If Love is a Game...

Lanni Weasley

Story Summary:
It's the Marauders' final year at Hogwarts and they have everything - and that includes a few big problems. James matures and finally wins over Lily; Remus falls head over heels for Lucius Malfoy's cousin; and Sirius finally gets the girls of his dreams. But that girl is supposed to marry Malfoy and her parents hate Sirius and her friends. Soon, she must choose between being the next Mrs. Lucius Malfoy or the early deaths of Sirius and her friends. Deep trouble is on the horizon of bliss.

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
It’s Sirius and James’s seventh and final year at Hogwarts. They have it all: talent, brains, brawns, friends, and girls. James has become more mature and has finally won over Lily. Although almost every girl swoons over Sirius, the girl he wants is yet to be impressed.
Author's Note:
Hey, this is... me! Yeah, well, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter Nine

The Nightmare that is the Holidays

A little more than a month and a half had passed by. The Christmas spirit had finally enveloped Hogwarts. Decorations were everywhere. The Great Hall was wonderful. They group went to breakfast. Sirius sat down next to Krystyna, who was by Lily, who was of course by her boyfriend, James. Remus had sat next to Lorena, who was by Sara who was by Peter.

After breakfast, they would be splitting up for the Christmas holidays. Lorena was in a sour mood--she was going to the Malfoy Manor after breakfast. The thought made her temper flare, and she hadn't gotten much sleep either. The only person she hadn't snapped at so far had been Remus.

"Good morning," Lily greeted. James was coming to her house for the Christmas holidays. After Christmas morning, they would go to his parents' house. Lily was excited.

"Bad morning," Lorena muttered. Remus wondered whether he should put an arm around to comfort her, but being that he was rather shy when it came to girls, he did not.

"Don't worry; it'll all be over soon," Remus told her comfortingly. "If you like, I'll owl you so you can at least be reminded of Hogwarts and feel better." It was just that small gesture of comfort that made Lorena's day slightly better.

"I'll be in the battle too, Lorena," Krystyna reminded. Lorena frowned and nodded her head.

Krystyna had received a letter three days ago from her father that she had to come down for the holidays. Her older brother, Samuel, who was married to Catherine Banks--a pure-blooded witch--and was pregnant with their first child, a boy named Thomas Melanie, and her older sister, Marlena Melanie-Carson who was married to William Carson--a pure-blooded wizard--were coming down for the holidays for the first time in a long time. She had to come down. Her mother also said something about a surprise... a surprise which she doubted she'd like. She always hated her mother's surprises. They always involved one thing: Lucius Malfoy.

"I'll be here alone, you know," Sara sighed. Peter shook his head.

"No you won't," Peter replied. "I'm staying here too." Remus nodded his head.

"Yeah, me too," Remus added. Sara sighed deeply.

"Well, I guess I won't be alone then," Sara said. Sirius was going with James to Lily's house and then the Potters' since he now lived with James like a brother. He was sadly feeling Krystyna's pain. Andrew would be going too. They ate breakfast while talking about other things, like how Hogwarts looked.


After many good-byes, Sirius, Krystyna, James, Lily, and Lorena hopped on a horseless carriage and floated away for the Hogwarts Express while they waved to Sara, Remus, and Peter. Soon, their images disappeared and they were lost in the fogginess of December. The Hogwarts Express was waiting for them and home was only a travel away.


"You can't hide from me forever; one of these days, you're going to lose your grip on this thing you call your life. Unlike the Muggle fairy-tales, not all stories have 'happily ever after' endings. Some end in ways you don't expect--ways that you don't like--but they have to be bad; I can make them better. If you just gave me that chance, you'd see what you're missing; what you're parents are trying to tell you; what I'm trying to get you to see.

"If you'd just listen to me, you'll see why I'm so good for you. I'm not like you think; I'm better--a lot better. Black will never be able to give you what I have to give to you and you know it. Just look into my eyes and tell me what you see.

"You're falling into the darkness of death; I can see it already. There are hazards in the every day situations that you don't see. Things in this school will become more deadly; more dangerous; more like reality. Those nightmares you've been having--I know all about them--will come true. If you keep your loyalties where they lie now, you'll only be surrounded by death, by fear, by grief, by pain, and by loneliness. Come with me, and you'll be surrounded by life, by safeness, by happiness, by joy, and by a family that loves and cares about you. I'm everything, why don't why see it?"

