The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 06

Author's Note:
Ah, the tug of war starts continues. Please review. And anyone who's been keeping a close watch on Draco, don't stop now.

Chapter 6

The Unexpected Visit

Harry woke up coughing. He was on a floor of sorts but it was covered with pillows, some of which were flying around the room. The tent was empty except for those pillows and himself.

Shivering and sweating at the same time, he pulled a blanket closer around him and struggled to remember what had happened in the hospital wing.

Dumbledore had told Voldemort to take him.

It seemed to Harry that whatever was going on, Dumbledore and Voldemort seemed to be in agreement about somethings. Harry's well-being for one and Harry being allowed to see Voldemort (Harry was convinced that Dumbledore had known Harry had gone to him the first day of school and had covered for him).

Harry pushed it out of his mind. His body hurt enough. Between the illness and Voldemort, he was racked with pain now too.

"Oh, good. You're awake."

It was Snape.

"Wish I wasn't," rasped Harry.

"I have your draft," said Severus, kneeling beside him. "It's a bit stronger than the one Pomfrey uses."

He helped Harry sit up and Harry drank it, choking a little on it. Didn't Severus know any potions that tasted good?

"I'm so cold," said Harry, even as he felt sweat on his brow.

Severus magicked another blanket and wrapped it around him.

Harry felt the burn on his head.

"How is he?" said Voldemort.

"Worse," said Severus.

"I have brought help," said Voldemort.


Harry blinked as a woman leaned over him.

"Mrs. Granger?" said Harry.

"Shhh. Yes, Harry, it's me," said Mrs. Granger. "Just lay still. I may have chosen Dentistry as my specialty but I'm still an M.D. I know what to do."

She checked his heart and his lungs and took his temperature then started detailing a list of medical supplies she needed.

"He needs fluids. He's dehydrated," said Mrs. Granger. "I'll need to set up and I.V. Can you - well - magic it so it won't fly across the room when he sneezes or coughs?"

"I will insure that he is subdued, Mrs. Granger," said Voldemort. "And I will supply anything you require."

"Very well," said Mrs. Granger.

Harry felt her hand on his shoulder. "I'm here, Harry," said Mrs. Granger. "We'll get you through this."

Harry sighed. That's where Hermione gets it. "Thank you, Mrs. Granger," said Harry.

"Rest, Harry," said Mrs. Granger quietly as she gently pushed him back into the pillows.

Harry coughed and a pillow shot across the room.


Harry woke to excruciating pain. He screamed, feeling himself being held down.

"Relax, Harry," said Mrs. Granger.

Harry felt Voldemort's hands on his face as Voldemort drained Harry strength.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Harry heard as he drifted back into unconsciousness.


Harry woke again feeling so weak he couldn't move. He felt the constant burn and with an effort, turned his head. Voldemort was across the room in a comfy arm chair, eyes closed.

"Voldemort," said Harry.

Voldemort didn't open his eyes but Harry's voice was so soft and hoarse, Harry didn't know if he heard him.

"I'm here, Harry," said Voldemort without opening his eyes.

"What time is it?"

"It does not matter, Harry," said Voldemort. "You need me. I am here."

"I think my fever broke," said Harry.

Voldemort opened his eyes and looked at Harry. "How do you feel?"

"Just weak," said Harry.

"You still look and sound terrible," said Voldemort.

Harry snorted. "Thanks."

"You still need to rest," said Voldemort.

"Well since I don't think I can move," said Harry. "I don't have much choice."

Voldemort chuckled. "I see you do feel better. Your cynicism has returned."

"Beats beds flying at me."

"Yes," said Voldemort seriously. "You were very dangerous. It was wise of Albus to have you call me."

"He told you to take me."

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "He could not help you. He knows I alone have the power to subdue you."

Harry sighed. "At least it wasn't my temper."

Voldemort chuckled. "No. I have taught you to control that."

"I know," said Harry. "But everyone is afraid of me. I expect it'll be worse now. I feel like a freak."

"Harry," said Voldemort patiently. "You are the most powerful boy in the world. Of course you are feared, but you are also revered."

