If Love is a Game...

Lanni Weasley

Story Summary:
It's the Marauders' final year at Hogwarts and they have everything - and that includes a few big problems. James matures and finally wins over Lily; Remus falls head over heels for Lucius Malfoy's cousin; and Sirius finally gets the girls of his dreams. But that girl is supposed to marry Malfoy and her parents hate Sirius and her friends. Soon, she must choose between being the next Mrs. Lucius Malfoy or the early deaths of Sirius and her friends. Deep trouble is on the horizon of bliss.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
It’s Sirius and James’s seventh and final year at Hogwarts. They have it all: talent, brains, bronze, friends, and girls. James has become more mature and has finally won over Lily. Although almost every girl swoons over Sirius, the girl he wants is yet to be impressed. Chapter Seven-It's Double Potions period and "The Prank" is done. Will the Slytherins "wig" out? Will someone get detention? And will the insanity stop or will James merely increase it?!
Author's Note:
Is there anything to say...? Oh, yes, thanks for reviewing!

Chapter Seven

Bubble, Double, Potions' Trouble

It was the beginning of Double Potions class for the Seventh Year Gryffindors and Slytherins. Krystyna had had one full day of run-ins, questions, story-telling, and duels. Plenty of girls she didn't even know tried to hex her in the hallways. At first, Krystyna didn't know why. Every girl was really mad with her. Lorena burst out laughing randomly, Sara was all giggling, and Lily was either blushing or giggling.

After a night of sleep in a closet with Sirius Black and then almost getting caught by Professor Lector, Krystyna was thoroughly confused about everything. Some girls asked her what it was like--whatever 'it' was. Boys were whistling everywhere, but so far, the Slytherins seemed pretty normal--thank God, she didn't want to know what they would be like if they weren't normal.

They walked into double Potions with no time to spare. As soon as Lily shut the door, the bell rang. Krystyna dragged Lily into a seat while Sara and Lorena fell into another seat, giggling when they saw someone. She could only guess who it was, but they seemed like they knew something. She hadn't told them about last night yet. It was only then that Krystyna found out rather abruptly.

James Potter seemed to be entertaining a large group of people--some girls and some guys, even some Gryffindors and some Slytherins. Lucius was sitting down, but looking his way, watching and listening. Severus was doing the same.

Everyone was listening. Sirius was sitting very low in his seat--very unusual--Peter was sniggering uncontrollably--very usual--and Remus was shaking his head--he'd been doing that for a long time. Lorena burst out laughing once more and Sara and Lily went into giggle mode. Krystyna rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but wonder what was so funny. Then, she listened more closely.

"... they were all snug and cuddling together when I opened the closet door. I mean, real snug as can be. I almost thought she was sitting in his lap, ya know. But then, I looked more closely, see. Remus about jumped out of his skin, startled so much--didn't prepare himself like I told him to. But anyways, her head was on his shoulder and his head was on her head, holding hands, and his other arm around her waist. Real cute, ya know."

Some girls started giggling, others got miffed. Some boys started sniggering, others got slightly angry. Lucius hadn't heard who these two people were. Krystyna stared at James in horror.

"It gets better, everyone! I woke him up and he tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't. All of a sudden, she moans 'Oh, don't stop, Sirius' in her sleep and puts her other free hand on his other shoulder and rubs her face in his robes! I mean, it was hilarious!"

A lot of people started laughing and looked back. Krystyna went so low in her seat and put her upside down Potions book in front of her face.

Oh my gosh, James Potter, I'm so going to kill you for this! Krystyna thought embarrassedly.

A few boys punched Sirius in the arm jokingly and cracked a joke or asked him a question. He was turning redder by the second. Right now, Krystyna wished she had Magimorphi powers so she could change her look. A few girls scowled at her while others went into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

Lorena was still laughing and had somehow fallen out of her seat; Sara and Lily were giggling non-stop; Peter had his head crammed in his book, howling with laughter; Remus was shaking his head, but grinning to stop himself from laughing. James was looking smug to tell the story. Lucius stood up and he didn't back down. He stalked over to Sirius.

"Lowering your expectations, I see," Lucius snarled. Sirius looked up and stood up, being as tall as Lucius. "I didn't hear any snogging in that story." Sirius thought of something to say and grinned.

