Ginny Weasley Ron Weasley
Romance Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/23/2003
Updated: 03/23/2003
Words: 3,239
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,158

Their Royal Highnesses

Lily Evans

Story Summary:
Our beloved Trio, plus Ginny, Draco, and Parvati are sent back into medieval times after stumbling into a strange clearing in the Forbidden Forest. Suddenly, Ginny and Ron find themselves in very different situations and the rest of them are just extremely befuddled by the whole mess.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
This is one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that -is- saying something. Lol, not really, but I rather like the concept of this fan fiction, and I hope you will too. I highly suggest that you go out and purchase/check out the Song of the Lioness Quartet, and perhaps the Immortals Quartet, and maybe even the Protector of the Small Quartet -- the Tortall series books that Tamora Pierce writes. - cough. - Anyway.. enjoy the fanfic.

Chapter One: Dragon's Violets and Conversations about the Weather


Ginny eyed the surroundings of the Forbidden Forest, wincing at every noise made by something other than her companions. She wished terribly that Malfoy had not started on their family again, and that Harry, Hermione, and Parvati had not stood up for her and Ron. She especially wished that Ron and Harry had not thrown themselves at Malfoy when he made a sordid comment about Hermione, Parvati and herself, involving the two boys and something rather nasty. McGonagall had swooped over and handed out detentions to the six of them quicker than you could say Quidditch, and tonight, they were doing their detentions. They were to find an herb that Professor Sprout needed for her Advanced Herbology class called Dragon's Violet that would put the most stubborn person to sleep in a minute flat. She stayed close to Ron, not wanting any werewolf to jump out of the trees around them and rip their throats to shreds.

"I really don't want to be out here," grumbled Malfoy, who looked worse for the wear - he had fallen in a mud puddle about fifteen minutes ago and was covered in it from his knees-down.

Harry, who was already hacked off, turned on Malfoy. "If you hadn't said that nasty comment, we wouldn't be out here! In fact, if you had just left us alone, we might be up in the castle right now, sleeping, but no, you couldn't resist, could you?" He had grabbed Malfoy by the front of his robes, glaring into the blond boy's face.

"Harry, let go of Malfoy," Hermione said softly, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "You might attract unwelcome creatures, talking as loud as you were." She looked wary, and kept messing around with something in her robes pocket - Ginny had a feeling it was her Head Girl badge, something she had chosen not to wear at the moment. Either that, or she was playing with her wand, wondering whether to take it out and blast Malfoy with it or not.

Ginny watched as Harry put Malfoy down, glaring daggers at him, and walked away from the annoying little git. She looked up, and saw a bright spot over to the left. "Look, there's a clearing," she said, pointing down the left fork - the path went in a three-pronged fork from where they were stopped.

Parvati looked at the group. "I think McGonagall said that the herb was in the clearing past the left fork.. Perhaps this is what she was talking about."

"Perhaps, or maybe there's a group of werewolves down there with their wands lit, hoping that some unsuspecting Hogwarts students would think the same thing you were, Patil!" Malfoy said menacingly, taking out his wand and pointing it at the bottom of his robes. He muttered a spell and the remains of the mud disappeared.

"Shut up, Malfoy. McGonagall did say that," said Harry, and he looked at Ron and Hermione. "Think we should?"

"Sounds like a plan," said Hermione, but Ron looked torn.

"What if Malfoy is right?" he said, but looked rather pained while doing so. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Ron, don't believe Malfoy, he was just saying that to try to scare us," Hermione replied, an eye twitching with annoyance at Ron.

"And what if he wasn't?" He snapped, ears going red.

"I was, Weasley," Malfoy drawled, in an attempt to end the bickering. It was annoying, and he didn't have the time to put up with such annoyances at the moment. He wanted to get this detention over with and back to the castle, where a bed with green silk sheets was awaiting him.

Harry led the group, with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Parvati close behind; Malfoy lingered just a slight bit behind the group of Gryffindors. They all filed into the clearing, and spotted a clearing full of flower bushes, all with violets on them, but they were not normal violets - their petals kept changing colours, as did a dragon with their emotions. The girls just stood there, awed by the beauty of the flowers, and as Harry strode over to the largest flower bush, their world went black and fell apart under them.


