The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 27

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
Heero has a little think time, ‘Fei and Harry have a little chat, and Quatre gets a little surprise.

Chapter Twenty Seven:

After Heero left Wufei's room, he spent some time walking around the castle. He was extremely relieved that he wouldn't have to assassinate the boy after all. He'd come to think of Wufei as a friend, even if it was his fault that Heero had taken up the terrible habit of smoking. He only did so once in a while, but found that he was able to relax for a bit afterwards. Naturally, he knew that was caused by the mind altering effects of nicotine, but for once, he couldn't seem to care.

Sometimes, Heero needed to relax. Everyone needed to relax at some point, even glorified teen murderers.

Shaking his head, Heero tore himself away from such depressing thoughts to look out of the window. He had an unobstructed view of the beautiful land surrounding the castle. An old oak tree sat to the left, close to the massive lake. To the other side, lay the Forbidden Forest. It was obvious that the school was well protected by these natural constructs, and the lay of the land would certainly work in their favor as a tool of protection.

Protection. Heero found it hard to believe that anyone who could alter reality with the wave of a wand was in need of protection. Certainly not by normal human beings without a magical bone in their bodies. However, a mission was a mission, and Heero would do all he could to fulfill it.

In truth, he was scared. This world was something he didn't understand. That was unnatural for Heero, as what he didn't know, he could find on his computer. But here, in this world, a computer wouldn't even work.

Worse than the world itself was Heero's assignment. He'd taken it because he knew just how dangerous it would be. Voldemort was no fool, and if Heero failed to find the right cover and convince the Dark Lord of it, then his life was in serious danger. He couldn't let Trowa go. Duo would be devastated if anything happened to his lover, and Heero couldn't let that happen. He cared too much to let Duo suffer.

Raising a hand to the glass window, he was surprised at its warmth. He'd expected it to be cool to his touch. Instead, it spread warmth through his fingertips and up his arm.

"Yes, the windows are spelled to warm when winter comes around. Not many of the students seem to notice that, though," a kindly voice stated.

"Mr. Dumbledore," Heero greeted him awkwardly.

"Call me Albus, please," the headmaster said humbly. "May I ask a question of you?" Heero nodded. "Was I right? The young Muggle who is staying up in Gryffindor Tower, he's an ally of yours?"

Heero hesitated before answering, wondering how much he should say. "He was a part of G.U.N.D.A.M. not long ago, but despite his retirement from the organization, Wufei has agreed to join us once more in this mission."

Dumbledore nodded, his gaze turned inward as he pondered some unknown thought. Then, his mood changed in an instant, attention returned to Heero. "I have a few things to take care of, but if you would care to meet me after tea the night after next, I wish to discuss with you the means of your infiltration. That is, if you would accept my input."

"Of course, sir," Heero answered, knowing that where he had very little knowledge of this world, and no idea as to how to accomplish his mission, this man was incredibly wise in many aspects. "I would appreciate that."

"Wonderful," Dumbledore mumbled, smiling. "I'll leave you to your thoughts then." The Headmaster nodded respectfully and then strolled off down the corridor.

Heero stared after him, wondering what it was about the man that exuded such a sense of security.


"So, what was her name?" Harry asked, looking up at Wufei's face.

They'd been lying in bed together when Harry had asked Wufei about his previous relationships. Wufei had happily told him that he hadn't always been gay. In fact, he'd had a girlfriend two years ago who had been the one to help him realize his sexuality. She'd been the sixth member of G.U.N.D.A.M. A fiery girl with a strong spirit, and great aim.

"Her name was Meiran. She was my partner." Wufei replied, smiling in memory.

"Meiran," Harry muttered. "That's a lovely name."

"She was a lovely person behind the tough girl mask. When she died, I tried to alienate myself from the others. Although, with those four, it isn't easy. Maxwell somehow manages to make you like him, even though he's an annoying twerp. Trowa seems to be quiet until you know him better. He's afraid of very little and has a strange sense of humor. Quatre... Nobody could dislike Quatre. If I didn't know some of the things he's done, I would think him one of the sweetest people on Earth. In some ways, he is. And Heero, the one you met before, he's a very closed person, but I liked him best of all. Before I left, we talked. I've never really talked with anyone besides you and Heero since Meiran was killed. For some reason, I found it easy to talk with him. I tried so hard not to get attached to them, but somehow, I did anyway. I guess you're partly to blame for that," he said, grinning. "After I met you, I think I must have loosened up a little."

"I'm glad," Harry told him quietly. "Everyone needs friends."

"I could easily do without them if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with you," Wufei murmured, holding up their intertwined hands and placing a soft kiss on Harry's thumb.

"You can do that anyway," Harry whispered, leaning up to brush his lips against Wufei's.

"Then my life is perfect," Wufei answered, his breath tickling Harry's skin.


Quatre roamed around the school's corridors. While Duo and Trowa had proposed checking their rooms, the blond thought it best to search around the school. After all, he didn't think Heero would be hiding in anyone's bed sheets.

He was properly amused by the animated paintings, and they reveled in his awed observation. Then, he came across a portrait of the most beautiful woman. She sported long locks of golden-blond curls, and had such serene eyes. When she noticed he was staring, she smiled sweetly at him.

"Sweetie, it isn't appropriate to stare that way at a painting," she chided mockingly, a bubbling laugh issuing from her.

Turning red, Quatre hastened to correct her. "Oh, no. It isn't that. It's just... You remind me so much of my mother," he confessed, lowering his eyes.