"I don't snog every girl I see, you know," Sirius said loftily. "Besides, I thought it'd be rude to say 'Well, we're locked in a closet, do you wanna make out?' I thought it'd be rather improper of me to do that."

"Never stopped you before," Lucius growled. Sirius glared at him.

"How d'you know?" Sirius muttered. "I'd appreciate it if you'd shut your big pie hole for once at quit with the rumors."

"I don't start rumors," Lucius noted. "I talk about the truth."

"Like you kissing Krystyna is the truth?" Sirius sniggered. "I think the Orange Juice Incident yesterday justified that little truth." He laughed when Lucius turned pink.

"What's the deal with Krystyna anyway?" Lucius questioned spitefully. "I told you to stay away for her last year."

"Yeah, last year, but I didn't seem to listen then, did I?" Sirius replied carelessly. "Anyways, I think she likes me more than she'll ever like you." Lucius shook his head.

"We'll see who's kissing her first," Lucius mumbled. He turned to walk away.

"You make her sound like a trophy or something," Sirius blurted. Lucius turned back around to stare at him.

"What are you talking about?" Lucius asked with eyebrows raised.

"'We'll see who's kissing her first.' That makes it sound like it's a race to get her to like one of us," Sirius said madly. "I'm not going to race for her with you and she's not the prize if I win. I'm just trying to get her to like me."

"Don't go all mushy on me, Sirius," Lucius mumbled. Sirius grinned.

"Would you rather me say, I'm just trying to get Krystyna to love me and hold me and--"

"That's quite enough with that stupid talk," Lucius interrupted. Sirius's grin broadened.

"Okay then, sod off now!" Sirius shouted, shoving Lucius away from him and back into his seat. Lorena got up from her seat and stood in front of Malfoy.

"What?" Lucius asked her.

"Ha, loser, loser, loser!" Lorena laughed loudly. "Krystyna will never ever like you because you're a loser and Sirius is so much better. I mean, she already fell asleep on him in a closet! I think she'd die if she was locked in a closet with you! She'd probably Avada Kedrava herself. I know I would."

"You're my cousin," Lucius pointed out.

"And I regret it every second of my life," Lorena replied. "It'd be worse than detention sitting in a closet with you. Good-bye, Loser Malfoy." Lorena went to walk away.

"Why do you do that?" Lucius questioned. Lorena turned back around.

"Do what?" Lorena asked absentmindedly.

"Rub stuff in like this to me?" Lucius asked. He stood up and was taller than her. "I mean, how come you don't like me. I'm family--blood--and you act like I'm some sort of monster! What's the deal?" Lorena screwed her face up angrily. Lucius put a hand on her shoulder. She slapped it right off.

"Don't touch me, Malfoy!" Lorena shouted. "People like you should be called Mudbloods!" Silence filled the room suddenly and everyone was staring at the two cousins. Lucius stared at Lorena with disbelief. She pointed a finger at him.

"What?" Lucius laughed off.

"I'm not kidding, Malfoy!" Lorena yelled. "You should be called a Mudblood. Dirty blood--ha!--don't make me laugh! You're dirty blood because you can't stand the fact that a Muggle-born witch is better at magic than you. And the only way to make yourself feel better is by degrading them to feel like dirt! And that only makes you lower.

"I can't believe I'm related to you! I hate it! I hate you! You make fun of Lily all the time and that's terrible! You have to torture Krystyna and you keep making up idiotic plans to get her to like you! Can you just accept the fact that she doesn't like you? No, because you're skull is too thick to let that information penetrate it!

"I can't take it anymore! If you do one more--one more--thing, I'll hex you until you have to cry for your mummy! I've tried to put up with you for my parents, but it's over! You may be family by blood, but by ideals, we're totally different! Sod off to the ends of the earth, Malfoy! Do us a favor and jump off a cliff! Argh!"

Lorena stomped back into her seat angrily and left Lucius standing there completely dazed and deaf. Narcissa was gaping and Nate Zambini was staring. Severus had his Potions book over his head for protection. James suddenly started with the story again when Professor Lector walked in.

"Potter, I suggest you shut up with that wild story of Miss Melanie and Sirius Black," Lector scolded without even looking at him. "I've heard it a thousand times already today. Even the teachers are talking about it."

"Oh my God..." Krystyna whispered, horrified. "James Potter, when I get hold of you, I'll..." The images were not pretty. James sat down with a grin.

