Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/20/2003
Updated: 01/24/2004
Words: 116,840
Chapters: 30
Hits: 30,108


L.S. Song

Story Summary:
Twilight. The light from the sky as the sun is below the horizon. Before night falls, or before day begins.````It is Harry\'s seventh year at Hogwarts, and the wizarding world reels from``blow by blow, as Voldemort\'s forces strike with terrorist tactics.````All that is about to stop. A full war is about to begin as Voldemort``rallies foul creatures to his side.````When the forces of light and darkness clash, twilight shall bring a long``night. But in the pitch black of the night, how can twilight come again?````The answer lies with Harry Potter.

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
The aftermath of the War and the Duel.
Author's Note:
Hello readers. Many of you have asked whether or not there will be a sequel. That depends on if the last chapters of Twilight can fulfill my goal of a certain number of reviews. If it does, I'll write another one, if it doesn't, then look out for a fic by me and AmethystPhoenix. It'll come soon. I think.


L.S. Song

Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Small Things

All the small things

True care, truth brings

I'll take one lift, you're right, best trip

Always, I know, you'll be at my show, watching, waiting, commiserating

Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home

  • Blink 182 - All the Small Things


"Are... are you alive?" croaked Harry in amazement.

Lily stepped away from her son.

"No, Harry. No spell can bring back the dead."

Images suddenly flashed through Harry's mind.

"Dad... I have a month to learn to be an animagus..."

"A month!"



The exhilaration of being a lion, flying through the skies.




The soft swaying of the Veil, and then the explosion.




"Am I dead?" said Harry.

Lily, much to his surprise, smiled sadly.

"Only if you want to be, Harry."

"What do you mean?"

"It means, Harry, you've been granted a choice."


"Professor! It's so good to see you!" cried Harry, and sprung off his comfortable, soft bed, anxious to speak more with the wizard.

Harry stopped about a foot away from Dumbledore.

"Why did you do it?" whispered Harry suddenly.

Dumbledore looked into his eyes, twinkling blue meeting tired green.

"Because you were the Prophesized One, if you'll pardon my words," said Dumbledore, letting out a hearty laugh. "You were the only one to defeat Lord Voldemort... no one else's spells had even a meager effect on him... not even my own. My sacrifice was to buy you the strength you needed to get to him. But let's not speak of this now, there are some people that want to see you..."

"Harry," said a male voice Harry remembered from his month training as an Animagus.

His dad.


"You've done well, Harry."

Harry couldn't help but smile.

"Hello, Harry," came another voice, fringed with joy.

"Remus!" cried Harry with delight, running to the man who he had gotten to know so much better in his sixth year. "I never got a chance... to thank you... for doing that..."

Remus' face also went somber.

"Let's not speak of that here, Harry. You're in a better place now."

"But where am I?" asked Harry, but before anyone else could interrupt, yet another person came into his room.

"Hey, Harry," smiled Sirius sheepishly.

"SIRIUS!" he cried out yet again, and ran towards his godfather, giving him a hard hug.

"I'm sorry I let you down, Harry."

"You didn't Sirius... I... it was my fault... I'm so sorry..." started Harry. "I never should've been that thick..."

Sirius held up a hand.

"Don't mention it, Harry. You're here with us now."

Harry's stomach suddenly dropped, despite seeing the ones he loved in front of him.

"So... I'm really dead..."

"Yes, and no, Harry," cut in Dumbledore.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been granted a choice," said Dumbledore again.

"What choice?" asked Harry, not daring to hope.

"As you rendered an extraordinary service to the Light, the Gods have decided to offer you an option, whether to stay with us in the Heavens, or to return to the Earthly Existence."

Everyone stared intently on Harry.

"What? You can't just make me..."

"This is beyond my control, Harry... here we are all equals, none of us which have the strength to comprehend, let alone defeat the Godly powers."

He stared at his mother and father, whom he never really got to know in his real life.

He stared at Dumbledore, his mentor, the person who had sacrificed so much to help him.