Krystyna stared into the gray eyes of Lucius Malfoy. It was late during her usual Prefect Patrolling Duties and she was passing the Great Hall when he'd caught her by surprise. What he was saying frightened her--put her on the edge. She narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Sirius can give me a lot more than you can," Krystyna whispered. "Even if you can give me more, you won't be able to give me what I need. I'd rather be around someone I love and go through that pain than be around someone I don't love and go through that pain. I won't be happy with you--can't you see that?--so how could I not go all through those things. If I go with you, I'll have to go through all of those things before happiness can ever come to me. I'd have to betray my best friends that were with me through thick and thin; my loyalties will always lie with them, Malfoy, and no where else."

"You must listen to me," Lucius said, a sense of urgency in his voice as he advanced on her slowly. She turned her back on him.

"I don't have to listen to you if I don't want to," Krystyna replied spitefully. She began to walk away, forgetting that she should never turn her back on him. When she did, things she didn't like always happened, and it did again.

Krystyna was suddenly pushed against the stone wall quickly. The palms of her hands slapped against the stone and her left cheek hit it. Her entire body was pressed against the wall. Lucius's was keeping her pinned against it. She struggled; her wand was in her right hand. She grumbled a few chosen angry words at him while she jerked around. He constricted her wrist so tightly that she dropped her wand on the ground. She cursed him softly.

"What? Do you not like how close I am to you?" Lucius asked.

Get away from me! Step back! Let go of me! Krystyna's mind screamed.

"Does it make you nervous? Does it make your thoughts go blurry?" Lucius whispered. Krystyna closed her eyes tightly and wished it to be another one of her nightmares. But it wasn't. Lucius pressed his lips against her cheek and slowly made his way to her lips. She jerked her head, but it didn't work. Suddenly, in an effort, he captured her lips and she lost all sense.

No, no, this isn't right! Not with him! Never with him! This definitely isn't right! Krystyna's mind shrieked. Stop it!

Because he was busy in a good snog with Krystyna, Lucius had loosened up considerably. Krystyna was really upset. She gathered what strength she had left and pushed back against him. Since he had loosened up, they both fell backwards and rolled on the floor. Krystyna scrambled to her feet and gawkily ran to her wand. As soon as she grasped it, Lucius pulled on the back of her robes and jerked her back into his arms--but she had her wand.

Krystyna screamed for him to stop and he didn't say anything to her. Somehow, she slipped out of her black Hogwarts' robes and fell to the ground. He jumped to grab her, but she got to her feet and pointed her wand at him. She was breathing heavily; his breathing was very haggard. She took a few steps back.

"Just... leave... me... alone," Krystyna panted. Lucius gazed at her.

He took a step towards her. "Krystyna--"

"Leave me alone!" Krystyna yelled, snapping her wand at him again. Lucius stopped in his tracks immediately. Krystyna took off. She didn't care if she left her robes with him; she wasn't going back. She was so terrified--she was in Gryffindor--but she couldn't help it. Lucius Malfoy could frighten almost every single person with just one look in his eyes--and she'd seen it more than she could count.


Sirius was sitting on the couch in the Gryffindor common room alone. While he was having the best possible time with Krystyna, he had neglected his homework. As he scratched his Potions essay out almost effortlessly, he wondered how Krystyna finished all her work.

She spent a lot of time with him, then there was Quidditch practices--James said she never missed one--she had classes, she had meals, she had Prefect meetings--Remus said she never missed one--and she had her long Prefect Patrolling Duties. Where did sleep and homework fit in? Sirius was never good at fathoming girls' schedules.

For some reason, Sirius didn't feel a bit tired. Usually doing his Potions homework made him drowsy, but tonight, that was different. He was wide awake. He felt like waiting for Krystyna to come back to the common room. She came back earlier than Remus did--he knew that for sure--except tonight. Remus had come in earlier than usual looking ill; he had told Sirius that Krystyna made him go to bed. Sirius had to agree with her; Remus looked pretty sickly. Then again, it was two days before the full moon and he always looked like that before then.

Remus hadn't told Krystyna, Lorena, Lily, and Sara that he was a werewolf. Sirius supposed that he didn't want them to hate him and look down on him. Sirius had always wondered what they would say if they knew--if they found out.
Krystyna had been by his side for two and a half years almost as Prefects; Lorena fancied him; and Lily and Sara were friends with him. What would they say? Remus was always the shy type; he didn't like anyone knowing a lot about it. Sirius sighed and shook his head.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone bounding into the common room awkwardly, coughing and--crying? He looked over his chair and saw Krystyna collapsing into a chair. He immediately jolted out of his seat, his books and parchment falling to the floor, and bolted over to her.