"Yes, Professor," James replied.


It was the last fifteen minutes of Potions. They had used red sand and the Slytherins had red sand. Professor Lector had thought about the color for a second, but shrugged it off. Lorena had stopped laughing finally. Lily and Krystyna started sniggering when they saw Lucius pour the sand in the potion; James was grinning broadly; Sirius had regained his cockiness with the Slytherins; Remus had finally stopped shaking his head; Peter was confused; and at the moment, Lector was bullying Sara.

"I hope you don't call that a Hair Color Changing Potion, Miss Whitfield," Lector said lazily, sneering at her with distaste. "It's not even the right color."

"It's getting there," Sara muttered, stirring the potion. Lector took the ladle right out of her hands and pulled it up, gathering some of the potion. Something flickered in her eyes and she bit her lip, staring at the ladle.

"This is red; not green, Miss Whitfield," Lector noted, letting the potion fall out of the ladle and back into the cauldron. "Maybe you should get your eyes checked from Madam Pomfrey." Sara turned slightly pink and looked down at her feet. She muttered something.

"Hm, what was that? I didn't quite catch that," Lector said. "Do you have something that you'd like to tell the class? I'm quite sure that they would love to hear your excuse on why you can't even decipher colors from each other."

Krystyna was sure that tears were glistening in Sara's eyes. She was starting to get mad. He was badgering Sara for no good reason. Lily was glaring at him. She looked past him and saw Lucius whispering something to Rodolphus Lestrange, Sara's cousin, and Rodolphus replied to him. A twisted smirk formed on Lucius's face. Lily glanced over at Krystyna who looked back from Lucius to Lily, concern in her expression. Sara muttered something again, but a little louder this time.

"What was that? I can't hear you," Lector replied with a twisted smile.

"I'm Red and Green Color Blind!" Sara shouted angrily, fuming. Lector grinned and handed Sara the ladle. The Slytherins were all grinning.

"Oh, thank you for telling me," Lector noted. He turned and walked around. "Dysfunctional, and in a Pure-blood family too." He shook his head.

"Oh and I'm sure everyone wants to know why you use the Anti Dandruff Potion every morning!" Krystyna finally shouted. Sirius stared at her. James's eyes about popped out and Remus almost fell out of his chair. Lector turned around to her and then began to advance on her quickly.

"How do you know that I even use that potion?" Lector questioned. He threw his hands on the table and shot towards her, his face inches from hers. Krystyna stood up and was now eye-to-eye with him because he had been hunching seconds ago. She scrunched up her nose.

"Your hair reeks of the smell, professor," Krystyna growled. "You haven't been using the 'no smell' type, I smell. So... do you have dandruff, professor?" Lector took a step back.

"Nonsense, Melanie, I think last night got to your head," Lector replied calmly. Most of the Slytherins laughed while the Gryffindors scowled. However, Krystyna didn't blush, but held her ground. She merely grinned slightly.

"Maybe it did, maybe it got to my head, but it didn't get to my eyes," Krystyna said smoothly. She pointed at his shoulder. He was wearing black robes. "I do believe that I see some flaky white stuff on your shoulders, professor." Lector immediately went to check. There was none there and before he could look up, Krystyna frazzled his black hair.

"What the--" Lector cut himself off.

"I didn't know it was winter already," Krystyna noted with a grin. She sat down and crossed her legs, looking at a defeated Lector. Many white flakes of dandruff were falling from his frazzled hair. The Gryffindors were laughing, the Slytherins were gaping, and Sara was smiling. "So next time, if you're going to pick on my friends, remember that it'll always come to haunt you."

Lector glared at her and stalked away. Lucius stared at Krystyna and she looked at him. She grinned and then looked over to Sirius who was smiling. Lucius fumed. Nate Zambini was staring, Narcissa Black was scowling madly, and James, Peter, and Remus were howling with laughter along with Lorena. Her face was hidden in her arms.

Lily had her hand pressed over her mouth to keep her laughter very quiet and unheard. Her eyes smiled for her though. Lily turned to Sara and helped her fix the potion. As soon as Sara's potion had turned into green--the correct color.

