The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 32

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
Please bear with me. I know the scenes are all over the place, but with so many characters and objectives to deal with, that’s the way it has to be.

Chapter Thirty-Two:

After breakfast, Quatre had been approached by Professor Dumbledore. He'd been about to follow Heero out of the hall when the old wizard placed a hand on his shoulder. "I assume your final decision has been made?"

Quatre nodded, a grin instantly spreading across his face. "Yes, sir. I have."


"And... I'm staying."

"Wonderful! Now that that's sorted, would you mind following me so that we can sort out your schedule?" A flash of sunlight passed over Dumbledore's half moon glasses, giving the impression that the man's eyes themselves were twinkling.

Nodding once, Quatre followed the headmaster into a room off from the Great Hall.

"I have with me this form," Dumbledore announced, conjuring up a table and chairs and placing a piece of parchment in the middle. "Normally, students are left to their own devices to choose subjects, but this is a special case. There are some classes you will not be able to take. - at least, not yet - and others that you will need."

Quatre scanned down the list, and then looked up at the Headmaster. "What do you suggest that I take?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts is the first subject you must choose. You may not be able to participate in certain practical areas, but it would give you an idea of what dangers are in our world and how we defend against them."

Quatre nodded. "That makes sense."

A quill materialized in Dumbledore's hand, and he placed a tick next to DADA on the sheet.

"The other night you mentioned Divination," Quatre suggested, pointing to a class near the bottom of the page.

"Ah, yes. Though not quite the same, foresight and empathy are both classed as 'psychic gifts'. Another class you should take is Potions. Completely wand less work, but sixth year is only for advanced students. Perhaps Professor Snape would provide you with private tutelage."

Smiling, Quatre looked up at the Headmaster. "I'm a fast learner."

"I don't doubt it, my boy." Ticking Divination and Potions, Dumbledore scanned the list once more.

Eventually, Arithmancy, Astrology, Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic had been added to the list.

"Your schedule will be a little different to other students. They have a lot of set subjects that you are unable to take, but I think we've worked out the most beneficial time table for you."

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. I mean, thanks for everything."

"You're welcome, Quatre." Dumbledore rolled up the parchment and swished his wand. A moment later, a small, odd looking creature appeared. It took the form and disappeared again. "Now, before you go, there is the matter of school supplies."

"I have more than enough to pay for anything I'll need, sir."

"Wonderful. There is a Hogsmeade weekend this week, but I can arrange it so that you are escorted to Diagon Alley by a teacher. You may invite a small group along if you wish. I'm sure you would appreciate some young company."

In thoroughly high spirits, Quatre made his way to his room, but he never reached it. Halfway there he ran into Harry who was on the way to class.

"Hey, Harry. I was just talking to Dumbledore. I need to get some things from Diagon Alley this weekend and he said I could take a small group with me. Would you and your friends like to come?"

"That would be awesome! A day in Diagon Alley, away from the rest of the students? How could I refuse?"

Quatre laughed. "Great. There'll be a teacher along as well, and probably Duo and Trowa, too."

"Sounds good to me." Harry nodded and walked off beaming. It seemed that he really did like the idea. Quatre was glad that he'd asked him.

When he finally got to the paintings, he rolled his eyes and said, "Duo is the greatest." The small, blue figure snorted and swung the door open, allowing Quatre entrance. Before he went in, he made sure to call out a warning.

"Hey, Q! Come check out this cool stuff." A feeling of unexplained dread overcoming him, Quatre made his way over to the table where Duo was messing with a device that appeared to tell the time.

It had a clock-like face, but unlike any normal time keeper, had seven hands and far more numbers than there should be. "Where on Earth did you find that?"

Duo's grin made him worry even more. "In a room... at the end of... a secret passage," the braided boy whispered ominously.

"I really don't think you should touch these things, Duo. Who knows what they do? If they were hidden, then maybe they're dangerous." Watching apprehensively, Quatre noticed a distinct burn mark on the wooden desk.

"Well, that's all the fun, isn't it? Besides, I think most of them need to be run by magic, and since I don't have any, how much harm can I do?"

Trowa, who was stretched out on the bed with a book, chuckled. "Don't sound so depressed. I'm sure you can find some way to blow up the castle."

"That's not even remotely funny," Quatre scolded, grimacing at a bladed object.

"Probably not, but did you want something?" Trowa asked with a smirk.

"Uh, right. I need to go to Diagon Alley this weekend. Harry and his friends are already coming, how about you guys?"

"Diagon Alley?" asked Duo halfheartedly.

"I think it's a type of wizard's shopping center or whatnot," Quatre told him, his anxiousness forgotten for the growing excitement he felt.

