Harry Potter Hermione Granger
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/22/2003
Updated: 07/02/2004
Words: 85,973
Chapters: 23
Hits: 23,792

Full Circle


Story Summary:
Harry's seventeenth birthday goes from wonderful to horribly wrong overnight. His life changes in a heartbeat and only Hermione knows what is going on. Definitely not your normal Harry Potter fic! Mostly PG-13, rated R for mature themes in the first chapter.

Chapter 20

Chapter Summary:
Misunderstandings are running rampant while Ginny exposes more of the truth. Hermione gets some questions answered and Ron gets caught in a bind. And Draco is being what he knows best...a Malfoy.

Chapter 20 - Asking Favors

"So then what happened?" Hermione asked, sitting anxiously on the edge of her bed.

Ginny sighed. After the day's ordeal, she had felt the need to go to Hermione's private dorm room to fill her in on the details. "I arrived on the first floor just in time to see Harry duck through the double doors leading out to hospital's loading dock. I chased him for awhile, weaving in and out of unsuspecting employees before we ended up outside in the deserted parking lot. Just as I was about to give up and just shout - you're the father, Harry - he disappeared."

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean he disappeared?"

"He apparated."

"And when in bloody hell did he learn to do that?" Hermione scoffed.

"Probably around the same time you started cussing like Ron," Ginny smiled. "I'm starting to think that these raging hormones are altering your entire mindset."

Hermione groaned and pushed the thick mane of hair out of her face. "I know, Ginny, and I absolutely hate it. I haven't been acting like myself at all recently. I can't wait for all of this to be over with."

Ginny busied herself by petting Crookshanks, who was curled up peacefully on her lap. The two girls rarely discussed Hermione's pregnancy openly, so it was always awkward when either of them made a comment.

"Well, I asked Sirius later and he admitted that he had taught Harry to apparate. Sirius was getting annoyed with the concept of a seventeen year old wizard still using floo powder, I suppose."

"I would probably be annoyed too. Unfortunately, now it has gone and bit us in the behind. I bet the hospital staff never expected him to run off like that....at least not all the way outside before someone stopped him. St. Mungo's must have a barrier similar to Hogwarts to prevent patients for just 'poofing' themselves out of the rooms. "

Ginny massaged her temples with her fingertips. "I guess it was a bad idea to break the news in the hospital. Especially with all the emotional strain he had been under."

"No, I don't think I would have chosen that setting," Hermione replied.

"Frankly, I don't think you would have bothered to inform him at all," Ginny growled. "Perhaps if you had mentioned this to him at...oh let's say - Christmastime...then we might not being dealing with the consequences now."

"At the time, I had my reasons, Ginny!" Hermione retorted. "How many times do I have to explain this? Both Harry and I are so young and having a baby now would just ruin our lives...dampen our chances to achieve our professional dreams. Can you really imagine Hogwarts former Head Boy and Girl wasting our post graduate days warming bottles and changing nappies? And you know if Harry finds out he's the father...which he will...he will want to take on the responsibility of raising it, even if he wasn't what he planned to do. Harry will feel guilty for any wrong actions he committed and would want to sacrifice his life to be the parent he never had. I don't want to trap him in a situation like that." Hermione sighed and shook her head. "All of this because of one stupid night that neither of us planned."

Ginny turned away from her friend, hot color rising to her cheeks. Hermione continued rambling, emotions boiling over like water in a pot. "You know what really bothers me? The fact that he never even wrote me after that evening we spent together. I mean, I know he was busy doing stuff for the Order and all, but ignoring the incident just didn't seem like a Harry thing to do. So for months I wondered, worried and debated about writing to him, until eventually I found out about this..." Hermione placed her hand gently on her rounded stomach. "That's when I began to hate him...and myself...for the naïve things we've done."

Ginny swallowed hard around the lump growing in her throat. With all the confessing she had done in the past few months, she had hoped it would become easier over time to admit the truth. "Hermione, there's something I have to tell you."

