Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen: The Victory Ball

Chapter Summary:
Severus flirts and dances while the Malfoys plot.

Chapter Thirteen: The Victory Ball

Severus flirts and dances while the Malfoys plot.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(ii) Thank you once again for the kind reviews. Please do continue to let me know what you think of the story.

(iii) A big hug of gratitude to my smashingly lovely beta, Queen_of_Stars.


Following the Order meeting, Ron had tried very hard to spend time with Hermione. The Greasy Git's pronouncement that he and his family were touched by the Dark had hit a sore note indeed. Ron wanted to prove that he was not jealous of Harry and Hermione's moment of fame.

Ron felt that since Hermione had kissed him in the heat of the final battle, he was now entitled to certain benefits. He had read and heard enough about Muggle porn to feel that Hermione as a Muggle-born would be frisky and therefore quite willing to sleep with him. Before, they had been on the search for Horcruxes, and there was a crazed Dark Lord on their trail, but now, things were good. Surely, thought Ron, Hermione will soon be in my bed.

Ron, Ginny and Molly were looking forward to the Victory Ball with almost irrational anticipation. Ginny had bought herself a daring dress in gold satin that made her look incredibly sexy. She wanted to be the one photographed on Harry's arm. She wanted to be the belle of the ball.

Ron had made an extra special effort with his appearance, as well. His navy blue robes were very dashing, and he felt that tonight, with the attention of the world's media upon them, Hermione would not be able to push him aside. He was determined that tonight was the night that Hermione would stop acting like a frigid ice queen and sleep with him.

The Weasleys had all arrived at Grimmauld Place with the intention of leaving for the ball with Harry and Hermione. Molly and Ginny had decided that it would be most fitting if they arrived at the Ministry Ballroom en masse. Harry had been pleased when he had heard of their company, for he had been dreading having to appear in public and deal with the media attention alone.

Hermione was not particularly looking forward to the ball, but she realised that it would do Harry a lot of good to get out and about. She was, however, dreading Ron and his now un-wanted attentions.

As they were about to Floo to the Ministry, Ron slid his arm around her waist and whispered in what he thought was a seductive tone. 'You look very pretty 'Mione; I can't wait to get you out of your dress.'

Hermione was both embarrassed and furious. She knew that Molly had heard her son's remark. Realising that not causing a scene was impossible, she pulled herself out of his grip and said, 'Ronald, you're a total cad and an idiot. You and I are through. You've called me a tart and a scarlet woman in front of almost everyone of the Order, and if you now think that I am going to sleep with you or be your girlfriend, you've got another thing coming.'

Hermione's attack took almost everyone aback.

Harry was extremely uncomfortable because he did not know what Hermione was speaking of.

Ginny stared furiously at Hermione and whispered, 'Frigid bitch. My brother can do so much better than you.'

Arthur Weasley was the most embarrassed. Trying desperately for a jovial tone of voice, he quickly ushered everyone into the Floo and to the Ministry Ballroom.

When they arrived at the Ministry Ballroom, Ron immediately marched off. It took Hermione a moment to realise who, or what, he had spotted on arrival. Following the direction of Ron's swagger, she found Lavender Brown in an extremely low-cut, provocative dress of almost see-through scarlet lace. Ron had not wasted a moment in asking the very pleased young woman for a dance.

The other Weasleys, seeing Ron's seeming oblivion to Hermione's rejection, soon scattered, leaving her still standing forlornly by the fireplaces.

Harry tried to stay with Hermione, since he wanted to know what was going on, but Ginny's glare had Hermione shooing him off with a false smile. She did not want to cause a scene in front of the gathered crowd even though she wanted nothing more than to howl and scream inside. 'Don't worry about me, Harry, I'm fine. I just want to sit down and have a moment to myself. Go dance with Ginny.'

As Harry was led away by a victorious Ginny, Hermione looked around in hopes of finding a friendly face in the crowd. Not finding one, she made her way to the tables after glancing at the seating plan. As she was walking through the crowd towards the distant tables, Hermione was stopped by Narcissa.

With a knowing look, the older witch asked, 'Is there trouble in paradise?'

