The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
Back to Hogwarts we go…

Chapter Four:

As the summer drew to an end, it occurred to Harry that it had been his first full holiday at the Dursleys since year one at Hogwarts. More importantly, though, he'd never felt so happy to be there. For the first time in his life, Harry almost regretted the thought of seeing the Hogwarts Express that morning.

He had convinced the Dursleys to let him make his own way to the station. That didn't prove too difficult, seeing as they were all too ready to get rid of him that little bit sooner. So Wufei was going to take him on the motorcycle. At 9:30am he was greeted on the front door stoop with a quick peck on the cheek. His luggage had already been sent ahead by Lupin, so they took off for Kings Cross immediately.

Harry didn't want to think about saying goodbye, so he told Wufei all about the train and the castle which was his school. Once he'd said all he could about those, he began to talk of things he'd already spoken of, such as Hermione, Ron, Draco and Snape and who might be their next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Once they arrived, Harry realized he still had so much to talk about, and he still could not bring himself to say goodbye.

"'Fei? Will you come to see me off? At the platform?" Harry asked as they dismounted the motorcycle.

"Of course," Wufei replied.

Beaming, Harry dragged his bemused Muggle prisoner off to platform 9 and 3/4 as he explained how the barrier worked. He wasn't really sure if Muggles could pass through it so he held tightly to Wufei's arm as they casually rested against the seemingly solid brick wall.

On the other side, Wufei looked a little surprised that it had indeed worked, and when he turned around to see the platform, his eyes widened to see the handful of wizards and witches in their robes with magical luggage floating behind them or some such.

Luckily, they were early so there were very few people around to take any notice of the Muggle in their midst, and since they had time, Harry decided to show his boyfriend around the Hogwarts Express. He was greatly rewarded by the smile which graced the Asian boy's face as he took in the taster of the wizarding world. It made Harry wish he'd been able to take 'Fei to Diagon Alley, but Lupin insisted on buying Harry's equipment for him since he was staying at the Dursley's all summer.

As they walked through the train, nearing the magical engine room, a loud squeak made Harry jump a mile.

"Harry Potter, Sir! Professor Lupin has sent me with a message, sir!" came the high pitched squeal from none other than Dobby the house elf himself.

"Dobby!" Harry cried. "Don't do that!"

"Ah, and this must be the Chinese Wu-fairy," Dobby continued excitedly as he took in the boy who was staring at him incredulously.

Harry blushed and corrected the elf once he'd fought back the giggles. "It's WuFEI, Dobby. But how did you -"

"Professor Lupin told Dobby, sir. He said that the great Harry Potter would have a friend with him. He also asked Dobby to show you your luggage, sir. This way, Harry Potter, follow Dobby." The house elf grabbed Harry's hand, and, both boys followed him.

Wufei soon regained his composure, and arched an eyebrow at Harry. "The Great Harry Potter?"

"Uh, Dobby is a little... eccentric. I rescued him from Malfoy. He tends to, uh, overdo things a little," Harry answered.

"I see," Wufei replied as a smirk settled in. He certainly had made a fine catch, if a little strange...

Finally, they reached the back of the train, and Dobby pushed open the compartment door. "Here you are, Harry Potter, sir. Dobby will leave you alone with the Fei boy now. See you at Hogwarts, sir, and enjoy your surprise!" With that, he disappeared with a 'pop' and Harry and Wufei were left alone once again.

"I'm almost afraid to ask..." Harry moaned as he looked around the cabin suspiciously. He was pleased to note, however, that although there was much more noise both inside and out of the train now, the curtains were closed to allow them a little privacy. "You know," he said, returning his attention to the boy before him. "You look good with your hair out."

"Why, thank you," Wufei smirked. "You don't look half bad yourself."

"'Fei..." Harry whispered as he stepped closer to hook his arms around the taller boy's neck. "It's going to be a very long year without you."

"I know, Harry. I'll miss you too," Wufei replied.

"Love you, 'Fei..." Harry mumbled, pressing his lips against his boyfriend's in a long and passionate kiss. He only half noted the familiar voice of Mrs. Weasley on the platform and completely missed the ginger head of Ginny Weasley peeking in through the window and then duck away again with a huge grin. Nor, did he notice the fact that it was strangely quiet down the back compartment corridor for a good few minutes.

When the two boys finally broke for air, they stared into each other's eyes for a moment or two. Both of them knew that this would be their last time alone before Harry left for Hogwarts and neither wanted it to end. But, unfortunately, good things always do, and they soon stepped out onto the platform so that Wufei could meet all of Harry's friends and surrogate family in the time left.

