Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/05/2001
Updated: 10/05/2001
Words: 141,156
Chapters: 20
Hits: 18,533

Least Likely Of All


Story Summary:
First set in the Lily/James Hogwarts Era, he's abusive and she can't let go. Who helps her? The Least Likely Of All... in more ways than one.

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
I worked on this story for about eighty days, and the end result was 100 chapters. Lucky for all of you guys, I contained that to twenty. Started May 20th, ended July 31st, 2001, the Least Likely Of All. Feel free to email me or IM me at AngelBornInHe11. I don't bite.

Chapter Ten, Parts 46-49

Chapter Ten, Part One: Hermione... Naked?

It took Harry nearly a week to get used to his new power; he concentrated on Ron and Hermione mostly, but when Severus refused to tell him something, he shot him a pointed glance and concentrated on him instead.

He quickly learned how to block out all thoughts completely, else he'd wake up in the middle of the night, one of Ron or Hermione's dreams running through his head. He made the mistake of listening to Severus at night once; his dreams were even more frightening than anything Harry had ever experienced. Lily was in almost all of them, and Harry had been in one he assumed was continues; The day Voldemort killed Lily and James, and Severus' recount of the events. The sky wasn't clear and littered with stars as it had truly been, but instead dark clouds flashing with angry lightening were billowing throughout the vivid green sky, thunder clapping throughout the town.

Harry had woken up drenched in sweat that night; unable to fall asleep, he listened a bit more as Severus' dreams played through his head. Less than a half hour later, Harry could hear coherent thoughts running through Severus' mind, some of panic, some of frustration, some of anger, but most of fear. Wishing he could see what his father could see, Harry listened intently.

Not again... Why can't they leave me alone? God damn it, make yourself answer him... You can do it... God, why can't you just believe I'm as loyal as I've always been? You've hurt me far too much for this is truly hurt. Such a Muggle way, punching... Oh shit, not the wand... not the wa -- AGHH!

Severus felt such pain that Harry could also feel it running down his spine. It was as intense as the Cruciatus Curse Harry had been subjected to late in his fourth year, but he could feel Severus fighting it. Clamping his hands over his mouth, he stopped himself from yelling aloud in the agony Severus was experiencing.

Just as soon as it began, the pain ended and Harry could almost feel Severus' relief.

That was all, you bastard? Bring it on... Feel free to leave now, you're not wanted. Voldemort, get the F-CK out of MY home before I blast you to pieces... Believe me, I will. You have no idea, do you? If you question my loyalty so, then why don't you just take away the gift you gave me? Because you're afraid of losing me? Then why not just kill me and get it over with? As long as he's safe, you can do any damn thing you want to me. I can take the physical pain. God, leave already.. Yes... yes... Good. Thank you God, he's gone.

Harry shook his head, checking his watch and seeing it was half past five, right before the sun came up over the horizon. He slowly made his way out of his room and down the hall, knocking as quietly as he could.

"Come in." Severus answered, his voice slightly muffled. Harry turned the doorknob and opened the door slowly, revealing a tired and sore Severus.

"Yes?" Severus asked, attempting to prop himself up. After trying twice with no avail, he gave in and leaned back onto his pillows once more.

"I -- I heard you." Harry said quietly. "Talking to Voldemort."

Severus closed his eyes and groaned, "God."

Harry stepped forward, "Why don't you just finish him? You said yourself you could kill him if you wanted to."

Severus shook his head, "It's not that simple, Harry. There are many spells protecting Voldemort, however as he now has your blood flowing through him, it has made him much more vulnerable and human. Even if I was to kill him, there's no telling what would happen; whether or not he would truly die, or did as he succeeded in doing last time -- reducing himself to a mere shadow. He was still alive, though. The spell could also bounce back and kill me; I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen now, would you?" he smiled slightly.

"No, I wouldn't." Harry agreed. "But why does he still do -- this to you?"