Hermione glanced up; her blank slated faced bearing no sign of anticipation.

"Umm...the reason I think Harry never wrote you after the incident and immediately assumed Ron was the father is because Harry honestly doesn't remember what happened."

Hermione flashed back angry glare. "That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Stupid, perhaps, but true. And the reason I know this is because both of you were forced to consume an eroticus potion that evening - Harry a bit more than you, I'm afraid."

Hermione's eyes grew wide with an unraveling understanding.

She practically stumbled over Harry when she found him, crouched on his knees in the grass. Trying to look calm and composed, she turned to stand in front of him. Harry looked up at her and almost screamed. He closed his eyes and said "You have to get out of here, Hermione. This is bad. Really bad."

Hermione, barely being able to breathe, sat beside him on the grassy knoll. "I'm so scared, Harry. I don't know what's going on." She reaches out and touches his shoulder desperately. He pushed her away.

"Hermione! I'm serious. Get out of here!"

It hadn't made any sense that night. Harry and Hermione had never in seven years been anything but "just friends". Even while rumors spread rampant across campus and were plastered as headlines in major wizarding papers, they had always held true to a platonic label. Not that Hermione had never considered Harry to be worthy of something more. She had admired his sincere humbleness and appreciated his ability to be more sensitive to things than Ron often was. Hermione also admitted to being intrigued by Harry's hidden vulnerability and occasionally thought his messy hair and shy smile was attractive. But would she ever think to pursue Harry in a romantic sense...and take the risk of ruining their special friendship? It just never seemed liked a good idea.

"But how do you know?" Hermione inquired.

The swelling in her throat was beginning to choke Ginny. "Because I was the one who gave it to you."

The look of shock and confusion on Hermione's face might convince most people to continue with the explanation - describing how Malfoy had black mailed her into administering a potion that would create undeniable sexual tension between the two... all in an attempt to cause a rift between the famous Gryffindor team and sealing the deal for a Slytherin Quidditch sweep. But for some reason, Ginny remained silent.

"So, you're trying to tell me this was just some sort of prank?" Hermione asked in a strangled voice. Ginny wasn't sure, but she had a feeling one of them was going to be physically ill.

"Er, not really," Ginny stammered. "It was more like an accident."

An accident? Hermione did not know what to feel. In a sense she was angered that she was forced into a situation against her will, but at the same time she was relieved to have some plaguing questions answered. Why had Harry acted like nothing had ever happened? Did their friendship mean so little that he couldn't admit that they had made a mistake? Was he embarrassed or ashamed? Did he think it had been her fault?

And now Hermione understood. The only thing that had solidified their intimate, yet hurried, awkward night in her own mind was discovering that she was pregnant and knowing that there had been no one else. These sorts of things don't just happen by magic, not even in the wizarding world.

"I'm sorry," said Ginny. "It was never meant to happen this way."

Hermione did not know how to respond to Ginny's confession. Why would someone she considered to be her friend do something like this? Grabbing a quilt from the foot of her bed, she said "Ginny, I just don't understand. Why did this happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Her face grew tired and her expression waned. "I just...I don't know. Would you mind me leaving me alone for awhile, Ginny? I really just need to think about everything..."

Ginny shook her head and Hermione lay back on her bed and pulled the soft blanket over top of her. She watched Hermione for a moment, plagued with intense guilt for the circumstances that she had caused, but her friend refused to make further eye contact. Eventually, Ginny stood up and left Hermione to put the newest pieces of the puzzle together.


"Still no sign of Lavender?" Ginny asked her brother as she sat beside him at the Gryffindor table. Ron, who normally ate his dinner so fast he could hardly get a word in edgewise, sat gloomily staring at his roast chicken.

"Not since she ran into the girl's lavatory crying. No matter how much I tried to reassure through the bathroom door, she refused to come out. She told me to leave and insisted that she'd find her own way back to Hogwarts. I haven't seen her since." He glanced up at his sister hopelessly. "Can't she see that she's overreacting?"