Parvati was the first one to come around, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "What the hell..." she murmured, looking around. It looked like they were in the same clearing, although it just felt different. Furthermore, the violets were not changing colours, as the other ones did, and the howls normally heard in the Forbidden Forest were gone. She crawled over to Hermione, shaking her slightly. "Hermione. Hermione! Wake up," she said, feeling as if they should get out of there, and back to Hogwarts, because she was seriously freaked out right now.

Brown eyes slid open, coming into focus on Parvati's face. "Hey," Hermione whispered, "What happened?"

"I don't know." The others were stirring, and Malfoy sat up, looking extremely irritated.

"What the bloody hell was that all about," he grumbled, standing and looking around the clearing.

"Dunno, but let's get back to Hogwarts; I don't like this at all," Harry was awake, as well; he was busy waking up Ron and Ginny at the moment.

After they were all awake and somewhat less discombobulated, they followed the path out of the clearing -

-- And found themselves standing at the edge of a fence; inside the fence, horses were grazing. A stables was located over to the far right; farther on beyond that, what looked like a.. Jousting field? This could not be right, at all, because if Parvati remembered right, Hogwarts did not have stables or a jousting field.

Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and even Draco had looks of utter confusion on their faces. Ron first spoke up. "Where the hell are we?"

"Not in Kansas, that's for sure," Draco said dryly, leaning against the fence. Making a few clucking noises, a lovely black mare trotted over to him, nuzzling against his hand.

"I didn't know you had seen The Wizard of Oz, Malfoy," said Harry, amazed that Draco could get along with anything besides a Slytherin.

"Oh, Ye of Little Faith, Potter," he replied, petting the mare between her eyes.

A boy in scarlet and gold ran up to them, looking out of breath. He spotted Ginny and Ron and bowed deeply, looking rather out-of-breath.

"Why are you bowing at us?" snapped Ron, who was now irritated.

The boy looked confused. "Isn't it royal protocol, Highness?" He looked as if he were about to start laughing, but refrained from doing so. "They've been looking for you, the Princess, and the good Sirs and gentle Ladies everywhere in the palace. If you don't hurry, you'll be late for her introduction to the Court," he said, motioning to Ginny and smiling. As an afterthought, he added, "What are you wearing? Those certainly don't look like the outfits I was showed earlier.."

Draco leaned over and whispered something in Ron's ear. Ron looked as if he would faint, but did not, and turned to the boy. "We will be there, Squire," he said, and the boy dashed off.

Looking pale, Ron turned to Ginny. "They think we're a Prince and Princess, you and I," he said to his sister, who paled. "And they think that Harry and Malfoy are Knights, and Hermione and Parvati are Ladies."

"It seems," drawled Draco, "that that clearing sent us back into medieval times. Also, it seems that Weasley has finally got the money he wanted."

Harry had to hold Ron back by his robes to keep him from launching himself at Draco, and put his arm around Ron's shoulders. "Well... Highness, I suppose, we'd better get back there and change into our garments."


Ginny twirled around in front of the mirror, frowning at her hair. She took out her wand, tapped her head, and instantly her auburn locks were falling around her shoulders in loose ringlets. She eyed the dark blue dress lying on her bed, and bit her bottom lip, wondering if she would look good in it. She'd never worn a dress that showed so much skin, and the one on her bed was cut to where it laid slightly off her shoulders and was cut to show a tad bit of cleavage. Molly would have her head if she saw her daughter wearing this. Sighing to herself, she slid into the dress, loving the way the silk felt against her skin.

A knock rang on the door, and she glanced at it. It opened a bit, and her maidservant, Annalise, popped her head in. "Highness? Do you need any help?"

Ginny shoved her wand out of sight, and smiled at the girl. She had just met her, but felt as if she had known her all her life. She was so nice, so sweet, and so willing to help her that Ginny was vaguely reminded of a house elf. "Yes, please," she replied, and the girl came in, closing the door behind her. "Could you help me with these laces? I'm afraid I can't get them myself." Which was true; there were laces up the back of the dress instead of zippers. Annalise came around to the back of Ginny and tied the laces tightly, making her gasp slightly with the tightness around her ribs.

