Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 31 - Chapter Thirty-One: Manoeuvring

Chapter Summary:
Molly, Ginny and Ron attempt to convince Minerva of the Malfoys’ nefarious plot to take over the wizarding world via the corruption of Harry Potter. Questions are asked, but answers aren’t really provided. Ron finally begins to act a little more sensibly.

Chapter Thirty-One: Manoeuvring

Molly, Ginny and Ron attempt to convince Minerva of the Malfoys' nefarious plot to take over the wizarding world via the corruption of Harry Potter. Questions are asked, but answers aren't really provided. Ron finally begins to act a little more sensibly.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of the remarkably talented J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(ii) Thank you to all the readers who have stayed with me through the writing of this tale. Your kind reviews have been enormously helpful. Not only do they provide motivation and inspiration to keep going, but your intelligent comments help me formulate my plot and character development. So please do continue to review and tell me what you think of the story. You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear from you.

(iii) And finally, much gratitude to my brilliant beta, Queen_of_Stars. You have been the most gracious of friends through these long months. I am so thankful that you agreed to help me work on, polish and present this story. All errors that ultimately remain are my own.


Molly froze. She had not expected to have any difficulty in explaining herself to Minerva, but something made her stop before blurting out her realisation. Frowning, in what seemed like painful concentration, she said, 'Ginny thinks that Harry, and possibly Kingsley and Andromeda, too, are under some kind of dark geis. Harry's just broken up with Ginny. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't have good reason.'

Minerva nodded. She could easily guess the reasons behind Harry's actions. She'd seen Harry, the confused teenager, emerge from his cocoon to become a young man with deep compassion and understanding. She could not forget how he had taken Dumbledore to task after the Battle of Hogwarts. Never would she be able to erase from her mind the way in which he had defended Severus and fought for what he knew was right. If he had ended his relationship with the youngest Weasley, then it was because he could see clearly that they were ill-suited. However, Minerva did not, by either word or deed, allow her feelings to show. Wanting to understand and handle the situation that she could see before her, she merely waited patiently for Molly to continue.

Ginny, however, did not seem to have any such compulsions. Impatient with her mother's approach, and wanting desperately to make her point heard, she heedlessly jumped right into the conversation. 'Harry said he wants to retire to some village and make soup. He doesn't want to take an active role in society. He said that we want different things in life. Even when I reminded him that he wouldn't be welcome at the Burrow if we broke up, he didn't seem to mind. He seemed convinced that he was doing the right thing. That sounds very wrong when up to this point, he's always been more than happy to be in the spotlight. Why else would he have agreed to an interview when he was in school With Rita Skeeter for The Quibbler? How could he manage without us? He's always spent every holiday since he started Hogwarts with us. He wouldn't give up his connection with our family if he didn't feel compelled to do so. He must be under some kind of spell. And we all know what or should I say who is likely to have cast a spell to force Harry to do her bidding.'

Minerva listened to Ginny's irrational rant with patience. She could see clearly that the young Gryffindor was utterly blind to her ex-boyfriend's obviously clear reasons for his action.

When Minerva did not speak, but continued to wait after Ginny's tirade, Ron spoke. 'Ginny's right. But I don't think the geis is only on Harry, Kingsley and Andromeda. I think even 'Mione's affected.'

At Ginny's exasperated huff, Ron shook his head. 'No, listen will you? 'Mione went to retrieve Snape's body. She went alone, with the Malfoys. Couldn't they have done something to her then? Wouldn't that explain why she and Harry had the whole press conference thing without us?'

Molly seemed to find this believable. Nodding her head in agreement, she said, 'Yes, I couldn't believe it when I heard them all on the wireless. Why on earth would they not include Ron and Ginny? They should have been there, together, not alone with Luna. She's a lovely girl, but she's nothing compared to my Ginny.'