"Krystyna, what's wrong?" Sirius questioned worriedly. Tears streamed down her face and she was looking down. Her fingers were in her hair as a nervous signal. "Krystyna, look at me, please." Krystyna looked up at him and they locked eyes. Her blue eyes were filled with tears and had a terrified and ashamed shimmer in them. His green eyes were filled with concern and compassion. She couldn't stand to look in them so she looked away.

"Krystyna, what happened?" Sirius repeated. Sobs shook her chest, but she had to say something before she started to cry even more.

"Malfoy--came--talked to me--disagreed with him--turned away--pushed me against the wall--ki--ki--kissed me!" Krystyna sobbed loudly. "It wasn't right! Got away--told him to leave me alone--the look in his eyes--"

She broke off into a loud fit of tears and fell out of the chair. She buried her face in Sirius's robes and continued to cry. Sirius wrapped his arms around her soothingly. He pulled her to her feet and walked her over to the couch so she could rest.

"It's okay, it's okay," Sirius hushed. "I'm right here with you."

He could tell that Krystyna was frightened and intimidated by Malfoy. He could see it in her eyes every time Malfoy got near enough to touch her. Remus had told him about it--about the few seconds in which Malfoy had grabbed her when she and he were trying to leave that room on the train; the look of pure horror in her eyes.

Sirius couldn't blame her. He'd seen Sara walk in a different direction; Lily shudder; and other girls drop their things. The only girl around him that wasn't afraid of Malfoy was Lorena because Malfoy was afraid of her. Malfoy had gotten only this close to Krystyna and he knew she hated it.

"I shouldn't be afraid--it's silly," Krystyna cried.

"No, everyone's afraid at some times," Sirius replied. Krystyna stopped and looked directly into his eyes. She never blinked.

"Have you ever become afraid?" Krystyna said in a barely audible whisper. Sirius gazed into her blue eyes and he couldn't lie if his life depended on it.

"Yes, every night before I go to sleep, I get this feeling that everyone around me--everyone I'm close to--is going to leave me, and I don't know if I'd be able to live without them--without you," Sirius replied truthfully. He felt like weights had been lifted off of his shoulders. He'd told no one that; not even James. He wondered if Remus would feel this relieved if he confessed.

"I'm afraid that you'll die. I mean, with everything going on outside these secure walls of Hogwarts, who's to say that once we get into the real world, we might not see each other again? Who's to say that I won't see you die or vice-versa? Who's to say that I won't make one wrong decision that will cause the deaths of James, Lily, Peter, Remus, you, and many other people? I don't know if I could take that and still live on."

Krystyna put her head against his chest and let out a deep breath.

"I'll always be there to guide you through those dark times," Krystyna told him.

"But what if you're not? What if you're gone?" Sirius asked her softly, feeling his heart ache almost literally. Krystyna looked up at him.

"I might not be there physically, but if you just think about me, think of what we did together, I'll be right there with you--always and forever," Krystyna explained quietly. "Of what we did..."

Sirius put his lips against hers again and it all seemed right to her once more. Everything from the corridors with Lucius had been set right as she fell into Sirius's arms. They slowly fell backwards onto the couch and Sirius stopped. He looked into the glowing fire embers in the fireplace as he wrapped an arm around Krystyna's slim waist. He kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you," Sirius whispered. Krystyna smiled and closed her eyes. She looked up at Sirius and they locked eyes again.

"I love you, too," Krystyna said softly. They kissed again and everything seemed right. Nothing seemed wrong--and nothing was wrong. Everything was just... perfect.


Krystyna stirred in her sleep in her seat on the train. She was leaning against the wall; she had a window seat. Across from Krystyna was James. He was also asleep, leaning against the wall, with Lily's head relaxed on his shoulder. Though James snored, it was very light and barely heard. Lily was almost in a deep slumber, unable to sleep last night with her excitement building. She had succumbed to exhaustion and had finally fallen asleep.

The only ones awake were an unhappy Lorena Fawcett and a drowsy Sirius Black. Lorena was unable to sleep because of her melancholy of spending a supposed-to-be joyful holiday with her cousin and his family that she did not get along with at all. Sirius was unable to fall asleep because of all of his thoughts.

The mere memory of that night was enough to make him grin happily, but Krystyna's motionless body made him frown; knowing that she would have to spend the holidays with her family made him feel sick to the stomach.

Her parents were very livid because of her "relationship" with him, but she never cared about it, she just cared about him. But because of him, she would most likely get in trouble. That did not rest easily on him.

So, he tried to think of that night again, but the silence was almost unbearable for the both of them. Sirius decided a conversation was needed badly.

"Why do you hate Malfoy so much?" Sirius asked. It wasn't a harmless question, but he'd always wondered why. She hadn't quite answered Malfoy during that day in Potions. Lorena thought of the answer. It had been the same since she was twelve.