"Are you alright, Highness?" the girl asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, gathering her air. "It's just a bit tight, that's all. I'm afraid all I'll be able to do in this dress is look pretty." Annalise giggled, making Ginny laugh too.


"Lady Hermione of Trebond, of the Realm of Tortall, escorted by Sir Harold of Naxen, Knight of the Realm of Tortall," the herald announced, and Hermione and Harry descended the Great Staircase of the royal palace. Hermione looked dazzling in a dark green silk dress that clung to her torso, but pouffed out at her hips; the top of the gown was cut straight across, but fell low enough to show a shadow - the princess cut. Her hair had been straightened (a simple Straightening charm) and fell past her shoulders in a sleek sheet of brown. A gold and emerald necklace was around her throat, matching earrings in her ears. Harry, on the other hand, looked somewhat uncomfortable, but pleased. He wore a tunic that matched Hermione's gown, with a white shirt beneath it and black breeches (he had absolutely refused to wear hose; they reminded him of tights). Where their 'surnames' came from, Hermione did not know, but from looking at a map, she noticed that her town was in the northern part of the country, so she talked with a vague Scottish accent (because that is what Hermione thought people from the northern section of the country sounded like). Harry's 'surname' was from what looked like a region of the country that was full of lakes; on closer inspection, she noticed it was called the Lake Region.

"Her most Royal Highness Virginia of Conté, of the Realm of Tortall, escorted by Sir Draco of Goldenlake, Knight of the Realm of Tortall!" Ginny began her descent down the staircase, with Draco by her side. Harry could not help from staring at her; she looked much older than sixteen at the moment. Her dress barely held onto her shoulders, and was cut in a sweetheart fashion, dipping slightly down into her cleavage. It clung to her curves marvelously, and, like Hermione's gown, pouffed out at the waist. Her auburn hair fell around her shoulders in soft-looking ringlets; a net of transparent material was rested gingerly over her hair, with moonstones knitted into the material, making it look as if the stones floated by themselves in her hair. A silver and sapphire necklace was around her neck, and sapphire earrings were present in her earlobes. Draco wore a tunic to match her dress, a white shirt, and dark grey breeches (it seemed as he had passed up on the opportunity to wear hose, as well). Harry thought Draco's eyes looked more blue than grey now, probably because the tunic was bringing out the blue tones in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness, Heir to the Throne of Tortall, Ronald of Conté, escorting Lady Jocelyn of Meron of the Realm of Tortall." Jocelyn? thought Hry. That's Parvati, not some girl named Jocelyn. However, she looked resplendent in a gown of deep red, with rubies glinting at her neck and earlobes. The gown was similar to Ginny's, but had an Empress cut top instead of a sweetheart cut. Ron wore a tunic of royal blue, the realm's colour, a white shirt, and, the most-likely reason for Ron's sour look - blue hose. Luckily, the tunic was cut long, so he was not showing off his legs.


"Jocelyn?" Hermione asked Parvati during supper, raising an eyebrow.

"It's my middle name. Besides, it sounds more classy than Parvati," she whispered back, smiling to the King and Queen, who bore strange resemblances to Arthur and Molly Weasley.

During the beginning of supper, they had found out that Draco was leader to a group called 'the King's Own', a band of warriors who did border-patrols and protected the King and Prince during battle. Harry, furthermore, was son of the King's Champion, who was also the Duke of Naxen - he looked startled to see someone who looked like James Potter, and even more, someone who looked like Lily Evans - and that they were his parents. He was Ron's cousin, through his father, who had the brown eyes that the Queen had. It seemed people they knew were in this realm, but under different names. For example, Hermione had called to a boy who looked startlingly like Neville earlier, who gave her a funny look and told her his name was Nathaniel, not Neville. So as not to leave Hermione sitting at the lower table with the rest of the ladies, Harry had announced that Hermione was his betrothed, and just like that, she was sitting at the dais with the rest of the royal family.