"Your potions should be finished by now," Lector announced loudly, interrupting everyone. "Now, I want you to take two flasks of your potion, one for the experiment and one for me to grade. Take the one for me and sit it up here, go back to your seat, and try the potion." Everyone filled their flasks up. Krystyna walked up there and Sirius shuffled beside her.

"This is going to be great," he whispered in her ear.

Krystyna grinned and nodded her head. As she moved in the line next to Sirius, Lucius bumped into her other side. At first, she ignored him, but he bumped into her. Then, she tried to ignore him, but his hand brushed against the palm of her hand when the backside of her hand was the part facing him. Last, she tried to move, but Lucius grabbed her hand and stopped her. Krystyna whipped her head to him. He was looking up front, trying to look innocent, but holding her hand. She jerked it out of his grip.

"Oh, stop it," Krystyna sighed.

"Black's a bad guy, I don't know what you see in him," Lucius muttered, glancing down at her. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, and you're not a bad guy either? Oh, please, give me a break for once," Krystyna mumbled. "Just get over it. I don't like you."

"You like Black," Lucius practically spat, glaring at her.

"So what if I do?" Krystyna defended. "You can go crying to Narcissa Black. She obviously fancies you a lot." Lucius sneered.

"As much as she's pretty and all, I don't like her a bit; she's not my type--but you are," Lucius replied softly. Krystyna sighed and shifted as the line moved again. He grabbed Krystyna's wrist again. Before Krystyna could do anything, Lucius got slapped upside the head. He immediately let go of Krystyna.

"Give her a break, Malfoy," Sirius growled. "She deserves a break from your aggravating taunts." Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"Like she deserves you?" Lucius gave a hallow laugh. "She deserves better than you. She deserves a guy that can actually support her financially; a guy that is smart and in the business; a guy that will comfort her in any way; a guy that can hold her; a guy that actually knows how this world works; a guy like me."

Krystyna shook her head. He was already trying to plan her future. It was what her parents wanted, no doubt. What I deserve, Krystyna thought, is a break from two boys bickering over me in front of me.

"A guy like you..." Sirius sighed thoughtfully. Then, he laughed. "Yeah, right. You don't even deserve her! Financially? I got that, still. Smart? I got better grades on all of my O.W.L.s, did I not? Maybe you could've beaten me in the Dark Arts section, but, sorry to say, we only have a defense against that; not training. Comfort? I can comfort her in more ways than you'll ever know. Knowing how the world works? I think I've gotten that figured out. But in the business? I'm sorry, that's where I find my fault."

He sighed and shook his head. He looked at Krystyna.

"I'm terribly sorry that I'm not in the... ah... business, Krystyna," Sirius said soothingly. Krystyna grinned and he smiled slyly. He looked back at Lucius and handed his flask in. "Hope your potion is well."

He walked away. Krystyna handed her flask in and walked away. Lucius glared at Sirius as he sat down next to James who had already turned his in.

"Thank you, Lily," Sara sighed graciously. "I wouldn't have been able to fix it myself." Lily smiled.

"It's the least I could do for a friend, and the way Lector treats you..." she replied. "You'd think you were a smart Muggle-born witch." Sara blushed.

"Well... there was rivalry between my mum and him when they were are age, I think," Sara replied calmly. They giggled. Everyone picked up their flasks. Sirius glanced back at Krystyna with his eyebrows raised. James gave Lily a bright toothy smile. They both returned a bright and sly smile. Sirius and James grinned at each other. Peter snickered. Remus laughed shortly.

"Just say the color you want and your hair will turn the color after you pour the potion on your hair," Lector called out. Immediately, students began chanting their colors.

"Blond," Krystyna simply said and she poured the potion on top of her hair. It was one of the most unusual feelings Krystyna had ever felt in her life. There was a tingling sensation spreading down her head which made her mind spin. The hair in front of her eyes started to visibly change so she closed her eyes. Lily laughed.

"Why would you want blonde hair, Krystyna?" Lily laughed. Krystyna opened her eyes and stared at her now brown haired friend.

"I admit it, I've been jealous of Sara's for a while," Krystyna said quietly. Lily smiled and shook her head. Krystyna blushed slightly. She shook her new sandy blond hair out of her eyes.

"Black," Lorena said loudly and poured the potion on her hair. Her light blond hair immediately turned dark black. Sara laughed. "It's the totally opposite of light blond and I'll do anything to have a totally different color of hair than Lucius." Krystyna and Lily snickered.

