Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
Severus Snape
Alternate Universe Slash
The First War Against Voldemort (Cir. 1970-1981)
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/22/2006
Updated: 11/15/2006
Words: 133,299
Chapters: 24
Hits: 12,488

Snape the Younger

Les Dowich

Story Summary:
COMPLETE. Severus Snape came from somewhere; he didn't just appear at Hogwarts. We have had hints of his back story but no one really knows it. How did he get to be a snarky bastard? Why? Who knows, besides JK Rowling? So, this series of short chapter/stories explores the possibilities which include Potions College, Malfoys, The Dark Lord and even Remus Lupin, as well as a growing conviction that the world is not a nice place.

Chapter 12 - Shifting Lines

Chapter Summary:
Tom Riddle takes the friendship between them to a new level and Severus learns a harsh new truth about Dark magic and the ongoing affects.

  • Shifting Lines

The invitation was beautifully engraved, the script elegant and the parchment richly creamy. Severus carefully broke the seal and read the missive, one eyebrow lifting as he studied the signature. He was familiar with the crest if not the name and it only took him a few seconds to make the connection. Abraxas almost smiled when he watched the puzzle come together on the boy's face, a soft chuckle breaking out as Severus glanced up and blushed vividly.

"Has 'Mr. Riddle' invited you for dinner at the Gentlemen's Club?" Abraxas teased lightly and laughed more openly as the boy's mouth dropped open. That Lord Voldemort used his own name as a nom de plume was a very private joke and very well kept secret. "My dear Severus, I know you like to think of yourself as a free entity but, my boy, you are under my roof more than any other. I do confess to feeling a certain level of responsibility for your welfare. When Mr. Riddle first thought to approach you, he naturally assumed that I was the proper person to consult in these matters. After all, you are part of the family, you know...."

Severus almost reeled in shock. No one had ever thought to be responsible for him or take his interests into consideration before. "I... I don't know what to say," he stuttered.

"Do you want to say yes or no? I have spoken to Lucius about the matter and he tells me he has spoken to you too, so now it is your decision. No one will force your hand one way or the other, so feel free to think about it and know there will be no problems from our side of the family."

Falling back into the chair, Severus could only stare at the old man, a warmth seeping through his bones. It was as if he was a real person with real feelings and needs which actually mattered to someone besides himself. He drew in a huge breath that gusted out again as a sigh before glancing up almost shyly. "Do you think I should go?"

Abraxas contemplated his shallow cup for a second, then looked up, a slightly sad light in his eyes. "I don't think there is a lot of choice, my boy. The Dark Lord wants you and so you must obey him, even in this very personal thing. If you truly hate the idea and feel threatened by it, then I think we can get you out of the country; but Severus, I don't think that is a problem with you, is it? You have always been as intrigued with the Dark Lord as he has been intrigued with you."

Severus blushed but managed to nod a fraction.

"It's a wonderful opportunity to gain a powerful position, an inside perspective on how the Dark Lord thinks and feels. Politically, it would make you one of the most favoured men in the country; socially you would be unbeatable and should receive more offers than you could ever imagine. Personally, however, you will be subjected to a great deal of strain and compromise. You will have to cater to his whims and needs and keep your mouth firmly shut about all of them. Still, you like the man and should not find being with him a strain at all. Have I covered the main points?" Abraxas sipped his tea, then smiled at the boy over the cup's rim. "So, what time are you going to dinner?"


The club's doorway on Diagon Alley was obscenely plain, a tiny engraved plaque giving the name and nothing more. Severus was not sure if he should knock as it was usually Abraxas who gained them entry to the exclusive precincts when they came to dine. Shrugging slightly, he raised his hand to knock but the door swung open and he entered the dark hallway, a faint spill of torchlight coming from the bracket overhead. The stairs were just as steep as ever but at the top the foyer was much more pleasantly lit and furnished with a plush sofa scattered with plump cushions. The reception desk on the far wall was manned by a young wizard who eyed Severus with a raised eyebrow as he hesitated in the doorway.

"Mr. Riddle's guest, Sir?" he asked in hushed tones, nodding when Severus held out the card he had been sent. "Certainly Sir, follow me."

The new passageway was half timbered in dark oak panelling and the top plastered a soft cream that glowed in the candlelight. The thick golden carpet blended splendidly with the panelling and was better than a silencing charm for muffling their footsteps. Dark oak doors were inset at regular intervals, some numbered, some bearing nameplates. The Usher stopped at the tenth door and scratched politely on the panels. It swung open onto a fire-lit room furnished in dark wine leather and teak with more of the golden carpet stretching out to cradle the furnishings and tone with the walls. It was a very masculine room, redolent in the scent of fine brandy and cigars. Wing chairs sat at right angles to each other before the fire; a small games table was pulled up for easy reaching by the occupants.

The room appeared empty at first as the Usher all but pushed him in and shut the door behind him but as Severus stumbled slightly, a face appeared around the side of one chair and a welcoming smile lit Tom Riddle's face as he stood up. "Ah, my Severus, I am so glad you chose to come and visit me this evening. Please, my dear friend, come and sit down; scotch, brandy or firewhiskey, what's your poison tonight?"

