The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/24/2003
Updated: 04/16/2003
Words: 71,682
Chapters: 19
Hits: 65,031

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection


Story Summary:
It's Harry's fifth year and he's finally able to escape the Dursleys only to find that Voldemort has other plans. After numberous failed attempts to rid himself of the Gryffindor brat, Lord Voldemort now knows he must change tactics. But how does a Dark Lord convince a fifteen-year-old boy, orphaned by his own hand, to join him? Give him what he's always wanted, of course. Read on to discover how Voldemort manipulates Harry's life for three years to achieve the balance of power and reclaim the wizarding for his own.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
It's Harry's fifth year and he's finally able to escape the Dursleys only to find that Voldemort has other plans. After numberous attempts to rid himself of the Gryffindor brat, Lord Voldemort now knows he must change tactics. But how does a dark lord convince a fifteen-year-old boy, orphaned by his own hand, to join him? Give him what he's always wanted, of course. Read on to discover how Voldemort manipulates Harry's life for three years to achieve the balance of power and reclaim the wizarding world for his own.
Author's Note:
Please review. In this chapter: Is Harry strong enough to face Voldemort again so soon?

Chapter 2

Owl Post

It took a few minutes, but Harry finally caught his breath and got his thoughts in order. After the intricate, highly thought out and executed plan that Voldemort had devised last year, this simply wasn't possible. It had to be a joke. An absurd cruel joke, but a joke non-the-less.

He reached down to pick up the parchment, praying that he would recognize the handwriting and could thusly curse Malfoy (the prime suspect) into the next millennium. But Harry didn't feel quite that lucky as he looked down at the foreign scrawl.

Could Voldemort know where Harry was?

The boy has been moved.

The parchment crumpled in his fist as he remembered his dream. Yes, Voldemort knew.

Harry threw a couple of things, clothes and the like, into his backpack, grabbed his broom and sprinted down the stairs. The fridge was next, just a few things. He moved quickly, before he changed his mind and before Sirius could realize what he was doing. He barely gave a backward glance as he yelled into the dinning room, "I'm sorry, Sirius." He dodged out the front door as he heard a muffled question from godfather behind him.

He jumped on his broom and took off. As soon as he was high enough, he threw the Invisibility Cloak over himself. It provided some shelter from the wind at that altitude but the cold that Harry felt suddenly wasn't from the elements. Several glances behind him showed La Casa Black growing smaller and smaller while the bitterness in Harry's heart grew stronger.

Harry was doing the right thing. He knew it. He wasn't flying for very long when he noticed that Hedwig was following him. "Thanks, Hedwig," he said.

A mixture of fear and rage rode high in Harry's emotions. Voldemort caused both feelings, which made Harry even angrier. Would Voldemort be able to track him? He would have to put some substantial distance between himself and his last known position. He wasn't sure how long he flew because his feelings overrode all sense of time. Harry was relieved to find himself at the base of a mountain surrounded by a forest at the end of the day. Landing there, he scouted around and found a cave, which after careful investigation Harry made instant use of.

It was only after Harry began to pick at the rations he had purloined from the kitchen that he noticed that Hedwig was looking at him oddly.

"What is it, Hedwig?" said Harry.

She blinked at him and held her foot out. Harry realized that she was waiting for a reply. He offered her a piece of the chicken he had been eating. She didn't even look at it. "No..." he whispered. Again he offered her food but she ignored it.

"What's he done to you, girl?" He stroked her, swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat. Hedwig didn't respond.

Furious again, Harry tore through his backpack until he found what he needed. He stopped himself from writing his first thoughts. Taking a deep breath, he chose his words with care.

You will not find me, nor will anyone else. I'm sure my friends are safe at Hogwarts now so you can not touch them.

Harry thought about adding something else but decided not to. After all, he wasn't 100% sure who the threat was. Now, he was sure there was definitely a threat but he wasn't positive that it was Voldemort. He attached the note carefully to his owl's leg and she took off. Harry watched her, his throat still tight then he laid down, pulling his cloak over himself and promptly went to sleep.

When he woke up, he felt himself shaking. It was cold. He pulled his cloak tighter around himself and went out to find some wood for a fire. He managed to get a fire lit (despite his numb fingers) at the mouth of the cave then went off to do some hunting. Using the knife Sirius had given him last year for his birthday, Harry managed to corner kill a small rabbit. He felt bad about it but convinced himself that it was either that or starve. He also gathered some nuts and berries silently congratulating himself on his recollection of practical Herbology.

He returned to the cave and found Hedwig had returned. Harry was so hungry, he ignored her until he had prepared and put a piece of meat over the fire. He wiped his hands on his jeans then took the note tied to her claw.

