The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 12

Author's Note:
Voldemort gets to gloat. Harry loses his temper and endures yet another dark curse. Please review as usual.

Chapter 12

The Vengeance Curse

"Harry, you all right in there?" said Ron who was outside the cubicle shaving.

"Voldemort's not here, is he?" said Harry.

"Er, no," said Ron.

"Damned signal," muttered Harry as he struggled to his feet. The pain hit again and again he hit his knees.


"Throw me a towel, Ron," said Harry. "Before he drowns me."

Harry reached up and shut off the water and caught the towel Ron threw over the door. He wrapped it around his waist and opened the door, leaning on the wall.

Ron caught his arm when the next signal threatened to put Harry to his knees again.

"Good, God," said Ron. "What is the bloody urgency?"

"One guess," said Harry. He put a hand to his scar. Voldemort, he thought, hoping that would stop the signals.

"The duel?" said Ron.

"Yeah," said Harry. "He was there."


"Vandewater is a Death Eater," said Harry. "Voldemort would have had to give his permission for Vandewater to come to Hogwarts."

"So Lucius saw you beat Vandewater?" said Ron with a grin.

"Yup," said Harry. "No doubt Voldemort wants to gloat now."

Ron chuckled. "Well you were rather spectacular, you know," said Ron. "Not that you want to hear it."

Ron helped him back to the dorm.

"Thanks, Ron," said Harry.

Harry managed to get dressed. Apparently calling Voldemort had worked because Voldemort didn't signal again. Hair still dripping, Harry grabbed his sword and Apparated to the campfire.

Strapping on the sword, he moved toward Voldemort's tent. He heard low voices from within and stepped inside. Everyone except Voldemort stood up as he entered.

"Ah, Harry, my boy," said Voldemort, smiling.

Harry took the occupants with a glance around - Lucius, Draco and Vandewater.


Harry looked at Voldemort and ran a hand through his wet hair.

"So what's so urgent that wouldn't wait until tonight and almost drowned me?"

Voldemort frowned. "Drown you?"

Harry sighed and moved to stand before Voldemort's desk. "I was in the shower," said Harry. "Your signal has gotten worse too."

"Ah, is that why you called me?"

"Yes," said Harry. "So what's this all about?"

Voldemort chuckled. "Surely you won't deny me my gloating rights, Harry."

"Why not," said Harry. "Lucius deserves all the credit."

"Ah, but my son brought down the infamous Terrance Vandewater," said Voldemort.

"You don't know that," said Harry.

"I saw it, Harry," said Voldemort.

"Are you sure he didn't let me-"

"You saw his face," said Voldemort. "That was not the expression of someone-"

"How could he not know who I was," said Harry logically.

"Master," said Vandewater.

"Quiet, Terrance," said Voldemort without releasing Harry's direct gaze.

"How many Harry's are there at Hogwarts," said Harry. "It's well known that I-"

"There are exactly four," said Voldemort.

"How-" Harry stopped himself. "Never mind," said Harry.

Voldemort chuckled. "Harry, why do you argue with me?"

Harry heard Draco snort and almost laughed. "I refuse to answer that," said Harry but couldn't help his grin.

Voldemort laughed again.

"Master Harry," said Lucius. "He did not let you win."

Harry turned to him.

"I've known him for years," said Lucius. "He attacked you with everything he had."

Harry glanced at Vandewater.

"If I had known you were the master's son," said Vandewater. "I'm not sure what I would have done."

Lucius snorted. "I know what you would have done," said Lucius. "You would have deemed him beneath your dignity and declined to test him."

Vandewater dropped his gaze.

"Master Harry."

Harry looked back at Lucius.

"You honored me greatly today. Thank you."

"Mr. Malfoy," said Harry. "I was thanking you."

Lucius Malfoy nodded. "Draco told us what you two-um" he glanced at Draco. "Planned. And there-in lies the honor. That you would do that for me-"

"Mr. Malfoy," Harry stopped him. "You have no idea what you've done for me. Flying and Fencing. For that, I thank you."

Lucius grinned at him. "Very well, Master Harry," said Lucius. "Then you are most welcome."

"Well," said Voldemort. "Now that that is settled."

Harry looked at Voldemort. "There's more then?" said Harry.

Voldemort smiled at him and Harry dropped into his usual chair in front of Voldemort's desk.

"There seems to be some contention on who will continue your training," said Voldemort.

This surprised Harry and he turned to Lucius. Draco and Lucius had sat down when Harry had.

"Do I need more training?" Harry asked Lucius.

Harry blinked as Lucius rolled his eyes in disgust. He looked at Draco who's expression was somewhat grim.

