Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 25 - Chapter Twenty-Five: Birthday Wishes


Chapter Twenty-Five: Birthday Wishes

Hermione turns nineteen.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of the amazing J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(ii) Thank you to all the readers who have stayed with me through the writing of this story. Your kind reviews have been enormously helpful. Please do continue to review and tell me what you think of the story.

(iii) And finally, much gratitude to my brilliant beta, Queen_of_Stars.


Saturday the nineteenth of September saw Hermione celebrate her nineteenth birthday. Last year, while she had been on the run, Hermione had hoped that this year, she would have been able to rejoice with her parents. But it was not to be.

Harry, however, had done his best to be the brother he claimed to be and had sent her a card full of teasing good humour. Together with the card, he had sent her a gift voucher to Flourish and Blotts for her to buy any five books she so desired. It was a generous gift, since there was no limit to the amount she could spend, but it was somewhat impersonal. Hermione was tired of being seen as nothing but a walking bookworm. It would have been nice for once, she mused, to not get anything book or stationery related for my birthday. Nonetheless, Hermione did realise that Harry was deeply involved in Auror training and had almost no time for a visit or to think of a more original present, especially when he knew how much she really did enjoy books.

A small part of Hermione could not help but feel sad at not receiving any acknowledgement of her birthday from the Weasleys. Ginny had not even glanced at Hermione as she made her way out of the common room.

Luna must have sensed the loneliness that gripped Hermione's heart as she awoke to a bed without its customary pile of presents, for she met Hermione as she made her way down to breakfast with a brightly wrapped parcel and a warm and happy hug. Once again thanking her lucky stars for a perceptive and understanding girl-friend, Hermione joined Luna at the Ravenclaw table, where over her scrambled eggs and toast, she opened her soft and malleable parcel.

'Oh,' said Hermione softly, when the raspberry pink paper gave way to reveal a beautiful emerald green and gold patterned scarf. Stroking the soft velveteen fabric, she smiled brightly at her friend. 'It's gorgeous.'

Luna beamed at her vaguely before letting her eyes drift over to the Slytherin table. 'The colours are symbolic. They bring the best of Slytherin and Gryffindor together.'

Hermione blushed at the pointed reminder of her relationship with Severus but was distracted by Astoria, who came gliding over from the Slytherin table. Not an earlier riser by any stretch of the imagination, to see Astoria down for breakfast was indeed a bit of a surprise.

'Hello, Madam Snape,' said Astoria cheekily.

Hermione gasped. Is the castle already revealing my plans to the others? thought Hermione in astonishment. 'Really, Astoria,' she exclaimed. 'What on earth are you on about?'

Astoria merely shrugged her shoulders eloquently and grinned. 'I'm just giving you your due title a little in advance. If the way our sexy headmaster is looking at you is any indication, it is unlikely that I am wrong in my prediction of your future name.'

Hermione blushed. Quickly looking up at the Head Table she had been deliberately avoiding, she met the intense gaze of Severus, who had his eyes pinned upon her. Smiling shyly, she was astonished to see him raise his eyebrow suggestively at her before turning his attention once more to his plate.

Astoria and Luna both giggled. They had taken to watching the interaction between the couple with glee.

'Will you two quit it,' said Hermione in exasperation. 'We don't want the entire castle talking about us. Harry and Ron were never this obvious about things. And I can tell you now that they didn't know the first thing about subtlety.'

Hermione's prim reprimand brought the two friends up short. Nodding, Astoria instead changed the topic by flourishing from behind her back a long, slim parcel wrapped in silver paper.

'Oh, Astoria,' said Hermione. She had seen boxes of that size and nature and knew what it contained. Leaning over to kiss her friend on the cheek, she opened her present expectantly. She was not disappointed. Astoria had given Hermione a beautiful peacock quill from an albino cock. These quills were a speciality of Quality Quills and Parchments. More of an ornament than a practical gift, it was both expensive and tasteful.

The girls finished their breakfast together at the Ravenclaw table, Hermione glancing up occasionally to meet the dark gaze of the headmaster. God, I want him to ravish me, thought Hermione. His gaze is so intense, I feel like he's sliding into me while I sit here.

Shivering with desire, she once more forced herself to focus on the last of her meal. She didn't want to make her attraction to the headmaster the topic of public discussion if she could help it. She knew how private a person he really was.

