Harry Potter Neville Longbottom
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/14/2002
Updated: 03/21/2003
Words: 36,288
Chapters: 10
Hits: 9,843

Privet Drive

Lee Lee Potter

Story Summary:
Picks up after Goblet of Fire. Harry is back with the Dursley s for the summer when he meets Iris, a Muggle girl that has moved onto Privet Drive. Upon Harry's return to Hogwarts, strange things begin to occur. Misfortune befalls certain students. Honest accidents, or possibly a sinister plot targeting students? Neville has a plant to help him with his memory problems, but at what cost? Hogwarts students are forced to return home for the Christmas Holiday and Harry must try to survive his two-week stay back at number four Privet Drive. Pranks, romance, Quidditch, angst, suspense, action and the Dark Lord, himself appear in this exciting tale of another year in the life of The-Boy-Who-Lived.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
It's chapter seven, you must know what it's about by now. :)
Author's Note:
Hello, sorry this is late in comeing out. I apparently I am still grammatically challanged. ;) :) My beta is currently battleing dementors and I tried to self-beta. I don't recomend it. This chapter is for Albert even though he is not reading this for a while. Can't wait till he is back. Please review. Thanks.


The windows in the common room were dark; no stars could be seen on this cloudy night. The panes shook as the wind howled. Harry sat off in the corner of the common room writing a letter to Sirius. He read over the letter making sure he mentioned all the things going on, even if they seemed insignificant. Remembering the new pin Harry included the date of the next Hogsmeade weekend.

The portrait hole opened and Neville, Dean, and Seamus stepped in. (Yes, Seamus lives.) They were discussing the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.

"Hi Harry did you see there's another Hogsmeade weekend just before Christmas break," Neville called over. Harry nodded.

"Honeydukes and butterbeer, almost as much fun as Slytherin Quidditch practices," said Harry

"Quidditch practice?" said Dean and Seamus in chorus. While Harry and Neville were laughing, the two other boys shook their heads and went to sit by the fire discussing what Quality Quidditch Supplies might have in the front window now.

Neville sat down on the armchair opposite Harry. Harry sealed his letter to Sirius and pocketed it. "Is that a letter to her?" Neville asked apprehensively. Harry shook his head but didn't answer, and Neville felt like he should have minded his own business.

"Her name is Iris," he said finally. Neville breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is she pretty?" Harry nodded as his cheeks pinked. Harry told Neville how they met and that he likes to think about her wearing his shirt. Harry surprised himself at how much he had told Neville about her and his time on Privet Drive. Perhaps it was because he never expected him to laugh or tease him; Hermione was right, Neville was easy to talk to.

"She sounds nice, Harry," Neville smiled "Maybe we could come up with some things for a letter." Harry nodded while biting his lower lip.

"I hate that all she knows about me is from Privet Drive." Neville nervously shifted in his chair.

"It's hard to imagine you not being . . . well sorry, but The famous Harry Potter". Harry rolled his eyes in mock annoyance.

"Ha! More like a House elf with his own room," Harry said halfheartedly.

"I don't have many chores at home, Gram treats me like a little kid, once I broke her favorite teapot, and I haven't washed a dish since," said Neville grinning. "It gives me more time in the green house." Neville also confided in Harry the truth about his parents in St. Mungo's, he didn't know or didn't let on too many details. "My mums plant, the one that I've been growing has very strong healing powers. Gram won't admit it but I think the seeds are going to be used in a potion that might help my Mum & Dad. I like to daydream about them, even if it probably wouldn't ever happen . . . Most my relatives act like their dead." Neville's eyes reddened, he swallowed hard and changed the subject. "Do you have any other relatives Harry?"

"No I don't think so." Remembering the times he wished Ron would look away, Harry reached for more stationary trying not to look at Neville. "I found out the year before last I have a God Father."

"Really?" said Neville with surprise.

"Yeah he's great. He's been traveling a lot, but someday I hope to live with him," Harry paused "Well . . . that's my daydream anyway."

Fall flowed in to winter bringing with it nasty weather.

Quidditch practices this eve like the last three were in pouring rain. Ron was sneezing and complaining.

"If it were any colder, this would be snow!" Suddenly a flash of white flew in Ron's path. "AAHHH!"

Harry laughed, "It's only Hedwig." Angelina blew a whistle and the team landed soaked to the bone. Hedwig added herself to the weight of the drenched robes on Harry's shoulder. "Hello," he said to her as she nipped him on the ear. Harry removed his letter and Hedwig quickly flew to the owlery.

Dear Harry,

We need to talk.

