Harry Potter James Potter
Drama Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/06/2002
Updated: 11/20/2002
Words: 53,213
Chapters: 9
Hits: 9,912

Charmed Curses

Lady Geuna

Story Summary:
What if James Potter wasn't killed on Halloween, 1981? Voldemort devised the perfect punishment for his insolence. A curse that would cause James more pain than the Cruciatus Curse could ever. A curse that will affect those of the past, as well as the future... (Harry, James, Marauders, Snape, etc...) (This if was originally on ff.net)

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
What if James Potter wasn't killed on Halloween, 1981? Voldemort devised the perfect punishment for his insolence. A curse that would cause James more pain than the Cruciatus Curse could ever. But things don't exactly turn out as planned, and fate takes a strange turn for those in the past, as well as the future.

WARNING!!! Those chapters called "Found" (Parts 1 and 2) are PG-13!! They are scary. Maybe not to some of you, but they display a very insane, disturbed, and quite catatonic James .


I hope everyone likes this chapter.




Charmed Curses

By Lady Geuna


Rated: This chapter will be rated PG-13 for violence!!!... and scariness.


"..." speech

'....' thoughts

/.../ with italics means a flashback or part of a flashback.


Found (Part 2)


His own son never had a chance to live...

'I shouldn't be doing this, I need to stop... I'm not a killer.'

'But I want to.'

'And I don't...'

'I want to hurt him like he hurt me. My friends...'

James Potter ~ Fanfiction "Charmed Curses", Found (Part 1), by Lady Geuna


He ran, as fast as he could. He must've been in the rain as some point, because he was dripping wet. It was poring outside, the sky blackened. Storms can come so quickly.

/"I know this will come as a shock, Harry...."/

'I have to save him.'

/"... and I know that this is hard to believe, but please know that what I say to you is real, and the truth..."/

'He's real.'

/"Harry... James, your father..."/

'He's alive...'

/"Where is he!? When-!?"

/"Harry... He is in great danger and I can't guarantee his safety...... You understand why I didn't want to tell you....."/

/"NO!! He can't-not now, I-I haven't..."/

/"We are all fighting for him, Harry..."/

'All except me... I need to be... I need to help...'

/"There are many people looking for him now. One of ours should find him soon..."/

Including Snape of all people! Was Dumbledore crazy!? The man was more likely to kill him than anything else, Snape hates his father!

He... had a father.

/"Just wait, please.... Harry? HARRY!! Wait!!"/

Harry ran to the Gryffindor Common Room, screaming the password to the Fat Lady breathlessly. Startled, she opened up for him quickly and he stumbled inside, ignoring the strange looks he received for other students. He raced to the fifth year dormitory, glade to discover that no one else was there. All he needed was his Firebolt and Invisibility Cloak, then he'd be set.

His father was not going to die, not now, not when he'd just found out... Without a chance to ever meet him...

Harry dropped to his knees, desperately fumbling with his trunk lock then opening the lid wide. Then there was the sound of the door banging open behind him, ragged, quick breathing. A voice cried,



Ron had no idea where Harry went, not after his friend started running. What a nasty shock... Unbelievable

Dumbledore had taken them to one of the Greenhouses, where no one could hear (One in which Professor did not occupy). It seemed like it started raining only moments before (But they were expecting it, anyway). Why he wanted Ron and Hermione to stay Dumbledore didn't mention. But Ron knew now, the Headmaster wanted them there for Harry, he was going to need them more than ever...

/Dumbledore took a deep breath, his eyes closed. Ron could see Harry tensing, looking curious, and even fearful, of what Dumbledore was going to say. "Harry... James, your father..."/


The news was shocking, but not as much for Ron as it was for Harry (Obviously!). Ron sort of phased out, no longer listening to the heated conversation Dumbledore and Harry participated in as Hermione watched near tears. Then Harry was running. Right out the Greenhouse and into the poring rain. Dumbledore politely asked Ron and Hermione to find Harry, make sure he was okay.

Trying to do the logical thing (Which wasn't an easy thing for him.), Ron knew of one sure fire way to find Harry. The Marauders Map.

Ron ran the whole way, never pausing taking a second glance at people who yelled after him. 'Harry, you idiot don't-do-anything-stupid!' He practically rammed the door down when he got to his destination, the door swinging open and hitting the wall with a loud bang! He was surprised at who he'd found.


Ron wanted to scream (Either for joy or pent up anxiety, he didn't know which.), but chose to remain silent. Yes, Harry was there, searching through his trunk. The raven haired boy seemed startled, his eyes wide. But that look soon vanished and became one of angry determination. "Go away, Ron..."

Ron only shook his head, stepping up so he was beside Harry as the boy looked through his trunk. "You shouldn't 've run away, Harry. We're worried, Hermione almost broke into tears..." Harry wasn't listening, which sort of annoyed Ron, but considering the situation... "Um, what are you doing...? Harry...?" A feeling of dread hit him, and suddenly Ron knew exactly what Harry was doing. "No way, Harry..."