Finally, breakfast was over and the three friends quickly made their way out into the courtyard. It was there that Narcissa's elegant, short-eared owl found them. Hermione recognised the owl immediately. Stroking the proud bird gently before taking the missive from its delicately raised foot, she unrolled the scroll with shining eyes. She had not expected her friend to forget, but she had not expected the owl to arrive after breakfast was concluded.

Luna and Astoria peered over Hermione's shoulder as she unrolled the fragrant parchment and read the note.

My dear Hermione,

Felicitations on your birthday! Lucius, Draco and I are delighted to wish you all good fortune today.

I have already spoken with Severus and have arranged for you to be released for the day. I shall meet you outside the Main Gates at eleven o'clock for your birthday surprise.

Bring your warm cloak.

Love and warm wishes,


'Oh, how lovely,' exclaimed Astoria.

'Mmm...' said Hermione. She was excited at the prospect of a surprise outing with Cissy. She had been meaning to talk to her friend on the next possible occasion on the discussion she had had with her council of portrait advisers.

Luna surprisingly was the voice of practicality. 'You should go get ready, Hermione. You don't want to keep Cissy waiting. Besides, I'm sure Headmaster Snape has his own plans for your birthday. You don't want to keep him waiting either, do you?'

'Severus?' asked Hermione in confusion.

'Yes,' said Luna insightfully. 'You do realise that he will be at the gates to see you off? A member of staff will have to accompany you to the gates and let you out. I doubt he'll delegate the task to someone else, when he could so easily spend that time with you.'

'I hadn't thought of that,' said Hermione. 'Falling in love is making me foolish,' she said with a grin. 'All I can think about is Severus and the magnificence of his kisses.'

'Too much information,' said Luna laughingly, while Astoria only chuckled darkly.

Then, with a very Slytherinesque smirk, Astoria said, 'Well, if anyone was swarve enough to sweep the Gryffindor Princess off her feet, it has to be a Slytherin. No one else could possibly possess the smarts or the sophistication to be a real equal.'

'Thanks, I think,' said Hermione.

This brought fought another round of giggles. Finally gaining control of herself, Hermione gave her two friends a beaming hug before departing to prepare for her day out.

Knowing Narcissa, Hermione anticipated a day of either shopping or pampering. Thus, she pulled on her now favourite amber linen dress, but teamed it with a warm pair of cream-coloured tights, an ivory cardigan and her cloak. Hat, gloves and scarf in case the weather turned chilly, as it often did this time of year in the Scottish Highlands, and Hermione was ready.

As Hermione made her way to the Entrance Hall at a quarter to eleven, she found Severus already there. Dressed in his customary black robes, with his cloak billowing in the non-existent wind, he made a commanding figure. A shiver ran through Hermione at his appearance that had nothing to do with the looming menace he presented to the outside world. Given that it was a weekend, the Entrance Hall would normally have been full of students making their way in or out to the grounds. However, Severus had managed to secure the hallway entirely to himself. Indeed, anyone foolish enough to loiter in his presence had quickly been subjected to a stern glare that had moved them onto safer, Snape-free pastures. Moving closer until she could breathe deeply of his sandalwood and nutmeg scented aroma, she smiled at him and whispered, 'Hello, you.'

'Hello, Princess,' replied Severus in that smoky, seductive voice of his. 'Let me wish you sincere and heart-felt felicitations and best wishes on your day of birth.'

'Thank you,' said Hermione, her eyes darkening with lust at the tone of his voice.

Severus could see her desire for him writ plain on her face. Smirking sardonically, he said, 'Come, I shall walk you to the gates.'

Hermione nodded. She felt unable to speak. She was desperate to feel his arms around her, feel his passion, which he held so tightly in control, wash over her like a tidal wave. However, Hermione knew that a hundred pairs of eyes, not least of all the castle was watching their interaction. She thus merely followed Severus, who set off for the gates with a swirl of his robes.

As they walked, Severus looking straight ahead so that he would not throw caution to the wind and ravage her with his kiss, he said, 'I'm sorry, Princess, that I cannot do anything right now to celebrate your birthday in the castle, but if you will be ready at six o'clock this evening, I have what I hope will be a pleasant surprise planned for you.'