Minerva frowned. She didn't know how to respond, not because she didn't know how to refute and reject their claims, but because she didn't know how to do it tactfully. She didn't want the trio before her to do something to further tarnish the reputation of the Order of Phoenix. She was more than glad that they had approached her instead of going off half cocked to make some grandiose statement to the press. Inwardly grimacing, she thought sarcastically, another evil Death Eater scandal is all the Order needs right now.

Poppy Pomfrey had no such compulsions. The older witch could clearly see the position her friend was in, but she was not part of the Order. She could speak her mind. Not knowing what had gone on with the press conference, the medi-witch instead responded to what she did know. Looking directly at Molly, who the witch realised was the weakest link of the trio, she said, 'Do you think that Kingsley, as an Auror and now the acting Minister for Magic, would not be able to see if a geis was placed on him? That there are no routine checks being carried out on important figures following the Death Eaters placing the Imperious on Thicknesse to make sure something of that nature does not occur again?'

Molly hadn't thought of that. Frowning, she asked, 'Are there?'

Poppy nodded. 'There are. I've been working closely with St. Mungo's to ensure that all figures in positions of authority are regularly and routinely checked to see if they are being controlled by Dark Hexes and Spells.'

The wind was taken out of Molly's sails. 'Oh,' she said stupidly.

Ginny was not so easily defeated. 'Maybe Kingsley isn't under it then, but he could be being blackmailed or persuaded by some other means. Why else would he be spending so much time with Andromeda? And why did Andromeda make up with the Malfoys when they've not spoken to each other for years?' It was obvious that to her, something as simple as love could not be the reason.

Pomona Sprout tittered. The sound was utterly incongruous with the serious discussion being held. Everyone's attention turned towards her. 'What?' she asked, continuing to laugh. 'It's obvious, really. Kingsley's always been sweet on Andromeda. Now that poor Ted's no more, he's taken it upon himself to care for and protect her. I doubt Andromeda is ready for any serious commitment, but she's bringing up Teddy all alone. I'm sure she's more than grateful to have a true friend, one who is and will always be faithful to her, to be a part of her life now.'

Ginny continued to frown. All the explanations being given to her seemed too pat. She could not dismiss her conviction that there was something foul at play. She wanted, needed, Hermione to be seen and recognised as an evil, controlling bitch. She needed Lucius Malfoy and his family to be thrown into the pits of hell. She could never forgive them for what they had done to her. Being possessed by Tom Riddle had changed her life.

Poppy nodded. 'Indeed. And of course, now that You-Know-Who's gone, why should Narcissa and Andromeda not do their best to rebuild their relationship? Andromeda has no other family besides Teddy. She will make use of all the family she has to make sure that he does not miss out on the love a big family can provide. The same is true for Narcissa. She's alone now that Bella is gone. Other than for Andromeda, there are no other Blacks left.' Wanting to make sure the Weasley trio understood, the matron gentled her tone. 'You are all so fortunate to have family around you. But they've lost everyone. Is it, therefore, such a surprise if they are willing to forgive and cling to the family they have left? Blood is thicker than water.'

Molly could see the sense of the arguments being presented to her. She nodded her head. But Ron and Ginny were still not convinced.

'What about Harry though?' asked Ginny. 'Why did he break-up with me?'

Acting in the capacity of the Gryffindor Head of House, Minerva asked, 'What did he say?'

Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Ginny responded, 'He said we wanted different things in life. That I would thank him for it later. He wants to make soup in some hellish backwater.'

Minerva allowed the silence to stretch once Ginny stopped speaking. Then, she asked softly, 'And you don't want to live in some small village, do you?'

'Heavens, no,' said Ginny with feeling. 'I want to be famous. I want to be rich and successful.' Then, looking at her mother, she said, 'I want to model, to play Quidditch and travel the world. I've even been offered a contract by Witch Weekly to be their centrefold once I'm done with school.'

Molly's eyes widened with shock. 'Over my dead body, Ginevra.'

