Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/05/2001
Updated: 10/05/2001
Words: 141,156
Chapters: 20
Hits: 18,533

Least Likely Of All


Story Summary:
First set in the Lily/James Hogwarts Era, he's abusive and she can't let go. Who helps her? The Least Likely Of All... in more ways than one.

Chapter 20

Author's Note:
Well, seeing as how Schnoogle managed to cut off at least half of the last part of this chapter, I figured I'd just repost it.

Chapter Twenty, Parts 96 - 100

Chapter Twenty, Part One: Play It By Ear


Pollux pushed his twin brother off of his chest, rolling around and pinning him down on the ground. Blue eyes blazing, he bared his teeth, ignoring the laughs coming from Castor’s throat.

”You stupid git,” Castor laughed, rolling over and dumping his much smaller counterpart off of him. Standing up, he brushed his robes and offered his hand to Pollux.

”You should know better than to wrestle with me.” Castor grinned as he pulled Pollux up.

”True… Where’s Mum?”

Castor shrugged, looking around their room. It was completely trashed – clothes and parchment lay strewn on the floor, books stacked up all over the room, even on the two beds standing in the middle of it. Posters of various Quidditch teams – including the one their eldest brother was on – adorned the walls, the players waving at them.

Sighing, Castor walked out of their room and down the hall, passing quite a few doors on the way. Finally coming to the last one, he knocked twice and waited for it to open.

Lily stuck her head out, raising it a bit when she saw her youngest son. “Hello Cass, what’s up?”

”When’s Dad gonna be back?”

Severus had been at Hogwarts for nearly a week now, with no talk of returning. He had been working with the current Potions Master on the Cure for nearly three years now, and was often gone.

”By tonight, hopefully.” Lily answered, ruffling her fifteen year old son’s hair. “You and your brother weren’t wrestling again, were you?”

Castor grinned sheepishly, “I’m careful, honest.”

Lily crossed her arms, a smile tugging on her lips. “Just don’t crush him. He’s smaller than you, you know.”

”Yes, I know.” Castor grinned, his green eyes lighting up slightly. “Are Harry and Ethan coming to dinner?”

Lily laughed, “You know damn well, Cass, those two refuse to be in the same room with each other for more than thirty seconds.”

”And why is that?” Castor asked, slightly miffed.

”It’s a long, long story, love.” Lily smiled, backing away from the door. “Come on in, talk to your old mother.”

Following his mother in, Castor sat down in one of the large armchairs and watched his 53 year old mother collapse into one of the larger sofas.

”So, is Harry coming to dinner at least?”

Lily nodded, “Him and Draco.”

”Doesn’t he have a game in a few days?” Castor asked, curious. Lily nodded once more.

”Against the Chudley Cannons.”

Castor grinned, “They’re gonna get flattened.”

”Perhaps.” Lily smiled, suddenly becoming very still. Her eyes glazed over slightly, and a moment later she spoke.

”Your father’s home.”

Castor grinned and got up quickly, throwing the door open to the room and running back down the hallway, grabbing his twin and running down a set of stairs into the entrance hallway, where Severus stood, removing his traveling cloak. Next to him was Lily, a grin on her face.

”Dad!” Both Castor and Pollux spoke at the same moment, running towards their father and stopping right before him. Smiling, Severus gave the two bear hugs, his pale skin radiating warmth.

”Figure anything else out?” Lily asked her husband, wrapping her arms around his torso.

”We’re close,” Severus nodded, “Very close.”

”Good.” Lily nodded, her amber eyes twinkling slightly. Looking from her husband to her sons, she shook her head suddenly, glancing at her watch.

”It’s nearly 6… Jubby should have dinner ready soon, I’d imagine.”

Severus nodded, looking around the foyer. “Where’s Glory?”

Lorelei Glory was the youngest of the nine siblings, being only twelve years old.

”She’s out with Remus.” Lily answered, eyes moving towards the floor slightly.

”He’s coming to dinner?”

”Him and Harry.” Lily answered as the twins trailed behind them.

”Draco too, I’m assuming?” Severus asked, opening the door to their bedroom and leading the three inside. Turning around, he laughed. “You guys, really.”

”Harry and Draco are coming to dinner?” Pollux asked curiously, then turned towards Castor. “Did you know about this?”

Castor nodded slightly. The two thirty-three year olds were Castor and Pollux’s favorite company, mainly due to Draco’s outspokenness and Harry’s readiness to allow them to get away with murder. Each of their visits were met with anticipation and excitement – Harry and Draco made sure the twins were never let down.

Their relationship had gone from hatred to friendship to what they deemed as love within a matter of three years, unbeknownst to their parents. It was known Draco had been bi – or at least suggested multiple times – but when Lily and Severus had found about Harry, it had come as a total shock.

Their reaction, as parents, had driven the two men to their first of many fights and breakups. Draco, staying true to Harry, had dated very few people during these times, never once straying from him. Harry, however, had become – in Draco’s words – a complete slut. Much to Draco’s delight, however, Harry never slept with another man, and much to Severus’ relief, his partners had only been female.

The two were once again in a only-friends stage, which seemed to suit them fairly well for the time being. Harry, having a steady girlfriend on the side, and Draco, once again staying true to form, were due in the Snape Mansion at any time as Severus started unpacking.

”None of the other children are coming?” he asked, hanging five sets of robes in the wardrobe.

Lily shook her head, taking in a deep breath. “Ethan… well, Harry’s coming. Kaylee’s too busy with her kids to come, Dea’s in France, Drake’s off in America with his girlfriend, and Dakota’s too busy with the wedding.”