'Oh, Severus,' said Hermione, touched beyond measure. 'I can't wait. I'm sure that as long as the surprise promised allows me to have you by my side, that it will be delightful.'

It was only his long years as a spy that prevented a pleased blush to grace his features. Her desire for him, her pleasure in his company warmed the very recesses of his soul.

At the gates, they found Narcissa, resplendent in a dove-gray, silk-lined fur cloak waiting for them. With a sly smirk at Severus, she took Hermione's arm and said, 'Don't worry, Severus. I shall have her back in time for her date.'

Hermione grinned. She knew how much Severus would hate having their evening and his surprise reduced to the juvenile terminology of a date. Severus coloured before nodding politely in resignation at his friend's teasing. 'Have fun,' he said gruffly before walking off towards the Forbidden Forest.

Once alone, the two women giggled before hugging each other warmly. Then, Hermione was kissed on her forehead. Hermione had come to adore the fragrance of Narcissa's signature ylang-ylang perfume. To her it now spoke to friendship and warmth. Breathing in the scent that clung to her friend, she smiled brightly at the Malfoy matriarch.

'Happy birthday, dearest,' said Narcissa in a motherly tone. 'I've arranged a session of pampering at the spa in Paris.'

'I did think that might be part of the surprise,' said Hermione with another bright smile.

'Hmm...' said Narcissa. 'Becoming predictable, am I?'

Hermione giggled. 'No, I just figured that you would have realised how much I enjoyed our previous visit.'

Narcissa smirked. She knew Hermione was trying to make her feel better. 'Well, take hold,' said Narcissa briskly, pulling out a delicate silver filigree brooch that was to be their Portkey.

Hermione reached out a finger to touch the beautiful brooch, and soon the two witches were deposited outside the entrance of the magical salon Comme par enchantement in Paris. Once again, Hermione was wrapped in the exotically perfumed seaweed which promised to soften her skin so that it felt like rose petals. Then, as she lay supine with a mask upon her face, she had her nails done in soft pearlescent nail polish of shimmering antique gold. After the wrap, the two women were taken to another chamber for a sensual massage.

There as the nymphs worked the perfumed oil into their skin, Narcissa began to speak. 'Hermione, my dear, many powerful pure-blood witches and wizards are not ashamed of their sexuality. It is a powerful weapon in our own personal arsenal. Now that you have turned nineteen, it is time that you embrace your own maturing power and potential. You need not fear that the all of us in the magical world take a view as Victorian as the Weasleys in their approach to love and sexuality. They, like many who have long wanted to lose the old practices of magic, have forgotten the power of a woman's sexuality. We, the practitioners of the old ways, are not afraid of the power of sex and blood magic. You must use your first time with a man, with Severus, to its full magical potential.'

Hermione nodded. She had planned to bring up this very subject with Cissy, but had not got around to it due to the awkwardness of the subject. Now though, the sheer pleasure being generated by the decadent pampering made her feel sensual and indolent. It lessened her embarrassment at discussing something so personal. Her eyes bright with curiosity for more knowledge of old traditions, all virginal shyness forgotten, Hermione said softly, 'I've done some reading as to the collection of my blood for potion ingredients, but I couldn't find any other references to a witch's first sexual experience.'

Narcissa made a moue of distaste. 'Most books don't speak of this kind of thing, my dear. This is female tradition. Men fear to approach such topics for they do not fully understand the power held in the core of all women. In addition, sex and blood magic are in general thought to be Dark, and so only discussed now in books related to the Dark Arts. But the knowledge is still passed down from mother to daughter, especially in old pure-blood families.'

Hermione nodded once more. 'Tell me what I can do, Cissy. You know I am keen to learn the old ways.'

'I know, my dear,' said Narcissa gently. 'This is why I have brought the topic up, because I know that you will be open to my teaching. When you lie with Severus, do not forget to tell him that you give yourself to him freely. This is important for it strengthens the healing power of your blood. Blood is infused with our magical intentions, so that blood taken by rape, by force is useful for Dark potions that cause death and destruction; however, for healing magic, that which is freely given and freely taken is the most powerful.'

Hermione had read of this before. 'Yes,' she said, 'I've read that. What else?'