Ginny realised she'd revealed a little too much to her mother. Everyone knew that the Witch Weekly centrefold generally wore very little or nothing at all. It was one of the few reasons why the magazine was popular with both men as well as women. The women gazed jealously at the models while the men, especially boys like Ron, used it for more lascivious purposes. 'I didn't say I'm going to do it, did I mum?' asked Ginny plaintively.

Ron's eyes had goggled at the thought of his sister as the centrefold of Witch Weekly. 'Blimey, Ginny, I don't think I'd like seeing you displayed on the centrefold. I'm sure Dad would agree.'

Ginny scoffed. 'Dad doesn't know anything about Witch Weekly.'

Molly glared. 'I've read that magazine for years now, and your father uses it to buy me presents. He knows I enjoy reading the books on their best seller list. I'm sure he's not failed to notice the centrefold. So never you think that he doesn't know what's going on in the world around him.'

Ginny blushed. She hadn't really thought of how it would make her father feel to see her displayed in all her glory in the magazines. 'Yes, well, like I said, mum, I've not agreed to do it, have I? I just said it's something I'd like to do someday.'

Molly nodded. She wasn't convinced, but she was appeased for the moment. However, she had not forgotten the reason they had approached Minerva. Much to the Gryffindor Head's dismay, she turned once more to the trio of older witches. 'Ginny's future plans are all well and good, but what about the geis we brought up? Don't you think it makes sense as to why my husband has taken my sons to go make up with the Malfoys? You know it was the Blacks who cut all connections with us. They murdered my brothers, but now my husband's kissing Narcissa's hand and visiting in public with the Malfoys. It's not right. Even George joined them. I thought he'd at least stand by me given that they are responsible for Fred's death.'

Minerva sighed audibly. 'Molly, the Malfoys didn't kill Fred; it was Voldemort. You know that.'

'But they were Death Eaters. They agreed to his violence and evil. How can you all forgive and forget?' Molly was furious and hurt. She really could not understand what was going on, why everyone was willing to look the other way.

Minerva looked appraisingly at Molly. Then, she turned to include Ron and Ginny in her stare. 'No one has forgotten what has taken place. But we are doing what we think is best for the future. Do you really believe that the Order of Phoenix will allow former Death Eaters to escape without paying for what they have done? Do you really think Severus, Kingsley and I will ever allow them to wiggle out without paying for their sins? Really, Molly, you should know us better than that.'

Molly shook her head. She didn't know what the three lead members of the Order of Phoenix had done. She had never been more than an ordinary member.

Minerva sighed. 'I can't go into detail without Kingsley and Severus' opinion. But if you really have serious doubts, we must have them addressed. You have all been affected, seriously, but the actions of the Malfoys and the remaining Death Eaters.'

Pomona and Poppy had never been members of the Order, though they had been clearly sympathetic to the cause. They, too, were now openly curious.

Minerva sighed again. 'I suppose it's too late to ask you both to leave us and to forget what you've heard?'

Poppy spoke for them both. 'Don't be absurd, Minnie. We've always been in the background, it is true, but you know we aren't going to fade away now. I know I stood back for too long. Now, if there's anything I can do, I'm going to do it.'

Pomona nodded her head in agreement. 'Yes, I should have insisted that Albus include me in all plans a long time ago. When I think of the way in which we failed to aid Severus, I could weep. Now, we are all in this together.'

Minerva nodded. Turning once more to look at Poppy, she asked, 'Can you call Kingsley and Severus, please?'

Poppy nodded and immediately stood up. 'I shan't be a minute.'

While Ron and Ginny stood with ill disguised impatience, Poppy swiftly moved to collect Kingsley, who was standing with his back to the Head Table speaking with Andromeda. Message delivered, she approached Severus, who was deep in conversation with Hermione. Soon, Kingsley and Severus were approaching the Head Table, but they did not come alone. Both Andromeda and Hermione joined their male escorts.