He turned to Remus, his friend, his source of comfort and adult care besides from Molly Weasley after Sirius had passed away.

And last he turned to Sirius.

He saw the hopeful gleam in Sirius' eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder whether it would be worth it or not to stay here and leave his pain and sorrow behind.


The whole room leaned in closer to Harry.

"I can't decide," said Harry softly.

"Take your time, Harry," said Lily, patting Harry's arm and smiling in the sad way she had done when he asked if he was dead.

One by one, they filed out of the room.

Harry, exhausted, fell promptly asleep.


Upon waking, he saw his mother and father sitting next to him on chairs, whispering quietly, but stopping as soon as they saw he was awake.

"I can't decide," whispered Harry. "I don't know what I want..."

"You will, Harry... you just need a little help."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on... we'll take you to the Room of Seeing."

Harry, despite everything, couldn't help but snort.

"You mean like Divination?"

"No, none of that garbage, this stuff is real," said James.

Harry rolled out of bed, finding himself fully dressed, and followed after his parents.

They walked along beautiful, gleaming white halls, sunlight shining down on them, and doves flying overhead. Lily had locked his arm in hers, and led him down a small corridor, which had a dead end where a door stood, engraved with many runes and symbols.

"What is this?"

"This is the Room of Seeing. You must go through alone."

"Er... okay..." said Harry, and nervously, he stretched his hand to the doorknob, and opened the door.

He walked into the dim halls, and in the center was an altar.

Slowly, he made his way there.

As he looked down towards the altar, a voice made him jump.

"Hello, Harry Potter. My name is Erised. What can I assist you with?"

Harry thought for a second - he didn't really know what he was here for, other than it was to help him make a choice.

"I need to make a decision, I need to see what I really want in my heart."

The man called Erised stopped and stroked his beard.

"I don't usually allow it, but I believe I will allow you a glimpse into the Seeing Goblet, and also a glimpse of the Mirror."

Harry didn't no how to respond, so he just nodded and said, "Thank you kindly."

"Step up next to the altar and kneel," instructed Erised.

Harry did as he was told, feeling rather nervous.

Erised walked over to him and placed a goblet in front of his face.

"Look deeply into the goblet, and it will show you what you wish to see in the Earthly Realm."

Harry, now feeling self-conscious and foolish, looked into the Goblet.

He nearly blacked out at the sight.

"Why Harry... why did you leave me?" sobbed Ginny, clutching onto a body.


"Harry... please come back... please come back to me..."

"Ginny we have to go... The Order... everyone's leaving..."

"I love you, Harry... why did you have to go? COME BACK! I COMMAND YOU! COME BACK!"

"GINNY! We need to get Ron to St. Mungo's... there's nothing more you can do for Harry..."

But Ginny made no response, sobbing, hugging and kissing a limp, lifeless body.

His body.

"No!" Harry yelled.

"Calm yourself, Harry Potter."

"I... Ginny... but..."

Harry felt like screaming, but the eerie man's mere presence calmed him.

"Take a look into the Mirror."

Harry reluctantly stood, and before him a mirror was placed.

"Erised... Erised... this is the mirror!" he said, remembering something. "The Mirror of Erised... I found it in my first year at Hogwarts... it..."

"Shows you your heart's innermost desires," said both of them at once.

"Look into the mirror," said Erised again.

Harry moved himself into the center, having a faint idea of what he was going to see.

First he saw just himself, and then it a petite redhead appeared next to him, smiling, her arm around his waist.

He patted his own waist unconsciously, forgetting that it was just an image.

On his other side, a tall redhead had his arm around a smaller girl, a bushy-haired girl with brown eyes and large front teeth.

Behind him then appeared his family - or what he considered as his family - his mother, his father, Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Fred and George, and Percy even.

On top of his head was a small kitten.

"This doesn't answer my question, Erised," he said softly.

And even as he said so, the shapes behind him waved and disappeared, until it was just himself, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Fortuna in the mirror.

Fortuna was next to go, disappearing into thin air.

Harry absentmindedly patted his messy hair.