"Well, if that isn't pot calling the kettle black..." Ginny replied. "Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised by the way she acted. Think about it from her position. You were livid when you found out-" she quickly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention "- that she was pregnant in the first place."

"How could I not be, Ginny? Hermione is one of my best friends and my ex-girlfriend. I was angry because she kept this whole thing a secret until it was practically dragged out of her. I was mad because she never told me that she and Harry had sex in the first place-"

"Keep it down," Ginny hissed.

"Hell, I was mad that he didn't tell me either. Some best mate he is." Ron ran his fingers along his still swollen lip. "And then he runs off one night leaving her to deal with this mess by herself, only to later punch me in the face and blame it all on me. Let me tell you, that boy has completely lost his mind at this point..."

Before he had managed to complete his thought, Ginny grabbed him by the arm and attempted to lead him out of the Dining Hall. A large group of students were starting to trickle in and Ginny did not want this personal business spread around school. Frankly, with Lavender's reputation as a gossip, she was amazed rumors hadn't already spread like wildfire.

"Wait, where are we going?" Ron complained. "We haven't had dinner yet!" Suddenly he paused in thought as Ginny continued to drag him into the hallway, remembering the reason why he hadn't managed to eat anything. Shrugging free from his sister's grip, he stopped and looked her in face. "Listen, Ginny. I need you to do me a favor. Talk to Lavender, won't you? I think she'd listen to you, being another girl and all. Please?"

Ginny couldn't help but soften at his pleas. "You really like this girl for some reason, don't you?" she asked.

"Well, she is quite nice, once you get to know her." Ron smiled.

While engaged in their conversation, a sharp scream penetrated the near empty lobby and a rather sticky and somewhat smelly Mandy Brocklehurst came bolting down the corridor. Ginny grimaced and quickly stepped out of the way, but unfortunately Ron was bowled over by the girl's frantic flailing arms.

"I can't believe you, Neville Longbottom," Mandy whined as she desperately tried to make it to a washroom on the first floor. "You and your stupid plants!"

Ginny shook her head, annoyed by the girl's lack of apology, as Ron sat on the floor afraid to touch the yellowish Stinksap that had gotten on the sleeves of his robes. "Yuck!" he moaned. "As if this day could get any worse..."

Neville rounded the corner with his mimbulus Mimbletonia plant in hand and a pathetic look on his face. "You weren't supposed to touch the boils," he replied defensively to Mandy's angry remark. Turning to Ron and Ginny, he said in a quiet voice, "And she wonders why she's failing Herbology."

Ginny smiled and Ron proceeded to take off his school robes. "Hey, sorry that you had to be a part of this mess, too," Neville apologized, as he reached out his right arm to pull Ron to his feet.

"Don't worry Neville," Ginny laughed. "Ron's used to being dirty. After Quidditch practice, he's practically a health hazard all by...what in Merlin's name is that!" Both Ginny and Neville stared at the blackened scar that graced the flesh of Ron's arm, exposed by the rolled backed sleeves of his buttoned down shirt. Once on his feet, Neville let go of Ron's hand just as quickly as Ron pulled away, a look of fear crossing both their faces.

"It's nothing," Ron murmured, pushing down his sleeves. "A bruise...from Quidditch." The feeble words fell from his mouth. "I...uh..." He looked at his sister despairingly and could tell she was not convinced. "I have to go..." and he abruptly walked out the main entrance. "There's a team meeting at seven o'clock on the pitch. I'll see you guys later," he explained before the door closed behind him. Neville and Ginny just stood and watched, neither one knowing exactly what to say.

"Was that...? I mean, I had no idea," Neville said, turning his attention to Ginny. "Did you?"

Ginny continued to stare at the closed wooden doors and shook her head. The sensation of dread was growing ever stronger as the day went on. "No, I didn't, but for some reason..." she glanced back at Neville "...it certainly explains a great deal."