"It's complicated, but I really need to tell someone else," Lorena sighed. Sirius nodded his head. "Not many people know about my life at home and my life before Hogwarts. Many people think that it was all fun and joy, but it wasn't that and it really isn't roses now. Remus asked me that question a few nights ago when we were alone in the common room one night and I told him. He seemed like he wanted to tell me something, too, but he didn't say anything."

She took a deep breath. So, Remus had been on the verge to confess to her, but didn't. That was an obvious start; Remus never usually even thought about saying anything about it. He waited for the answer.

"I have a very bad temper, and I know a lot people know that personally, but it's the only way I can really express what I can't at home. I bottle up all of my anger, hate, and rage while at home to please my parents, but six years was a long time. Since I was four, I can remember my parents telling me that Muggles and Muggle-borns were below me.

"It was only until I was six when I had actually ran into a Muggle-born witch my age in Diagon Alley with her older brother that was attending Hogwarts that I began to think that my parents were wrong. I was always told the same thing over and over again and my parents got infuriated that I had come in contact with a Muggle--at the time. She's in her Seventh Year now, that girl, in Ravenclaw, her name's Kelsey Conrad."

Lorena shook her head.

"That's when Malfoy came into the picture. My parents considered Malfoy to be one of the best children and so, they made me follow him everywhere and made him--I guess you could call it this--teach me how I was supposed to act--mentor me, if you will. Even though he was only months older than me, they made it seem like he was years over me.

"After my Second Year, I was sent to stay at the Malfoy Manor for a month during the summer. It was terrible. His older brother, Marcus, and his friends--I can only remember William and Odin--happened to be there too. My parents were delighted and told Marcus to tell me about the 'real world'. How real I found out it was.

"He was... really into the Dark Arts. He and his friends were terrible guys, you know. They practiced Dark Arts and they... they made me do that sort of stuff. I knew it was wrong, but they forced me to do it somehow. Malfoy thought it was a game and it was fun. He'd done it before. But I had never done it, but they told me that I was really good... that I would... go far in it.

"When my parents learned, they were overjoyed with pride. Their daughter was fabulous in the Dark Arts, but I hated it. I'd never let my anger really show. Well, one night, I had a bad feeling. Marcus, Odin, William, and a few other boys took Malfoy for some fun one night--said he was old enough and ready. I knew something bad was going to happen so I followed them. I'm good at that. I tailed them until we reached this Muggle town.

"The next thing I know, they're attacking this Muggle women in an alley, shooting hexes at her left and right! And then... Malfoy started it and he just laughed and laughed and laughed as this poor, reduced woman screamed and cried in pain. I was just... in shock that he'd done something like that. All those years of harboring my rage... went down the drain that night. I exploded.

"Malfoy has never told anyone about that night; Marcus made him swear that he wouldn't. He told me not to, but I had no allegiance to that side of my family after that night..."

Sirius stared at Lorena when she stopped. He remembered that she had been easy to tick off, but she had not hated Lucius so much until she came back for her Third Year and took a vengeance on him--an unspoken war with him. What she had just said made sense. She was the sort of person that hated it when people got picked on. Discrimation was her most hated word--that and Mudblood. He nodded his head, he understood. Lorena looked at Krystyna.

"I told Krystyna," she blurted. "I... I wanted her to know. She needed to know." Sirius stared at her, confused. What was she talking about? Lorena seemed to sense his confusion--that was a similarity between her and Remus.

"Malfoy's parents are just as determined to set Malfoy up with Krystyna as Krystyna's parents are determined to set Krystyna up with Malfoy," Lorena explained. "I heard it over the summer. They were talking about having dinner with the Melanie family and told me--directly--to behave myself. They know what ideals I have--they seem to overlook the fact that Krystyna is the same. They called her limber--that Malfoy will be able to change her--I called them nutters." Sirius didn't like that idea at all. Lorena seemed to read the expression on his face.

"And don't worry; I'll be there to make sure that Malfoy doesn't try any funny business," Lorena chirped. Sirius nodded his head. That would be better. The train began to slow down and it jerked Krystyna awake. She looked directly at Sirius.

"Are we at King's Cross already?" Krystyna asked. Sirius looked out of the window and back at Krystyna. He nodded his head.

"Yeah, we must be," Sirius sighed. He didn't want it to be true. He flicked James in the head, who popped up awake and caused Lily to wake up. He glared at Sirius groggily.

"'Choo do that for?" James murmured, his eye lids barely able to stay up. Lily yawned and stretched her arms. Krystyna popped her neck. Lorena's frown deepened.