Ron and Hermione smiled back at him, and slowly, slower than the others, they too faded away.

And all that was left was Ginny.

And even there, as he looked into those bright brown eyes, the flaming hair set on her shoulders, in the very realm of Heaven, Harry Potter knew what his choice had to be.


"I have to go back," said Harry to the room filled with his loved ones.

There was no response, besides for Lily hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry," said Harry, looking around at everyone.

"No, Harry. Do not grieve, we will meet again, I'm sure," said Dumbledore, his eyes still twinkling.

Here, he seemed to be joyful.

"In all due time," said James. "You have a life to live, Harry. You have earned it."

"It's all thanks to you," he said, addressing the entire room. Every person had, in his or her own way contributed.

"Goodbye, Harry," said Dumbledore, extending his hand.

Harry grabbed it, and also pulled the old man into a hug.

"Goodbye, Professor Dumbledore," said Harry. "Thank you... for everything you've done for me."

Dumbledore nodded, and he swept out of the room.

Remus Lupin stepped up next.

"Harry. You've come a long way from the boy who was down on not being able to go to Hogsmeade once," he said with a smile, nodding at Harry.

Harry pulled him into a hug too.

"Goodbye, Remus."

"Goodbye, Harry."

And with a slight sniff, Remus Lupin exited.

Sirius shot a look at Lily and James, and sighed.

Walking up to Harry, he voluntarily pulled his godson into a hug.

"Take care of yourself, Harry," he said gruffly, trying to sound unemotional, and failing horribly. "You've made me proud, Harry. You truly are a great wizard, and a better godson than... than anyone could ever ask for. Goodbye... goodbye Harry."

He bowed his head and walked towards the exit, looking miserable.

"Sirius. Don't leave," said Lily.

He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Please Lily... I can't do it again."

"Sirius!" called Harry.

He turned around, not raising his head.

"You were a good godfather too."

Sirius raised his eyes, meeting Harry's, smiled, and then left the room.

"Mum... dad... I just realized... I don't even know how to get back..." started Harry, feeling rather foolish.

"Just focus on the reason why you want to, and you'll be there."

Lily and James now wrapped Harry in a hug, tears sliding down all of their faces.

"We're proud of you son... we'll always watch over you... we always have," said James, smiling at his son.

"If you ever miss us, Harry... look to the light," said Lily, now also smiling.

"We love you Harry," they said together.

"Mum... dad... I love you too."

And even as Lily Potter bent down and kissed her son one last time on the forehead, he disappeared from their realm, back to the world he left behind.


Harry awoke suddenly, wheezing, gasping for air, his throat dry.

He found himself on a white bed, and he sat up, looking around.

"Water," he said blankly.

"Oh... my... GOD!" shrieked someone right next to him.

"Water," he repeated.

"HARRY!" shrieked the girl, and he felt a pair of arms pull around his neck, strangling him. Hot tears dripped down his shirt.

It was Ginny.

"Water!" he rasped.

"Harry?" asked Ginny, looking confused all of a sudden.

"WATER!" he yelled, and immediately regretted it. His throat, already burning, just hurt more.

"Something's wrong with me... I think I need to lie down... HERMIONE!" called Ginny, feeling for something to sit on.

Harry sprung up, and he walked to a sink he spotted across the room, and placing his head underneath the tap, he drank deeply.

Ginny fainted.

It was just then that Harry realized that he was no longer in the Pandemonium Citadel, where he should've been.

"Where am I?" he wondered aloud, walking over to Ginny.

"Who are you?" snarled a voice behind him.


"I'm Harry, don't you recognize..."

"You died, Harry," said Hermione softly.

"And I'm alive again."

"You're either some idiot Death Eater, dumber beyond imagination, or I'm insane."

"Well, I've always wondered what was up with all the studying..."

"Harry?" she gasped incredulously.

"Miracles happen."

"But... how... but..."

"Don't faint on me now, Hermione," said Harry, fighting back a grin.

"Is it really you, Harry?"

"Yes, Hermione. It's really me," smiled Harry.