”But Cass, Glor, and me are coming.” Pollux grinned, stretching his lanky frame out across one of the sofas.

”Cass, Glor, and I.” Lily corrected automatically, glancing over at the desk.

I need to talk to you alone, it’s important.

Kick the twins out then.


And why is that?

He’s looking at me.

Severus sighed, shaking his head and turning towards the twins. “Guys, out. Your Mum and I need to talk.”

Mumbling slightly to one another, the two left, closing the door behind them, leaving Severus and Lily alone.

I wonder if Pollux’s figured out all he has to do is look at you and he gets what ever he wants?

Knowing my luck, he has. Can’t I go in and change his eye colour in the middle of the night or something? Please?

And how exactly would you care to explain that to him the next morning?


Exactly. Now why did you want to talk to me alone, seeing as how we’re not really talking at all?

Minerva sent me something.

And what would that be, love?

The answer.

Severus dropped the book he had been holding, his black eyes wide with shock. “Pardon?”

”You heard me.” said Lily, her gaze locked downward.

”You mean… How?” Severus’ face had gone pale, and he had taken a seat next to his wife on the bed.

Lily shrugged, “I’m not sure exactly.” She held up two pieces of parchment, one with scrawly handwriting on the front, bearing Lily’s full name.

”I read Minerva’s letter. Here.” She handed the second piece of parchment to Severus, who opened it curiously.

Dear Lily and Severus,

Before Albus Dumbledore died, he told me something that has stunned me even to this day, 15 years later. I’m sure you’re quite aware of the situation I’m referring to, so I won’t bother to elaborate. The answer – the one I’m sure you two have been wondering about ever since Castor and Pollux were conceived – lies within his last letter. If you feel as if the contents could bear more harm then good, please, don’t allow yourself to read it. For the sake of the twins.

I’m not entirely sure how I came across it; your grandfather had his own ways of doing things, as brilliant as he was. Please, read his letter with great caution, or perhaps not at all. I did not open it, but he also briefed me on the contents. I can assure you, the answer lies within.

Please inform the twins I wish them a very Happy 15th Birthday.


Minerva McGonagall

Severus turned the letter over carefully in his hands, reading it for a second time, hardly believing his eyes. Finally tearing his eyes away from it, he looked at his wife, a feeling of utter helplessness washing over him.

”We don’t have to.” Lily said quietly, “It’d just be nice to know. It really doesn’t matter now.”

Severus nodded numbly, agreeing. “The question is, when do we tell Remus, and more importantly, the twins?”

Lily sighed, shrugging. “Tonight, I guess. Can you think of a better time?”

Severus shook his head, “No. But, we must tell the twins before we open the letter… Can you inform Remus when he arrives? And Harry, please.”

Lily nodded slowly, her auburn hair falling into her eyes. Looking up at him, she started trembling slightly, then finally rested her head against his shoulder.

”This is it.” Holding the letter bearing her name in her hand and turning it over time and time again. “Fifteen years worth of wondering, of fights… It all boils down to this.”

Severus kissed the top of her head, running his fingers through her hair. “You know just as well as I do that it won’t matter what the envelope contains. To the twins, perhaps, but to me – just as I raised Harry as my own, I have done it to the twins as well. It doesn’t matter to me anymore, they’re my sons, regardless of blood.”

Lily nodded, “What if Remus… if he wants them?”

”That would mean they were his, and love, I highly doubt that.” Severus smiled slightly. “I have a feeling things will turn out for the best, love. If not – we’ll play it by ear.”

Lily smiled, craning her neck up and kissing him quickly. “Fifteen years of hell… It’s over. By tonight, we’ll know.”

”For better or for worse.” Severus smiled, kissing her back. “The worst that can happen is they’re Remus’, and the man deserves some good in his life. Micah’s turning out to be quite the brat.”

”Definitely Narcissa’s daughter.” Lily grinned, pulling herself up and sitting on Severus’ legs. “Blue eyed, blonde haired beauty – and she knows it.”

”Too bad her and Kaylee aren’t the same age,” Severus shook his head, “They would have gotten along well.”

Lily gasped and laughed, smacking Severus’ arm. “She got that from your side of the family.”

Severus nodded agreeing with her, “More than likely.”


Chapter Twenty, Part Two: Impossible

As surely as the sun rises each day
So my love will never change
And though the years my come and go
My love will only grow and grow
Sometimes I wonder what you see in me
'Cause I'm only a man flawed in so many ways you see
I want to share every moment of the day with you
And I want to share every sunset and every sunrise
And every moonlit night *

Harry and Draco arrived fifteen minutes later in the living room, both looking exhausted. Just as they Apparated in, there was a knock on the front door, then the sound of the heavy wood being pushed open.

”Mum, Dad! We’re home!” came Glory’s shouts. Harry and Draco exchanged looks, then made a beeline to the foyer where the twelve year old was standing with Remus by her side.

”Dad!” Draco exclaimed, a grin on his face. Remus smiled back and enveloped his son in a hug. He had legally adopted Draco many years before, replacing Lucius as his father.

”Hey Glor,” Harry smiled down at his youngest sibling.

Severus and Lily chose that moment to come down the stairs, Lily looking at Remus with as much caution as Harry had seen her give him in the years they didn’t speak to one another.

”Remus, Harry, Draco, Glor, you’re all here.” Severus welcomed just as two sets of pounding footsteps could be heard rumbling down the corridor. Moments later, Castor and Pollux came into view, both grinning at the sight of Harry and Draco.