Narcissa smiled. 'When you are done, when you both orgasm, do not let Severus cast the Cleansing Spell to clean your joint emissions. Instead, lick him clean and have him lick you. As you do this, whisper, 'First blood, first pleasure, now I am yours, forever.' This will strengthen, seal and bind your love for each other, for I can see that you love him and if I am not mistaken, Severus does love you.'

Hermione blushed. She found it slightly embarrassing to be speaking oral sex, or indeed, sex in general with Narcissa, but the thought of it brought a spike of desire to shoot through her core. She wanted so much to make love with Severus. She wanted to give him her maiden's blood, to bind herself to him for all time. 'Is there anything else?' asked Hermione.

Narcissa smiled. She could see the colour rise in Hermione's cheeks, but she could also see the desire that the young woman had for Severus. 'Nothing else, my dear, but this: speak of your love as you give him your body. Severus needs to hear you say you love him. He has been unloved for a long time. Indeed, I doubt that he has ever really been shown any love at all. Lucius and I have tried, and Draco as a child doted on Severus, but it is hard to express our affection for him, because it makes him so uncomfortable and so suspicious. Indeed, as soon as we make a move to show him genuine affection, circumstances contrive to push us apart. It is almost as though there is a dark cloud hanging over Severus, preventing him from experiencing the cleansing force of love.'

Hermione agreed. For a while now, she had thought the very same thing. This would explain Severus insisting on their distance, just as their relationship was progressing so smoothly.

Once the ladies were massaged to the state of sheer languor, they were wrapped in warm and soft robes of cashmere and allowed to relax in a sumptuous courtyard. Hermione was always astonished at the decadence of pure-blood enclaves. The courtyard had been made to look like a royal Egyptian palace square, with low divans, palm trees and a beautiful magical fountain of golden-hued water that on closer inspection revealed itself to be honey-flavoured ambrosia. There was the strong aroma of frankincense and myrrh in the air, and Hermione felt she'd stepped into a little piece of heaven. Once they'd had time to fully recover from their massage, they were led to the hair dressing salon. There, Narcissa recommended to Hermione, 'Why don't you try something different for your birthday?'

Hermione shrugged. 'Anything is sure to be an improvement. I've never really managed to do anything with my hair. The few times it's behaved, I've had to spend hours on it.'

The French witches twittered at this comment. One particularly haughty looking beauty with a veritable waterfall of black, silky hair, said insolently, 'Mademoiselle, if we cannot make your hair the most gorgeous and sensual part of you, then no one else can. We are ze best in Europe in ze use of magical charms. Let us try some stylez and once you find something you like, we can make it permanent, so that it will stay zhat way until it grows out or until you grow tired of it.'

The Malfoy matriarch nodded in agreement. 'You know, my dear, that I've never changed my hair style since I first came here just before my betrothal. As a child my hair had been rather unruly, and though I was always a blonde, my hair was not dissimilar to that of Bella in appearance. When I first came here, they gave the shining curtain of straight hair I now have. I had always adored Lucius' hair, and now I don't have to do anything other than to get it trimmed when it grows too long and have the charms applied as the hair grows out naturally.'

Hermione nodded. If Narcissa admitted to having the witches of the salon give her the beautiful head of hair that was part of her signature look, then Hermione was more than willing to try.

Soon the bevy of sophisticated-looking witches was busy working on Hermione. They tried different things, like straightening and changing the colour of her tresses, before settling on giving her luscious dark honey-hued hair with highlights of honey blonde. The colour complimented her colouring and her amber eyes, which they witches all claimed were her most arresting feature. The style started off straight before twisting into large bouncing curls. The look was natural, for which Hermione was enormously grateful, but she could not deny that it was also a style that was very sensual. Moreover, the style was not too dissimilar from her usual hair, just richer and better controlled. The layers cut into it gave her hair movement and body as well as allowing the roots to have more weight, so that they pulled the hair down to straighten the top. At the end of the session, Hermione was forced to admit that the French witches knew what they were doing. She gasped at her appearance in the mirror and said, 'I feel like a princess.'

The witches all smiled, and the haughty looking one, who had over the course of the session revealed herself to be Aimee, graciously acknowledged, 'Mademoiselle, you look a vision of loveliness. I think we can safely say that we have outdone ourselves.'