Severus shrugged, "He suspects my loyalty to Dumbledore is much stronger than my loyalty towards him. Even though he is right, Voldemort believes he must have me on a leash so tight no matter how loyal I am, I still will be subjected to this."

"Has this ever happened before?" Harry asked quietly. Severus nodded.

"Yes, twenty years ago. Once. Your mother -- she came and tried to make me comfortable. Anyway, I'm used to it by now, I'll be fine."

Harry looked at his father uncertainly while Severus shook his head, a smile on his face. "You look exactly like me when you do that."

"Really? How about this?" Harry stuck out his tongue and gave himself a pair of finger-glasses (A/N: You know, when you flip your hands upside down and make your thumb and pointer a circle, then stick 'em up over your eyes? Yeah? No? Ok.).

Severus grinned, "Your mother... Definitely your mother."

"Really?" Harry asked once more.

"No, you still look like me, I just wanted to blame it on Lil."

Harry grinned and the two were quiet for a moment. "Are you sure you'll be ok?"

"Just don't wake me up for a good four hours and I'll be fine." Severus said, pulling his blankets over his head. "Now leave!"

Harry laughed at the muffled sound of his father's mocking tone as he left the room and quickly closed the door behind him. Good night, Dad.

What do you mean, night? It's almost 6 o'clock in the God damned morning.

True, sorry.

Now stop listening to me, because I have some things I want to think about that I want to keep secret.


Harry agreed, still listening.


He sighed, grinning. Sorry...

Go back to sleep. Concentrate on Ron or something... Get some good blackmail on him. You never know, it could come in handy.

Ok, bye.

A moment later, Harry could hear Severus' thoughts filtering through his mind; Why can't you just tell him, Severus? You know he wouldn't care... Or would he? He could either accept it or absolutely hate you for the rest of your life...

Harry sat down on his bed, curious as to what his father had to say.

He wouldn't care... It's the 1990's. It's acceptable now a days... He's going to find out Voldemort's your boyfriend, anyway.

For the second time that morning, Harry had to clamp his hands over his mouth to stop from yelling out. A moment later, he could hear his father's loud laughter ringing down the halls.

What did I tell you, Harry? Stop listening.

But... But -

Now really, is that the only way I can find out if you're listening or not? Pretending to divulge a skeleton from my very filthy, crowded closet? Harry, please. Even if I was gay -- which I can assure you, I'm not -- Voldemort's far too ugly to even consider.

Harry smiled feebly, You ever do that to me again and I'll disown you.

Stop listening and you won't have any reason to disown me.


Harry sighed, concentrating on Ron once more. He shook his head, wincing at the image of Hermione... naked?

"Ok, wrong friend, bad dream." Harry mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut and picturing Hermione -- fully clothed. Her dreams started filtering through his head as he laid down, looking forward to a few good hours of sleep.


Chapter Ten, Part Two: Playing Hero

Harry was listening each time Voldemort came to his father, whether it was in the dead of the night or well past sunrise. Afraid of transferring his pain to Harry, Severus avoided thinking of him at these times. Instead, he concentrated on Lily with all his might; he didn't care if she was dead, he knew she could hear him somehow.

Severus wasn't a religious person, by all means. He believed in the facts of true science, not the rubbish most Muggles fed themselves in hopes of finding answers. (A/N: This is NOT a crack at religion, just how I think Severus would see it as.) However, the day Voldemort admitted all, he wished he truly had a God to pray to.

It came without warning; without expectance. He was in his bed one moment, sleeping as peacefully as his past allowed him to. The next, he was sitting across from Lord Voldemort, his face beaten and bruised. Wondering for a moment how he had managed to sleep through a beating that matched up to the physical pain he felt, the memory of being hit repeatedly can flooding back to him. Unable to resist temptation, he slowly raised his gaze to meet that of his Lord's.

"Severus, you have deeply disappointed me." Voldemort murmured. "I have recently been informed of your true loyalties, and I am in deep distress."