”Hey you two.” Harry laughed as the twins fought their way down the stairs to greet Harry and Draco.

”Everyone,” Lily started, “Excluding Draco and Glory – I’m sorry – we need to speak to you.”

Harry gave his mother a curious look, then something seemed to flicker in his mind.

”Mum, this doesn’t have to do with…?” He glanced over at Remus, then over to Castor and Pollux, blinking.

Lily nodded slightly, “Yes, it does.”

Harry sighed, “Draco knows.”

Severus shook his head, motioning for everyone to follow him. “Did you tell everyone, Harry?”

”No, he didn’t.” Remus interjected, “I told him.”

As the group reached the living room, Severus instructed Glory to go up to her room, leaving them alone – the five that knew and the two that were about to find out.

How are we going to start this?

I’m not sure, love.

Can I give him… please?

The Gift, Lily? Why?

It would make things so much easier.

Severus looked over at Remus, who was sitting next to Draco and looking fairly perplexed. Turning back towards his wife, he nodded.

Lily got up and walked over towards Remus. Leaning down over him, she put her lips close to his ear and spoke in a whisper.

”Just for now… Concentrate on Severus and I.”

Remus looked startled, but before he had time to act, Lily leaned over once more and kissed him softly.

It was quick, but grabbed the attention of the whole room. A moment later, she let up and nodded towards him. Turning around, she smiled faintly and took her place next to Severus.

Remus shook his head for a moment, then looked up at the couple in front of him and smirked.

How can you two stand this?

Lily laughed, then replied.

Many years, Remus. Now… How do we start this?

I’m not sure… do you want to? I think the twins would take it better if it was from you.

Yes, they probably would. Severus interjected, looking over at Lily. Or would you like me to start, being as how I didn’t have much of a part?

Lily shot a warning look at him, then nodded.

”You guys are crazy.” Harry shook his head, starring. Draco shot a startled look at him, then back at their parents.

”What exactly was that?”

”Nothing, Draco.” Remus smiled slightly, looking at his son. “Severus?”

Severus cleared his throat, leaning forward a bit and looking at the twins. “Castor, Pollux, your mother, Remus, and I… we’re going to tell you something, and it’s incredibly important you don’t freak out. Understand?”

Castor looked stunned, but nodded slowly. Pollux followed suit a moment later, his blue eyes darting from his mother to his father and back again.

”In December of 1994, your mother and Remus –“ Severus started, eyes darting over to Lily.

”We were best friends.” Lily said quietly, looking down at her hands. “Before we go any further, you two have to know something. Your father and I can read minds – it was a Gift given to him from Voldemort, and he gave it to me.”

Severus nodded, “Yes. Along with reading minds, the power includes controlling them – bending them to your every want and need. Back in ’94, Lily – your mother, didn’t know about this.”

”This is incredibly difficult to tell you,” Lily sighed, eyes locked on her hands, “Seeing as how so many things are left unanswered.”

”I came back on the 27th, from taking Harry to Godric’s Hollow.” Severus closed his eyes, picturing the memory in his head. “I –“

”Severus had caught your mother and I in bed together.” Remus said hoarsely, his own mind wheeling at the memory.

”I had made him,” Lily said softly, “I didn’t know it at the time, and Remus thought for years he was acting of his own free will – which he wasn’t.”

Pollux’s eyes had widened greatly, and he sat up immediately. Blue eyes flashing, realization hit him before anyone else could say anything else. Eyes darting from Lily to Severus back to Lily once more, he slowly got up and walked over to Remus, looking him in the eyes.

His expression went from realization to shock, his face paling. Backing away slowly to the couch he, Castor, and Harry were sharing, he shook his head furiously.

”No,” He said firmly, “Impossible.”

Castor was looking alarmed and he stood up to stand next to his twin. “What’s impossible?”

”Look at his eyes.” Pollux’s voice shook a bit. “I thought they were amber… they’re not.”

Castor peered over at Remus, then jumped back immediately. “They’re blue… like yours.”

Pollux shook his head once more, “Tell me this is not happening.” Turning over to Severus once more, he looked at his father with pleading eyes. “Please… Dad?”

Castor backed away numbly, sitting back down next to Harry who embraced him. Pollux was left standing alone, his eyes still wide with fear.

Severus sighed, “We don’t know. We haven’t known… for years. Never have.”

”Everyone else has either green or black eyes.” Pollux said, his voice shaking. “Why do I have blue?”

”My great-great-great grandfather, Albus Dumbledore, had blue eyes.” Lily said quietly, “My sister has blue eyes.”

”No one else has them!” Pollux exclaimed, still shaking his head. “Ethan, Kaylee, Glory – black. Castor, Harry, Dea, Drake, Dakota – all green.

”Severus isn’t my father.” Harry said quietly. “A man named James Potter was.”

Both Castor and Pollux gaped at him. “What?”

”Severus isn’t my biological father.” Harry repeated, looking at Severus with an apologetic look. “A man named James Potter was.”

Castor finally spoke, his voice wobbling as much as Pollux’s. “Potter… Harry… You’re Harry Potter?”

”The only known survivor of the Avada Kedavra curse.” Draco said, his eyes focused on Harry.

”But – “ Pollux started, getting cut off by Harry.

”I didn’t know until I started Hogwarts. Severus adopted me immediately after James died and I took up his last name.”

”This is the second time something like this has happened.” Lily said, “With Harry – I didn’t know until my Papa told me. He – being Albus Dumbledore – knew and decided to tell me, in case I had died at Voldemort’s hands. I didn’t, obviously.”