"You'd think I'd get used to miracles happening now, spending seven years with Harry Potter."

"Aren't you?" asked Harry.

Hermione fainted.


It was two weeks later when Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny found themselves back at Hogwarts, freshly out of St. Mungo's Hospital, where they had spent two weeks discussing and sharing stories of what had happened on the Summit, and what happened after Harry's battle with Lord Voldemort.

Much to Harry's relief, his best friends had escaped alive, and with no lasting injuries, besides for Ron, whose doctor warned him a hard hit to the chest, perhaps by a bludger would shatter his ribcage again. Neville and Luna escaped with just a few scrapes, and in Luna's case, a concussion, Hermione remained untouched besides for the cuts and scrapes from the trek upwards, and Ginny the same.

Hermione had handed the cure over to Snape upon arriving at St. Mungo's, and Harry heard that muggles were on the verge of recovery, and the muggle-born were already completely freed of the plague. The dark floods, a product of Voldemort's wizardry, died with him, and the world was slowly recovering, despite the aids of magic, repairs took a long time.

Death Eaters had either fled or surrendered, immediately realizing the fall of their Master as the Dark Marks on their arms ceased to burn, and as the Ministry Aurors, surprisingly under a new Minister, had rounded up all of those who surrendered after the Order had chased them down the Himalayas, where Tonks had managed to call the Aurors and inform them of their location, and they were now held temporarily in the Dungeons of the Ministry of Magic, until Azkaban could be fully reclaimed, and new prisoner guards established. Dementors found lurking were treated to no mercy, their treason was enough to warrant them death. Harry suspected that there weren't any more Dementors left in Great Britain anymore.

Meanwhile, although Harry hadn't personally read anything himself, the press was now publishing a "Harry Potter" section on the Daily Prophet, new biographies were released by the hour (how they managed to get all the information down in so short a time Harry would never know), on the wireless there was a Harry Potter show, where witches would call and tell the hostess just what they loved about him.

It was all very out of hand, and Harry was finding it harder and harder to block it all out.

Lucius Malfoy's corpse was never found, and this worried Harry greatly - Death Eaters still walking free was a menace to the wizarding world. He had laughed about Hermione's battle with Draco Malfoy, and Hermione placing the transfiguring spell that only she could undo on him, then wiping his memories. Ron did a very accurate imitation of a wheezing tomato when he had heard, and a strict nurse that attended to the three of them snapped at him, and made him take another dose of Skele-Gro.

Harry had then heard confidentially from Snape that the new minister for magic, a person by the name of Tanner, was secretly negotiating with the muggle world about the confidentiality of the wizarding world - Snape had told Harry that the majority of the muggle leadership had already agreed for a mass memory modifying, so that the two world could live in harmony. Personally, Harry didn't see how the entire world of people could be memory charmed, but thankfully, it was not his problem to worry about anymore.

Hogwarts, as McGonagall had informed them, was being turned back into a school, and they were preparing to welcome back students in a few weeks to continue their studies. In fact, many of the students who had actively helped in the War were already at Hogwarts.

All would've been perfect for Harry had it not been for Ginny. She had stormed into his room one morning, kissed him passionately, and then much to his surprise, slapped him hard on the face and stormed right out again saying, "I'll never forgive you, Harry!"

He had tried to laugh about it with Ron and Hermione, who assured him that Ginny was just over-reacting, and she'd be better in no time, but it didn't look like she'd be getting over anything anytime soon. Ginny shied away from Ron, Hermione, and Harry upon arrival at Hogwarts, spending time with her parents, Bill, and Charlie.

Harry had not told his friends everything about his brief lodging in the Heavens - he found that almost a day had passed since his body was found, dropped by Fawkes the Phoenix.

Fortuna, on the other hand, seemed to go through the same miracle as Harry - Dumbledore had been right, the mysticat truly was tied to his own fate.

Right now, Harry was left alone on the Quidditch field, Ron and Hermione in Hogsmeade with Ginny, who had 'kindly asked for Harry not to come'.

But Harry didn't mind.