Ah, so it is true, Harry. You have run away rather than see your friends at my mercy. My sources have confirmed it. Yes, your friends may be at Hogwarts but Sirius isn't, is he. He is dutifully searching the country for his godson. How easy he will be to find. But Harry, it doesn't have to come to that. Come to me now. I have no desire to kill you, only to talk. I believe that what I have to say will interest you.

Harry read the letter twice. Voldemort wanted to talk? And Harry was convinced now that is was Voldemort. Hedwig seemed to be waiting again. He offered her some food and was again ignored. Chewing thoughtfully on a piece of charred meat, Harry dug out some more parchment.

I can not think of anything that we might have to talk about nor can I imagine anything you might have to say that would interest me. Sirius can take care of himself and I'm quite sure you won't find him just as he won't find me.

As for your sources, make sure you pass on that I'm as good as dead. Famous Harry Potter is alone in the harsh, cold wilderness with no food. You don't have to kill me, Voldemort. Starvation and the elements will do it for you. So sorry to disappoint you, though I'm sure Professor Snape will find it quite amusing.

And what have you done to my owl?

Harry sent Hedwig back and went about trying to make the cave as comfortable as possible. He was a bit surprised when Hedwig returned to him by dinner.

Come now, Harry, I told you that I don't want you dead. I merely want to talk to you. You will be quite safe. Your last note was amusing but I am very sure that we do indeed have a lot to say to each other. For example, has anyone told you why I have wanted to kill you all these years? Would you like to know why now I don't? I could apparate anytime I wanted to into Hogwarts and take one of your friends with very little effort. You could too. Would you like to know why? I will explain it all to you, my boy.

Hedwig is under the Imperius Curse. You have a very loyal and intelligent owl but I had to insure that I was the only one who could correspond with you.

Harry stared at the letter. Voldemort could apparate into Hogwarts? He could hear Hermione's voice, "It's impossible. You can not apparate or disapparate on Hogwarts grounds!"

You could too. Voldemort had said. It had to be some sort of trick.

Harry looked at his watch. It was 8:00. There was very little daylight left but he surprised himself by considering it. Harry pulled out his wand and touched it to his watch.

"Commentary," said Harry.

Mr. Padfoot is beside himself with worry and will likely thrash Harry when he finds him.

Mr. Mooney agrees that Harry needs a good thrashing but will be happy if he just comes home.

Mr. Wormtail thinks that Harry should indeed go and speak with the master. He will not be harmed.

Harry stared at the watch, waiting. "Come on, Dad. Talk to me."

Mr. Prongs thinks that it would be the stupidest and the bravest thing he's ever heard. But Harry is his father's son and must make his own decision.

That clinched it for Harry. He picked up his quill and quickly wrote a reply.

So be it.

It was all he wrote. He tied it to Hedwig's leg and grabbed the cloak and his Firebolt.

"Fly slowly," Harry told Hedwig. "I'm following you."

Harry wasn't sure she understood but he managed to keep up with her until she reached a dense patch of trees. He landed before them and started walking through them. Apprehension was increasing in his mind, in fact he was getting sick to his stomach now too. This was the stupidest thing he'd ever done.

He reached the end of the woods at a small clearing. He could see a campfire. Before the fire was a comfortable looking armchair with Voldemort sitting within it. Harry's stomach seemed to knot. He viewed the campsite. It was the same as his dream, except that there were several other chairs around the fire and a scattering of tents could be seen across from the fire. Harry assumed they were wizard tents and would therefore be small castles within the folds of canvas. Harry had found Voldemort's hidden hide-out. Too bad Harry had no idea where he was. That knot in his stomach tightened as Harry realized just how close his own hide out had been to this one.

Hedwig landed on the arm of Voldemort's chair and Voldemort looked at her.

"Back so soon?" he said.

He took the note off Hedwig's leg and Harry felt frozen again. Again he felt like this was the stupidest thing he'd ever done. What had Dumbledore said about Harry's damned curiosity? "...we should exercise caution with our curiosity.. yes, indeed."

Too late. Voldemort was staring at the note as if it didn't make sense. He turned it over, then over again with his long claw-like fingers.

Hedwig flew back towards Harry and perched on a branch of the tree beside him. Voldemort watched with interest. He stood up.

Voldemort was looking into the forest right where Harry was standing, Harry felt himself start to shake. This was madness. Harry took a deep breath and pulled the cloak off.

Voldemort looked surprised for only a moment, then he grinned - that evil smile of his.

"Hello, Harry," he said, his eyes moving over Harry's form. "Very resourceful," he said, indicating Harry's cloak and his broom.