”Your mother and I were married in our seventh year, after she miscarried a baby.” Severus said quietly.

”I didn’t miscarry her, Voldemort killed her.” Lily said darkly, shaking her head. “Afterwards, we staged a break up – if we hadn’t, we would have been killed. I married a man named James Potter and two years later, had Harry.”

”I was in the same boat you two are in,” Harry shook his head, “Believe me. Scary as all he-“

”Harry.” Severus said in a warning tone. “Language.”

Harry smirked, then nodded. “Anyway… go on.”

Pollux sighed, sitting down next to his twin. “Castor has black hair though.”

”My mother’s side of the family all have black hair.” Remus sighed, as if he wished he didn’t have to tell him that.

”Why are your eyes amber?” Castor asked suddenly. “And Mum… you have amber eyes a lot too, but sometimes they’re green.”

”Yes,” Lily nodded, “Because we’re both werewolves.”

Castor’s jaw dropped and Pollux just groaned, “God, enough with the surprises already.”

Severus, Draco, and Harry laughed at this comment. Lily and Remus, however, shook their heads in unison.

”I was bitten while I was pregnant with you two,” Lily smirked, “Had you two been born on the full moon, you would also be werewolves.”

At this, Castor snorted and Pollux forced a grin. “My God.”

”So… why are you telling this to us?” Castor asked, cocking his head slightly.

”Minerva McGonagall –“ Lily started before she was interrupted.

”The Headmaster?” Pollux said in awe.

”Yes, we’re friends.” Severus said, “She sent us two letters today, one from her explaining the second one –“

”Which is from Albus Dumbledore, my Papa.” Lily said quietly. “He was the only one that knew.”

”Minerva informed us that it contains the answer.” Severus kept on, “We haven’t opened it yet.”

You – the answer? Really?

Yes, Remus. Severus answered, Shall we open it before or after dinner?

After. Lily answered, “I’m hungry.”

Harry, Draco, and the twins shot her a strange look. Shrugging, she got up and walked into the dining room. With a flick of her wand, the table was covered with as much food as it could hold.

”GLORY!” Severus bellowed, “DINNER!”

Just lay down
And let your worries sleep
Don't think now
The water is dark and deep

'Cause you know that I love you
And never let go
And you know
That I'll love you forever
I'll love you and never let go
Yes I'll love you and never let go

Just cry out
Yeah I've cried those tears before
I can feel it now
As your teardrops hit the floor

'Cause you know
That I love you and never let go
And you know
That I'll love you forever
I'll love you and never let go
Yes I love you and never let go

You don't have to ask me do I love you
As I hold you it shows how much I do
I'm yours until forever is through
Anytime I stand for you
I know I'd lay my life down for you

I'll never let
Not ever let go**

*As Surely As The Sun,
**Never Let Go,


Chapter Twenty, Part Three: Two Steps Behind

Dinner was extremely tense; both of the twins didn’t speak much at all, while Lily and Remus completely avoided each other’s gaze. Glory had no idea what was going on – she chatted merrily, as if all was right with the world.

Everyone ate so hurriedly Lily was willing to bet at least two of them would get sick before midnight. In less than 45 minutes, the group was done and watching Lily and Severus expectantly.

I think this is your cue, love.

Me? Why me?

Because… I don’t know.

Come with me, please Sev?

If you insist.

Lily and Severus stood up as one, then made their way up to the Master Bedroom, where both of the letters were stored. Taking it with shaking hands, Lily opened it carefully and closed her eyes tightly.

”Are you sure you want to do this, Sev?” she asked quietly, opening her eyes and looking up at her husband.

He looked back down at her and slowly took the letter from her, folding it shut once more and placing it on the table beside the bed. “The question is, love, do you want to?”

Lily sighed and buried her head in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. They stood there for what seemed like hours, until Severus could hear her crying softly.

”It’s going to be all right…” he whispered. “Do you want to do this?”

”I’m so, so afraid of hurting you…” Lily sobbed, “And I know if they turned out to be Remus’, you’ll be crushed, and I love you so, so much, I couldn’t stand to see that happen…”

Severus started rubbing her back gently, closing his eyes and sighing. “I understand it’s out of your control, Lily. It’s already happened… no amount of wishing and praying is going to change it. I want to know, but I also understand it could be a great danger to the family if I’m not.”

”What are we going to do if it is him?” Lily asked quietly.

”Live it out.” Severus answered, “The twins – we raised them. If he is the father, Remus deserves a chance at getting to really know them. They say blood’s thicker than water, but I don’t believe that to be true at the moment.”

”God, I wish…” she started, then failed to speak.

”I know you still love him, Lily.” Said Severus softly, “We both know that.”

”You’ll always be first.” Lily sighed, kissing his neck. “No matter what happens… I’ll love you with all of my heart. Remus may own part of it, but you have it all. You’re my husband… no one could ever replace you.”

”But you still want to have some sort of a relationship with Remus.” Severus said softly. It wasn’t a question. “If you knew I’d be perfectly fine and not hurt in the slightest, you’d bed him.”

Lily closed her eyes and breathed in her husband’s scent. “Yes, I would. But I know it’d hurt you, and I’d never do anything intentionally to hurt you.”

”If it made you happy, even for a moment, I’d want you to.” Severus said, his voice barely audible.

”It would.” Lily whispered, clutching Severus’ warm body. “If only there was a way to be with you both… I’d be the happiest person alive.”