"Red," Sara said quietly. Her blond hair turned red and she smiled softly. Lily smiled largely.

"Hey, that color looks good on you, Sara!" Lily exclaimed. Krystyna nodded her head.

"Thanks," Sara sighed, blushing.

"Blond," Sirius said lazily. James, Peter, and Remus howled with laughter when Sirius's black hair turned an almost platinum blond color. It looked strange on him. "See, here's how I'm thinking. I'm gonna mock Malfoy all day, isn't that great?" James nodded his head vigorously.

"I think I should get started on that now," Sirius said. He cleared his throat. "Here I go. 'C'mon, Krystyna, you know you like me because I'm so hott, and I'm in Slytherin, and I'm a pure-blood, and I'm rich, and I'm going to grow up to be just like my ignorant father.'" James, Remus, and Peter howled with laughter when Sirius made a smug face.

"Red," James said. He poured the potion on his black hair and it turned to red. Remus and Sirius chortled uncontrollably. James turned pink.

"I don't think that that color suites you very well, Prongs," Sirius chuckled. James shook his head and sighed.

"I just wanted to see what it would look like," James murmured.

"You should walk around school all day like that, James!" Remus exclaimed. James shook his head slightly. "I dare you!" James looked at his friend, who was grinning. James had never turned down a dare before, and he wasn't going to start now. He smirked.

"Alright, Moony, you got a deal," James said, shaking Remus's hand firmly, "but what's your new hair color that you will be wearing today? Hm?"

Remus grin loosened and he muttered something, pouring the potion on his head. His hair slowly turned black. A now dark brown haired Peter went wide eyed and stared at him.

"Moony! Moony, you almost look like Sirius!" Peter squeaked. Sirius spun around in his chair and almost bumped faces with Remus.

"Whoa, watch it there, Padfoot!" Remus warned, leaning back. Sirius laughed and then stared at Remus. His eyes widened.

"You know, if you just had my green eyes, people would really get you confused with me," Sirius noted. Remus rolled his eyes. "Hey, the girls will love you!" Remus shook his head and rolled his eyes even more as he and James laughed. James punched Sirius in the shoulder jokingly.

"Hey, Padfoot, the girls already love him!" James scorned jokingly. Remus laughed and Sirius chuckled.

"Sorry, Moony, no offense to you or nothing," Sirius said, calming down. Remus waved it off with his hand dismissively.

"None taken, Sirius," Remus sighed.

"The Slytherins are getting ready to use theirs!" Peter squealed with delight. James and Sirius grinned at each other and spun around. Sirius chanced a glance back to see which color Krystyna's hair had changed into to. She had long sandy blond hair.

Krystyna laughed with Lily and then looked around. She stared at Sirius. He made his eyebrows jump and then puffed up indignantly, looking very smug. Immediately, they both looked over at Lucius Malfoy who had not used his yet and then back at each other. They both burst out laughing. They looked back at the Slytherins.

All of the Slytherins said their colors and then poured the potion on their head. At first, no one said anything because nothing happened. Lily and Krystyna wondered if they did something wrong. And then it happened.

All of the Slytherins' hair disappeared right off of their heads. They all started screaming their heads off and jumping up and down, feeling their bald heads. The girls were crying; the boys were angry; and Lucius looked traumatized. The Marauders looked over at the four girls.

Lorena was laughing so hard and pointing at Lucius that she leaned so far back she fell backwards in her chair, but she didn't stop laughing. Sara had her face covered with her hands on her desk, laughing loudly. Lily was pink-faced and laughing. Krystyna had her hands covering her mouth and was chortling louder than ever. All of the Gryffindors were laughing loudly and all of the Slytherins were crying and yelling. Professor Lector stood up to calm them all down.

"Quiet! Quiet!!" Lector yelled over the noise. No one went quiet and they either continued to laugh or scream or cry. "SILENCE!!!"

Everything and everyone were hushed. Narcissa Black gave one last sniff. Nate Zambini was gaping. Lucius Malfoy looked full of fury. And the rest of the Slytherins looked traumatized. James snickered and shut himself up by covering his mouth.

Lector's eyes were closed, but he looked terrifying. The silence was unnerving and eerie. Krystyna bit her lip and glanced at Lily who looked worried. Sara sat up straight. Lorena stood back up, still chortling softly, and sat her chair straight. She collapsed in it.