Molly sighed. She could feel her darkness rising within her as her rationality slipped away. She didn't like the time it was taking to sort this problem out. It was clear to her now that there was an insidious darkness at work. Why else would Poppy and Pomona also take the Malfoys' side?

As Poppy returned to take her place beside Minerva, Kingsley and Andromeda came to stand beside Ron and Molly. Ginny stood as she had been between her mother and brother. Hermione and Severus moved to stand behind Minerva's chair. For anyone watching, they presented a picture of concerted strength, Minerva at the centre, protected and flanked by a wall of support.

Arthur had been quietly speaking to Augusta Longbottom. They had been discussing the changes the last months had made in their children. Augusta was praising her grandson, Neville, who had matured into a steadfast, sensible young man, one who had taken on the responsibility of being the dominant male and patriarch of the Longbottom clan, despite his quiet and retiring demeanour.

But Arthur's attention had been disturbed when, from the corner of his eye, he had seen Poppy coming to fetch Kingsley. Not one to miss the tension in the medi-witch's features, he immediately watched to see what was going on.

Augusta, too, raised her gaze to observe what was going on. She had not missed Arthur's attention moving away from her. Decisively, the other witch tapped Arthur with her fan. 'I think we need to go see what's going on, Arthur. It looks like your wife and children are causing a bit of a problem.'

Arthur sighed. He had been surprised that Molly had not approached him as soon as he had left the company of the Malfoys. But she had been deep in conversation with Ron. He had thought he had avoided a confrontation in public. Realising it was not to be, he nodded his head. 'I agree,' he said in resignation.

They, too, joined the group that was now gathered around the Head Table.

Minerva's eyes widened as she noticed the new additions to the group. 'Well,' she said finally, 'it looks like we are having an impromptu Order meeting, given that so many of you have turned up without a thought to how it must seem to the rest of our guests.'

Kingsley chuckled. 'Yes, I'm sure before long Miss Brown will be part of the group, and our conversation will be published in the Daily Prophet.'

Indeed, even as Kingsley finished speaking, Lavender slipped in and twined herself around Ron.

Ron blinked. He was many things, but he was not entirely stupid. The discussion they were about to have, the explanations they were about to hear, were important and not to be bandied about in public. He had learned a healthy respect for the importance of keeping his mouth shut at Auror Training. And despite his more aggressive tendencies, he was not yet sunk deep enough into his inner darkness to not know what a gossip Lavender was. With an inward sigh, he tightened his arm around Lavender. 'It was lovely seeing you again, Professor McGonagall,' he said. 'But now that Lavender's finished catching up with her friends, I'm sure she'd love to dance.'

It was clear that Ron did not want to leave. But it was also clear that he did not want Lavender to catch a whiff of what was going on.

Minerva's eyes twinkled with approval at his manful handling of the situation.

Even as Ron led Lavender off to the dance floor, the others could hear her asking him what they were all discussing so intently. Everyone strained to hear his response, and a grin broke over Kingsley face when they heard Ron reply that they were thinking about how to accommodate all the former students who wanted to come see the next Gryffindor Quidditch match.

'He's really coming along nicely,' said Kingsley with obvious approval. Nodding at Arthur, he said, 'Auror Training really has helped him to think even more strategically. That was a good save.'

Molly, who had been really annoyed at the way everyone seemed to have gathered to stand against her and youngest two children, was mollified at this obvious approval of Ron's behaviour. 'He's a good boy; he's always been sharp,' she said fondly.

'Indeed,' said Minerva quickly. She knew they needed to move the group out of the situation it was in. It was attracting too much attention as it was. 'Ronald's strategic skills were apparent from the time he was a first-year when he defeated the Transfigured giant chessmen.'

Molly was further appeased at this bit of praise. Feeling much more pleased, she did not raise any protest when Arthur, with a significant look at Minerva, slipped his arm around her and began to draw her away.