Sunday morning brought beautiful spring weather to Hogwarts: warm sunshine, cool breeze and for Draco Malfoy, the luxury of lounging in the shade of a large tree. In fact with the peaceful tranquility that flourished on this non-academic day, Malfoy had almost nodded off entirely, with a belly full of hotcakes and sausage, when he heard the disgruntled voice of a certain red-haired vixen.

"Get UP, Draco! I need to talk to you." Opening one eye suspiciously, he saw Ginny Weasley staring at him - her blue eyes shining vivid behind her gold rimmed glasses, her mouth a firm, straight line and her shoulder length red hair pulled into two tight French braids.

"Lay off, Weasley. I'm trying to sleep." Malfoy closed his eyes and settled back down in his comfortable position. "Go spit your venom elsewhere."

"If either of us was a snake, Malfoy, I think the answer would be obvious." The blond hair boy made no response, continuing with the pretense that he was halfway to slumberland. Kneeling down beside him, Ginny grabbed a bit of his arm flesh between her thumb and forefinger before giving in a sharp pinch.

Malfoy jumped to his feet in a heartbeat. "Ouch, you saucy little bi-"

"Don't you even dare!" She injected, standing up beside him. "I'm not here for fun and games, Malfoy. I need your help." Ginny paused in her speech, fully absorbing Draco's change in behavior. "Wait a minute. Whatever happened to the promise you made to visit me in the hospital wing after your exam last Thursday?"

Malfoy scoffed. "Promise, I certainly did not. I mentioned off handedly that I might stop by....as a favor to my mother of course. She is terribly worried about your well-being for some reason entirely unknown to me."

"As a favor to your mother?" Ginny replied in a haughty voice. "Well, you certainly are singing an awfully different tune now, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Malfoy smirked. It took all the energy she had not to smack him.

"Do you know what? I am sick and tired of your twisted little mind games, Malfoy. One moment you are pure evil, full of black mail and derogatory comments, thriving on the thrill of personal gain. The next minute I find you a bloody mess on the classroom floor at the hands of your own-"

Her words were cut off by Malfoy's thin pale hand clasping itself over her mouth and push her body roughly against the tree. His light eyes darted desperately around the grassy knoll, searching for bystanders. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He shushed. He removed his hand and the two stood face to face, staring at each other.

"I spent the night by your side while you moaned in agony, only to wake up the next morning to have you shudder in disgust. All because I'm a Weasley. Because my family is poor and my parents have lots of kids. We like Muggles and support Muggleborn witches and wizards. Heck, we even enjoy the company of giants and werewolves! We're against You-Know-Who and stand by Dumbledore's actions. But you know what, Malfoy? You always overlook one important detail, particularly one that is so essential in your own family - we, too, are purebloods. The blood that runs through my veins is just as "clean" and my family roots are just as deep as yours...despite the fact that we are not as rich or prestigious as the Malfoys. "

"But frankly, I'd rather be twice as poor and have a half a dozen more siblings then trade positions with you. Because my family loves me and I have some truly special, wonderful friends...friends whose lives I've ruined because of you...but in the end, Draco Malfoy, you will be all alone. You are already hated by your power hungry, Death Eater father and looked down upon by all those snooty Slytherin friends your daddy paid for... people who only tolerated your existence because of the benefits you provided. Your grades are slipping and your House is down eighty-five points. It's doubtful that your Quidditch Team will even be able to catch up after loosing to Ravenclaw last month. All you have left now is your mother, who it would be rude to speak badly off, considering how she is so concerned with my well-being...for some strange, unknown reason."

"The thing about your mother is that she is also a Slytherin, undeniably sneaky, selfish and obsessed with prestige and material possessions, but unlike you - is able to admit that she is both human and capable of making mistakes. Professor Snape, too, is a Slytherin and is a cranky and unpleasant man overall and yet somehow must have made huge sacrifices to have gained the trust of Professor Dumbledore. But you, Draco, are just a walking stereotype. I thought for months that this attitude of yours was just a façade, a cleverly constructed persona used to keep everyone at a distant. Now, of course, I've wizened up enough to realize that this is honestly who you are: just a one dimensional shadow of a human being, who has nothing better to do that to toy with me."