Harry once again ignored him and took up his Invisibility Cloak and Firebolt. "Just go away, Ron, okay? You can't stop me anyway." His voice was flat and emotionless, and it unsettled Ron. Then Harry stood and began walking toward the window without so much as a glance Ron's way. But Ron wouldn't have that, and he quickly jumped forward and sidestepped Harry, blocking his way. Harry didn't take this interference very well, glaring at Ron with his teeth clinched. "Get out of the way."

"You're not thinking clearly," Ron insisted sharply. He refused to move, opening his arms wide and glared right back at Harry with a note of defiance. "You wanna help, huh? So you've decided to just jump out a window!? Listen..." Be Harry wasn't listening, he was trying to move past Ron. Growling in frustration, Ron grabbed his friends arm. "Harry, listen to me!!"

Harry didn't respond will with this action, his eyes flashing. "Let go!!"

The next thing Ron knew, Harry had pushed him with enough force to send him to the floor. Form what Ron could tell, Harry stood for a moment. He looked just as shocked as Ron felt, his jaw hanging slightly, his eyes wide. But that still hadn't stopped him, and Harry was soon rushing toward the window again, moving around Ron's fallen body and fumbling with his Invisibility Cloak and Firebolt.

He'd barely gone more than a few steps before Ron had lugged himself at Harry's leg, grabbing hold. Harry went crashing to the floor with a loud cry. In moments the two were wrestling viciously; one trying to pin the other down, and the other trying to escape. Neither of them were successful, and Ron would refuse when Harry screamed at him to get off. This is getting them nowhere!

"Quiet it," Ron yelled, desperately trying to keep up his fight, while at the same time he didn't want to risk hurting his friend. "You can't go running off, and you've got to calm down, mate! STOP!"

"No! I'm going to find him, I'm-!"

"Going to get yourself killed, you prat! Dumbledore-"

"DUMBLEDORE! I don't care what Dumbledore says! It's not like he's my father!"

Ron suddenly stopped, and Harry took the opportunity to shove the boy off him, thought not as roughly as before. But instead of running, this time Harry just lay there, and Ron could see the tears in his eyes that had yet to fall.

"Dumbledore's not my father," Harry mumbled quietly. "He... Sirius... they all want to be.. They want to be a family for me, but they're not... Not really... I still love them, but I have a dad now... My dad would want me too..." To trailed off uncertainly, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"He'd want you to stay," Ron finished as gently as he could manage, "wouldn't he...?" He watched Harry carefully, just in case he tried running for it again. But Harry just sat there, his legs now tucked up to his chin. "You'd get hurt and... you're dad would hate that, right? I know mine would..."


"Yeah..." Harry smiled wearily, but still, he didn't let his tears fall. "It's weird, you know...? I have a dad... My dad, for the first time. He's out there, a-and I can't help him." He sniffed, irritably swiping his sleeve over his eyes as a tear escaped him his careful attention, then crossed his arms tightly over his chest. "But I'm not happy really. I'm just scared, Ron. I finally have a family, but he might d-die, and there's nothing I can do to help." He eyes had darkened in a way that scared Ron. Harry's eyes always darkened like that when he was truly angry. "I swear... If anything or anyone hurts him... or worse, I'll... I'll kill them myself."

This declaration made a ice chill run up Ron's spin. Harry had meant what he said. He really did... He was actually very frightening at that moment, his eyes starring straight ahead into nothing... But that expression soon crumpled and disappeared all together.

"I-I should be helping him but I can't..." Harry let out a choked sob, unable to hold it back anymore. 'He shouldn't be holding it back...' Harry buried his face in his arms, shaking his head. "I don't want to loose him, Ron. Not yet. Not when I just found out..."

Ron didn't know what to do, his mind working hard to find a solution to this problem. Then he cautiously crawled over to Harry's side. Then, after a moments hesitation, he wrapped his arms around his friend, speaking quietly soothingly. "Come on, it'll be fine.. . It always is. We're always here for you... Me, Hermione, Sirius... we're all here..."

Harry didn't respond and continued to cry, but made no reaction that would indicate he didn't want Ron's comfort.

It was odd, hugging another boy while he cried (There was the issue of the fact that "boy's don't cry", after all.). Hugging /anyone/ while they cried was off for him. Well, Ginny maybe, his mum, or even Hermione, but Harry...? Well, the only other time he'd seen Harry cry was after the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and he knew very will what happen then... With You-Know-Who.

What would it be like, if he didn't have a mum or dad...? Just like Harry? What would happen if suddenly his sister or one of his brothers died or were killed? Fred, George, Bill... everyone. Well, Ron remembered how it felt when Ginny disappeared his second year. Pretty awful... It was terrifying, in fact. He'd been torn apart inside...

And suddenly, it didn't seem wrong at all for Harry to cry...

There was a flash of lightening, so bright that it made Ron look up for a moment, startled. He saw Hermione standing in the doorway silently, her hands clasped tightly together over her chest. Her cheeks were flushed from running, and her eyes brimmed with tears ('She's been doing that a lot lately...').