"We're at the train station," Sirius replied. James's eyes immediately opened wide.

"Already?" James said. Sirius nodded his head. "Wow, we must've slept longer than I thought. Does the time fly by when you sleep, or what?"

"What," Krystyna quipped. Lily giggled. Lorena gave a short snigger. The train stopped with a halt and everyone jerked in their seats. They all looked out of the window and, indeed, saw Platform 9 ¾. They sighed, stood up, stretched, and began to gather their things for home.


They walked out of the Hogwarts Express in a line and waited to gather the rest of their things. Sirius helped Krystyna pull her trunk out. James accidentally dropped his on his toe and swore. Lorena guffawed loudly. Lily took it off of his toe and calmed him down. Lorena stopped laughing when she saw her aunt and uncle walk through the barrier. She shifted her feet nervously and looked back at Krystyna. Krystyna walked over to Lorena.

"Don't worry, Lorena; it should be alright," Krystyna reassured her. Lorena sighed deeply. "It'll be okay. You'll see. Nothing will change. No Dark Arts will show up." Lorena looked different than usual. For the first time since Sirius had seen her, Lorena looked depressed and fragile. The topic must've been darker and deeper than he thought. Krystyna tried to cheer her up.

"I'll owl you," Krystyna told her. "You just make sure you reply back. I want to make sure that you're doing okay, and don't you dare lie to me." Lorena grinned.

"Oh, you know I wouldn't do such a thing," Lorena said sardonically. Krystyna smiled.

"Of course, I know you wouldn't so that's why I'm counting on you," Krystyna replied. "Good-bye, Lorena. I'll send you your Christmas present on Christmas morning with Dalton." Dalton was her brown male owl.

"Same for you," Lorena sighed. She looked over and saw Lucius pulling his suitcase behind himself. She frowned and looked at Krystyna. "I'll miss ya. See ya soon, Krystyna."

"See ya, Lorena," Krystyna said softly. Lorena dragged her suitcase behind herself slowly and made her way to her aunt and uncle. When she paired with Lucius, she glared at him and then looked away. Her aunt greeted her with a stern stare and a reproving telling of her chosen company. Lorena didn't reply and didn't look her way. Her uncle frowned at her and greeted his son happily. Her aunt hugged Lucius and noted on how good he looked. They walked through the barrier. Krystyna sighed. Sirius wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Don't worry; Lorena can take care of herself," Sirius noted. Krystyna looked up at him from behind her. He smiled.

"I know that," Krystyna sighed. "I just don't like it how Malfoy's older brother and his friends treat her." Sirius had met Lucius's older brother, Marcus, and his gang in his First Year when he decided to hex Lucius. Marcus and his friends were in their Fifth Year, and didn't take to kindly to him and James hexing his little brother. The memory was imprinted in his mind forever.

"She's seventeen now though, he can't get away with much with her anymore," Sirius replied gently. Krystyna nodded her head. "She's very head strong and powerful. I can't imagine where she learned to be like that." Krystyna grinned.

"I can't imagine how James learned to be so tricky," Krystyna snickered. Sirius grinned, but it quickly changed when he saw her parents walk through the barrier, her older brother, Samuel, accompanying them.

Samuel had smooth black hair and dark blue eyes. He was tall and built. He was also a quick thinker and smooth, but he could be ice cold if he wanted to. He had been in the same year as Marcus. Mrs. Melanie was thin and had light hazel eyes with brown hair. She was stern with Krystyna a lot. Mr. Melanie was the head of the family. He set the rules and often butted heads with Krystyna about her ideals. His relationship with his youngest daughter had crumbled. She hadn't spoken to him in two years. Marlena, though she was not here, was pretty and conniving. She could get anything she wanted with just was one look at you. She was a year younger than Samuel. She had married one of Marcus's friends, William Carson.

Krystyna saw them too and sighed sadly. She looked at Sirius and he let her go. She walked over to Lily, who took a deep breath.

"I'll send you your present on Christmas morning," Lily said.

"Yeah, same for yours," Krystyna added. "I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with James. Petunia will be a mess."

"Count on it," Lily giggled. Krystyna grinned. Petunia was a Muggle and didn't like Lily being a witch. She hated it. She was most likely going to dislike James too. "I hope your parents don't do anything to you because of me."

"Nothing that I can't take," Krystyna replied firmly. Lily's smile disappeared. "I'll miss ya." Lily hugged her and took a step back. She glanced at Samuel, who she'd seen when he was still at Hogwarts. He didn't look that different from his Seventh Year, except now he was twenty-two with a pregnant wife.

"Samuel's here with your parents to pick you up?" Lily said, slightly befuddled sounding.