Hermione pretended to smile. 'No, everything is fine.' It was obvious that Narcissa's comments were based on the ridiculous piece in The Daily Prophet. The ridiculous piece, of course, was the horridly personal article written by none other than Rita Skeeter. After Harry and Hermione's refusal to speak to the media following the press conference, Skeeter had approached Ron. Ron, who had been keen to get into the action and have his own moment of fame, had given an in-depth interview and had told her everything about their year on the run. Skeeter, who had never liked Hermione, had asked Ron if Hermione was seeing Kingsley, but Ron had spluttered and said no, that she was his girl. Thus, the sight of Ronald Weasley now snogging Lavender Brown rather publicly was hard to miss.

At Narcissa's raised eyebrow, Hermione once again attempted to smile brightly. 'Really,' she said with false cheer. 'Everything is just perfect.'

Narcissa gently patted Hermione's arm and guided her to one of the darker alcoves and insisted, 'My dear, I've been around long enough to realise that you are unhappy. Come now, if it is Mr. Weasley, then perhaps I can be of help?'

Hermione nodded mutely and tried to stop the tears that were now threatening to fall. She had not expected gentle understanding from Narcissa Malfoy, no matter their previous seemingly friendly conversation in town.

Narcissa was ever the opportunist. In a calculated move, the witch asked, 'Do you know, my dear, that Severus is alone tonight as well?'

Hermione blinked and looked questioningly at the older woman. She found the sudden change of topic rather confusing.

Narcissa smirked. 'I suggest that perhaps if you sat with Severus, his very social personality would ensure that you would be left free of the tender mercies of the wondrous Mr. Weasley.'

Hermione was initially appalled at Cissy's suggestion, but immediately saw the benefit of such a position. Smiling brightly through the tears that were swimming in her eyes, she said, 'I do agree, Cissy; I just think Professor Snape would not be amused.'

'I'll handle Severus,' said Narcissa confidently.

Hermione smiled again. Speaking to Narcissa had helped Hermione focus on something other than the sight of Ron trying to stick his tongue down Lavender's throat.

'I was dreading dinner, actually,' confided Hermione. 'I saw that I was placed next to Ron at the main table, and it would have been excruciating after our recent break-up. I just ended it before we arrived actually. Professor Snape is also at the head table though, so doing a bit of place shifting would not be too difficult if he is agreeable with altering the seating arrangements.'

Narcissa smirked wickedly. 'What the men don't know won't hurt them,' said Narcissa confidently. 'I'll just make a tiny alteration to the seating plan, and all will be well.'

Hermione grinned. She had not even considered doing anything like that.

Seeing Hermione smile, Narcissa smirked again. Then, the older woman helped Hermione repair her face and guided her towards the Slytherin group where Lucius and Draco were talking to Severus.

As they approached the party, Hermione saw Lucius and froze. 'Cissy,' she said desperately, 'I don't think I can.'

Narcissa noted the abject terror on Hermione's face and hugged the girl briefly. 'My dear, let me apologise once more for our previous behaviour. I assure you that you won't be harmed. Lucius is many things, but he isn't a fool. He was only a Death Eater because he knew to refuse the Dark Lord would result in death.'

Hermione was still skittish. This was the man who had threatened her, terrified her. How could she approach him for anything less than sheer necessity?

Narcissa sighed. 'Please, Hermione,' pleaded the older woman. 'Don't let the others see your fear. Don't cause a scene. I promise you that the only true loyalty a Malfoy can ever have is to his or her family. As Draco's godfather, Severus is family. You saved his life; we are indebted to you. You have nothing to fear.'

Hermione nodded. She was still not really convinced, but she had grown to like Narcissa Malfoy, and she trusted Professor Snape completely. 'Okay, Cissy,' she said softly. 'I'll do this for you.'

Harry and Ginny bumped into people on the dance floor as they watched in bemusement the sight of Hermione being led to the Malfoys and Snape by Narcissa.

As Hermione joined the waiting men, there was furious whispering around the ballroom. Severus could not help his amusement and raised a sardonic eyebrow at Narcissa. 'What in Circe's name are you up to, woman?'

This caused Lucius to laugh out loud, which attracted even more attention from their attentive audience. Chuckling darkly, Lucius replied, 'Severus, you know my brilliant wife; she's match-making.'

Draco nearly choked on his drink in shock. Then, seeing the utterly gobsmacked expression on his godfather's face, the younger man joined his father in uproarious laughter.

Hermione had expected coldness and aloofness at her introduction into the exclusively Slytherin group. She had not expected her presence to cause laughter and amusement at Professor Snape's expense. Unable to find a suitable way of responding, the young woman could only blush furiously and smile.

Narcissa huffed in affront. 'I'm doing nothing of the sort,' she said, before changing her mind to admit, 'so what if I am?'