"I don't feel revered," said Harry.

"Because of your modesty, you don't see it but you will. You will see their fear and their awe."

"I'm too tired," muttered Harry.

Voldemort chuckled. "Oh don't spoil my gloating, Harry."

Harry laughed then groaned.

"Harry, my boy, when I look at you, what you've become, I see the world at our feet," said Voldemort.

Harry looked over at him. "Really?" said Harry sarcastically. "And here I am feeling lucky that I can even see my feet."

"Always the cynic, my Harry," said Voldemort.

Harry sighed, feeling tired again.

"I will take you back to Albus tomorrow so you may regain your strength," said Voldemort. "As much as it pleases me to have you with me, you can not recover fully here."

"Why not?" said Harry curiously.

Voldemort chuckled again. "Because, Harry, I simply like talking with you too much. I would keep coming in and it would keep draining you and you would never be able to leave me." Voldemort laughed then. "Now what would the Ministry of Magic think of that?"

Harry smiled - had to.

"But you will still remember to visit me," said Voldemort. "Won't you Harry."

"Yes, Voldemort," said Harry. "We made a deal."

Voldemort smiled, standing up. He moved over to Harry's bed (Harry wasn't sure at what point he had gotten the bed but it was there), glancing at the IV bag and tube which ran into Harry's vein.

"This visit was unexpected but necessary," said Voldemort.

"Why do I get the impression it pleases you anyway," said Harry.

Voldemort was still smiling. "Ah Harry, how well you know me," said Voldemort. "Yes, indeed, it pleases me." Voldemort ran his fingers down Harry's face. Harry closed his eyes. "You please me very much."

Harry opened his eyes. Voldemort was staring hard into his face.

"As I have demonstrated, you need me as much as I need you, Harry," said Voldemort. "You always come back to me."

"And you are always there."

Voldemort nodded. "Yes, Harry. I know you understand."

Harry sighed, not wanting to think anymore but he didn't have to. Mrs. Granger came in with his medicine and Voldemort moved back to his chair.

Harry drank his draft and exhausted now, fell asleep.


The next time Harry woke up, he was in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. He felt half relieved, half disappointed. I don't miss the pain but the conversation is always a challenge.

Voldemort was doing it again.

Harry sighed and looked around. There was a screen around his bed so he couldn't tell if anyone else was in the ward. His IV was gone.

He heard voices across the room.

"Ron," called Harry.

Ron and Hermione came around the screen so fast, Harry laughed.

"Harry!" said Ron. "All right?"

Harry grinned. "Yeah," said Harry as Hermione came over and grabbed his hand.

They talked about how weird it was with things flying all over. Harry couldn't laugh though.

"Ron," said Harry. "Before Voldemort drained my strength, beds were flying at me. I had already broken my arm. I had absolutely no control of my magic. I could've hurt someone. No wonder everyone is so scared of me."

"Harry," said Ron. "No one knows about the bed incident and no one knows that Voldemort took you."

"What about the guys in the dorm," said Harry.

"They were told that Dumbledore took care of you. The Ministry can't know that Voldemort had to be called to control you."

"I know," muttered Harry. Then they might double the surveillance around him. "Anyway, I'm glad your mum was there," Harry said to Hermione. "If not for her-"

"My mum?" said Hermione.

"Yes," said Harry. "She took care of me - the muggle way. Didn't you know?"

"No, I didn't," said Hermione with alarm. "Voldemort took my mother?"

"She seemed willing," Harry reassured her. "She wasn't scared. She told Voldemort what she needed and he got whatever she asked for. She was in charge."

"Really?" said Ron.

"Yes," said Harry. "He must have known that she was doctor and went to her for help."

"Well, if she knew it was for you," said Hermione. "She would have gone willingly. I just hope he took her back."

"Hermione," said Harry, again reassuringly. "I'm sure she's fine. Voldemort knows I'd be upset if he hurt your mother."

"Yes, I know, but-"

"So write to her," said Harry. "You can use Hedwig."