Malfoy stood firmly, trying his best not to reveal any emotion at all. He did not want Ginny to think for half a moment that he was shocked, angry or hurt by any of the words she spoke. He just watched as she rapidly made her speech, her frustration with him reaching a melting point. After her tension had hit its climax, her face fell flushed and her hands began to shake.

"I don't have time for your nonsense, Malfoy. Hermione is less than a month away from her due date and both she and her child are in great danger. Harry is Merlin- only-knows-where and too hasty to sit still long enough to hear the truth. And Ron, oh goodness, Ron..." Ginny bit her lip and looked away. "I just found out he's...he's...oh, I hope I'm mistaken and that mark wasn't what I thought it was..."

At the sound of those words, Draco was suddenly concerned. How did that imbecile Weasley get involved with something like that? Malfoy reached up and touched his own arm, instinctively, but there was not scar upon his flesh. Plans for his own initiation had been in preparation since the day Draco had been born, unchallenged until last summer, six months before the anticipated date. After over seventeen year of passivity, Narcissa suggested one day at dinner that he really did need to become a Death Eater to be successful in the wizarding world.

"Besides, it doesn't look likely that the Dark Lord will return to power any time soon. Why should we invest our only child in a loosing battle?" Lucius had stared at his wife as if she had just been obliviated and forced to forget exactly who Narcissa Malfoy was supposed to be - a loyal and devoted wife. Never question what the husband says. Love had never existed between the couple, but this was no time for Narcissa to forget the duties assigned by their marriage contract. Draco did not know what occurred between his mother and father later that night after he had gone to sleep, but shortly thereafter Narcissa disappeared. Draco himself did not know where she had gone until she hurried into the Dining Hall during the Opening Feast.

Draco continued to receive owls about the topic of initiation well into December, but they abruptly stopped after the incident in the History of Magic classroom. Had Lucius been going to find his mother that evening? Draco could only wonder. The events that followed when Lucius returned to Hogwarts only compounded the matter. As Ginny lay in the hospital wing after risking her own life for the Malfoys, Narcissa revealed to Draco some of the truths behind the society of Death Eaters.

"Your father has been raising you to think that Dark Lord's path is the ultimate one and that being associated with him would make you powerful and respected. But the Dark Lord does not care or need any of you as individuals. He will only use the strength the group provides him and will manipulate you like a puppet to do his dirty deeds." Narcissa had held him close to her, in a way she had never done with him. He breathed in her faint smell rose petal oil. Her normally flawless porcelain face was streaked with tears as if an emotionless statue in a museum had suddenly come to life. It was one of the most disturbing things Draco had ever seen.

"Be your own person, Draco. Don't be a pawn for someone else, like your father has been his whole life. He was willing to destroy anyone, even his wife and child, for a chance to be a step closer to the top. He never loved us." But Malfoys aren't supposed to love anything but themselves, Draco thought. To hear his mother's words was a contradiction to everything he had ever been taught to believe. Why now after all these years should I start to care about things?

"Why am I even bothering to talk to you about all of this?" Ginny glanced back at him and Draco could not determine if she was holding back her own tears. "Maybe it's because you're the only person who knows the whole truth about this twisted situation. Perhaps I thought you possessed a sliver of humanity with your cold dark soul and would be willing to help someone...who has been so willing to help you."

Draco debated several replies in his own head, but responded with nothing. After a moment of silence, Ginny gave up and walked away, across the grassy pathway back to Hogwarts castle.

Author notes: Thanks to everyone who reviewed Chapter 19. The comments are always helpful. I'm excited about reaching the climax of this story, just a few chapters left, I promise.