Minerva watched them go. However, she was not ignorant of the fact that their most difficult hurdle still stood petulantly before them. Suppressing an inward sigh -- she had had too many causes to sigh this evening -- she turned to look at Ginny. 'You have raised an important issue, Ginevra. Once I speak with Kingsley, I'm sure a general Order meeting for all those concerned will be held. You will have your answers.'

Ginny was not mollified. She still felt angry, enraged. But she could not deny that her feelings of importance were appeased by the serious tone of Professor McGonagall's response. Her thoughts and comments were going to be considered, discussed. She was not being ignored. She had wanted action, resolution, but she knew that older people always moved in painfully slow ways. With a frown and a sigh, she nodded her head. 'Soon, though,' she added petulantly.

'Soon,' said Minerva in agreement.

Ginny could do no more. With a deep look of disgust at this development, which had seen no clear resolution to what she saw as an obvious explanation, she moved away. Not in all the time she had stood in front of Minerva had she looked at Severus, Hermione or Andromeda.

Once Ginny departed, Augusta and Andromeda moved away, too.

Hermione could see the tension emanating from Severus and realised that he wanted to speak with Minerva and Kingsley. Tactfully, she said, 'I think I'll go speak to Neville. I've not got a chance to catch up with him yet.'

Severus inclined his head. He could guess the heightened curiosity that was consuming Hermione. That she was willing to not press the issue when it would be obviously out of place for a student to be seen spending so long with him and the Deputy Head was very forward thinking of her. 'Thank you,' he said softly. 'I'm sure you'll hear what it's all about very soon.'

Hermione smiled. She was dying to know what had been said and what the others were now obviously going to discuss. But she also knew that this was not the time or the place. They had already drawn too much attention. With another smile at the group and a heated meeting of the eyes with Severus, she drifted away to speak with Neville, who was surrounded by Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot.

Once Hermione had departed, Kingsley and Severus helped Poppy and Pomona rise before taking the two chairs the older witches had vacated. As there was nothing unusual in Minerva and Severus sitting together with Kingsley, attention eventually faded. It looked to all observers that nothing of significance had happened, despite the earlier suggestion of urgency.

Once it was clear by Kingsley's chuckles and Severus' smirk that the conversation had moved to less serious matters, the attention their gathering had caused eventually died. It was only then that Minerva quickly explained what had transpired.

Kingsley swore furiously while his face continued to display a happy smile. 'The inner darkness of those three really needs to be addressed. I'm surprised Ron and Molly were able to be subdued so easily. But that young woman needs watching. What do you suggest?'

Severus sighed. 'Minerva's right. We'll have to call an Order Meeting. We have much to discuss. How about this Sunday? I think the sooner we address this matter the better. We don't really want Miss Weasley to grow impatient and blurt out her theory to the press. That is all we need. They will have a field day, and all of us will be bombarded with more ridiculous headaches.'

'My thoughts exactly,' said Kingsley gravely. 'I'll speak to Percy. He's good with logistical matters, and since it's his family that's causing this particular problem, I'm sure he'll be happy to act as Order Secretary.'

Silence reined as the trio considered the pressing matter before them. Into the lengthy silence, Severus spoke carefully, 'I've just agreed to a betrothal contract with Lucius for Hermione's hand. I'll be sending my financial statements and affairs for his perusal as soon as it can all be arranged.'

A moment's silence greeted this quietly dropped tid bit. Then, Minerva beamed with joy. 'Congratulations,' she said, squeezing his hand that lay on the table. 'I'm so glad.'

Kingsley, too, smiled with open delight. 'This is a much anticipated development,' he said with a grin. With a sly look at Severus, he teased, 'Indeed, something I had expected since the evening of the Victory Ball.'

Severus chuckled darkly at the open teasing. 'If only I know now what I knew then,' he started with a smirk, 'I'd have put on an even greater show.'

Kingsley threw back his head and laughed. 'This bit of news was just what I needed to help ease the headache the Weasley trio was bringing on.'