Ron smiled a little and nodded, mouthing "It's okay", and Hermione carefully walked over to join them.


The whole of Hogwarts went on with their daily routine, even though trapped indoors because of the storm. The dungeons were now flooding because of the hole the Blast-Ended Skrewts made. Transfiguration going as slowly as usually with a very anxious Professor McGonagall. The sound of rain and thunder drummed against every wall connected to the outside.

But for three friends sitting together on the floor of the Gryffindor Tower, none of that even existed...

~"True friends... Real friends..... I never knew they existed..." (Harry, Ron, Hermione...)~

Everything would be okay...


The Dementors Kiss...

Icy, scabby gray hands, gripping his neck. The hideous breath brushing his face. The fog, screaming and hysterical laughter that was threatening to drown him completely. All that was broken suddenly, though not completely. For a moment James wondered why could even think, why the screaming and laughing was growing quieter. The gaping mouth threatening to suck out his soul faulted and backed up a small degree, as if it were looking toward something.

Something was there, just outside the fog and the screaming. The sound of something running toward him. Loud barking, snarling, howling.

And, on the other side of the fog, a huge black shape come out of nowhere and collided with the Dementor holding him.

The fog lifted a bit more, but the feeling of fear still remained as he began to shiver feverishly, beads of sweat forming over his face. He felt ill, horribly, horrible ill. From where he lay, James could make out Snape's still form as the Dementor bending over him turned its attention toward the intruder, but it did not move. The black creature had jumped at one of the two Dementors standing by James, the one performing the Dementors Kiss. It had sunk its huge jaws into its robed arm. The Dementor was trying to get it off, but the animal was very determined, like it was trying to rip that horrid rotting gray arm off. It was a... A dog...? Yes. A huge, black... It couldn't be...


Sirius... Padfoot, he's alive...?

James cried out in horror as another Dementor came up behind the Animagus and grasped him by the neck. Sirius yelped in pain, whimpering and trying to struggle from the creatures' grasp, but the Dementor was too strong. He tried craning his neck, looking for something he could bite, scratch, harm in anyway, but there was nothing.

Sirius was losing.


"Let him go," he screamed weakly, trying to get their attention. They couldn't kill Sirius, they couldn't. 'You want me! Just kill me!!'

The Dementor did release Sirius, though, throwing him to the hard stone ground with a loud Thump!

The fog was trying to move in on him again, the screaming was trying to fill his mind, the laughter, but he didn't let that stop him. James fought, struggled through the haze and reached forward until his hands finally came in contact with Sirius' furry body. He was still breathing, though very shallowly. A low whimper was sounded with each labored breath.

James didn't care that the Dementors were coming for him again, reaching out. Didn't care about the fog or the screaming or the laughter. All cared about was his friend. Sirius was in danger and hurt. They couldn't take him. The Dementors would know the dog was a threat, and they would try killing him, too. 'They couldn't kill Sirius, they couldn't. No, no, no...'

He buried his face in the black fur, squeezing his eyes shut. They wouldn't get him. They wouldn't.

All three Dementors towered over them, making sure there was no escape.

'Don't worry... I'll protect you this time...'



One Dementor swooped down toward its waiting victim. Cold hands brushing James' face once again.

"Expecto patronum!! Expecto patronum!!!"

The next minute would be a confusing blur to James later on.

The Dementors had moved away all as one, reeling as a large, shapeless, silvery form lunged at them. A blinding light. A Patronus. Shoes pounding against the ground. Someone shouting, gasping for air.

"Sirius! Sirius!?"

They were alone again... The Dementors had melted back into the darkness. The Patronus was gone. The echoing screams were fading...

Someone had fallen down next them. James could see the person wore brown, tattered robes. He was breathing heavily, a wand clutched in his fist. His hands trembled, reaching out for James.

"Sirius. James.. Oh God..."

James looked up into a pair of tortured brown eyes, eyes which widened considerably. The man reached out and grabbed his shoulders, squeezing gently. "J... James...? James, is this really you?" His eyes flickered to Sirius, panic etched in them. He couldn't separate his attention from either of them. "Are you two alright...?"

Those kind eyes... The same. But his hair was brushed with gray, and his eyes looked tired and sorrowful.

James' face was totally blank and unblinking, before a small yet joyful smile spread over his lips. "Hi, Moony."

Lupin's eyes were filling with tears as he smiled back. "Hello, Prongs..."

James was beginning to feel sleepy. He was feeling strangle warm inside. A feeling of peace and comfort that was washing over him in waves, lulling him into the calming darkness. But one thought came to his lips, his voice full of curiosity.

"What's your happy memory, Moony?"

Then there was black.


Lupin could only smile as his friend fell into sleep. Sirius was alright, just stunned at the moment.

Then he couldn't hold it back any longer, and Lupin carefully pulled James' sleeping form into a gentle hug. They would never let James leave again. Never.

"This is my happy memory, James..."


To be continued...


What do you think? REVIEW!!! ^__^ I, I so know you hate me right now.

Coming Soon: To Trust Your Enemy...