When you are in Hogsmeade on Saturday go to a quiet discreet area so that I may apparate to you at 3:00. Bring your fathers cloak.

Take care,


"Something's up," Harry said as he handed Ron the note, visibly concerned.

"What do you think it could be?" asked Ron. Harry shrugged. "How are your grades?"

"Okay I guess, besides if it was about grades Prof. Paetulus would have said something."

"She's a regular Mother Hen she is," joked Ron, grinning. Harry laughed at Ron's comment.

"Yeah, Mother Carmella."

"Makes her sound like a nun!" Ron laughed. "But it rolls off the tongue a lot easier than Prof. Paetulus."

When the dripping boys reached the entrance hall still laughing, Prof. Dumbledore was talking with Prof. Paetulus. Ron nudged Harry. "Look there's Mother now." Ron snorted. Harry elbowed him back trying to keep a straight face as she came over to them.

"Look at the two of you, you'll catch your death of cold," she said watching them drip on the floor. Harry bit his lip, but it was no use,

"Yes Mother," he said than burst in to fit of giggles. Her stern look melted slightly.

Harry sat in front of the common room fire.

"I can't believe you gave me your cold," he said to Ron.

"What are friends for? Consider it a Christmas present."

"Nope, you still have to get me a present. Oh by the way, what are you going to get Hermione for Christmas?" Ron's eye grew wide.

"I haven't even thought about it, reckon we'll be shopping this weekend. What do you want for Christmas?"

Hermione came down the stairs to join them, but Ron motioned for her not too. "Sorry, sweetie, this is a private conversation." Hermione rolled her eyes and sat with Neville and Ginny. She tried to sit close enough to listen, but could only make out a few words of Ron's. "I gotta get her a good present," said Ron in a hushed voice.

Harry snuggled further into the couch and sniffed.

"How about you getting me a tissue? Paetulus is going to freak when she sees I'm sick." Ron reached over to the to give Harry a tissue.

"Ah yes, Mother," Ron said sarcastically. Hermione let out a squeak, and Ron turned around to give her a curious look. "I think Hermione' s trying to hear what she's getting for Christmas," whispered Ron, misreading her expression. Harry stood up, eyes red and puffy from blowing his nose.

"I'm going up to finish my paper before the weekend,"

"She'd be proud," Ron chuckled.

Hermione still only catching a few words was having visions of Harry crying on Ron's shoulder over his Mum.

Hermione held her cloak tight. It was a windy day in Hogsmeade. They agreed to split up for and hour to shop and meet up in the three broomsticks. Ron head straight for Honeydukes while Harry went off to Quality Quidditch supplies. Hermione was quickly out of sight in the sea of black cloaks that filled the street.

"Hi Harry!" It was Neville with Dean and Seamus looking at posters of their favorite Quidditch teams. "Have you been to Honeydukes yet?" Seamus asked

"No just got here, buying a Christmas present for Ron."

"Why don't you give him one of these?" A familiar drawl came from the back of the store. Harry turned around to see Draco Malfoy holding a copy of A Beginners Guide to Flying.

"Sod off Malfoy. Ron's scored twice at his first game, I didn't notice you catching the snitch."

Draco gave Harry a nasty look, than a smiled formed slowly as he said, "The only scoring Weasley 's doing is with that dirty mudblood friend of yours."

"You!" Harry breathed leaping at Malfoy only to be held back by Seamus, Dean and Neville, all of whom barely kept him from reaching his wand.

"Don't, Harry! They'll banish you from the store," yelled Neville, as they fell in an undignified heap on the floor. Malfoy left the store laughing.

"Potter . . ." Malfoy called from the street. "Are you mad because it's true, or because Granger didn't want you?" Harry extricated himself from the pile on the floor.

"At least my friends don't leave me lying in the mud!" yelled Harry. Malfoy glared at Harry with hatred, and uncertainty. Harry could see the wheels turning in Draco 's head as he tried to figure out how Harry knew about that. Harry stood there grinning.

"Break it up, gentleman," said the man from Quality Quidditch supplies. Malfoy stared angrily and left.

As Harry paid for Ron's gift, pulling out some coins he noticed the other gold pin in his pocket. Someone else is supposed to hold this in case I need to get back.

"Neville could you do me a small favor?" Harry said as he handed Neville the gold pin. Neville giggled.

"You know what it is?"

"Sure Gram used to make me were one when I was five. I'll hold it for you," he said in an off-handed tone. "I used to put mine on the cat."

