The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
ARGH!!! Damn confrontational scenes!!! I hate them!!! Can you tell?

Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Having almost forgotten about Herbology, Harry arrived late once more, although only by about five minutes. Luckily, Professor Sprout was in a cheerful mood and didn't make much of it. Quickly, he grabbed a seat at Ron and Hermione's table, making a point of paying attention to the Professor.

"Oi, Harry," Ron whispered loudly, trying to grab his attention.

"Shhh." Harry hadn't really taken in a word of what Professor Sprout was saying, but he just didn't want to answer questions right now.

Unfortunately, when a Third Year came running into the classroom, begging the Professor to come quickly, he had no excuse. Sighing, he turned to Ron and Hermione. "What?" he asked flatly.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked, looking a little hurt.

Taken aback, he hung his head. "I'm sorry. It's just been a long morning, that's all."

"Well there's no need to take it out on us, mate," Ron told him. "Besides, you're not the only one who's had a long morning. Hermione spent half of it up in the Infirmary."

"Huh?" Harry asked, looking up at Hermione. "What happened?"

"It was nothing," she muttered.

"She had a nervous breakdown," Ron answered for her. "And then I went up to see her to find-"

"Ron! If you have to tell him, not here, you idiot," Hermione whispered frantically, having clasped a hand over Ron's mouth.

Harry blinked very slowly and then frowned. "Uh, okay. Apparently I missed a lot."

"You don't know the half of it," Ron groaned, rolling his eyes and rubbing his jaw. He cast a brief glare at Hermione before turning back to Harry. "Anyway, tell us what happened to you."

"Well, I was late, and-"

"We know that bit. WHY were you late?"

"Well, I don't really know myself, I guess. I ran into 'Fei and some other guy and just ended up being really late. That's all." Harry scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione looked at him with pity, jumping to conclusions. "Oh, that's awful. Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh! Oh, no! No, no, no. I kinda thought that at first, too, but no. That's not it at all." He rushed to correct her.

Ron just blinked and looked from one to the other, blankly.

"Oh, okay," Hermione answered, slowly. "So, what happened after... After you left the Dungeons, then?"

"Well, I, uh, went up to Gryffindor Tower to talk with Wufei," Harry told her, feeling his face grow warm.

"You talked..."

"A-huh, talked. About stuff. He, uh, told me why Heero was there and... stuff."

"And stuff...?"


"I see."

"What in the bloody hell are you two going on about?" Ron finally cut in, exasperated with all the circles. "Can we get to the point already? Harry, we need to go to the library at lunch time."

"What? But I haven't eaten since breakfast!" Harry complained. "Why?"

"Because - um, I don't know their names - those Muggle guys, they're gonna explain something to us. This naturally revolves around you. So, you should be there," his friend reasoned.

"Okay, okay. I'll just starve to death then," grumbled Harry, resting his head in his palm. "So, what exactly are they meant to be explaining, anyway?"

"Well, who they are, and why they're here," said Hermione.

"I already know that, but okay, whatever. So, why don't you fill me in on what happened to you, Hermione?"

In reply, Ron grinned, and received a solid thump on the back of the head in return.


Quatre was filled with a nervous energy by the time he, Heero and Wufei reached the library. He was desperately hoping that he could stay. That familiar something inside him seemed to insist that he pay attention to it. Of course, seeing Wufei again added to his mood. He'd been so afraid that Heero would be forced to carry out his orders. Thankfully, there was no need for that anymore, and they were a team again. Well, not that they'd really been a team in the first place, but they were now.

Looking around, he spotted Trowa and Duo easily, and the three of them headed over to the isolated corner table that had been chosen.

"Wu!" Duo called, jumping up to throw himself at the other boy. "Glad to see you're still alive."

Clearing his throat, Wufei nodded and returned the hug briefly. Then, he extricated himself and sat down, nodding to Trowa.

A moment after he sat down, Ginny arrived and made her way over to their table. She sat next to Wufei, shyly glancing at the others.

"Hey, Red," Duo greeted her with a grin.

"My name's Ginny," she told him, getting over her shyness very quickly indeed.

Duo just shrugged. "I know that, but Red's cuter."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Right."

Wufei laughed, drawing surprised looks from everyone but Ginny.