Severus was shocked; he knew of no Death Eater that knew of his allegiance with Dumbledore, unless...

"Forgive me, my Lord. I only thought it best, for Dumbledore to trust me and for Har -- "

"ENOUGH!" Voldemort bellowed, "I have heard enough of this to last me a lifetime. I have found a servant more faithful than you, Severus. Despite his blunders, Wormtail has proved himself worthy in informing me of whom I should trust and whom I should not. You, Severus, were under the category of traitor. I myself did not believe this until I saw you were housing Harry Potter -- He may not be of Gryffindor descent, but his life took nearly fourteen years off of my own. Explain."

Severus took in a deep breath, "My Lord. Albus Dumbledore -- your sworn enemy -- had the knowledge of Harry being my son far earlier than I had known. He wished for me to take care of him. In fear of blowing my cover, I quickly obeyed. To the public, it would look strange indeed if I did not take part of my now proclaimed son's life, especially after he changed his appearance and name to match those of what they would have been, had it not been for James Potter. It was merely a cover up, My Lord."

Voldemort waited for a moment before he spoke. When he did, his voice came out in a rumble of rage. "I do not believe you."

Severus' eyes widened as he lifted his wand, muttering "Crucio!". Pain exploded inside of Severus, reaching from his toes to the tip of his ears and everywhere in between. He couldn't speak; however, he could think.

Harry... Get Dumbledore... I need help, he'll know where to find me.

A moment later, a frantic Harry responded; What's wrong? Where are you? Are you ok?

Don't worry about me right now, just get Dumbledore and HURRY.

Yes, Dad.

What seemed like hours later, but was perhaps only minutes in disguise, Severus felt the death grip of the curse release him and he was once again able to breathe properly.

"Now tell me the truth."

Severus stood silently, his lips pressed together. He could take the physical pain... he had to. Voldemort waited for a few minutes before renewing the Cruciatus Curse on his once thought faithful servant. This lasted for forever, it seemed, and no matter how much Severus tried to resist, the pain kept on coming.

He was vaguely aware of two new presence. Assuming they were Death Eaters there to do their master's bidding, he squeezed his eyes shut and refused to react to the immense pain shooting down his spine. Moments later, however, the pain stopped and he could hear clearly now.

Screams of agony not coming from him... Screams that sounded so familiar... Too familiar... He opened his eyes and nearly screamed himself at the sight in front of him.

Harry was lying on the floor, twitching and screaming in great pain. Severus looked up at the green light evicting from Voldemort's wand and saw Dumbledore there, wand poised and pointed up at Voldemort.

"Stop. Now." Dumbledore's usually friendly blue eyes were alive and filled with rage. Before Severus had time to react, a red beam of light shot out from Dumbledore's wand and struck Voldemort in the neck. Slowly but surely, the curse was lifted from Harry's withering body and ended. Almost at once, Harry stood up, shaking like mad but brandishing his wand bravely.

"Harry..." Severus mumbled weakly. "This is not the time to be playing hero."

Dad, I don't care... the bastard killed my Mum... I'm going to kill him...

Harry, leave Voldemort up to Dumbledore... You'll never be able to survive.

Why can't you trust me, just this once?

Because you're my son and I'd rather die than see you hurt.

Dad, please, trust me.

HARRY, NO! You will not... Please, I beg of you... Do not.

Harry didn't get a chance to respond, however. Voldemort had regained control of his actions and quickly turned to father and son, both of whom were pale and shaken. Before either had time to react, he raised his wand and screamed those fatal words:


A burst of neon green light shot out of his wand and hit his target with such force it threw both parties backwards. It was instant; he was gone before either of the two left had any time to react.

With numb shock, the two left looked at each other with horror sketched across both of their faces.

In less than a moment, he was dead.


Chapter Ten, Part Three: Creation Of The Best

It all happened so fast... No one could have known it was coming. Dumbledore insisted I didn't blame myself, but what other choice do I have? I lost him. I know I could have protected him some how...I just know it.