"I'm here, Voldemort. What do you want?" Harry was surprised how calm he sounded but tried to keep it to himself.

"I told you, Harry. I just want to talk."

Harry looked around the camp. There were only 2 Death Eaters that he could see. They were fully cloaked and otherwise occupied. No one seemed within hearing distance.

"No one here will hurt you, Harry. You are now under my protection." The long white hand touched his chest in a possessive gesture.

Harry moved his gaze back to Voldemort. Those red eyes stared back. "Why?"

"If you sit down and talk with me, I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Harry looked at the ground. His heart was pounding now, and questions, too numerous to count, were running through his head. Would Voldemort actually answer honestly? Could Harry trust him not to just strike Harry down? Could-

Pain exploded in Harry's head and he looked up taking a step back. His palm had also hit his forehead where the scar marred his skin.

"Ah, so that is true, as well," said Voldemort. "When I get close to you, your scar causes you pain."

"It's true," said Harry. The truth was so obvious, it seemed pointless to lie.

But Voldemort took another step towards Harry, raising a hand toward Harry's face. Harry took another step back and hit a tree. It took all his concentration to stay standing. He leaned away but Voldemort's hand came closer.

"What is it, Harry? Is my touch worse?"

Harry's gaze was locked in those red slits that Voldemort used as eyes. The pain in his head right now (and it was pretty bad) was not as bad as what he anticipated the pain would be as soon as that bony hand hit his face.

Harry closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath, preparing himself. He would not cry out. Not for the pleasure of this sick and twisted creature. But the touch didn't come. When he opened his eyes, Voldemort was smiling at him.

"Very good, Harry," he said. "Bravery and endurance. I am pleased."

Harry only stared as Voldemort walked away and settled himself back into his High-backed chair.

"What brought you here, Harry?" said Voldemort, touching the tips of his long fingers together. "The fact that I said I could apparate into Hogwarts and steal one of your friends or your curiosity?"

Harry moved closer to the fire, his head still aching with an after-ring of pain. "Both."

"Good. Come." Voldemort indicated the chair on the other side of the fire. "Sit and I will satisfy that curiosity of yours."

Harry still felt pointedly disconcerted. He rounded the fire at a safe distance from Voldemort, not taking his eyes from the dark wizard for a moment. And rather than sit, he opted to stand beside the offered chair instead.

"You are still nervous," said Voldemort, an edge of a smile on his thin lips. "I will break the ice. Give me your wand."

The demand surprised Harry. "No, I don't think so." He reached for it, cursing himselft for not thinking of it before.


Harry's wand flew out of his pocket and into Voldemort's hand.

Harry stared at his now unarmed hand and had to bite back his growl of frustration. He let his fear and his feelings of growing helplessness simmer under a mask of anger. He glared outright at Voldemort. "I don't know why you felt the need to do that. I don't have the power to kill you." Harry's irritation made him brave enough to point out, "You said you didn't want to kill me. Or is that because the wands don't duel properly against each other?"

Voldemort's eyes had never left Harry's face through the tirade. "Ah, so the boy is capable of putting sentences together," he said simply.

Harry felt so frustrated suddenly he let himself drop into the chair. He heard Voldemort's soft laughter. It reminded him of when he was tied to Tom Riddle's grave stone and he shuddered.

"What do you want, Voldemort?" said Harry.

"What I want from you is vast, Harry Potter," Voldemort told him. "But first we will talk."

"You keep saying that. I'm here. I'm listening. So talk."

Again Harry heard that cold laughter. "First, do you know why our wands could not duel properly?"

"I do."

"Tell me." Voldemort leaned towards him, in an almost entreating manner.

"You don't know?"

"I don't, Harry. I have much to tell you. Will you tell me this?"

"Our wands have feathers given from the same Phoenix."

An expression of dawning came across Voldemort's face. "Priori Incantatem," he said.

"Yes," said Harry.

"You knew this?"

Harry stared at him, wondering how much he should say. He decided in this case, it didn't matter. "I knew we had brother wands," he admitted. "But growing up as I did, I had no idea what would happen if we forced the wands to duel."

"Ah, yes." Voldemort settled back into his chair. "You grew up much like me. Myself in a muggle orphanage and you with muggle relatives who hate you." Harry felt Voldemort's eyes studying him even more closely than before. "As you can see, our bond is even greater than I ever dreamed."

Harry was cold and he was hungry again. He was in no mood for riddles. "I see nothing. You have told me nothing. I'm still waiting."

Harry heard Voldemort's cold laughter again. "Ah, the impatience of youth," he said. "Very well, Harry. I will tell you."