This was all too much for Draco. Bowing to his mother and Hermione, he said, 'This has been very pleasant, but I think it is time I left to ask Daphne Greengrass to dance.'

As Draco strolled off with a slightly amused smirk on his face, Lucius smiled like a predator shark at his wife and said, 'Cissy, my dear, I think it is time for us to take a turn about the room.' Smirking evilly at Severus and Hermione, Lucius led Narcissa away.

This, of course, left an extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable Hermione standing alone with Severus with the eyes of curious observers trained upon them.

Hermione was very unsettled. She wasn't usually this awkward, but she did not know how to behave. All Hermione could do was try to look relaxed while blushing furiously.

Seeing Miss Granger's reaction at being left alone with him in the ballroom, Severus sighed. 'Please stop blushing, Miss Granger,' he said tiredly. 'If you continue to colour up so charmingly in my presence, you will make our attentive audience think that I'm flirting with you or being suggestive.'

This statement only made Hermione blush even more.

'Merlin's pants, woman,' said Severus gruffly, before taking her hand and leading the now utterly astonished Hermione onto the dance floor.

As they danced, Severus asked her, 'Am I correct in my assumption that Cissy was rescuing you from Mr. Weasley's offensive behaviour?'

Hermione nodded and said softly, 'I broke it off as we were leaving for the ball. I didn't think he would be so insensitive as to snog Lavender as soon as he got here, as if nothing had ever gone on between us.'

Severus sighed once more and said, 'Then you were the only one.'

Hermione was startled by the response. She looked up at Severus in confusion.

'Really, Miss Granger,' Severus said in irritation. 'Why do you think I disapproved so vehemently of your friendship? They used you from the very first. You lied for them, you worked for them and they gave you the crumbs of their friendship.'

Hermione spluttered, 'But, but... isn't that what friends do?'

Severus sighed. Bloody Gryffindors. 'Think carefully before you speak, Miss Granger. Analyse not from your eyes but from the eyes of an objective outsider how it always appeared to be them against you. Think back to how Weasley walked out on you and Potter in the hour of your greatest need.'

Hermione was quiet for a while and then said gently, 'But he came back.'

'Yes,' said Severus, 'but think about why he came back. Did he come back because he realised his mistake, or did he come back because he was ashamed and guilty? If it was shame and guilt that brought him back, what was he ashamed and guilty of? And then, consider objectively what he gave up for the year on the run and what you have given up in terms of your family, your respectability and your place in society.'

Hermione looked at Severus in confusion and consternation.

Severus merely continued to speak as he twirled Hermione around the dance floor. 'Miss Granger, you're supposedly an intelligent woman; consider, are you going to be able to retrieve your parents from Australia? Has anyone even asked you about them, or how you're going to go there and un-modify their memories? Has anyone even discussed with you the possibility of being able to give them back their memories completely without them trusting you? Or indeed, if they will be able to ever forgive you for what you have done?'

Hermione did not respond. What was there to say? No one, not even Harry, had asked any of the questions that kept her up at night with inexpressible worry.

Severus continued to speak. 'You are a young woman who did what you had to do in a difficult situation, but you must realise that British Magical society is Victorian in its attitude. Molly and Miss Weasley are not the only ones who are dragging your name through the mud over your supposed loose morality. Young ladies do not go traipsing off into the wilderness with two hormonal teenage boys, even if they are supposedly her best friends. It is simply not done. The fact that Mr. Weasley is now rejecting you will be taken as a sign that you have been deemed unsuitable as a marriage partner by his family. They are, as a family, destroying your reputation and any chance you may have of marrying into Magical society.'

Hermione was appalled. 'But nothing happened,' she said miserably. 'I've never slept with anyone.'

'I know that,' said Severus with a sardonic smirk. 'To me it is obvious. You do not look at men with that calculating gleam in your eye, but to others, especially people who are waiting to see the fall of the Gryffindor Princess, this is a dream come true.'

Hermione's face was now red with embarrassment. She had not expected to have a discussion of her sexuality with Professor Snape, of all people.

However, Severus was still not done. 'I would suggest that you stay close to Narcissa. If the Malfoys appear to befriend you, you will be redeemed. Whatever their position, they are still the leaders of pureblood society. If they court you, if they are seen to associate with you, then you will be forgiven all.'

Hermione nodded. She was so confused. 'I have never--' began Hermione, only to be interrupted by Severus.

