Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/02/2003
Updated: 11/30/2003
Words: 17,666
Chapters: 8
Hits: 6,100

Safety From a Distance


Story Summary:
Safety is found standing in the furthest corner, in the room furthest away from that person. But, within that person, you've found something safety can't find. Love.

Safety is found standing in the furthest corner, in the room furthest away from that person. But, within that person, you've found something safety can't find. Love.

Words: 2,436
Hits: 2,366

Safety is found standing in the furthest corner, in the room furthest away from that person. But, within that person, you've found something Safety can't find. Love. This is a Lily and James story.

Words: 2,627
Hits: 642
Chapter 02

Safety is found in the furthest corner, in the room furthest away from that person. But within that person, you've found something safety can't find. Love. This is a Lily and James story.

Words: 2,536
Hits: 539
Chapter 03

Sirius asks James how he got Lily to go to the dance with him. James answers, and Sirius wears glasses.

Words: 1,813
Hits: 475
Chapter 04

Sirius and James go out exploring and get caught. Quite nice, really. Also, Sirius is inquisitive and asks James why they are having a dance.

Words: 2,217
Hits: 463
Chapter 05

In which MWPP find a new secret passage, as well as some interesting finds within. Not much Lily in this chapter, she makes grand appearances when she deems fit.

Words: 2,838
Hits: 498
Chapter 06

In this, MWPP finds a letter left by Rowena Ravenclaw. In which, we find out a bit about the past of the founders. Not too much Lily in this chapter, will be in the next one. This is a Lily and James story.

Words: 1,378
Hits: 514
Chapter 07

James and Lily are starting to get the alone time that they (James, really!) desire. Yet, the poor dears, are interrupted by our favourite Slytherin. Well, of this era, and no... it's not Lucius.

Words: 1,821
Hits: 603