Severus made his way to the second chair and perched nervously on the edge of the cushion, his knees hunched up and his hands twisting nervously. He was slightly mortified to notice there was a distinct tremble in his usually rock steady hands as he accepted the drink from his friend and took a rather hasty gulp. Of course it went down the wrong way and he began to cough and splutter most inelegantly. The glass was plucked out of his hand and amused laughter flowed over him as a strong hand swatted his back obligingly.

"Alright now? Oh, you are good for me, Severus, you never cease to amuse and enthral. So, now that you are over trying to drown yourself, can you relax a little? Would it help if I said I was not about to seduce you before we even eat dinner? The cook would be mortified."

Severus laughed, knowing something of the ways of cooks after dealing with the Malfoy chef on occasion. "That's good to know," he said shaking his head and accepting his glass back while Tom flung himself down untidily in the opposite chair. "I'm not exactly practiced at this seduction thing, as I'm sure you have guessed. Usually I just stumble into these things with no clue or foresight."

Tom laughed and flicked open the top four buttons on his outer robe before taking a sip of his brandy and sitting up again. The chess board came to his hand like a well-trained hawk as he gestured, the pieces following in a steady stream. "If in doubt, play chess," he said humorously, Severus laughing and choosing Tom's right hand which gave him the black side.

By the end of the first game they were both much more relaxed, Tom discarding his outer robes, Severus leaving his open and rolling up his sleeves in a business-like manner. "That was plain bloody sneaky!" he protested as the white queen checkmated his king, Tom roaring with laughter at his baffled and disgruntled look. "You are so bloody good at feints and distractions, I was sure you were doing it and thought for sure I had spotted the main thrust but no, it was just a play within a play and checkmate came from a totally different direction again."

"Ah, but you do win regularly, my Severus, regularly enough to keep me on my toes. No getting lazy when playing against you," Tom congratulated. "Come on, let's eat. I ordered poached Scottish salmon in dill and wholegrain mustard sauce for you, how does that sound?"

Severus had to admit it sounded fantastic and it was, preceded by a chicken consommé and followed by Beef Wellington and lastly a hazelnut cream torte. He did notice that his portion of fish was twice as big as Tom's and Tom's beef was twice as big as his, a perfect balance for both of them. The conversation during the meal was light and witty, touching on the latest society gossip, who was doing what with whom. Tom told some anecdotes about his stay on the continent and what he had been doing in the last few weeks. Severus complained about his teachers and his classmates at College, how dense they were and how tedious the coursework could be.

They squabbled cheerfully over the last bits of hazelnut torte, Tom conceding it to Severus with a gracious air that was belied by the laughter in his eyes. When he demanded a kiss for being so gracious, Severus just laughed and kissed him most naturally, amazed at the sweetness of his mouth and the skill he had. A hand rose to cup the side of Severus' jaw, gently holding him in place as their tongues explored each other with languid thoroughness.

Severus gently eased out of the kiss, nipping gently at Tom's lower lip as they drew apart, foreheads touching, hands clutching shoulders and necks. Trying to catch his breath, Severus glanced up through his lashes a smile curving his thin mouth. "So, dinner is over. Now we practice seduction?" he teased lightly.

Tom smiled back knowingly. "Do we need to practice or can we just do it?"

They both laughed, lips clinging once again as they sank to the hearthrug. Tom broke the kiss the second time and murmured something under his breath, the rug growing thicker and more comfortable under their knees. Severus nodded approval as he pulled Tom closer and gently lowered him to the padded surface. He went with the movement, pulling Severus with him until they were both lying before the fire, gently exploring with hands and mouths.

Nipping and kissing up Tom's jaw, Severus thrust a hand into his hair to hold him still as he continued his exploration of neck and throat, gently sucking in the hollow of his throat before licking the red patch soothingly. Tom groaned his appreciation, his own mouth coming down to meet Severus as his hands mapped the delicate bone structure of Severus' narrow ribs and straight spine. Severus hummed approval as the exploring hands pushed under-robes aside and coasted over warm, living flesh. A quickly muttered spell sent the remains of their clothing to a pile on the chair and Severus hissed as their naked flesh touched and brushed against each other.

"You look more like Ibrim than Snape," Tom remarked as he pulled away slightly to study the long length laid out beside him on the transfigured rug. The fire's light lent golden highlights to Severus' pale, hairless skin and long bones. "You really are beautiful," he murmured as he leaned forward and licked one pale brown nipple with the flat of his tongue.

Severus whimpered, arching into the sensation, his hands clutching at his partner's back and hips, ready to pull him closer but not wanting the electric sensations of his hot mouth against his needy flesh to stop. Tom was solidly muscled, his shoulders broad and his flesh unmarked but for a light scattering of dark hair over chest and thighs. He was hot to touch and knew how to use his mouth to the best advantage of all. Severus knew he was being somewhat vocal but he didn't care as that talented mouth - those soft yet firm lips - sucked and licked him to the edge of madness. Severus gave in to the incredible sensations until his world exploded.


"Alright?" Tom asked as the younger man panted, his breath slowing to a more natural rhythm.