"Terrance, do go on," said Voldemort with a knowing grin.

Terrance Vandewater paced out into the room.

"Well, honing the boy's skills will require a better practice partner," said Vandewater.

"But-" said Harry. Voldemort stopped him by raising a hand. His expression was a combination of amusement and smugness.

"And we must sharpen his instinct," Vandewater went on. "He can already draw from his internal magic, that much is clear. And his astonishing ability to switch hands like that must be developed."

Harry kept glancing from Lucius to Voldemort. Lucius looked bored although there was a marked menacing anger in his eyes as he glared at Vandewater. Voldemort continued to look like he was simply waiting.

Vandewater ended with, "Give him to me for a week, Master, and I'll have him more accomplished than Grand Master Curio himself."

Harry shot to his feet.

Give him to me!!!

A glance at Lucius showed total restraint even though his gray eyes looked ready to kill Vandewater as his presumption. With that glare, Harry realized just what Vandewater was trying to do and it was obviously eating away at Lucius. Lucius couldn't do anything if Voldemort agreed.

Harry's temper snapped for the first time in a while.

"Look, Vandewater," said Harry. "I don't know who the hell you think you are to presume to know what I need. You don't even know me. I don't need acknowledgement. I don't want it. I don't want a different practice partner. The one I have is the one I need.

"As for sharpening my instincts, you'll have to explain that one to me because as far as I know, that's why they are called instincts, because they're natural.

"And any honing can be done quite efficiently by my teacher," Harry went on. "Lucius may not have been able to beat you in the past - although when was the last time he tried - but he is an extraordinary teacher which as you also noticed was why I was able to switch hands."

Vandewater's jaw had dropped open.

"Lucius is ambidextrous," said Harry. "He is fare more qualified than you to demonstrate that side of fencing.

"As for my internal magic, I have all ready been tested on it, and it was Lucius' training which helped me draw more from it."

"Oh," choked Vandewater.

Harry looked at Lucius who continued to look bored but his eyes had taken on a look of pride.

"Yes," said Harry. Harry quoted, "Make sure your blade is there before his is."

Lucius smiled then and he inclined his head. "Very good, Harry."

Harry turned back to Vandewater.

"And by the way," said Harry. "Voldemort has no authority to give me to anyone." Harry looked at Voldemort who was grinning as if Harry had just done exactly what Voldemort had expected. "Do you?" said Harry.

"Harry," said Voldemort. "Have you lost your temper?"

Voldemort was still smiling but Harry wasn't sure why.

"I was making a point," said Harry.

"And a valid one from what I heard," said Voldemort. He turned to Vandewater. "I believe that settles it, Terrance. Harry said no."

Terrance Vandewater looked as if he had just lost the Order of Merlin.

"Now," said Voldemort, "Harry, do you need to return to school before you come back for the celebration?"

Voldemort dropped it - just like that. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Vandewater retreat a little.

"Ah, no," said Harry. "I can change here and I was hoping," he glanced at Draco, "bring your sword?"

"Of course," said Draco.

Harry grinned at him and looked at Lucius. He had never seen the man look so pleased or satisfied.

"With your permission, of course," said Harry as a further sting to Vandewater.

Lucius actually laughed and then to Harry's surprise and - well - shock, grabbed Harry and hugged him. When he held Harry away the gray eyes that used to look on him with loathing and contempt met his with pride and gratitude.

Then he turned to Voldemort. "The master is indeed lucky," said Lucius. "His son is magnificent."

Harry, feeling awkward, turned back to Voldemort expecting him to be furious that Lucius had touched Harry, let alone hug him, in his presence but Voldemort looked amused.

Harry leaned his hands on Voldemort's desk, looking at him squarely. Voldemort studied Harry's expression. He reached out and brushed the back of his knuckles down Harry's cheek.

Harry endured it and when Voldemort lowered his hand and before he could say anything, Harry said, "As long as you know I'm here, Voldemort."


"Could you refrain from signaling me and just send someone if you want me?"

Voldemort grinned. "Will you beg me, Harry?" said Voldemort.

"Will you make me?"

Voldemort shook his head still grinning.

"I'm asking," said Harry.

"Very well," said Voldemort. "I will see you later."

"Oh, and about this party," said Harry. "I figured out what it's for."

"Did you?" said Voldemort.

"Yes," said Harry. "Short fuse, not stupid."

"You know?" said Draco, with surprise. "What is it?"

Harry shook his head not taking his eyes from Voldemort. "If Voldemort doesn't want it known that is his right," said Harry. "I just wanted him to know that I know."

"And do you really, Harry?" said Voldemort.