Harry chuckled. It was amusing to see Neville with a mischievous expression. If Neville thought Harry was trying to pull one over on someone Harry wasn't about to explain to him otherwise.

Harry worked his way through the crowd at Honeydukes. "Ron, are you still here?" Harry said spotting the red head above the rest.

"Harry come see!" Ron was pointing to a display in the case.


Canary Creams


Weasley Wizard Wheezes

Ron and Harry could barely close the door of the Three Broomsticks against the wind. Hermione waved them over.

"I ordered us some butterbeer," said Hermione looking at her watch "Almost two o'clock." Ron and Harry were grateful for the warm drinks waiting for them. He sat back, looking out the window; his green eyes were glazed over from his cold. Out in the street there were occasional whirlwinds of yellow feathers.

"I see the Canary Creams are selling," Harry said still watching the street.

"Hmmm" Ron spoke with his face still close to the tankard "Harry where do you think we should go to meet Snuffles?" Harry hadn't heard Ron, he was still thinking about Malfoy and what he'd said. Harry wasn't going to tell Ron about it in front of Hermione. Besides than Ron would be in a foul mood all day, it could wait. "Harry -Are you okay?" Hermione asked in a quiet voice.

"I have a cold," said Harry scrubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his robes.

"You need a pepper-up potion," said Hermione getting up with her packages.

"I know, but I hate walking around with smoke coming out of my ears." Hermione looked indignant. Ron chuckled into his drink.

Harry took them to the far area of Hogsmeade. "This is where I went with Hagrid to practice apparating with Prof. Paetulus." It was a relatively quiet place, away from the shops. They sat by a grouping of trees that served as a shield from the wind. Before long it was 3:00 and Sirius popped in right on time.

"Good spot." Sirius surveyed the area, before giving Harry a squeeze. Ron and Hermione said their hello's as Harry got out the invisibility cloak for Sirius. Sirius sat with them by the trees wearing the cloak, but leaving his head exposed so they could see his face as they spoke.

"Is something wrong?" Sirius seemed to be thinking about his answer for a while.

"I don't know," said Sirius honestly. "Harry there is some thing going on that concern me, and Dumbledore as well. The accidents happening to students affect the feeling of security that Hogwarts has always presented." Sirius looked over to Ron "Students injured were children of Ministry officials, or other prominent families that could make a real fuss if they thought their children were no longer safe."

"But why bother trying to scare the parents now?" Harry asked, "Didn't they think plucking Cedric and I out of thin air successfully did just that?"

Sirius winced at his words. "Harry I know the incidents at school must seem - well trivial compared to what you've been through, but I think there is more to it. I don't like the fact that Lucius Malfoy has been to Hogwarts more this year that the last three." Sirius shifted around to face Harry. "It's been decided." He paused clearly he didn't like what he was about to say. Harry stiffened. "During the Christmas holidays Hogwarts will get a once over as it were. Aurors will be brought in to make sure the school is safe for the students to return." Harry looked stunned.

"They're going to close the school?"

"No, not really," Sirius put his hand on Harry 's shoulder. "They're simply telling the students to spend the holiday with family this year. Very few were expected to stay over the holidays this year anyway." Harry found himself quickly to his feet.

"I do!"

"I know" Sirius tried to sound supportive. "That's why I asked the Headmaster if I could be the one to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Harry asked knowing full well the answer. Sirius stood up to meet Harry's eyes.

"You will be returning to Privet Drive for the holidays." Harry shook his head

"No, no I wont." The sound of his voice was not defiant, but of disbelief. Harry felt the squeeze of his Godfathers hand on his shoulder. The squeeze that intended to calm only served as confirmation of the truth Harry didn't want to face. "No!" Harry shook his head sharply. "I haven't had Christmas with...with them since I was ten!" Harry lowered his voice, barely a whisper. "It's not fair." Ron stood up finding the voice he lost around the time Harry mentioned Cedric.

"You could come stay with us for Holiday. Bill and Charlie will be there. It will be the first time all us Weasley 's will be together for Christmas in a long time." Harry knew better than to get excited about Ron's offer. He gave Ron a weak smile of thanks and turned to Sirius

"I can't can I?" Sirius shook his head no.

"I'm sure Ron's home is safe, but Dumbledore insist that you be at the safest place he can offer. I'd take you myself if I thought I could." Harry stood silent for a moment

"That would of been cool," Harry said quietly sitting back down on the grass.

"Well at least it's only a week," said Hermione.

"And we'll still have the feast together before we go," added Ron encouragingly.

"Er... Well" Sirius muttered apologetically at Harry.

"What?" Harry asked incredulously.