"Aren't I supposed to ask you that?" Severus asked softly with a laugh in his voice as he raised his head and bent his neck to kiss Tom passionately. "That was beautiful," he commented between kisses. "Thank you."

Tom laughed in amusement. "You're welcome," he replied and laughed too, though he wasn't sure why. "Although I should be thanking you as I am one up on you."

"Oh, I'm sure the balance will change before the night is over," Severus assured him with a smile that did not contain any of his usual smirk or sarcasm.

Tom chuckled and pulled him closer, snuggling him into the curve of his arm as he softened and slid out of his body with a sated sigh.


Severus did not have enough energy to apparate home the next day, instead taking the floo. He collapsed into his bed at Malfoy Manor and was asleep before his head hit the pillow. He dreamed erotic dreams, somewhat terrifying in places but so vivid they would have usually left him frustrated and aching in the morning. Having been wrung so thoroughly dry, they simply left him too tired to get up. Calling a house-elf, he ordered a light supper and went straight back to sleep, not stirring until the following morning.

Stumbling down to breakfast, he flopped into a chair and cradled his head in his hands, his head aching fit to burst. Someone nudged his hands aside and put a potion under his nose. He did not even think as he drained it off and shuddered as the bite of wormwood and mussmoss hit the back of his tongue. By the time he had thought to make a complaint, the pain in his head had eased spectacularly and he felt almost human again.

"Here, drink this, too," Abraxas said from his left and a second goblet was put into his hand, the concoction one he recognised as a body and soul replenishing potion he usually made up for the older man.

"Why am I drinking this?" he asked irritably, but swallowed it all the same.

"Leave us, Mr. Truman," the older man commanded, his attendant reluctant to leave even as he closed the door after him. "Because, my lad, when you give yourself to a Dark Lord, then there is a certain amount of trauma to body and soul, and he takes a little of both every time he kisses or touches you. He can't help that; it is just the way his magic works. If you do not take care to replenish yourself, then you will be sucked dry until you are merely a soul-less, lost creature with no heart or will of your own."

Severus stared at the old man in horror, then snapped his jaw shut when he realised he was gaping. "How do you know?" he demanded but did not refute the man's summation.

"You aren't the first one he has summoned to his bed, there have been others; Dolohov, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, me, to name just a few. Those he takes are often marked in some way, usually by a decreasing of their humanity. You, however, may be able to avoid that fate as you are much stronger than any of the others, and I will do what I can to help you overcome the drainage."

"Why did you not tell me this before I went?" Severus asked angrily, glaring at the old man bitterly.

"Because you would not have believed me if I had told you. Be honest with yourself at least. You would have called it sour grapes or jealousy, any excuse, and you would have gone anyway. At least now you know I am not telling you anything false. You are exhausted and you need to be replenished. Every time the Dark Lord enters your body, he takes a piece of your soul and only by off-setting that loss with replenishment, can you hope to survive the affair. Or else end up like Bella."

"And if I entered the Dark Lord, what then? Do I get a piece of myself back again?" Severus asked almost sarcastically.

"I have no idea," Abraxas said, taken aback completely. "I have never heard of Lord Voldemort allowing anyone to top him before, ever, and certainly not when we were together."

Severus sat very still, thinking about the encounters over the night. They had been equals in position, aggression and passivity, neither one trying to dominate or subdue the other. There were a few anomalies of course, like the information Severus' eyes collected about the Dark Lord, all broad shoulders, muscles and thick black hair over a finely sculpted face. The messages his hands were sending was of thinness, narrow shoulders, long, long legs and a short body and thin, wispy hair. There were a couple of flashes of red eyes rather than the usual bright blue but Severus had put that illusion down to the firelight. Now he wondered. Many wizards used enhancing potions and spells to create an illusion of appearance, polyjuice being the best known, but that was not polyjuice, it was something else entirely.

"Do you have any further questions, Severus, before I call Mr. Truman back?" Abraxas asked gently.

"What if I never go back?"

"You will go whenever the Lord calls you, Severus; you know you will. Even when you know it is not good for you, you will go and you will enjoy every moment. You will come back exhausted, only to go again. You will go until he fails to call you and then you will miss his touch forever. He is dangerous and addictive and you, my boy, are hooked forever, sad to say. And before you say anything else, there was no choice for you. As soon as you became intrigued with him as a person, you were hooked; all he had to do was reel you in like a landed fish."

Severus stared at the old man but could not refute anything he said, taking note of the sadness in his eyes and the weary droop of his shoulders. "I may survive, you know," he said carefully.

"Oh, you will survive but you will never be entirely the same again. There will always be a small piece of you missing, consumed by the Dark Lord and you will never get it back."

Shaking his head, Severus rose abruptly and stormed off, leaving the old man seated at the breakfast table. He was not sure if he had been betrayed again or if he had just been given a gift of perfect love, but either way he did not want to hear any more on the subject, not for a very long time! He was at his suite's door before he realised he was planning on how to see the Dark Lord again and the weight of Abraxas' words almost drove him to his knees. He was already well and truly addicted! Now he just had to find a cure.