Now interested, Duo looked up. "A magical mall? Hell yeah! I mean, we're not going into Hogsmeade until next week, why not do a little sight seeing?"


Earlier that day, Heero had received a note at the breakfast table from Professor Dumbledore. He'd been informed that Professor Snape would be happy to meet with him and provide a basic history of the wizarding world, answering any questions he may have.

Having glanced at the professor, Heero found it hard to believe the man was 'happy' to do anything. However, acquiring some rudimentary knowledge was a good start. Heero was rarely lost for a task to complete, but until the meeting with Dumbledore, he had no plan to infiltrate Voldemort's ranks.

So, having traversed the dank stone passages of the dungeons, Heero finally reached the Potions classroom. He knocked briskly, and opened the door at a muffled bid of entrance.

"Professor Snape," he greeted with a nod.

"Ah, Mr. Yuy. How odd that one of your generation should be so prompt," the wizard replied, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

Ignoring the veiled taunt about his age, Heero pulled the chair out and sat down. He waited for the professor to speak again.

"Headmaster Dumbledore has asked me to instruct you in basic wizarding knowledge. He has a plan that will require you to know a great many things about our world if you wish to join the Death Eater ranks." The last part was said very slowly with a look of haughty disdain.

"Shall we get on with it, then?" Heero asked, already bored with the man's tactics. "Or perhaps, before we start, I should inform you that I can't be baited like one of your students."

Professor Snape's face went carefully blank as he spent a moment in quiet surveillance. "Very well. We'll start with money..."


Harry couldn't believe how perfect this opportunity was. A day in Diagon Alley might just be what they all needed. Whatever was wrong with Hermione, she needed to relax, far away from the student body. And, although he and Ron had made up, there still seemed to be some residual discomfort. Yes. They all needed to relax, and Diagon Alley was just the place.

When he reached Transfigurations, Harry found Ron and Hermione already outside the classroom. He almost blurted out their good fortune, but then remembered that it would be best to keep it quiet from the other students. So, he waited for a chance, which came whilst they were attempting to transfigure toadstools into live ladybugs.

"I have good news," he whispered happily.

"What is it?" Ron asked, giving up on his toadstool for the moment.

"Keep working, I don't want anyone else to hear."

"What are you up to, Harry?" Hermione looked suspiciously at him for a moment.

"I'm not up to anything. I ran into Quatre on the way here, and he invited us to Diagon Alley instead of Hogsmeade. He said he needed to get some school supplies and that Dumbledore had given him permission to go to Diagon Alley with a small group and a teacher." He took a break to tap his toadstool twice, swish his wand, and mutter the spell. "Isn't that great?" he said as an oddly spotted ladybug appeared on his desk.

"That's wonderful!" Hermione answered, a little too loudly. Quickly she tried to cover. "You did it before I did. Although... I thought they were meant to have black spots... not white. I don't think your swish was-"

At Harry's glare, she stopped abruptly and returned to transfiguring her own toadstool which, a moment later, was a pretty little lady bug crawling up her wand.

"Show-off," Ron muttered, earning a smug smile from Hermione who was well used to his taunts. "So, we're going to Diagon Alley with those Muggles, eh?"

"Quatre isn't a Muggle," Hermione reminded him. "Although I suppose the other three will come along as well."

"I don't trust them," the redhead insisted stubbornly.

"Well, I do," Harry replied, then tried the charm again, the white spots fading slowly to black.

"Of course you do. You're shagging one of them." Although he sounded distinctly indignant, the tips of Ron's ears had gone furiously red, and he examined his toad stool quite enthusiastically.

In spite of himself, Harry grinned. That was the first time Ron had mentioned his relationship with Wufei since their argument the other night. "Well, naturally, but I really do trust them."

"So do I," Hermione said thoughtfully. "They all seem so... sincere."

Ron snorted. "What about that Duo bloke?"

"I admit he's a little... excitable, but I think there's much more to him than meets the eye," answered Hermione, extending her finger for her lady bug to climb onto. "The same goes for all of them."

"Well done Miss Granger, Mr. Potter, too. Your turn, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall had appeared before them.

"Uh, right," Ron muttered. He stared at his toad stool for a moment as though willing it to co-operate. He then performed the spell. Once a small puff of smoke cleared, a small mushroom with beady eyes and desperately fluttering wings sat before them.

"Keep trying, Mr. Weasley. I'll check on you again at the end of the lesson."

Once she'd gone, Ron groaned, and glared at the little mushroom as though it was entirely at fault.

Author notes: Review if you want to. If you don't you probably won't wanyway. In the end, this whole post note is rather pointless. *stares blanky* *shrugs* Tra la la.