehe... anyway, I hope this answers all of your "What the hell is going on here?" questions, and if not, let me know. Reviews are nice. Veeeeery nice. Well, next chap up soon!!! I hope...

Lily Granger