”If you were the happiest person alive, I would be the second.” Severus kissed her forehead gently, closing his eyes once more as he held her. “Do you want to know?”

Lily sighed, then nodded. Before Severus could reach for the letter once more, she kissed him hard and seized his wrist in her own small hand.

”Us, him. I want to.”

Severus looked only slightly surprised for a moment, then slowly nodded. He had thought about it before; knowing it would make his wife happy, he was willing.

”Shall I read it?” he asked, black eyes meeting green. Lily nodded once more, knuckles white.

Severus slowly opened the piece of parchment, blinking before he started to read the fifteen year old handwriting. The tension was so think, Lily was sure she could cut it with a knife if she wanted to. She closed her eyes as Severus’ voice washed over her, and showed no expression when her grandfather finally revealed the name of the twins’ father.

He finished the letter, his face almost expressionless. The single glimmer of – something, perhaps love, was shining through his eyes as he spoke.

”Are you sure, love?”

”I need to.” Lily said quietly, not meeting his eye. “Please?”

”Ok.” Severus nodded, wrapping his arms around her shoulders once more. “Would you like to go down and tell them now?”

Lily nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Yes.”

”Come on, love.” Severus led her out of the room, down the hall and staircase, finally into the sitting room where everyone was once again sitting, the tension in the room mounting as Pollux and Castor eyed Remus warily.

It had begun.

Walk away if you want to
It's ok, if you need to
You can run, but you can never hide
From the shadow that's creeping up beside you
There's a magic running through your soul
But you can't have it all

(Whatever you do)
I'll be two steps behind you
(Wherever you go)
And I'll be there to remind you
That it only takes a minute of your precious time
To turn around and I'll be two steps behind.

Take the time
To think about it
Walk the line, you know you just can't fight it
Take a look around and see what you can find
Like the fire that's burning up inside me,
There's a magic running through your soul
But you can't have it all

(Whatever you do)
I'll be two steps behind you
(Wherever you go)
And I'll be there to remind you
That it only takes a minute of your precious time
To turn around and I'll be two steps behind.

There's a magic running through your soul
But you, you can't have it all
(Whatever you do)
I'll be two steps behind you
(Wherever you go)
And I'll be there to remind you
That it only takes a minute of your precious time
To turn around and I'll be two steps behind.

Two steps behind ...*
*Def Leppard, Two Steps Behind


Chapter Twenty, Part Four: As One

Looking Remus in the eyes – that had to be the hardest thing she had ever done. Hands shaking slightly, she looked over at her three sons and sighed.

”Are you sure you want to know? It could be the difference between – everything.” Severus said, his voice even.

Remus’ eyes widened and he looked fearful.

You’d only say that if…

If what, Remus?


I don’t know what Pollux and Castor want. For all I know, Pollux might absolutely adore the idea of you being Dad.

He doesn’t, I’m sure.

How can you be? Human emotions are a funny thing.

Severus… I would die of shock if either of them could even fathom the idea.

Yes, as would I.

When are you going to tell them?

Right now, if they wish.

Both Castor and Pollux nodded, Pollux rocking back and forth slightly.

”I suppose it really doesn’t matter.” Castor shrugged, looking from Severus to Remus. “I mean, it’s be weird, but not all that different.”

All three adults nodded at the same time. “This is what it all boils down to.” Lily said quietly, holding up an old piece of parchment. “This letter, given to me by your Headmistress, written by my grandfather.”

Both Castor and Pollux eyed it suspiciously. “How did he know?”

”He was the greatest wizard of all times.” Severus said, “He knew damn near everything there was to know about – well, everything.”

”Not true,” Lily shook her head, “He didn’t know everything… but he knew more than any other human walking the planet, Muggle or Wizard.”

”So he knew about this?” Castor asked, waving his hand in the general direction of his parents.

”He knew about you even before I did.” Lily laughed slightly, her nervousness finally getting to her. “Well, I had an idea, but I wasn’t sure in the least.”

”Are you sure you want to know?” Severus asked once more, “Do you feel as if you’d be crushed if it went one way or the other?”

”No,” Pollux said quietly, looking down at his hands then raising his blue eyes to meet Severus’ black once. “We want to know.”

Lily nodded and then looked over at Remus. “We decided to tell you guys separately. Is that ok?”

Remus nodded just as the twins shrugged. Lily then stood up and beckoned Remus to follow her.

As the two left the room, Severus leaned forward a bit and grinned broadly. “Well, I guess it looks like you two aren’t going to be able to get rid of me all that soon.”

Pollux’s eyes widened as his father’s words sunk in. He immediately grabbed Castor’s arm and pulled him up, then dragged his twin over to Severus, who met him with a hug.

”Thank God!” Pollux murmured, clutching Severus as if he were a three year old.

”You mean…?” Harry suddenly asked, looking only mildly shocked. Severus nodded once more, and Harry grinned, then jumped in to join their embrace.

Draco shifted around for a moment, looking fairly uncomfortable, before Severus spoke again.

”You too, Draco. You’re family as well.”

Draco grinned and went up, wrapping his arms more around Harry than the rest of them. Looking over at his best friend with green eyes, Harry grinned once more and pulled his left arm out from between the twins, putting it around Draco’s shoulders as Draco nuzzled his neck slightly.

Lily led Remus up the stairs, almost wishing she had let Severus tell him. She wasn’t sure if he would be disappointed or happy, and she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know.