Harry nodded and his smile turned to sad recognition. "I've been there, remember," said Harry.

Voldemort stared hard at him, then he nodded. "Mm, yes," said Voldemort. "I believe you do know."

Harry straightened and turned to the Malfoys. "Five minutes ok, Draco?" said Harry.

Draco nodded. "I'll be there. Do something with your hair."

Harry snorted and turned to Lucius. He drew his sword and saluted him then he turned, re-sheathing his sword.

"Harry," said Voldemort. Harry turned to him and his brows shot up.

With a laugh, Harry drew the sword again. "Excuse me," said Harry. "Can't exclude your exalted presence today of all days." Harry saluted him and he chuckled.

Harry again re-sheathed Sennie and turned, coming face to face with Terrance Vandewater.

"Good duel, by the way, Mr. Vandewater," said Harry and he left the tent.

Five minutes later, Harry ducked into the fencing tent. Draco and Lucius were waiting.

"Harry," said Draco. "What you did was so great."

"It was," said Lucius. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," said Harry. "That man is a presumptuous cretin with no manners and less honor."

Draco nodded and smiled.

"Give him to me for a week," Harry quoted. "Please."

"So that's what set off your temper?" said Lucius.

"Initially," said Harry. "But Voldemort has taught me to control it. It was your expression that made me loose it. I saw what he was doing. I'm sorry, you may have to accept what Voldemort says, but I don't."


"You sat there helplessly listening to what Vandewater was suggesting, which was crap by the way," said Harry. "Knowing that if Voldemort approved, Vandewater would win again."


"Voldemort knew I would lose my temper at his audacity. He expected it."

"You would have accepted punishment for my honor?" said Lucius with awe.

"At that point," said Harry. "Yes, although I was counting on what Draco told me that he wouldn't punish me."

Lucius shook his head. "After everything I've done to you."

Harry shrugged and looked at Draco. "What did you call it again?"

"What?" said Draco. "The Gryffindor Moronity?"

"Yeah, that's it," said Harry. He really didn't want to think about all the old animosity. The Malfoys before him didn't despise him. Draco's teasing, arrogant banter could snap Harry out of his self-defeating moods and Lucius was proud of him.

Harry wanted to enjoy it. He drew his sword. "Can we fence now?"

He and Draco sparred and Lucius watched them for a few minutes.

"Switch hands, Harry," said Lucius.

"I don't think I can," said Harry, blocking several blows. "Unless I have to." Actually, Harry's arm felt pretty tired.

"Hmm," said Lucius thoughtfully. "All right boys, stop." He crossed the room removing his robe.

"Father," said Draco. "Are you going to fence with Harry?"

"Yes," said Lucius. "I want to see if he can switch hands again."

"So do I."

They all turned toward the door of the tent where Vandewater stood. Harry dropped the tip of his sword to ground with a sigh. When he felt the burn on his head, he looked up again.

"More tests, Voldemort?" said Harry.

"Don't you want to know, Harry," said Voldemort.

"I guess," said Harry. He moved Sennie from his right hand to his left and clenched and unclenched his right hand, moving his arm from the shoulder. "I just don't know if I'm up to fencing Lucius right now. My arms getting a bit sore."

"Your arm is sore?" said Vandewater with concern.

"Well you have to admit, it's taken a beating today," said Harry.

Vandewater took a step in. "That is a Slytherin sword, isn't it?"

"Of course it is," said Lucius. "What else would I present to my student?"

Harry noticed the hint of possession in the statement and in Lucius' tone and almost laughed. He sent Draco a glance and found Draco struggling with his own amusement as well.

"And Master Harry is a Gryffindor," said Vandewater. "Isn't he?"

"Yes, Vandewater," said Lucius, his irritation growing. "What is the-"

"Nothing," said Vandewater. "Just curious. As he is a Natural, he would of course be able to use any sword."

Harry wondered if he should mention that the sword picked him but a glance at Lucius told him not too. Lucius' expression said 'Not yet, Harry.'

"So," said Harry, holding up his sword.

Lucius took hold of his sword and tossed the sheath onto the table.

Harry offered Vandewater a salute then his eyes moved around the tent for Voldemort. Voldemort had magicked a comfy chair in the corner at the back of the room (away from Harry) to watch.

Harry inclined his head in silent thanks for keeping his distance and Voldemort chuckled. Harry saluted him and turned to Lucius. Lucius saluted the masters of the room and then they saluted.

Harry took his stance. "Go easy on me, Lucius," said Harry softly.

Lucius smiled, shaking his head. "Modesty," he muttered then looked at Harry's stance. "I know it's been a while, Harry," said Lucius. "But..."