'I realise your Gryffindor sensibilities abhor the concept of making use of your friends, but remember that the Malfoys are Slytherin. They will use you, so use them in turn, and all will be well. Just because there is an advantage in association does not mean there is any lack or falsehood in the friendship. Lucius and I have used each other since our days at Hogwarts. That does not mean our friendship is any less worthy or true.'

Hermione nodded. She was no fool. She understood what Professor Snape was trying to tell her. Tentatively, she met his dark gaze. 'Will you be my friend, sir?' she asked.

Severus smiled. It was not a happy smile, but that of a predator gazing upon its prey. 'Indeed I shall, Miss Granger,' he said.

His tone of voice made Hermione realise she'd just asked the Devil for a favour. What will he require in exchange? wondered Hermione worriedly.

Severus saw that Hermione had come to the realisation that she would now have to be of use to him. Dipping his head close to her ear, he whispered seductively, 'In return, Miss Granger, I shall have your very soul.'

Hermione's head jerked up in fear, but when she saw his smirk, she realised that he was not being completely serious.

Severus chuckled darkly. 'I see you realise that I do not completely jest, Miss Granger. Like for like is usually the way these things are done in Slytherin circles.' Severus hadn't really thought about what he was going to demand of Miss Granger; in truth, he already felt indebted. He didn't really owe her a life debt, since it was the Dark Veela who had cured him, but he did owe her for her efforts in clearing his name. However, Severus did enjoy baiting Gryffindors. Watching the young woman's confusion and panic was very amusing. Deciding to play a little, he pulled her closer into his embrace as he neared the end of the dance.

Hermione was not too sure she understood everything that was going on. On one level, she realised that Professor Snape was toying with her. She also realised that he had indeed flirted with her in an indirect, sardonic way. However, she also trusted him to protect her and knew instinctively that he would never hurt her or abuse her physically. Words were his weapons of choice. Deciding that Professor Snape was testing her confidence and trust in him, she smiled at him. 'I trust you, sir,' she said softy. 'Whatever you demand from me in exchange will never be something that causes me pain.'

Severus was floored. Although he did not show it, he was touched by this blatant display of trust. No one had ever trusted him so explicitly. 'Gryffindor, indeed,' he murmured before smirking at the smiling young woman.

Meanwhile, on another part of the dance floor, Lucius asked Narcissa, 'Cissy, what in Merlin's name are you doing with the Granger girl?'

Narcissa smirked at her husband and replied, 'Really, Lucius, you can be so blind. We discussed this last week, and you said you wanted the Malfoy name to be cleared as soon as possible, for it was starting to affect business. Now, think about who put in the most effort to clear Severus' name. Besides, if being seen publicly with Severus is good for our name, then being seen to be on friendly terms with one of the Golden Trio is sure to flummox all the gossips.'

Lucius smirked in amusement as he listened to his wife's explanation.

Narcissa continued, 'You did say after our chat with Severus that he was looking for a wife. You know there is hardly anyone who would marry him. No one from the pureblood circles will have him; he is too difficult, opinionated and unfortunately poor, so it must be a half-blood or a Mudblood. Hermione is quite brilliant - even Draco admits that - and a foolish woman would be completely unsuitable for him. She's been through the war, understands his role and thinks he's a hero. It's perfect; we get to steal the Gryffindor Princess and annoy the do-gooders while simultaneously ensuring that Severus has an intellectually suitable, politically well-placed wife who is young, easily manipulated and will be tireless in her efforts to help us if she feels we are true to our word of wanting to turn over a new leaf. Nimue knows I never really bought into all of that Death Eater nonsense. I just did what you wanted and what I felt would be the best thing for the Malfoy name. We need to do as much as we can to distance ourselves from that past, and befriending a Mudblood--no-- I must stop using that word-- a Muggle-born--would help matters greatly.'

As Narcissa finished her speech, Lucius stared at his beautiful, brilliant wife in wonder. Finally, he said plainly, 'I'm a very lucky man. You're perfect, brilliant, beautiful and thoroughly Slytherin! But Cissy, a Gryffindor for Severus? They'll drive each other mad!'

Narcissa angled her head towards the dancing couple and observed drolly, 'I think not. I think they will provide the perfect counterpoint to each other.'

Lucius smirked whilst watching Severus dance. Finally, he murmured into Narcissa's ear while drawing her closer to his chest, 'You may be right, my dear, you may be right.'