"Miss Melanie and Mr. Black please stay after class," Lector breathed softly.

"What?" Krystyna almost shouted.

"Huh?" Sirius yelled. "What's the deal?!" Lector stalked over to him quickly and glared at Sirius. Sirius sat in his seat and kept the stony expression on his face.

"You and Miss Melanie were the only ones that I know for sure were out of your dormitories last night," Lector hissed vehemently. "You are also known of your practical jokes on the Slytherins, am I right?" Sirius didn't say anything.

"So that is a great case for my side of the story," Lector said madly.

"But Krystyna, she's a Prefect, one of the strongest rule upholders in the entire school! How could I, Sirius Black the Mischief Maker, convince her out of all of the other girls to come with me and do whatever happened to cause this?" Sirius exclaimed.

Quite easily, Krystyna thought. Why did I even agree? Why?

She knew the answer already and it made her stomach churn. She looked down at her feet under the table. She couldn't look at Sirius and Lector. She couldn't look at her friends. And she couldn't look at the Slytherins.

"I'm sure you could, Black," Lector sighed in a would-be calm voice. "You got her in a closest with you." Sirius jumped to his feet.

"That... was not my doing," Sirius said furiously. Lector raised an eyebrow.

"Then who did it?" Lector whispered. James leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh.

"That would be one of my--ah, what was it again?--practical jokes, professor," James said with a grin and his hand rose in the air. "I thought they needed some time to be alone together and thought it would be rather hilarious if I locked them in a closet together. And I was right, wasn't I?" He snickered.

"That still doesn't excuse the two of you for doing this," Lector said with a sneer.

"How could we have done it, if we were locked in a closet all night?" Sirius questioned, looking around the room like he was searching for the answer. "It doesn't make sense. James, here, put a crafty little spell on the door so that only he could unlock and open it. We couldn't get out." Lector merely gave a crooked grin.

"You could've done it before he locked you in the closet," Lector hissed. Sirius glared at him.

"We were in the closet all night," Sirius stressed out to him spitefully. "All night, do you even hear me? I didn't get any sleep!"

"I beg to differ, Black, but I know for a fact that you were not in the closet all night," Lector said calmly with his crooked grin. Krystyna shuddered.

How did he find out? Who saw them? She looked up and saw Lily cringe. She looked over at Krystyna and they both shared an expression of terror. They looked back at Sirius and Lector. Sirius didn't have a reply. He just narrowed his eyes.

"See, you two are the perpetrators! I knew it!" Lucius glanced at Krystyna, but she didn't see. James thought up of a rather strange reply.

"How do you know, professor?" James asked, sounding curious.

"I have my sources, Potter," Lector simply said. He turned to walk away.

"Were you in the closet with them, professor?" James asked. Lector spun around wildly to stare at James with wide eyes. "I'll take that as a yes. So... what did they do in their spare time? Did they accidentally hit you? I daresay, there's not much room in a closet, professor. Did you have fun? Did they have fun?"

"That's preposterous, Potter!" Lector shouted, shaking his head.

"Did they let you join in on the games, professor?" James questioned in his best serious voice. Krystyna stared at James. Sirius was gaping. Everyone was staring at one of the three.

"Potter, shut up!" Lector said loudly.

"I'll take that as a yes," James said. "What kind of games did you three play, hm? Did you play... Pile On or Three's a Match or Pair Ups or Make Out the Picture or Truth or Dare or how about the great Muggle game Life or maybe your preference is--even though there were only three of you--Spin the Bottle or--this is the best game ever--Tonsil Hockey or--if there was enough room--strip poker--now that is one hilarious game? I prefer Tonsil Hockey myself."

By the time James had ended, Lector was bright red and was turning purple. James was, however, smiling innocently.

"Potter, I demand you to shut up!" Lector ordered viciously.

"I'll take that as a yes to all of the games," James sighed, nodding his head serenely. "So... who won at Tonsil Hockey? I bet it was Krystyna! She probably had both of you two sore!"

He started cracking up with all of the Gryffindors. Sirius turned pink and Krystyna blushed furiously. She slid in her seat so low. If James kept this up, her parents would know in a heart beat. She wondered if they already knew.