"Yeah, he's never done that, but he hasn't come down for Christmas since his last year after he graduated," Krystyna replied. Lily sighed again.

"Good-bye, Krystyna, I'll owl you to inform you on how it will be going with James and Sirius over at my house," Lily said. "I'll also owl you what I got and how it will be going when I'm at James's house." Krystyna grinned.

"Don't let Petunia try to swoon Sirius," Krystyna snickered. Lily laughed.

"I won't let her dare," Lily giggled. "Good-bye, Krystyna."

"'Bye, Lily, have a good one," Krystyna said. "See ya, James, don't let Petunia scare you." James grinned and nodded his head.

"I won't," James replied. He suddenly got all serious. "And if your parents do anything to you or Andrew, owl me and I'll tell my mum; she's a lawyer. She'll get you both out of there before you can say 'Oh, no.' Later, Krystyna." Krystyna really appreciated what James was saying. She waved and turned, falling right into Sirius.

"James is right. If they do anything, please owl us," Sirius told her. Krystyna nodded her head. He pulled her into a warm hug. "I'm sorry you have to go." He turned with her in his arms. She had her eyes closed.

"You don't have to apologize; it's not your fault," Krystyna whispered. She looked up into Sirius's green eyes. "I'll miss you." His kissed her.

"I'll miss you, too," he said with his lips against hers. She didn't want to stop or to get out of his arms, but she knew she had too. When she saw Andrew dragging his suitcase out of the train and saying good-bye to his buddy, she pulled away.

"Good-bye, Sirius," Krystyna sighed.

"Good-bye, Krystyna," Sirius said, regretting that he had to let her go. Something in the back of his mind said that she'd come back from Christmas differently and sad. Something told him that she was going to go through something that he didn't like--that was going to affect everyone. He gave her one more kiss on the lips and let her hand slip through his grip as she walked away.

He looked up at her family. Her parents hadn't seen it, but he locked eyes with Samuel, who was frowning and glaring at him. Sirius glared back. Samuel smirked and looked at Andrew walking towards him. Something in that smirk of his made Sirius think that his thoughts were right and that something was going to happen.

Whatever happened, it wasn't going to be right or true; so he had to keep his head straight if something did. Something else told him that he wouldn't be able to.


"Andrew, my how you have grown," Samuel called loudly. He ruffled Andrew's already messy brown hair and grinned. "Got any girlfriends yet?" Andrew sighed.

"When I get back to Hogwarts from Christmas, I'm going to ask her out," Andrew simply said. Samuel perked up an eyebrow.

"That's nice," Samuel said, acting like a teenager again. Mrs. Melanie fussed about Andrew's missing tie. She seemed to overlook the fact that Samuel was wearing casual robes--yet highly dress. Samuel turned to Krystyna.

"You've grown up, I see," Samuel noted.

"How are Catherine and the baby?" Krystyna asked, avoiding any conflict carefully. She had had practice at that a lot. Samuel seemed to know.

"Just fine, better than fine actually," Samuel answered. His eyes looked behind her. She knew that James, Lily, and Sirius must be walking through the barrier to meet Lily's parents and sister. He looked back at her. "You've grown up a lot." He turned to Mr. Melanie.

"Father, why don't Krystyna and I Apparate home and wait for you, mother, and Andrew to arrive?" Samuel suggested. Their father thought about it.

"Good idea, Samuel," Mr. Melanie said in a low rumble. He turned to Krystyna who diverted her eyes away from him. "Hello, Krystyna."

She said nothing to him and he had no reply to it. She merely looked away from him. Samuel hadn't known that they weren't on speaking terms. He raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. He turned back to Krystyna.

"C'mon, Krystyna, let's go," Samuel ordered firmly. Krystyna looked at her mother fussing with how Andrew looked and he looked at her. He saw her frown and with a pop! she had Apparated home with her suitcase. Samuel was gone too.

"Can we just go home, mum, and then you can complain about my attire?" Andrew asked wearily. He hadn't gotten much sleep. His mother nodded her head and they passed through the barrier.


Krystyna suddenly found herself at the front door of her house. Samuel was beside her. He tapped his wand on the lock and it opened. He pulled the door open and walked in. Krystyna followed, pulling her trunk. She shut the door and Apparated up the stairs with her suitcase. She stuck it beside her bed and walked out of the room. She was thirsty. She pulled out some pumpkin juice and poured herself a glass. She put the pumpkin juice away. Samuel walked into the dining room where she was quietly sitting, sipping on her juice.