"So, Hermione, tell us about yourself," said the imperious Duchess of Naxen, whose name turned out to be Julienne and not Lily.

"Yes, that would be lovely," the Duke of Naxen added, whose name was actually James.

"Well.." she hesitated, feeling colour rise in her cheeks.

Harry looked to his 'parents', smiling apologetically. "I'm sure she doesn't feel like being interrogated during supper, Mother, Father," he said softly.

Julienne laughed, smiling at her 'son'. "Of course, how silly of me," she said, "I wasn't thinking. Continue eating, dear."

Hermione gave Harry a look of pure gratitude, and looked down the table. Draco was engaged in conversation with the Lord Provost. Ginny sat at his side, laughing at points, and Draco did not even seem to mind that he was eating his supper beside a Weasley. Hermione smiled. Maybe this would change things.


Hermione, Parvati, and Ginny took to the Grand Ballroom an hour later, and were almost immediately swamped by people who wanted to dance with them. However, their escorts saved them from the groping hands of squires.

Harry waltzed Hermione around the dance floor, smiling down at her. "You look very lovely tonight, 'Mione," he said softly, in her ear.

She blushed. "So do you. It also seems that this change in time has improved your dancing skills. You haven't stood on my foot once all night."

Harry laughed at this. "I might have taken dancing lessons since fourth year. You never know," he whispered, his lips very close to her ear.

She shivered, and looked up at Harry. The boy she had adored for the past six years was no longer the lanky boy he once was. Now he was a graceful, muscular man, one who danced well and talked like nobility. Of course, she talked like a noble too, but he seemed as if he was born into it. She had not realized this until they ran into his parents at dinner, and she noticed that he talked like he always did, but he had a simple class to himself. Now, when her brown eyes met his startlingly green ones, she felt as if she could dance all night. (A/N: cue My Fair Lady, 'I could have danced all night'.)

He looked as if he would kiss her, but looked around and realized that there were people in the hall, a lot of people, who might think it indecent that he kiss a woman on the dance floor - never you mind that they were 'betrothed'. Therefore, he just settled for staring into her eyes, and Hermione felt like she could have melted into a puddle and died, their stare was so intense. She smiled at him, and her smile was there all evening.


Ginny and Draco, however, were outside in the gardens, which were full of beautiful violets, roses, and chrysanthemums. The air smelled so fragrant, almost like the perfume counter at Victoria's Secret Witchwear. Something had changed in him that evening; it was almost like he did not care about the feud that had been going on between the Weasleys and the Malfoys for hundreds of years, all because of how radiant Virginia Weasley looked.

He had told her so, and she had blushed profusely, replying that he was probably just saying that to be nice. However, he had taken her by the arms, very lightly, and looked her in the eyes, a fierce intensity glowing in his eyes as he repeated, very slowly, that she looked wonderful. Her eyes had widened as he said so and she then looked down, saying softly that she thought he looked very handsome.

So there they were now; standing in the gardens by a fountain that held real fish within its waters. He was saying something very softly to her, to which she replied with the same quietness. Draco leaned over, placing his lips very softly on hers; his hand cupped her jaw gently.


Oh, God. She was caught totally by surprise as she felt his lips touch hers; her eyes closed slowly, bright colours exploding behind her eyelids as she lifted her arms to link them around his neck. His hands fell to her waist, barely touching her, and his touches were driving her mad. Already that evening he had touched her shoulder a countless number of times; her waist, her hips, her face, and her back were his other favorites. She relaxed into his kiss, vaguely noticing he tasted like sugared lemons and pepper; and he smelled incredible, some cologne she could not name off the top of her head. Her fingers curled into his silver-blond hair, loving how soft it felt beneath her fingers.


Ron and Parvati had found themselves a secluded alcove away from the ballroom, and were doing the exact same thing that Ginny and Draco were doing - not that they knew that, but still. However, they had to spring apart when they heard someone coming, acting as if they were having a spirited conversation about the weather. They finally decided that they should probably continue this later, when there would be no interruptions and no conversations about weather.

A/N: Whee, this was great fun. :D I hope you enjoyed reading it. ~K.