"What have they done to you Wu-man? A sense of humor? You poor, poor thing," Duo intoned gravely.

"It's terrible," Wufei replied in all seriousness. "I expect to spontaneously combust any day now."

That just made Duo stare open mouthed, which, in turn, caused Trowa to laugh at him.

"It's good to have you back, Wufei," Trowa told him when he'd composed himself once more.

Finally, Harry, Hermione and Ron joined them. Ginny shifted over to make room for Harry and Hermione sat on her other side, leaving the only free seat next to Heero at the end of the table. Reluctantly, Ron took it.

Once they were all seated, Wufei took it upon himself to make the introductions, being the only one to know everyone. "Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Quatre, Trowa, Duo, Ron, Heero."

"Well, that was basic," Duo quipped.

Wufei shrugged and turned to Heero, obviously expecting him to take it from there.

"Why are you looking at me? Duo's the one who loves to talk." Quite out of character, Heero smirked, which caused those who knew him to look at him strangely.

Quatre couldn't help thinking that this place had a very odd effect on people.

"Why don't we start with questions," Trowa suggested, looking at Ron.

"Okay, so who are you guys? And how do you know Wufei?"

"We work for an organization called G.U.N.D.A.M." Quatre answered. "And we know Wufei because he is, or, was one of us."

"So, why are you here," Hermione prompted.

"Like I said earlier, we're here to protect Harry," Trowa told her. "Although, there's more to it than that."

"Voldemort has allied with Treize Kushrenada. Both are ambitious enough to destroy either our world, or yours," Heero added with a sneer. "Voldemort's initial goal is to prove himself over Harry once and for all and then to wreak havoc over both worlds he wishes to claim. Kushrenada is bent on domination of politics, economy, and anything else he can get his hands on. He is our enemy and the reason we have become involved with your world. But, I intend to see this through to the end. No doubt Voldemort will turn on Kushrenada the moment he gets what he wants."

Quatre was surprised to hear how much Heero cared about this world, and he wasn't the only one. All of them had gotten attached in only a matter of a day. The people, the sights, the atmosphere...

"So, how do Muggles protect a wizard?" Ginny asked suddenly.

"The same way we protect everyone else, heads and guns!" Duo answered, far too cheerfully.

"It may sound strange, but we're no normal 'Muggles'. We're all well trained and can hit any target. A bullet flies faster than any human can speak, or say a spell... or, whatever..." Trowa trailed off, unfamiliar with wizarding terms.

"Right. So, what's a gun?"

Everyone turned to Ron in either disbelief, or amusement. Then, laughed as one.


"If you four have no more questions, shall we move on?" When the others nodded, Heero continued. "Well, since Wufei has agreed to join us, we now have an extra agent to add into our equations. Therefore, we need to make some adjustments. I will continue on my mission - don't interrupt me, Trowa - I think you and Duo should now go into Hogsmeade, while Quatre infiltrates Slytherin, and Wufei personally guards Harry. Any objections?"

"Fine with me!" Duo grinned.

"Really?" Quatre couldn't help it; he found himself grinning as well.

"Sure, Q. Why?"

"Because I'm actually a half wizard. Dumbledore wants me to stay here at the school so I can take some classes, and hopefully draw my magic out," Quatre explained.

Duo blinked, having been about to speak when Hermione's outburst cut in. "You're a wizard?"

Quatre nodded. "A-huh, on my mother's side."

"So, you can do magic and shit?" the braided boy questioned, enthusiastically.

"Not exactly. Dumbledore said that my magic was suppressed, emerging in the form of empathy. But he thinks that if I take some classes and spend some time in the magical community, I might be able to become a proper wizard one day."

"That... is so fucking cool!"

"But, there's a tactical advantage in this as well," Quatre hastened on, desperate to justify his somewhat selfish cause. "The Headmaster is sure that I'll be sorted into Slytherin. I'd be able to watch over those kids and keep tabs on any rumors, etc."

"I find it hard to imagine you in Slytherin," Ron said, peering at Quatre as though that would help.

"You'd be surprised," Quatre told him, a hint of sadness creeping into his tone. "Sometimes, even I am."

Author notes: Practice makes perfect: Review, review, review.