His friends leaving him alone would give him some time to reflect.

He summoned his Firebolt, boarded, and flew up, high into the skies.

This was where he truly felt powerful, despite whatever people see of him on the ground. Whereas Hogwarts now felt somewhat changed, since the last battle, and the trek up the Summit, the skies did not.

The air was his domain.

Harry dived furiously towards the ground, pulling out at the last second.

"Very well, little mouse, let's play a little more."

"Stellartica Lumare!"


The lion inside his soul, just waiting to be called upon.

Harry did another dive, sheer exhilaration in his veins as the tremendous feeling of wind rushing against his face took him.

"This is the end, Riddle. Good riddance."

Pain is for later.

He had indeed lay in pain in the dim room in St. Mungo's, the nurses telling him that he had broken seven bones, ripped four muscles, and suffered from internal bleeding almost everywhere in his body.

Harry had actually been scared, but then learnt from Hermione that internal bleeding was just another way for saying bruises.

He spiraled upwards into the sky, to the level of the clouds.



"If you ever miss us, Harry... look to the light..."

He wheeled about on his broomstick, and dived, forcing his Firebolt to its limit, and down he came like a bolt of lightning, just barely managing to swerve away from the ground.

His thoughts were jumbled, his mind absolutely full.

He now fully realized what Dumbledore had meant when he first found Harry over the Pensieve in his office.

Remembering the palm-sized pensieve his father had gave him, he landed down on the floor and began walking up to the castle, intent on placing some memories in before going to dinner.

"Hey, Harry," said a voice.

"Hey, Parvati..."

"Remember in our sixth year when you said..."

He had indeed.

"Parvati... I think we should take a break..." started Harry awkwardly.

"Hmm... yes..." sighed Parvati.

"No... not that kind of break... a break from us - Harry and Parvati... I think we should just be friends..."

Parvati looked shocked.

"Why?" she said, frowning.

"Look... with Lord Voldemort..."

Parvati flinched.

"See? You can't even hear his name without being scared... if you're with me, he'll come after you... it's only a matter of time before he comes after me again... I can't bear to be responsible for anyone I know and like... that is... love to get hurt... goodbye, Parvati," Harry said, and started walking away.

"What about after... when You-Know-Who is defeated?" sniffed Parvati.

"If I'm alive, we'll give it another try then, shall we?"

"Harry... just one last kiss... please..." said Parvati, tears now sliding gently down her cheeks.

"We'll save that for the victory day too, Parvati."

He left a gently crying Parvati sitting on the couch.

So much had changed since then. For starters, there was Ginny.

And Ginny, in herself, was already more than enough reason.

"I'm sorry, Parvati."

"But, Harry..."

"No, Parvati... I'm... I'm with Ginny now."

Then, before he knew it, Parvati had grabbed him into an embrace, pulling his face down to hers, and pulling him into a fiery kiss.

"Parva..." he started.

But it was too late, she had already begun the kiss, and slid her tongue into his mouth, and slowly, Harry felt his hormones start to get the better of him.

He broke away, whether to gasp for air or to stop the kiss he no longer knew.

"Parvati... I don't love you anymore... I don't... I'm with Ginny now... don't do that again..." he gasped. "We're nothing now, Parvati. It's over."

Parvati's eyes flickered downwards. "Looks like not all of you agrees."

She pulled him closer but this time he resisted.

"No, Parvati," he said, this time his eyes serious. "I love Ginny, Parvati... we're over."

And before she could respond, Harry grabbed his fallen broomstick, and flew up to the castle, not looking back.


Harry walked down, feeling reasonably cheerful after placing his Firebolt back into his trunk, down to the Great Hall for dinner, dimly thinking about having some mashed potatoes and ham, when a fist suddenly rammed into his stomach caused a slight diversion.

He was stunned for just a second before recovering his wits. Whipping out his wand and cried, "FLIPENDO!"

Ron was blasted away from him, crashing against a wall.

"Ron?" asked Harry.

"You... BASTARD!" bellowed Ron, and ran at Harry again.