Opening the door to the master bedroom triggered a series of flashbacks for both Lily and Remus; both had remembered the night, nearly sixteen years before, that had set a rift in the friendship for much more time than should have been allowed. Both remembered the feelings they had when she had been bitten; both remembered the emotions that had run high when Lily nearly died giving birth to the twins Remus was terrified he had given her.

Lily closed the door behind her and sat down on one of the armchairs, beckoning for Remus to do the same. He did, but immediately looked around, painfully aware of Lily’s eyes on his body.

”Are you sure you want to know?” Lily asked, her voice fairly even. Remus nodded, looking at her with an expression she had only seen once before on his face.

”It’ll kill me if you don’t tell me.” Remus answered softly, eyes bearing into Lily’s.

”Which would you rather it be?” Lily asked, “Would you rather have Severus as the father, or yourself?”

”Severus.” Remus answered without a moment’s hesitation. “It would absolutely kill me to know I helped you make something that could possibly destroy your marriage.”

Lily shook her head, “Severus and I both agree before we opened the letter that it wouldn’t matter. He had raised them, and if they were yours, it would be up to both you and the twins to decide the course of action.”

”And?” Remus asked, hands trembling.

Lily shook her head, “You have nothing to worry about. Papa just made Severus the happiest man in the world.”

Remus sighed with relief, eyes rolling into the back of his head slightly. “Thank you God.”

Lily allowed the man in front of her to sit blissfully for a moment before speaking again. “Do you love me?”

Remus sat up abruptly at this question. As he saw the honesty in her eyes, he nodded slowly.

”Yes. I never stopped.”

Lily smiled once more, then leaned forward until she was less than six inches away from his face. “Do you want me?”

Remus blinked at the blunt question, but once again, he nodded. “Yes.”

Lily leaned forward once more, stealing the space that had been between them. Kissing him softly, she allowed her lips to linger on his for a moment before speaking.

”Severus and I made a deal.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. “He got the twins – you, if you want, get me.”

Remus’ eyes widened in surprise. “Pardon?”

”As many times as you feel you need.” Lily continued, eyes still connected with Remus’. “We both know we love each other. What I realized today was that it’s entirely possible to love two people at the same time, equally as much.”

She kissed him once more, watching as his body visibly relaxed. “If you don’t want to, I understand. However, we both know we want, and even perhaps need this.”

Before she could speak another word, Remus silenced her with another kiss. This one lasted far longer than the others, and it was so intense Remus didn’t hear the door open and shut, nor did he hear the locking spell whispered quietly.

He did, however, notice when Lily coaxed him to stand up as she started to undo the buttons of his robes. He also noticed when a pair of arms wrapped around Lily’s midsection, their hands touching his own stomach lightly, as his and Lily’s bodies were so close together.

Breaking the kiss and opening his eyes, he started to step back when he saw Severus’ form standing behind Lily, who was looking up at Remus as she unbuttoned his robes.

”Just for tonight.” Lily whispered to him as she undid the last button and gently pushed the robes off his shoulders. Her robes were on the ground in a moment as well; Severus had helped her with that.

Remus didn’t have a chance to respond. In less than a second, Lily’s lips were once again pressed against his own. He didn’t have time to think as her tongue slipped between his own lips, and from that moment on, he lost himself in her. He didn’t care that her husband was right behind her, undressing her and himself equally as much as Lily undressed him, nor did he care when Lily turned around and met with Severus, leaving him to work on the spot on her neck Severus had started.

Nothing seemed to matter anymore; Lily divided her time equally between the two men, and Severus hadn’t shown a single sign of jealousy. The three of them, in fact, seemed to be enjoying it. Remus had watched in amazement as husband and wife worked at each other expertly, seeming to know their partner’s move before the action had even started. Severus, on the other hand, had watched with amusement as Lily worked her magic on Remus, making him respond to her every move.

The candles encircling the room suddenly dimmed with a wave of Lily’s wand before she set it down one last time, discarding her bra along with it. She was facing Remus at this time, and she immediately recognized his expression – it was the same one Severus had given her so many years ago, the first time they had slept together.

”Relax.” Lily whispered to Remus as she guided both men to the bed. No longer could she tell one man from the other; they were the same.

I want you to want me Jump in let's go
I need you to need me Sit back and enjoy the show
I'd love you to love me There are miles to go
I'm beggin' you to beg me There are miles to go

I want you to want me This could be the night
I need you to need me The only night
I'd love you to love me But something you should know

I'll shine up my old brown shoes I don't want you to want me
I'll put on a brand new shirt 'Cause I'll hurt you in the end
I'll come home early from work I don't need you to need me
If you say that you love me Tonight I'll hold you tight
But I won't come back again
Didn't I didn't I didn't I see you cryin' Come back again
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'
Feeling all alone without a friend you know you feel like dyin' Don't think it's wrong
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin I just need somebody
And life goes on
I want you to want me And life goes on
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me Stay with me tonight, this only night
I'm beggin' you to beg me Don't forget you know

I'll shine up my old brown shoes I don't want you to want me
I'll put on a brand new shirt 'Cause I'll hurt you in the end
I'll come home early from work I don't need you to need me tonight I'll hold you tight
If you say that you love me But I won't come back again

Didn't I, didn't I, Stay with me tonight, this only night
Didn't I see you cryin' Don't forget you know
Didn't I didn't I, didn't I see you cryin I don't want you to want me
Feeling all alone without a friend you know you feel like dyin' Cause I'll hurt you in the end
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin
I don't need you to need me
I want you to want me Tonight I'll hold you tight
I need you to need me But I won't come back again
I'd love you to love me Come back again
I'm beggin' you to beg me
Yeah well I don't need you to need me
I want you to want me Tonight I'll hold you tight
I want you to want me...* But I won't come back again...**

*I Want You To Want Me, Cheap Trick **I Don't Want You To Want Me, The Moffatts


Chapter Twenty, Part Five: Simply Unreal (More Than That)

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of the birds chirping and the feeling of hot breath on my cheek. Opening my eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the bright sunlight streaming through the windows, I saw a strangely familiar pair of eyes starring back at me. It took me a moment to realize they weren’t mine – instead, they were Remus’.