When Hermione joined Neville, Hannah and Susan, an embarrassed silence fell on their conversation. They were all a little discomforted at her having so openly become one of the Malfoys. But Neville's brand of charm soon came to the fore. With a chuckle, he hugged his friend before making her a courtly bow. 'Welcome to our humble circle, Lady Hermione,' he intoned.

Hermione punched him lightly in the arm and laughed. 'Idiot,' she said fondly.

The other two girls relaxed at this teasing. They were pleased to note that Hermione had not changed. They had been friends during their time in Dumbledore's Army, and although they had not been particularly close, the two Hufflepuffs had always found the intelligent Gryffindor a kind and patient teacher when explaining spells and defence tactics. They had always respected Hermione's skill, but more importantly for them, her Hufflepuffian commitment to hard work, dedication and tenacity had made them consider her a somewhat honorary Hufflepuff.

Hermione next turned her smile to include Susan and Hannah. 'How are you both? Sorry I've not really kept in touch, but finding my feet after the war and coming back to school has been hectic.'

Susan smiled. 'It's okay. We've been doing okay. Getting on, you know. How are you?' Then, bravely, the curious witch asked, 'How's it being a Malfoy?' Her aunt Amelia Bones had been murdered by the Death Eaters, as had, of course, her grandparents.

'It's fine. They are fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine,' said Hermione, slightly annoyed at the obvious question. Then, seeing the truly concerned expression in Susan's eyes, she said, thinking, 'They are trying their best to mend their errors. Adopting me was a way of showing they had no more hard feelings towards Muggleborns. I think I'm even slowly changing their hearts and minds, not just their politically motivated actions about Muggles and Muggleborns.'

Susan nodded. She was an intelligent girl. 'Education and understanding are the key ingredients in making genuine change in attitudes and behaviour. My aunt always insisted that knowledge was the key. I'm glad you're settling in okay.'

Hannah nodded in agreement, too. Then, with typical Hufflepuff candour and compassion, she asked, 'Are they nice to you? They don't bully you, do they?'

Hermione smiled and reached out to squeeze Hannah's shoulder. 'No, they don't. They are really nice. Cissy has become a real friend to me, as has the Ferret. We all actually get along very well. Even Lucius.'

'Well,' said Neville, 'if ever you need someone, don't be a stranger, okay? We all care about you.'

'Oh, Neville,' said Hermione, hugging her friend again. 'Thank you. It's really lovely of you to say so.'

Hannah reached out and put her arm around the two friends. 'Neville's right. We do care about you.'

Hermione's eyes widened as she disengaged from the group hug. Looking at Hannah and Neville, she said, 'Is there something I should know about?'

Neville grinned and took hold of Hannah's hand. 'We've been seeing a lot of each other lately.'

As Hermione's expression of surprise turned to one of knowing, Susan giggled.

'Wow,' said Hermione. 'Congratulations, you guys. I had no idea you were close.'

Hannah blushed. 'It was at the Malfoy picnic that we really became close. Susan didn't come. She didn't want to be in the presence of the Malfoys. So I was kind of alone, and Neville took care of me.' She looked lovingly into Neville's eyes. 'He's always been there to help me when I needed it.'

Neville coloured bashfully, but then slipped his arm around his girlfriend. 'We look after each other.'

Hermione was so happy for her friends. 'Well, good for you both. I've got news too. But it's still kind of a secret, so please don't tell anyone else. I've not even had a chance to tell Harry yet.'

Susan's eyes widened in curiosity. Neville and Hannah leaned closer to hear the news.

Making sure they were not being overheard, Hermione said, 'Lucius asked Severus tonight if he would be willing to enter into a betrothal contract with him for my hand in marriage. Severus agreed. The paperwork and other procedures still need to be done, but once all the details are sorted out, we are going to be engaged.'