"They extended break an extra week." Sirius continued before Harry had a chance to gripe. "They need at least the full holiday time to check over the wards on the castle and maybe more if they find anything." Harry sat quietly for a long time. Thinking about the last Christmas he had on Privet Drive was spent under the stairs. He didn't have a bedroom yet. No knowledge of magic, Harry squinted to see through the slats on the cupboard door to see the lights twinkling on the tree.

Hermione leaned over to Harry's shoulder taking him from his thoughts.

"You'll get to see Iris," cooed Hermione. Sirius' ears perked.

"You might want to do a bit more shopping than before you get back." That made Harry smile. Harry turned to Hermione and held up her wrist for a look at her watch.

"Help?" Hermione grinned, pulling herself off the grass.

"Lets shop," she declared with a smile, more than happy to help Harry shop for a girl he liked.

Ron's shoulders dropped at the thought of going shopping 'like girls do' and groaned. Sirius chuckled at the sight of Ron's expression. He was so overdramatic.

"Don't worry Ron I've got something else for you to do, that is if you're up for a little mission." Ron's face lit up.


Harry and Hermione walked along, passing the shops.

"Why am I buying a gift for a girl I hardly know? I only saw her a few times."

"That's why you going to get her something that says you've been thinking about her even though you haven't written her back in weeks." Harry winced.

"I should have written her." Hermione nodded.

"At least send her a short note telling her your going to be around for the holidays."

In another part of Hogsmeade:

Ron walked down the street seemingly talking to him self as he walked with Sirius who was still under the invisibility cloak. Ron struck his arm out to the side to stop Sirius and quickly knelt before him to tie his shoelaces as a group of students came dangerously close to walking straight into Sirius.

"That was smooth," whispered Sirius. Ron beamed at the compliment.

"Last time a girl almost smashed right in to Harry in Honeydu . . ." Ron's words froze on his lips. "I . . .I mean um." Sirius was thankful for the cloak so Ron couldn't see him smiling.

"I'm sure you weren't doing anything that could get you in to trouble," said Sirius trying his best to sound stern as he gave Ron's shoulder a squeeze

"N-no," stuttered Ron.

"He's his fathers son," Sirius remarked. "He was a great friend, a lot like you and Harry."

"I wish Harry could stay with us for the holidays, we've always had a blast at the burrow after rescuing Harry the end of most summers." Ron laughed thinking of the fun times they had. Sirius stood in silence. Rescuing Harry? Ron reached out to see if Sirius was still with him. "Snuffles, are you still there?"

"Yes." came a restrained voice in front of him. "Harry's very upset about Christmas," remarked Sirius. Ron's attempt to make Sirius feel better failed miserably.

"Harry can manage a few weeks easy, he has his own room, his uncle didn't replace the bars on the window from when we broke him out the first time. Oh yeah, and Dudley 's off his diet so Harry got to eat all last summer." Ron finished with a smile. Sirius shook his head in his hands.

"Snuffles, are you still there?"

Hermione pointed at the case of sugar confections.

"Wow, look at the rose," Harry said admiring what looked like a rose covered in sparkles. "Is it a real flower underneath?"

"No," replied the old man behind the counter, "The flower is pulled sugar, an art form in of its self. Very popular around Valentines day."

"Neat," Harry said looking at the different flowers. He gazed at the lily the way it sparkled in the light, running his finger along the glass looking for a particular purple flower. "Do you have any iris?"

"An iris for Iris," Harry said happily. The man gave Harry his package and smiled at Hermione saying,

"A pretty flower for a pretty girl."

"She's beautiful," sighed Harry. Hermione new that he meant Iris, but she went pink all the same. The man suddenly recognized Harry from the tri-wizard pictures in the Daily Prophet, and added a big bow to Harry's package.

"Have a nice day Mr. Potter, Iris," the man said smiling and nodding at them. Harry thanked him as he left. It took a moment than finally,

"Did he say . . .? He, he thinks your Iris," stammered Harry.

"Yes, and that you think I'm beautiful."

"No I don't."

"You don't?" Hermione was letting Harry squirm.

"No . . .well yeah, but I wouldn't tell you so."

"Why not?"

"Because we're friends!"

"I told you that you were irresistible." Harry was so flustered.

"But you were kidding."

"You mean like I am now?" Hermione had an evil grin on her face. Harry's face went from desperation to shock. He shook a finger at her.

"You -you knew all along that I . . . .I." Harry was stammering again but with a smirk.

Hermione giggled,

"I'm sorry Harry, you walked right in to that one."

~*~To be continued ~*~

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