"Ah, Harry. There you are. Remus told us to look out for you," came the warm voice of Mrs. Molly Weasley.

"Harry!" Hermione called as she ran towards him, enveloping him in a huge hug.

"Hello Hermione," he said with a laugh. "Wow, you've gotten taller."

"So have you. Oh, Harry. Ron and I have been worried sick about you. You hardly told us a thing in your letters and when we heard that you wouldn't be staying with us-"

"Alright, Harry?" Ron asked, saving the poor boy from a long and tirade with a slap on the back. "She hasn't talked you ears off yet, has she?"

Hermione shot the red head a filthy look and was about to retort, but Harry just laughed. "Good to see you, Ron. 'Fei, meet Ron and Hermione, my two best friends."

"Hello," Wufei began. "I've heard all about you two. It's nice to finally meet you."

Hermione gasped, instantly jumping to conclusions. "Are you a new student? That's so rare! People don't often get accepted after first year at Hogwarts! Did you transfer from a foreign school? You obviously aren't British. Maybe - "

"Hermione, this is Wufei," Harry cut in. "He's not a new student. He's here to see me off."

"Oh..." she said softly. "You aren't a wizard, then?"

Her answer was a shake of dark hair.

"You're a Muggle? Harry, you brought a Muggle here?" Ron looked incredulous.

Harry suddenly felt irrationally angry, and immediately went on the defensive. "He has a name, Ron," he emphasized this last word, "It's Wufei, and he's not just some Muggle. 'Fei just happens to be the only friend I've ever had outside of the wizarding world."

"You can be so naïve, Ron." Ginny sighed and glared at her older brother. "Please forgive him Wufei; he can be a little ignorant at times. Peronally, I think it's great that you have someone outside of the wizarding world, Harry. Apart from those awful Dursleys, that is." She stopped to giggle and wink. "He's handsome, too."

Harry had to fight down the blush he felt rising. He was saved by Mrs. Weasley, who caused a distraction in her return from the train where she'd been storing Ginny's luggage.

"Mom, meet Harry's 'Muggle' friend," Ron said to her, receiving a glare from Hermione who picked up on the emphasis.

"Oh, of course! Remus mentioned you, dear. Wufei, isn't it? Oh, it's nice to meet you. Thank you so much for keeping our Harry company over the holidays. I expect it must have been awful what with... Well, now isn't the time for that. Oh! There's the whistle! You kids had better run along if you don't want to be left behind. Off you go, now." As Mrs. Weasley ushered them onto the train, Harry and Wufei shared one last goodbye before they were parted.

Harry waved vigorously from the window of their compartment, and he already decided to write his love an owl as soon as the feast ended that night.

"So tell us, Harry. What happened while you were at the Dursleys this summer? Why weren't you allowed to leave?" Hermione asked once Wufei and Mrs. Weasley were out of sight.

"Nothing happened," Harry answered noncommittally.

"Well something must have. What? Did you not want to see us?" Ron asked a little unsure of himself.

"Of course not, Ron. I just needed time. That's all. I wasn't ready to come back yet." Inside his mind, Harry added, *and I'm still not.*

"It's ok. I understand," Ron replied quietly.

The rest of the journey passed with chatter about Ron and Hermione's holidays. Ginny had been made a prefect and was off patrolling the carriages. About halfway through the journey, Luna Lovegood drifted into their compartment with Neville, saying that Malfoy had kicked them out of their own. Ron wanted to go after him, but Hermione insisted that he cool down, because it wouldn't do to be expelled before they even reached Hogwarts.

The countryside seemed to stretch on much farther than usual, and Harry found himself thinking constantly of 'Fei. He didn't snap out of his thoughts until they reached the Great Hall at Hogwarts and Hermione pointed out who was sitting in the DADA spot at the head table.

Harry gasped and remembered what Dobby had said about a surprise. "Remus!" he cried with a grin. Suddenly, his pensive mood brightened, and he waved happily up at his friend and mentor. He almost felt as though seeing Lupin were a link to Wufei. With this new development to keep him in higher spirits, Harry enjoyed the feast and thought of brighter things until it ended and the students all went off to their houses.

Once he finally got up to the dorm, Harry was withdrawn and waited until his roommates went to bed to write his love a letter. Harry wrote down how much he missed Wufei and said that he didn't know how he'd survive a week, let alone a year.

Watching Hedwig fly away, Harry couldn't help but pray that his summer hadn't been a dream, and that his owl would be returned with a letter full of love to reassure him.

Author notes: I want to hear your opinions.