Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/25/2003
Updated: 08/25/2003
Words: 661
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,167


Lia Pendragon

Story Summary:
Pranks were a part of life. They always went off perfectly and he never got caught. Why should this time be any different? The prank happened as planned, yet he got caught... in more ways than one.

Author's Note:
Since the other fic has gotten such a wonderful response, here's another of the 15 minute ficlet challenges. The prompt for this one was Explosion, and what better way to use the word than in one of Sirius's ever-famous pranks.

Who would have thought that a misplayed prank would have brought them together? Surely not Sirius Black. For the plain and simple reason that his pranks never went wrong. They were all well-thought out to keep things like this from happening.

To keep him from getting caught.

There was no one at Hogwarts who had a record like his.

It was practically clean... with the exception of this one mark marring his otherwise perfect record.

Of course... everyone knew that he was the brains behind the opperation. Everyone knew that if there was a random explosion around the Slytherin common room, Sirius Black was to blame.

They just couldn't prove it.

And so, Sirius was looked up to by just about every student at Hogwarts. Many tried to follow in his footsteps, but undoubtably they were caught.

There was one simple reason behind why he was never caught. That simple reason was a fellow fifth year student by the name of Remus Lupin.

Ah, Remus Lupin... the boy who constantly haunted Sirius's thoughts. He kept this to himself of course. One didn't go around telling their best male mate that they were obsessed with them.

It wasn't natural.

And so, Sirius became the flirt that everyone knew him to be. He flirted to push thoughts of the fair-haired Remus Lupin from his mind. Flirted with anything that breathed in order to free himself of the inexplicable hold the other boy had on him.

He never managed to get far into a relationship before amber eyes flecked with gold came across his vision. From that point on, Sirius couldn't erase Remus's face from his mind... and thus ended another relationship for the Gryffindor.

After a while, Sirius began to give up. He continued flirting of course. By this point he had a reputation to keep up. However, he found himself content to love from afar. He was the stars and Remus was his moon. A silent lover that brightened his world.

Sitting in detention, Sirius stole a glance at the boy beside him. They had both been caught that afternoon.

The dungbombs had gone off as scheduled... just as Severus Snape had left the Slytherin common room. Quietly, Sirius and his acomplice had celebrated the success of their plan from a corner not far away.

Stinking, Severus had rushed down the hall, past their hiding place. The two continued to laugh silently, Sirius relishing in the nearness of the acomplice. The closest he would ever get...

Suddenly, they turned to look at each other. Something happened in that brief moment. They both knew the danger was near, but suddenly, neither one cared. A thousand thoughts came forth in that moment as they realised their attraction to one another. Both knew they had to run soon. Both knew...

All thoughts were silenced as Sirius leaned forward, his heart in his throat... and sighed as lips met lips. The other didn't pull back. The other pulled him closer, and Sirius felt a weight leave his chest.

There were steps approaching from behind and Sirius knew they both were caught. His perfect record was no longer perfect. But, somehow that didn't matter much. With regret, Sirius pulled away. From the look in the amber eyes that borred into his own, the other regretted it too. Yet, better to be caught like this then kissing.

Only one situation could be easily explained.

"Detention is over. Turn in your parchment and return to your dormitories."

Sirius looked up, jarred away from his thoughts. Beside him, Remus stretched his hands above his head. Sirius smiled, looking at the form of his best friend... who could no longer be classified as such. Their eyes met briefly... a promise of what awaited when they returned to their dormitories.

Losing his perfect record, or finding the love of Remus Lupin? Sirius would sacrifice his record any day for just one kiss from the amber-eyed boy.

Once was enough.

Remus was his.