"So, how's your infatuation with Sirius Black going?" he drawled. Krystyna chose not to reply or even look up at him. He grinned and sat down in the seat opposite of her at the table. She crossed her legs and looked to the left. His grin broadened. "I guess it's not going to well."

She couldn't hold it in any longer, he knew it, and she knew she couldn't escape. She felt trapped, but it was always like that with Samuel. She had got it from him--the ability the make someone tell her anything with a single word; with a single tone; with a single look in her eyes.

"It's going great," Krystyna said truthfully. "Of course, all you and mum and dad and Marlena will do is scorn me for even talking to him." Samuel's grin broadened.

"I won't do that, of course, little sister," he noted. Krystyna looked him in his dark blue eyes. "We all fall for someone we shouldn't." She was passed falling; she'd hit the floor. She was passed that stage.

"I'm not falling for him, Samuel," Krystyna said softly. "You can scowl at me, tell me off, and laugh at me all you want for this, but... I love him."

Samuel gazed into her blue eyes. He could see the truth in them. He already knew it though. He could see it in her eyes when she kissed Sirius Black. He could see how tender Sirius was with Krystyna. Unlike his parents, he didn't start yelling at her for kissing Sirius. Krystyna was his ticket to a rise in power, whether she liked it or not; whether she knew it or not. He had to stay on her good side.

"So you love him; not all love lasts, you know," Samuel quipped. Krystyna continued to look at him furiously.

"I know, but I'm willing to take that chance," Krystyna replied. "If he's been willing to chase after me for five years, I'm willing to try it with him."

Samuel had to give Sirius credit on that. He wouldn't chase after a girl that supposedly hated his guts for that long. Of course, Lucius Malfoy was doing the same thing, and he sure liked him a heck of a lot more than he did Sirius for his youngest sister. He could tell that Krystyna really liked Sirius.

"You must care about him a lot," Samuel noted.

"I care about him more than you'll ever know," Krystyna replied. Samuel thought about what he was about to say next. It had to be careful. He was prying information out of her without her knowing it. He needed this information badly.

"So... if something bad happened to him, what would you do?" Samuel asked. Krystyna narrowed her eyes dangerously. Samuel turned cautious again. That was a warning sign of the fight. There was always a calm before the storm--the same was with Krystyna.

"What are you playing at?" Krystyna questioned him suspiciously.

"I'm just asking the same questions that father asked me when I fell for the wrong person," Samuel replied smoothly. Krystyna didn't let in. "What, you don't trust me?"

"No, I don't," Krystyna hissed. And she had all the rights not to trust him. He wouldn't have trusted himself at her age. But then again, she didn't understand anything. At that age, no one understands anything.

"What would you do?" Samuel repeated quickly.

"Depends on what happens to him," Krystyna replied.

"He died," Samuel added.

"Depends on how he died," Krystyna simply replied. Samuel was getting frustrated, but hid his irritation. But he knew Krystyna knew that he was annoyed. She grinned unconsciously. She was pulling more information out of him than he was out of her.

"He was murdered," Samuel added. Krystyna leaned over to table towards him and grinned.

"Depends on who killed him," she whispered cunningly. He couldn't add on anymore. He had to stop; it was getting too dangerous. He finally saw that she had drawled him into a trap. He didn't know why he didn't saw it before. She was so conniving and deceiving, but she was in Gryffindor. Of course, every Gryffindor had Slytherin in them. Krystyna just had more than many. Samuel sighed as Krystyna fell back in her seat.

"Why don't you like Lucius?" Samuel asked.

"I dislike him for many reasons, Samuel," Krystyna noted offhandedly as she put the cup to her lips and took a sip of it. She sat the cup back down on the table.

"Tell me a few of them," Samuel said. Krystyna thought of the largest reasons. She had so many, it was hard to chose. She found a few.

"He ridicules two of my best friends; he harasses me; he is a selfish and arrogant nark--should I keep going?" Krystyna answered. Samuel nodded his head. Krystyna grinned. "He gets on my nerves. He's spoiled. He calls my best, best friend a Mudblood."

"You still have the Muggle-born witch for a friend?" Samuel questioned her with an eyebrow raised. She rolled her eyes.

"Samuel, I know that you're just trying to stay on my good side for whatever reason," Krystyna interjected. "I know that you want to call Lily a Mudblood. Just say it. I'll despise you for it, but at least be truthful. I know you were in Slytherin, but you're out of school now. At least be a little considerate. It may not be civilized, but... when were you ever with Muggle and Muggle-born witches and wizards?" Samuel said nothing to her. He had no reply.

"Yes, I'm still great friends with Lily Evans," Krystyna answered. "So... back to your Malfoy question... did I answer it correctly?"