I had less than a year to truly get to know him, but what I knew of him was a gift beyond anything I had ever received. For the past year I have loved him even though I never got the chance to tell him. It is my worst regret; I never got to tell him how much I cared.

Dumbledore had destroyed Lord Voldemort immediately after he had killed him. I had an unspeakable amount of rage surge through me then; it was unexplainable, and it's still there. The fury that boiled inside of me was so intense that I had started to beat Voldemort's dead body lying on the ground next to his. Dumbledore had to tear me away from him, in fear of the body not being recognizable enough to present to the Ministry of Magic. What did I care? All that mattered to me was he was dead, and the second body lying on the ground had killed him.

The next three days were a blur of crying, visitors every waking hour, and funeral arrangements. Dumbledore rarely left my side, perhaps fearing I would swallow a vile of poison and just get it over with. During the past three days, the thought has played with me more often than not. He was dead, I no longer had anything to live for. It was bad enough when... but this... God, I couldn't even think straight.

Thinking. God, even thinking hurt. It reminded me too much of him. I heard him... We were talking right be died. God, I heard him....

He died a hero's death. He was much, much more than a hero though... So much more. There was so much inside of his mind very few people ever got the chance to see.

He died far too young and far too soon. It wasn't his time yet... it couldn't have been. He was too young... He wouldn't have been proud of the way he died, either. He would have at least wanted a duel. But no, the bastard couldn't even have the decency to provide him with the knowledge that he could have at least stood a chance.

Of all those conversations we had, none stood out in my mind, but I could remember each word he spoke to me. Each and every sentence, phrase, word, syllable, everything.

God, I don't even think anyone could begin to conceive of the maddening grief, the sorrow, the guilt, the unhappiness I felt. It only takes a moment to start to love someone, especially family, and God did I love him...

That day was the hardest of my life. Once the news got out, I had a constant stream of visitors, all of whom tried to comfort me. I never allowed them to touch me though. The could never understand, how could they? It was impossible... Absolutely impossible...

I didn't know what to do with myself. What was there? Grieve? Cry, perhaps? I had done enough of that already. Three days after he was killed, I was to attend his funeral. How was I supposed to do that? Even hearing his name made me break down to the point of tears until I knew I couldn't cry any more. There were no tears left to cry, but somehow I managed. I had never cried this much in my life; why now? I felt as if a part of me had died. He was a part of me, in a way.

Walking into the church where his coffin lay, up in the front near Dumbledore, was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do. It was amazing how much one year with him could change us.

I took a seat near the front, as I was supposed to deliver the Eulogy. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it, but I know he would have wanted me to try. Rage, guilt, and sadness all flowed through my veins as I saw many people come up to me and offer me their pity. I didn't need their pity; I just needed him back.

It was if a wall of steal had been set between my heart and the outside world. I couldn't feel anything -- I made sure of that. Feeling was torture; knowing I could have saved him kills me each night, as I lay in my bed, tossing and turning. They all insisted it wasn't my fault, but why should I listen to them? They had never done anything for me. He was my everything; throughout the torments of my life, he was all I had left.

I looked down at a photo of him, my eyes quickly becoming blurred once again. They were all I had left; photos and memories. I was numb as Remus sat next to me, accompanied by Sirius in his dog form. I nodded towards them with such coldness I felt as if I had broken the friendship between us forever. However, Remus touched my shoulder with such sincerity that I quickly knew they understood what I was going through, or so they thought. Just as I had, they lost a dear member of their lives not only once, but three times now. They were all the same people; James, Lily, and him. It just wasn't the same... It just wasn't the same at all.

With trembling hands, I reviewed the piece of parchment in front of me, mouthing the words as quickly as I could. I didn't bother pushing the long black hair out of my eyes; the tears were enough to distract my vision. I waited as Dumbledore started speaking of his life; the good points and the bad. It was as if time had stopped; Each word slowly formed on his lips and was spoken with such grief I nearly bolted. However, as he finished, I slowly went up there and took my place in front of the church -- his friends, his acquaintances, the students and staff of Hogwarts... Everyone.