"IMPEDIMENTA!" cried Harry, frightfully afraid that Ron was under the imperius curse. "What's wrong with you?"

"You... snogged... Parvati... you're... going... out... with... my... little... SISTER!" he yelled, and miraculously, Harry's spell was broken and Ron ran at him again.

Harry grabbed Ron's fists.

Ron kicked him in the shins.

"Look Ron... come... I'll explain it all..."

"Explain what?" said a cold voice.

Damn, people do seem to have a knack for running into me when I don't want them there don't they?

It was Ginny, and next to her a very worried looking Hermione.

"Gin," began Harry.

"Don't call me Gin."

"Who said I was talking to you? I was about to say 'ginger beer' when you just cut in!" snapped Harry.

Lately, Ginny had rather annoyed him with her behavior, and he didn't feel she deserved any patience just then. It's not like he actually did anything - Ron had told him she just didn't feel like speaking to him.

What he had done to warrant such treatment he didn't know.

Women! Crazy, that's what they are, he had thought angrily.

If it hadn't been for the Mirror of Erised showing him that what he really wanted in life was Ginny, he probably wouldn't have graced her with a reply.

Ron, despite being angry with Harry at that moment, chortled.

Ginny glared at Harry with an strange expression of mixed something Harry couldn't quite place, and a strong dose of hate, looking rather comical, and walked away, purposely at a very slow pace, making Harry's eyes follow her all the way until she took a turn, and the bright red hair disappeared.

"Look, Harry. I'll talk to her tonight, okay?" said Hermione sadly, and she quickly followed Ginny.

He sighed.

"C'mon, Ron," he said, pulling his friend up. "I'll tell you what you missed in your snog-fests with Hermione last year..."

"We were on prefect..."

"Yeah whatever," said Harry, and beckoned to Ron to follow to the Marauder's Room.


"That slut!" said Ron angrily.

"Relax. Nothing happened. That's how Parvati plays - she's Queen of Passion and Gobstones, remember what Dean said?"

"And she knows you're seeing Ginny..."

"Relax, Ron. It's what I said in sixth year... when I actually liked her..."


Harry interrupted.

Fred and George had once said it was better to cut off Mrs. Weasley before she builds up a head of steam and continues for hours.

Harry had found it works with all Weasleys.

"Chess, Ron?"

"Nah, dinner first."

"And then?"

"Then you get reminded what losing feels like."

Harry smiled.

Things would never be quite the same, he thought, but right now, as he saw the twinkling light of challenge in his best friend's eyes, if things indeed couldn't ever go back, than this is how he'd want it to be.

Just the small things in life, things we notice and never really thought about...

Ron's obsession with chess and quidditch.

Hermione's obsession with books and learning.

And Ginny... everything from her shining eyes to her caring but fiery personality, Harry took in and loved.

"Don't worry, Weasley. I know plenty about losing."

Ron looked slightly taken aback for a second, but seeing Harry's smile, he returned it.

"Now c'mon, let's go get some potatoes before Ginny eats it all," said Ron. "That girl does eat a lot when she's in a foul mood..."

Harry laughed.

"Last one to the hall's a flea-bitten Kneazle!" he said in a sing-song voice.

And laughing joyfully, the Boy-who-Lived, conqueror of Lord Voldemort, hero of the world at large, ran out of the portrait hole, and sprinted down the halls, a tall redhead following in his footsteps.

Author notes: It takes an average author hours to write something readers will enjoy. It takes around 2 minutes for the readers to write a review the author will enjoy (or possibly hate, whatever) in return.

Don't be selfish and review if you've read this far.

By the way, this one was for that girl that asked how H/Parvati broke up. Couldn't put it in header cause, you know, it gives away the Harry is alive kind of thing.

And I know people seem a bit OOC. So sue me, Harry deserves some happiness by now. And anyone peeved with Ginny obviously doesn't know how it feels to be in her position.

And it still isn't the end yet. How many more chapters you ask? 1 or 2. Maybe 3. Depends on how many words I take to finish it off.

Till the next,