"I believe I can explain that," a new voice stated, making Quatre jump.

Startled, he turned to face the Headmaster, not used to allowing people to sneak up on him. "Professor Dumbledore." Composing himself, he smiled in greeting. "You caught me off guard."

The old man returned his smile, and then addressed the painting. "Aethylla, could you meet us in my office? I'd like to discuss something with Quatre that you should hear as well."

"Of course, Headmaster," the portrait - Aethylla - agreed.

"Sir?" Quatre asked, his mind already swarming with unformed suspicions.

"This way," Dumbledore instructed, gesturing for Quatre to follow.

When they finally reached the Headmaster's office, Quatre allowed his curiosity to surface. "Sir? What's going on?"

"Please take a seat, my boy. I may have a bit of a shock for you."

Taking his advice, Quatre sat, and waited for Dumbledore to continue.

"Aethylla here is a rather recent addition to our walls. She taught Divination before Professor Trelawney came along. Unfortunately, she passed away some sixteen years ago."

When Dumbledore paused, Quatre took the opportunity to cut in. "What has this got to do with me?" he asked, failing to see the connection.

"Patience, patience. When Aethylla was forty, she had a daughter, but the child's father was a Muggle, and took her away to live with him. That child's father was called Mahati Raberba."

"Raberba?" Quatre asked, the implication dawning in his mind. "Then, the child - Aethylla's daughter - she was my mother, wasn't she?"

The answer came, not from Dumbledore, but Aethylla. "Yes, Catherine was my daughter, which makes you my grandson. A wizard."

"A wizard?" Obviously this thought hadn't occurred to the boy.

Dumbledore smiled warmly. "Yes, Quatre, a wizard. Your mother was denied a wizarding education because Mahati had already betrothed her to your father. Catherine never knew of her magic. Therefore, neither do you. You should have been brought here at eleven years, but by then, not even I could find a trace of you. However, although it may be too late to draw out your magic, I believe it has manifested itself in the form of empathy. Am I right?"

Quatre stared at the table, thinking desperately. His mother and grandmother were witches, which made him a wizard. That did explain his sensitivity. Sometimes, he felt the emotions or thoughts of those around him, but he'd never paid it much heed.

"Yes," he finally answered. "You are right."

Dumbledore nodded, having known so all along. "I think it would be best if you were to stay here at Hogwarts. If it is possible, I would like to have you sorted into a house. Although, unfortunately, I think that choice is pre-destined. Perhaps you would benefit from certain classes such as Divination. There is a large chance that, surrounded by a magical community, your magic may resurface, little by little."

"I-" Quatre found himself longing to stay and learn, but he knew he couldn't. His mission was to stay in Hogsmeade and keep an eye on the village. He couldn't afford a distraction; that's what got people killed.

"Before you answer, I am certain that you would be sorted into Slytherin. A necessity due to your lifestyle, I'm afraid." There seemed to be a hint of sadness in the Headmaster's clear blue eyes, but a moment later, it was gone. "I stray from the point. Although I do not like to judge, many dark wizards and witches come from Slytherin, and I'm afraid that the parents of certain students are known Death Eaters. It may be to our advantage for one of you to join their inner circle, and your situation would provide the perfect opportunity."


After Quatre left Dumbledore's office, he had a lot on his mind. His mother had died in childbirth and he'd only ever seen pictures of her. That was why he'd been in such a state of shock to see Aethylla's portrait. He still couldn't quite believe what he'd been told. Although, it felt... right. It was almost as though he could feel something that he'd always known was there, just not consciously. It must be his magic. If only he could stay at Hogwarts. Maybe he really could become a wizard.

Dumbledore's argument was a good one. Even with Heero spying, it wouldn't hurt to place someone within Slytherin, and Quatre was the perfect candidate. But that would leave Hogsmeade uncovered.

"Quatre?" Heero's voice cut into his thoughts and he looked up, realizing that that was the second time he'd been caught unawares. "Is something wrong?"

Biting his lip, Quatre shook his head. He opened his mouth to support that gesture, but instead of saying what he'd meant to, something entirely different came out. "I'm a wizard."

"What?" Heero asked, watching him closely as though he'd lost his mind.

Too late to take the words back, Quatre began from the beginning. "I met my grandmother, or, a portrait of her. We went up to the Headmaster's office, and they told me about my grandfather and how he took my mother with him, and she didn't get to come here because she was engaged to my father, and-"

"Quatre, slow down," Heero urged, frowning.

The blond nodded. "Sorry. Well, Professor Dumbledore thinks that my magic was suppressed and emerged as empathy. He wants me to stay here so I can try and draw my magic out. But I can't do that, no matter how much I want to."

"Hold up," Heero said, leaning against the wall. "Maybe you can. I talked with Wufei this morning. He's going to join us. There's no way he's leaving Hogwarts, so if Trowa and Duo are willing to watch over Hogsmeade, then maybe you can stay."

"Dumbledore wants to sort me into a house. He says he's sure that I'd be put in Slytherin where I'd be able to keep an eye on those students." Quatre latched onto the rope he'd been thrown, trying not to get too attached to his growing sense of hope.

"That's a good idea. I don't like the look of those kids." Heero pushed off the wall and began to walk down the corridor, Quatre in tow. "We'll see what the others think."

"Ron, Ginny, and Hermione are meeting us in the library at lunch time. We should let Wufei know. No doubt the others will tell Harry."

Author notes: Practice makes perfect: Review, review, review.