"Oh," said Harry, noticing Maldini in Lucius left hand. "Sorry." He readjusted his stance to face a left-handed opponent.

"Very good," said Lucius and he swung.

Harry felt only twinges of pain in his arm as he sparred with Lucius for the first few minutes. When Lucius blows became harder and more complex, he felt the draw of his instinct on his internal magic and with a circular swing, he again changed hands. He blocked with his left hand and immediately felt the tension leave his right arm.

"Excellent," said Lucius, pressing another blow. "You can block quite well with your left hand. I can show you how to advance with it."

Harry nodded, his concentration on their swords.

Make sure your blade is there before his.

With another graceful circular swing, Sennie was back in his right hand and he felt the pain immediately.

Lucius' swipe wasn't even that hard, but with a gasp, Harry dropped his sword, clutching his right arm.

Lucius stared at the fallen sword for a second then looked at Harry. He put his hand on Harry's right shoulder and Harry flinched away.

"What is it, Harry?" said Lucius.

Harry's eyes left his and sought Voldemort's across the room.

Voldemort stood up and moved towards them. "Harry, you are in pain," said Voldemort.

"What?" said Vandewater.

"I can always see when my son is in pain, Terrance," said Voldemort as he stopped before Harry. "He has a great tolerance for it, so it must be severe presently for him to drop his sword."

"I can't feel my fingers," said Harry.

Vandewater approached them cautiously. Harry clutched his arm tightly to his chest. The back of his hand had started to swell.

Vandewater leaned down to pick up Sennie.

"Don't touch his sword," said Lucius. Vandewater looked up at him. "It's an Entrapped Sword."

Vandewater took a startled step back. "It can't be," said Vandewater. "There are almost none left. My own is one and-"

"Yours is Entrapped?" said Lucius.

"Yes," said Vandewater worriedly. "How could you know Master Harry's is?"

"Because the sword picked him, Vandewater," said Lucius harshly. "It told him."

"It told him?" said Vandewater with disbelief.

"Harry is a parselmouth," said Voldemort.

Vandewater gasped. "What?"

"Harry has much of me and my powers within him, Terrance," said Voldemort. "We are both a part of each other. As you know, he is my heir."

"No," said Vandewater backing away. "Master, I didn't know, didn't realize. How could I?"

Vandewater dropped to his knees.

Lucius took a step toward him looking furious. "It's a Vengeance Curse," growled Lucius. "Isn't it?"

"It's been on my sword for generations," sputtered Vandewater defensively. "It only works on Slytherins with Entrapped Swords. It shouldn't have worked on Master Harry."

"It obviously has," said Voldemort not without menace.

"Master, all the circumstances had to be right. I didn't know he was part Slytherin nor that he had an Entrapped Sword."

Vandewater looked terrified but Harry was getting light-headed. He slowly sank to his knees. Someone fell to one knee beside his and took hold of his left arm.

"Can we fight about this later?" said Draco with concern. "Maybe we should help Harry."

"Yes, Draco," said Voldemort. "Terrance, if you wish to live, you will tell us precisely what needs to be done."

"Of course, Master," said Vandewater. "But it depends on what type of snake is imprisoned in Master Harry's sword."

"Why?" said Lucius.

"Because the curse would have made the snake bite him."

"You mean I've been bitten by my own sword?" said Harry.

"Yes, Master Harry."

"But Sennie said he would serve me."

"It's a very powerful, very old, dark curse, Harry," said Lucius. "I doubt Sennie could have fought it."

"So what do we do?" said Draco, whose grip on Harry was keeping him from falling the rest of the way to the floor.

"We should make him comfortable first," said Vandewater.

"Yes," said Voldemort. "Lucius, Draco, help him into his tent."

But the minute Lucius took hold of his right arm, Harry cried out in pain and passed out.


Harry woke up hearing Voldemort.

"Sennie is most distressed at what he has done - been forced to do. Of course, he will do anything to help. Unfortunately, he calls himself a vipeira which doesn't do us any good."

"So we don't know what he is," Harry heard Severus Snape say.

"He must be allowed out of the sword," said Lucius.

"Master Harry must free him," said Vandewater.

"I have everything even remotely needed for an anti-venom potion," said Severus. "But-"

Harry's groan cut Snape off. Harry had been taking in the surroundings. He was in a chair in his office, his arm stretched out on a pillow. It was his arm that had made him groan. The pain was there, but the sight was worse. The sleeve of his shirt had been torn off. His hand was swollen worse than before and his arm from his knuckles to his shoulder was horrific shades of black, blue and purple.