God, I wished he was here with me. He was my strength; my support through everything I went through. The world had lost one of the greatest wizards I had ever known.

"It seems like only yesterday I was seeing him for the first time as the person he is... was... would have been... today. I remember locking eyes with him and immediately despising him, only because of the way he looked. Perhaps there was more, but at the time I couldn't locate it.

"Throughout the first five years I knew him, I thought he was an arrogant, self-centered twit. Many people disagreed with me, and I see now how wrong I was to be so quick to judge.

"He was a great person, both on the inside and out. We all have our flaws; his was from events that occurred that he couldn't control, but burdened him for the rest of his life. People either loved him or loathed him; I loathed him. If I had one wish, it would be to turn back time and get to know him better, as a person, not as the devil I first believed he was."

I breathed in deeply, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "He was an amazing person, whether you truly knew him or not. For me, once I started to know the wizard underneath the skin, I was amazed at how he acted, who he was. He was amazing. He had the kind of aura around him very few people have, but everyone feels.

"I've only had the chance to truly know and understand him for the past year, but God what a year it's been. So many changes in so little time... But God, was I glad it happened.

"Headmaster Albus Dumbledore knew the truth about us for fifteen years; he knew we were father and son. I was terrified when I found out, but I was eager to get to know him. He was equally as excited and eager, and it showed. From that moment on, I never went back to loathing him; I had no reason to now. He was everything to me, he was the reason I woke up in the morning, I had no idea how I had survived all those years without him. To me, it seemed almost impossible.

"We both underwent changes that year; physically and emotionally. We were no longer empty, we had each other to go to during the hard times. We were each other's support system, even though neither of us would admit it.

"I never got a chance to tell him how grateful I was for him to accept me, how grateful I was that he didn't push me aside and cringe at the thought of us being related. I never got a chance to tell him how much I admired him... How much I loved him. The emotions I felt for him were far too confusing for me to understand at first, but as I slowly became accustomed to him, I learned how to distinguish these emotions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if there really is a heaven... and God I hope there is... then on August 8th, 1997, my father met the love of his love for the first time in nearly sixteen years. Severus and Lily Snape created me, and to this day I can not thank them both enough. For years I thought I was an orphan, but when he came along... God, he was the best father I could have ever asked for. I know he would be wondering what all the fuss was about, why everyone was crying for him and missing him, but he refused to see how much people really did care."

I turned towards his casket, looking at the cold, hard shell of the man who gave me life. Breathing in deeply, I touched his face gently, smoothing the stray hairs away from his closed eyes.

"I love you, Dad."

I will remember you

Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad
How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

I will remember you

Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
I'm so tired but I can't sleep

Standin' on the edge of something much too deep

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

But I will remember you

Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose

Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me life

And I will remember you

Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Weep not for the memories*

*once again, Sarah McLachlan, I Will Remember You

A/N: Ok guys... I have to say something. Harry had a year to get to know Severus; he also knew about his past and how he acted around Lily. Based on what Harry knew of him and how I chose to portray Severus, this is all the good stuff about Severs. We all know he's really an evil git, but who knows how he was in the past? In the books, we only have Harry's perspective of him. Therefore, how could anyone make a true judgement of him? There has to be a reason Dumbledore trusts him.. And deep down inside, I think he really does have Harry's best interests at heart. Don't believe me? Read the books over again. Think of Snape as I portrayed him. It works.


Chapter Ten, Part Four: The Last Battle

I was surrounded... Surrounded by light, by clouds, by haze. I tried to move but soon realized I was paralyzed. My mind slowly cleared as I came to, and I saw a pair of green eyes starring at me. My last memory came flooding back to me as I accepted the hand the green-eyed woman offered me.