The events of the night previous came rushing back to me as I registered the fact there were two bodies in bed with me – one, as it had been for the past thirty-five years, another for only the second time. Both were equally as welcome as the other.

”Good morning.” I said as quietly as I could, watching his lips form the same words. As he did, I set my left hand over the one that was resting on my hip gently – Severus’.

Morning, Sev. Awake yet?

I am now, love… And Remus?

Yes. I took it from him last night, so this is private.

Enjoy yourself?

That was the strangest and kinkiest thing I’ve ever done.

I’ll take that as a yes…

Besides a few other choice times, this was the best.

So, love, who’s better?

I snorted at the question. Smiling over at Remus and choosing to simply shrug at his curious look, I poked Severus in the ribs with my free hand.

Remus might be an animal, but you feel like home to me.

An animal, love?

Werewolf, Sev. It was almost instinctual with him, I can’t quite explain it. Being of the same creature and all, of course, but with you – I couldn’t ask for anything better.

Even chocolate?

You’re ten times better than chocolate

Stealing my lines now, are you, love?

Me? Never, what on Earth gave you that idea?

Nothing just a brief sense of déjà vu. And the fact I’ve said that many times…

Are you mad?

Of course not, love. I don’t mind sharing you – only once, mind you – if it makes you happy.

It did… Thank you, Sev, I love you.

I know you do, Lil. I love you too.

I smiled in spite of myself, bringing my left hand up to brush it against Remus’ cheek. He returned my smile, content with the silence hanging between us.

I owe you one, Sev.

Indeed you do, Lil. I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me, however.

Did you enjoy it?

The look on Remus’ face was priceless.

Yes, it was. It was also identical to the one you gave me our first time.

You mean way back in the summer of ’77?

Yes, I do… It’s been such a long time.

Things have definitely changed…

They have indeed… I wonder what would have happened if I had died that night?

I don’t even want to think about it, love.

None of the children would be alive –

Or would have ever existed.

Yes… It’s so hard sometimes, thinking about what Harry would have been like without family… Who would he have grown up with?

Sirius, remember? He was the person you set up.

Yes, but everyone thought Sirius was our secret keeper, remember? I had to testify in front of the court and everything.

True, love… It wouldn’t have been me, I don’t have any blood relation to him. Perhaps your Papa?

No, he was too old to take care of an infant.


A werewolf. My sister, maybe… Although I could never see Petunia accepting one of ‘our kind’ under her roof.

I highly doubt it, love. Let’s not think of that right now, ok?

Ok Sev, I’m sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry for, Lil.

It’s been a long time coming…

It sure has.

Things are so different now… how did we end up here?

I’m not sure, to be honest. Life’s thrown us quite a few curves, hasn’t it?

We beat them.

Yes, we did… A few nights here, a few births there, and we have nine beautiful children.

There’s still time for more.

Lily, love, nine’s quite enough. Glory’s already twelve.

It should have been ten…

If it had been ten, Harry would have never been born.

A child for a child…

Unfortunately, love. But, it turned out ok in the end, didn’t it?

Considering there’s three of us in this bed? I’d say so.

Only for you, Lil.

I bet that’s one of the first times in recorded history two werewolves –

Don’t even say it.

I smiled inwardly as Severus wrapped his arms around me, eyes still closed, scooting himself forward slightly so his bare chest was pressed against my back. I melted into him, and then sighed as Remus kissed my forehead.

It was unreal. For so long, I had allowed myself to dream of this – a perfect life, surrounded by the two men I loved. I closed my eyes once more, happiness bubbling inside of me.

On my right was my best friend, the man who had brought as much light to my life as darkness. On one hand, he had been with me throughout all the troubles I had experienced – the abuse with James, the breakup, the baby… the loss of the baby, my recovery, the secret marriage. He knew about it all, even more than I knew, perhaps. He had always been there for me, even when I wasn’t there for him.

The hard times… When he and I had slept together for the first time, when I was bitten… when I was pregnant… when I almost died giving birth to twins we had believed to be his…

I hadn’t wanted them to be his, to be perfectly honest. I had prayed every night for them to be Severus’, not because I thought Remus would make a bad father, but because I didn’t want my already rocky friendship with him collapsing, or perhaps having my marriage torn apart. But – I had also been convinced they were his. Pollux’s eyes, perhaps, was the reason behind this; I wasn’t sure.

God, how I had been relieved when I read that Severus was their father… I had been so happy, it was indescribable. My life was now perfect… he was in it.

On my left lay my husband of thirty-five years. I had loved him with every piece of my heart for so long, it seemed as if I had never experienced life without him. Perhaps that was true – maybe my life began the moment he appeared, maybe it’ll end the moment he’s gone. I never want to think of that, though… As far as I’m considered, we’re living forever.