"Potter, you can stay after class too so I can give all three of you detention!" Lector roared. Sirius shook his head, still pink in the face.

"But we didn't do anything!!" Sirius boomed.

"I think you did!" Lector shouted.

"Again, I ask, were you in the closet with them, professor?" James asked innocently with a smile. Lector yelled some very nasty and explicit words at the three of them.

"Whoa, Professor Lector, please calm down, sir," Remus cautioned. He was standing up and between Lector and James, who was laughing like a maniac.

"Sit in your dang seat, Lupin!" Lector shouted. "I don't take orders from stupid students, and especially not you three!" He pointed at a cackling James, a pink-faced angry Sirius, and a firm Remus. Peter was cowering in his seat with his book over his head.

"Don't call them that!" Krystyna yelled, standing to her feet. Lily jumped to hers.

"Because they are not stupid!" Lily added ignorantly. Lector stomped over to Lily and got in her face. She thought about taking a step back, hating being this close to his face, but thought better of it and glared at him.

"I did not call on you, Miss Evans, did I?" Lector hissed with a potent of venom.

"No, sir," Lily replied calmly.

"Then why did you speak out of line?" Lector questioned her.

"I thought that you were the one out of line, professor," Lily answered earnestly. "I feel that a professor should not press an ignorant idea on the students' minds because it is degradable, sir." Lector stared at her. James gaped. Lector then stomped off to Krystyna. He spun around suddenly to look at Sirius and James.

"Black, you're off the hook," Lector grumbled. Sirius didn't sit down, but looked back at Krystyna who was nodding her head absentmindedly. "Potter, for being obnoxious, you're not."

"Ah, phooey," James sighed, throwing his hand out in front of him. "I was just asking you a few simple questions, professor." Lector glared at James.

"A few rude and profane questions, I might add," Lector replied madly. James thought about it and then grinned. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, I admit it; I asked you a few simple questions that were slightly rude and a tad bit profane. But really, professor, do I need detention?" James said. He cocked his head to the left a little. Lector shook his head.

"You need more than to be in detention, Potter; you need to be in a mental institution," Lector muttered. James grinned.

"Hey, I think you might've got somewhere on that remark, professor!" James exclaimed very sarcastically, clapping his hands wildly. Lector rolled his eyes.

"Keep it up, Potter, and you will be doing more than detention," Lector said calmly. James stopped and nodded his head with a crooked grin on his face. Lector turned back around to Krystyna. "You are also not off of the hook, Miss Melanie."

"What--why?" Sirius yelled.

"Black, do you want detention?!" Lector shouted as he rounded on his heals.

"Not in particular, no, but Krystyna doesn't deserve to have detention!" Sirius replied furiously. "She didn't do anything!" Lector looked back at Krystyna.

"Fine, you're off the hook!" Lector yelled in her face. Krystyna winced.

"Please, don't spit on me," she sighed while sitting down.

"And, Lupin, will you make that friend of yours sit his arse down in his seat?!" Lector shouted, pointing at Sirius who was still standing up.

"But, professor, you told me to sit down," Remus sighed, getting tired of Potions class. Lector gnarled his teeth madly.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for not obeying me, Lupin!" Lector shouted, making his rampage on Remus now who was sitting in his seat calmly. "I don't know why Dumbledore let you in this school and also made you a Prefect if you can't obey a single order!"

Remus jumped to his feet and made Sirius sit down. He plopped back in his seat without saying a word. Peter fumbled with the pages in the book over his head. Lector was fuming madly.

"Professor... do you think you could restore our hair now?" Nate Zambini asked, raising his hand in the air. Lector stopped fuming and turned around to recognition all of the now bald Slytherin Seventh Years. Lector nodded his head.

"Yes, yes, come up here for the antidote," Lector sighed, sitting back behind his desk at the front of the room. The Slytherins jumped to their feet. "Your hair has only vanished from sight and touch."

Sirius glanced back at Krystyna who had her eyes closed and was taking deep breaths. Last night had been a good night, but it could've gotten them in some serious trouble.

Author notes: Okay, to the one person who wrote, "Less Fluff": I'm very sorry to hear that you want less fluff because it's a little difficult for me to do that. You see, this entire fic is pre-written, sorry. EVERYTHING is pre-written already. In fact, I've already started on the sequel so I'm very sorry about that.
Thank you for reading this chapter!