"I guess those are a few good reasons for disliking him," Samuel sighed.

"They are a few great reasons for disliking him," Krystyna changed spitefully. Samuel stared at her. She'd grown up without him here to help her. She'd grown up with her own personality; with her own life. She was no longer the little sister that he could trick easily, but a young woman that could see right through his deceiving actions. It amazed him at how good she really was.

"Why don't you talk to dad anymore?" Samuel asked.

"I dislike him too," Krystyna replied. Samuel looked over her. "You've noticed that I've grown up. Have you noticed at how much weight I've lost? Thanks to mum and dad, I get less and less food each summer holiday because I just want to have a good friend. You know, I just love this house. I can't wait to get out here. Dad's fists don't get any softer, you know."

She glared at Samuel and got up from her chair abruptly. That was a conversation gone badly. She dropped the cup in the sink and stomped up the stairs. Samuel heard her bedroom door slam shut.

He had tapped into a touchy issue, obviously. Her last statement made him think the most though. He never hung out with Mudbloods, so he never really got punished. He had never fallen for the wrong person either. It had been a lie. He was sure that Krystyna knew that too.

"Damn," he muttered. He stood up. The door opened and his parents walked in with Andrew tailing them.

Immediately, Andrew dragged his trunk up the stairs and headed for his room. Samuel connected eyes with his father and shook his head. Mr. Melanie frowned slightly, not at Samuel; but at Krystyna.

Samuel had done the best he could. Krystyna had blocked all of them out of her personal life easily and it was almost impossible to get in. He had to think of another way in.


James and Sirius gaped at Lily's house. It was in a Muggle neighborhood. Sirius was use to that, but it was still rather different. These houses were bright and in a seemingly happy neighborhood. James, however, lived in a mainly Magical neighborhood. This was all new to him. Mrs. Evans had long red hair and brown eyes. She was kind and knew how to cheer anyone up. Mr. Evans had brown hair and green eyes like Lily's. He'd greeted James and Sirius warmly, and then gave them his house rules.

Lily led them into their house. It was bright and clean, full of Muggle trinkets. Sirius gaped at them. He'd never been in a Muggle house before. James stared at all of the ornaments on the Christmas tree, his eyes wide. Lily giggled. James seemed mesmerized. Sirius looked up the stairs curiously. Mrs. Evans went to cook dinner while Mr. Evans went into his study. Sirius looked at Lily who was looking at a picture of a younger her before Hogwarts with James.

"Hey, Lily, didn't you say that you had a sister?" Sirius asked. "What was her name? Was it Patricia or something like that?" Lily had no time to answer.

"It's Petunia," someone said from in front of Sirius. Sirius looked back at the stairs and saw a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was thin--but couldn't match Krystyna. She was staring at him. James looked up and was still gaping.

"Er... hi, I'm Sirius Black," Sirius greeted. He held out his hand to shake hers, but she did not greet him as warmly.

"I don't shake hands with abnormal people," Petunia replied sternly. Sirius's mind blanked as Petunia brushed past him and walked into the kitchen. The door shut. He bit his lip and turned to Lily and James. He sighed.

"That went well," Sirius said sarcastically. Lily smiled. James looked back at the picture.

"She's like that with me all of the time," Lily told him. Sirius nodded his head. He was still taking in the house and this was just more to add onto his brain.

"Okay, that's good," Sirius sighed with relief. "That means that it's not just me." Lily and James laughed. James sat the picture back on the shelf.

"Where's that extra room?" James asked. Lily smiled.

"Up the stairs, next to mine," Lily answered. James grinned. Sirius shook his head. He pointed his wand at the trunk.

"Locomotor trunk," Sirius muttered. The trunk began to float. Lily and James did the same thing. Lily got in front of Sirius and walked up the stairs. James ran ahead of Sirius and his trunk bumped into Sirius's and followed James. Sirius sighed and walked up the stairs slowly. This was going to be one strange and mad Christmas.

Author notes: I'm failing Biology (because of effing "Science Fair"), I'm dying in volleyball (because of running), I want to strangle and scream at this girl on my volleyball team (what?! She's pure evil, I tell you! And very mean to my friends!), I had a panic attack during my last volleyball tournament (I cried for almost 3 hours straight-and I DO NOT cry!), I'm having difficulties with certain family members, my dad and step-mum think I'm severely depressed, my friend thinks it's depressing that I don't talk to my step-brother (at all), my dog might get youthanized (or however you spell it), and I got detention for being late first period three times (and it wasn't my fault!!!!).
Yeah, my life is great! This is why I write so much. It relieves stress! Sorry for that ranting. Thanks for reading!!!