'Oh. My. God,' said Susan. 'You and Headmaster Snape. I can't believe it.'

Neville chuckled. 'Well, I can. I remember seeing the two of you waltz at one of the parties we went to over the summer. You were both lost in each other's eyes.'

Hannah was stunned into silence. She kept looking from Hermione to Severus who was sitting with Kingsley and Minerva. Finally, she said a quiet, 'Wow.'


Ronald Weasley frowned in thoughtful silence into Lavender Brown's hair. Even as he allowed the young woman to wrap herself around him as they moved slowly on the dance floor, his mind raced with numerous thoughts. The first thoughts centred around Lavender. He had not liked the way she had insinuated herself in what was obviously a private Order discussion. He had known for years that she was a horrendous gossip, but for the first time, he truly saw her for what she was. An attention seeking tittle-tattle. Turning her so that she faced away from the Head Table, his eyes scanned the action taking place. He watched Hermione tactfully depart, as did Augusta and Andromeda. Then, he observed Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey meander off into the crowd. He was not foolish enough to miss how they all immediately joined other groups, groups likely to wonder about what had taken place. He could well imagine that they were carrying out exercises in drawing away speculation on the nature of the gathering.

Ron had been told, of course, about the darkness that had manifested within them. But, like his mother and sister, he had paid little attention to what had been said. His time at Auror Training had, of course, made him realise that he had been somewhat touched by the dark, but he had never realised how quickly he was willing to let irrational emotions and thoughts obscure his thinking. He thought hard on what he had learned. Even though they hadn't been given clear information on the price the Malfoys had paid in restitution, he could well imagine that Kingsley and Professor McGonagall had not gone easy on the Slytherins. He next thought about George, Percy, Bill and his dad going over to make up with the Malfoys. He pondered again the meaning behind George's words. Were the actions of his mother, Ginny and himself responsible for the breaking up of his family? He'd always considered Harry another brother, one that was going to eventually become a Weasley by marriage. But if Harry had broken off with Ginny, despite her telling him that he would no longer be allowed into the Burrow, what did that mean for their friendship? He, Harry and Hermione had been friends for much longer than Ginny and Harry had been a couple. Should her hurt feelings, therefore, result in him losing his friend? Despite the darkness brought about by seeing what he felt was the defection to the Slytherins, he could not bear to lose more of his kin. George without the company of Fred was a serious and sober man. Percy seemed focused on nothing but work and doing what was right, and Harry, well, Harry kept saying how he wanted to retire somewhere for a quiet, peaceful life. He could well understand Ginny not wanting to be a part of that scheme. She was like him; she longed just as he did to live in a fancy house in the fashionable part of London. She, like him, wanted fame, fortune and glory. Could this really be the reason why Harry had broken up with Ginny? Could he really have thought and seen how ill-suited their goals and aspirations for the future were?

And Hermione. Despite his behaviour prior to their break up, he did realise deep inside of him that he had not acted well. He had left her alone to be rescued by the Malfoys and Snape. No wonder then that she had clung to them from then on. His behaviour had made it impossible for her to come to the Burrow. That his mother and sister had condoned and furthered the breach in their friendship could not be ignored. They, too, must be touched by the dark. Why else would his mother not pull him up for his ungentlemanly behaviour? She may have always disliked Hermione, but she had always insisted on good manners. What he had done was not, by any stretch of the imagination, well mannered.

Ron realised that he would have to speak to Harry. Then, once he made sure his oldest friend had been informed of his support and understanding, he would have to try to patch things up further with Hermione. She might never again be his best friend, but if they could go back to being on the level of comfortable house-mates, he would consider himself fortunate. As for the Malfoys, well, he couldn't be as magnanimous as his brothers and father, but he could, he supposed, stop treating them like dirt under his shoes. With an inward sigh, Ronald Weasley accepted that it was time that he grew up. Harry, Hermione, even Neville and the Ferret seemed to have done so. Now it was his turn.