We have nine children… Either way you look at it, it would have been nine. Blood never mattered with us. I have Gryffindor blood, am Muggle-born, and related to one of the main fighters against the Dark Arts. He’s a Slytherin straight from a pureblood family, a former Death Eater… but he risked everything he had, including his family and life, to be with me. I owed him everything from day one… He took me away from James Potter, he made sure Harry was as loved and cared about as any one of his other children. He loved me.

Perhaps it were our differences that made up the Perfect Couple… Together, we were unbreakable. Perhaps it was because of our history and our love for each other that made us stick together all these years… Through all the turmoil we had been through, we had stuck together. We had only spent one night apart by choice – forced by our fights instead of our careers, or even life. I had never left her unless it was unavoidable… the only time we had willingly left each other was the one time we needed each other the most.

No matter what happened in life, I knew Severus would always be there for me, and I for him. We had taken care of each other… Nothing had gotten in our way. We both knew what we needed and we got it, battling everything – and everyone – who dared to get in our way.

No one expected us to last. Our relationship was started on a dare, if anything. James – I owe it all to him. If it hadn’t been for his plan, for his scheme to try to destroy Severus Snape – where would we be now? We were complete opposites… We had nothing in common… Over time, we developed the love for each other we still have today. If it hadn’t been for that… We would have never connected.

Perhaps that’s why we were the Least Likely of All.


181 pages, Microsoft Word, 10 Times New Roman font. 130,456 words. 604,463 characters... no spaces. 729,813 characters with spaces. 5,929 paragraphs. 10,051 lines, and 100 chapters.

The Least Likely Of All - my baby for the past two months and eleven days. That's ten weeks and three days, or 73 days total. I've given you guys over a chapter a day - I believe in one weekend, I gave you ten chapters. At this moment, on July 31st, 2001 at 11:26 PM EST, I had 1062 reviews.


You guys have no idea how grateful I am. You - the reader - have been absolutely wonderful throughout it all. Without your support, I would have never made it this far... Never at all. I would have crashed and burned within the first twenty chapters, hands down. Thank you for everything you guys have done - especially to those I've been in contact with throughout the whole writing process. To be completely honest, I think I know a total of two names, if even that... I know you guys by email addresses and screen names, so I'm not sure how I'd write a thank you list.

This story's dedicated to all you guys... Reviewer or not, if you've gotten this far, read this many chapters and pages full of worthless plot, you deserve it. I know it's too long, and I probably will end up reducing the chapter sizes once I actually edit the damn thing, I'll post it under a different story though - I don't want to mess up all of your reviews and comments. (And you're reading the edited version)

Speaking of, I will be writing a spin off of this, concentrating mainly on Draco's and Harry's relationship. It will be slash, obviously, but it will also have a different perspective on things. Feel free to read it... I already have the first chapter written (although it's terrible and I'm going to have to go back and edit the hell out of it).

In this story, I've covered Lily/James, Lily/Severus, Lily/Remus, Remus/Narcissa, Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Draco, Draco/Pansy, Draco/Blaise, Narcissa/Lucius, Severus/Lily/Remus... Am I missing anyone? That's eleven pairings and twelve people... *laughs evily* I'm crazy. Sorry if any of those couples have offended any of you... Especially the Draco/Harry one, which personally is my favorite couple to write. Go figure?

It's been more of a soap opera than a story... I'm quite aware of that. However, that's what I do best - write soap opera plots. :o) It doesn't matter if you're a good writer or not... If the drive, want, and love is there, I say go for it. Personally, I didn't allow anyone I know to read this story. A few people know about it, but my father will never read this... My best friend is supposed to, but she probably won't for a good few months, if ever. Anyone else I've told about this hasn't got the faintest idea what it's about... and I'd like to keep it that way. :o)

This story took me through three dye jobs (brown originally, then a different shade, red, and now black). Strange, eh?

Some people have asked me how I came up with this plot... Easy. Music. I fall asleep listening to the radio when I take naps, and I always try to get a story idea from the songs I hear. This particular one... you'll laugh, but it's true. The lyrics fit almost perfectly, and I'm proud to say I have never used it as a last song. Here it is - the inspiration behind it all.

I can see that you've been cryin'
You can't hide it with a lie
What's the use in you denyin'
That what you have is wrong
I heard him promise you forever
But forever's come and gone
Baby he would say whatever
It takes to keep you blind
To the truth between the lines

Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say the words
Then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

Baby you deserve much better
What's the use in holding on
Don't you see it's now or never
'Cause I just can't be friends
Baby knowing in the end

That I will love you more than that
I won't say the words
Then take them back (can't take 'em)
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say (hey)

There's not a day that passes by
I don't wonder why we haven't tried
It's not too late to change your mind
So take my hand
Don't say goodbye

I will love you more than that
I won't say the words
Then take them back

Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say the words (no no)
Then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

Oh I will love you more than that (more than that)
I won't say the words
Then take them back (them back)
Don't give loneliness a chance (oh, a chance)
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

The Backstreet Boys, More Than That.

Yes, I like that song... shush.

It didn't take too long... Probably one of the quickest written stories on the site. But good Lord, was it great to come up with ideas that would surprise you guys... I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. Even though getting out a chapter a day was *extremely* hard... :o) If I wasn't a firm believer in not crying over this kind of stuff, I'd burst into tears right about now...

Happy 21st Birthday, Harry!
(Hey... he was 11 in 1991! He's not turning 15, he was 15 back in 1995. According to the dates in the books, of course... Therefore, I stand by my statement. He's turning 21, not 15. HE'S LEGAL!)

And now, onto the sequel.

~ Aimee, LanaMariah, and any other name you guys know me by.