Harry returned to classes the next day and the same boredom resumed. He made it through thanks to Ron and Hermione. Ginger was the most helpful. She was now not only overly protective of Harry (the students attitude about Harry miffed her) but overly interested in Harry's powers. She seemed totally blown away by them and would often prod and nag him until he would show her some of the things he could do.

This gave Harry something to occupy his mind, trying to come up with little tricks to impress Ginger with.

Hermione had told Harry that she had indeed written to her mother and she was fine. Voldemort had sent someone to their house and told her parents that there was an emergency at school. She said that the Granger's were worried that they weren't allowed to see where they were going or know what the problem was. But Hermione said her mother had been amused when they got to the compound. Voldemort had severely reprimanded the man who retrieved them for not telling them the problem and had even apologized to them.

Then once Mrs. Granger had seen it was Harry and what bad shape he was in, she agreed to stay while Mr. Granger was brought back home with instructions on how to cover up Mrs. Grangers absence.

One step ahead. That was Voldemort.

Harry moved quietly through the library, his eyes scanning the tables as he searched for Ginger. He had discovered how to tap his internal magic (like when he had forced Lucius and Severus to let go of him) by using his memory and had been able to produce actual fire in his hand.

He located Ginger and took her arm, pulling her to her feet.


"Come with me, Ging," said Harry in a whisper. "I want to show you something neat."

Ginger giggled as Harry pulled her toward the back shelves of the library and looked around to make sure no one could see them.

"What is it?" whispered Ginger.

Harry raised his hand palm up and closed his eyes briefly. I'm burning. When he opened his eyes, a small flame burst from his palm, the flames dancing about 3 inches high.

"Doesn't that hurt," said Ginger, her eyes wide.

"No," said Harry. "It's a memory. And look." He held his other hand over the flames and they started changing colors.

"Harry, that is so cool," said Ginger, holding her hand up to see if she could feel the heat. "It's warm."

"Showing off, Potter?" came a sneer from behind.

Harry closed his hand, extinguishing the flame and turned to Malfoy.

"Spying, Malfoy," said Harry. "Or just indulging in some perverse voyeuristic tendencies?"

Ginger took hold of Harry's arms. "Let's just go, Harry," said Ginger. "He's just jealous."

Malfoy stepped up to Harry, looking him squarely in the face. "Oh no, Potter," said Malfoy, looking more serious than Harry had ever seen him and he totally ignored Ginger's comment. "I don't need to spy. I know as much as you do. And do you think I really care what you do with your little girlfriend?"

Without releasing Harry's gaze, he reached out and took a book off the shelf next to them. He glanced briefly at the spine of the book, then looked back at Harry. "Interesting subject," said Malfoy with a sort of bemused grin. "Prophesies."

He sent Ginger a glance then walked away.

Harry watched him until he was out of sight.

"Well that was weird," said Ginger.

Weird didn't even come close to describing it. Just how much did Malfoy know? Of course his father was Voldemort's right hand but just what does Lucius tell his son?

Was this more of Voldemort's manipulations to constantly keep Voldemort in his thoughts? Had he suddenly decided to put Malfoy to work? Or was Malfoy being suckered into this now too?

Malfoy had a semblance of Dumbledore's protection. Or had. But there was such a seriousness now in how Malfoy acted. Harry was getting another headache just trying to figure it out.

Harry wondered if he should just ask him. He'd helped Harry out before. But Harry didn't get the chance. He didn't see the boy at all except for the classes they shared and they were still a bore for Harry.

The boredom was getting so much that he would have even welcomed one of he and Malfoy's insult swapping sessions.

So despite the Ministry and despite the fact that he didn't have to, Harry found himself writing to Voldemort. He mostly complained of his boredom but he couldn't help mentioning some of the other stuff Harry had discovered he could do.

Voldemort wrote back.

Harry, I can imagine how boring you find school now. I have taught you so much. And yes your internal power has indeed been re-enforcing itself. Visit with me and we can argue. Both of our exalted presence's need the mental stimulation.

Harry laughed - had to.

"What?" said Ron, beside him at the table.

"Nothing," said Harry, shoving the letter into his robe pocket.

Harry guessed he really should work on a way to try and visit.