I had been talking to my son -- our son -- when Voldemort had turned on me. After that, I remember nothing but fog and haze, no pain.

I smile up at her, standing up and taking her in my arms. How long has it been? Fifteen, sixteen years? It used to be I could tell you down to the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second... It doesn't matter anymore.

She was here. I prayed this wasn't a dream. I was dead, I knew it, but I never imagined an afterlife as sweet as this. We never needed words; she was with me again and that's all I needed.

"Lily..." I breathed, kissing my wife on the forehead. I was seventeen again, like I was before everything happened... During the happiest times of my life.

"What took you so long?" she smiled. Her smile could always light up a thousand rooms and I could never resist it.

"I had to take care of Harry." I smiled back, kissing her softly.

"How is he?" Lily asked, wrapping her arms around me in the foggy mist.

"Alive and well... He looks like me."

Lily smiled, resting her head on my shoulder. "I missed you."

"It took us fifteen years, Lily... but I finally found out... why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to cause you any more pain. I knew Papa would tell you when the time was right... He did, didn't he?"

"Yes baby, he did." I sighed, breathing in her scent.

"I've been waiting for you." Lily said, looking up at me.

"You were, were you?" I smiled, kissing her nose. "Do you think we could wait for Harry?"

Lily nodded, "That's what we're doing right now."

"What if it takes forever?" I asked.

"It won't, I promise. No one can live forever."

I couldn't control myself. I couldn't handle it... Everything was a blur. I had terrible nightmares, each of him dying over and over again inside my head. I missed him so unbelievably much, I couldn't stand it.

I looked at the sleeping figure next to me. I never really loved her like that... How could I? She was my best friend, she was only trying to comfort me when things got out of hand. We're both 17, it wasn't illegal... To me, it only made the pain ten times greater, knowing what I was about to do. I kissed her forehead softly, saying my last goodbyes. I had already sent a note with Hedwig to Dumbledore, he would know by sunrise... By then it would be too late.

I tipped the glass vile up towards my lips, shuddering slightly at the icy feeling that was slowly sliding down my throat, freezing my insides. I dropped the vile with a shatter and collapsed next to Hermione's sleeping form.

It saw him coming... it was far too soon, it had only been a few minutes. Why now? I looked at Lily with questionable eyes and she just shrugged. I led her to our son, whose long black hair was falling into his eyes.

"Harry..." I let go of Lily and hugged him. I heard his tears as he squeezed me so tightly, if I had been alive it would have caused me terrible pain. I tried to silence him, but eventually motioned for Lily to come and help me.

She touched his shoulder lightly, smiling as he looked up at her seventeen year old form. He immediately wiped his eyes and smiled, giving her a hug much softer than the one I had received.

"Mum... I missed you."

Lily smiled and closed her hand around mine. "I missed you too... you're so handsome, just like your father."

Harry smiled, then looked up at me. "I'm sorry."

I looked at his quizzically, "For what?"

"I let you down." He said quietly.

I shook my head. "Impossible."

He looked up at me, tears threatening to spill once more. "I love you, Dad."

My worry suddenly faded into a smile, and all was well. "I love you too, Son."

"And I love you both! Now, can we please go home?" Lily asked, tugging my hand towards a light I had not seen earlier.

"Yes, love." I smiled over at my son and wife, "Let's go home."

If tomorrow is judgement day

And I'm standing on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you

If I wake up in World War Three

I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you're coming with me

Cause your love is my love

And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I lose my fame and fortune

And I'm homeless on the street
And I'm sleepin' in Grand Central Station
It's okay if you're sleepin' with me

As the years they pass us by

We stay young through each other's eyes
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you babe

Cause your love is my love

And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I should die this very day

Don't cry, cause on earth we wasn't meant to stay
And no matter what people day
I'll be waiting for you after judgement day

Cause your love is my love

And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

*Whitney Houston, My Love Is Your Love - (my favorite song)