Five Choices


Story Summary:
Five times everything might have changed.

Chapter 01



James tried not to flinch as the cottage's front door cracked and flew off its hinges. All he could concentrate on was the sound of Lily's footsteps pounding up the staircase; if he had time to stop and think about it he would have marvelled at the fact he could even hear them above the crashing and splintering of wood.

The black-robed figure that entered in its wake barely spared him a glance before pointing his wand and calling out 'Stupefy'.

'Prot-' was all James was able to utter before the streak of red light hit him square in the chest. Footsteps continued to ring in his ears as the world faded to black and he fell to the floor.


When he woke it was to the sounds of Harry wailing and Sirius's desperate attempts to calm him. He opened his eyes and all he could see was the profuse amount of blood pouring from his son's head.

'Where's -' he asked; his voice broke before he could finish the thought.

Sirius' hollow expression as he looked over at James was the only answer he needed.


Remus stormed up the stone steps to the castle, nearly trampling a group of first years in his haste. Once inside he made straight for Dumbledore's office, not even sparing a glance for the home he had not seen in seven years.

When he reached the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore did not even have the courtesy to look shocked to find Remus at his door.

'Sherbet l-' Dumbledore began, extending the small silver bowl in his right hand.

'I can't let this continue, sir,' Remus said, cutting him off and ignoring the proffered sweets. 'It's unacceptable; he needs some connection to his family.'

'He is with his family,' Dumbledore replied evenly.

'Don't -,' Remus said, glaring at him. 'You know what I mean, his real family, not that sorry excuse for blood relations you refer to as his family.'

'We have been through his before, Mr. Lupin. We can't remove Harry from that house, the protection it provides is too great; there's too much at risk,' said Dumbledore, speaking as if trying to explain something to a small child for the hundredth time that day.

Remus sighed.

'I'm not asking you to remove him from their custody. Just negotiate access for me, that woman won't listen to anyone else. He needs to know who is his family is, who he is. He needs to know of this world. You can't simply drop him in it at the age of eleven and expect that he'll be alright.'

Remus took a deep breath and tried to maintain a steady countenance as Dumbledore's light blue eyes assessed him. Remus was unsure what he was looking for but knew he had found it when he heard Dumbledore's reply.

'Come back in a week, Remus. I'll let you know what's been decided.'


She listened as Vernon's car peeled out of the driveway and down Privet Drive. She sighed, knowing his anger wouldn't fade as the day continued.

Petunia walked over to the small, makeshift cot set up in the sitting room and stared down at the toddler sleeping within it. His eyebrows knit together in an expression entirely too worried for a child of his age. She reached down to smooth away the wrinkles but snapped her hand back as he opened his eyes and looked up at her.

It was then she noticed that he had Lily's eyes; Petunia's own mother's eyes. She hadn't really seen them earlier, too overwhelmed by finding a child sleeping on her doorstep to truly process much of anything else.

Petunia felt something clench around her heart and knew then, despite everything, this child was the last remaining connection to her family.

She reached out again, smoothing down his wild shock of black hair, and began singing the same lullaby her mother used to sing when one of them woke from a nightmare.


Alexius Lupin walked into town, his son trailing just behind him. As they passed the small park at the north end of the High Street, Remus tugged on his trouser leg and tried to pull him toward the swings.

'Later, Rem,' he said, grasping his small hand and pulling him in the direction of the shops. 'Your mum wants us to pick up some things from the grocer and she'll be upset if we don't get them back to her soon.'

Remus looked up at him, blue eyes pleading. 'Promise?' he asked.

'I promise. All the swings you want, but after dinner.'

Remus smiled, pulled out of his father's grip and took off toward the grocer.

It was only then that Alexius noted the strange man with wild grey hair talking with three of his younger students. It wasn't the first time he had seen the man in the park and, as with those other times, something about him caused Alexius to pause. He thought about walking over and intervening, though he wasn't sure what he thought he'd be interrupting.

'Dad,' Remus called, pulling Alexius away from his thoughts. 'Are you coming?'

Alexius shook his head and, without a glance back, jogged to catch up with his son.


James stared at the sleeping form lying next to him and traced his fingers lightly over the long red hair that tumbled haphazardly down her back.

He chased her for so many years; it had become something of a way of life for him. He had been like a man possessed. Now that he had caught her, however, he wasn't exactly sure why it was he had wanted her in the first place.

Sighing, he quietly rolled off the bed and reached for his discarded robes. He slipped them on, picked up his shoes and tip-toed to the door.

He looked back at her one last time and hoped she would be able to forgive him one day.