Narcissa agreed. 'Indeed, Hermione, you look beautiful.' Then with a wistful sigh, she went on, 'Lucius and I have always regretted that we could not have other children. I would so have adored to have had a daughter to dress up. You have made an old lady very happy indeed.'

'Nonsense, Cissy,' said Hermione reaching out to grasp her friend's hand. 'You're not old. You're in the prime of your life.'

Narcissa smiled. 'Thank you, my dear. I suppose now that Draco is approaching the age of taking a wife and starting his own family that I suddenly feel the onset of middle age. I am no longer the young woman I once was.'

Hermione nodded in understanding.

Narcissa went on, 'Having you be a part of our lives has made these past few months all the more wonderful. We are very glad that we got to know you, my dear, and that the crazy war that caused so much grief is finally behind us.' Then with another sigh, Narcissa changed the subject. Pouting in a sly, Slytherin manner, she complained, 'It really is too bad that Astoria is so perfectly turned out. What's more, Callidora is excellent at all of this herself, so there's really no need for me to guide her.'

Hermione laughed. She knew firsthand how much the Greengrasses delighted in the beauty and accomplishments of their two girls. Astoria was forever complaining that all her mother thought about was making sure her two daughters were the perfect ladies so that they would attract the most enviable of suitors.

After their visit to the salon, Hermione and Narcissa made their way to a wonderful restaurant in the magical heart of Paris. Surrounded by opulent baroque decor, the food was of the highest standard. Sipping champagne and wonderful, aromatic seafood, the two friends had a very enjoyable meal. Once dessert was concluded, Hermione gently said, 'Cissy, there's something really important I'd like to speak to you about.' Looking around discreetly, she requested, 'Do you think we could go somewhere private? It's a delicate subject and I don't want us to be overheard or disturbed.'

Narcissa immediately nodded, her face showing her deep curiosity. Reaching out, she touched Hermione's hand that lay on the table and said, 'Of course, my dear. Why don't we return now to Malfoy Manor? I know Lucius would love to see you, and then perhaps we can retire to my sitting room for an uninterrupted and private tête-à-tête.'

Hermione nodded. It seemed the ideal solution. At Malfoy Manor, Hermione was warmly greeted by Lucius as they entered the foyer. After wishing Hermione a very happy birthday the Malfoy patriarch led the two women to the library. There, he handed Hermione a small parcel wrapped in green silk.

Hermione blushed and shock her head. 'You have given me so much already,' she said in embarrassment. 'I can't accept more.'

'Don't be silly,' said Lucius. 'You are now part of the family. There is nothing called too much.'

Hermione was overcome with emotion. Flinging herself on Narcissa, she hugged her friend fiercely.

Narcissa and Lucius exchanged knowing glances over Hermione's head. They had learned from Severus how Hermione had been an unwanted child, at least on the part of her mother. As Narcissa continued to hug and hold Hermione, Lucius walked to the two women and wrapped his arms around them both. Kissing the top of both their heads, he said gently, 'Come now, let's open your present.'

Hermione nodded and released her hold on Narcissa. Then blinking back the tears that had formed at the duo's generosity, she sat herself down on the leather sofa, Narcissa by her side. As she looked up to meet the gaze of Lucius, he nodded in encouragement. Slowly, Hermione opened the black satin bow that held the silk fabric together. A whispered spell to release the binding and the silk slithered off the book. Hermione caressed the old brocade covering before reverently opening the cover. She gasped as she read the dedication to what she could now see was a handwritten volume.

To my beloved daughter Vulpecula,

You, my child, are the true blessing of the gods, for there has not been a Malfoy daughter in our line for many a generation. Indeed, a second child is rare in itself for the Malfoy lineage. It is a legend known that we were cursed after the Norman Wars by the Saxon witches for our lusty ways in battle.

My daughter, this volume has been put together by your mother and your grandmother. I have written down their desires, for they themselves are illiterate in this modern tongue. This is an ever-expanding collection of spells, charms, rituals and traditions that are part of the Malfoy female legacy. Your mother learned many of these spells when she first came to this land from Siberia to become my wife, and when your brother Ajax marries, his wife will be taught the same. But you, my fair child, will be going soon to the cold regions of Prussia, and your traditions will be those of your new family. But your mother insists that you do not forget your Malfoy name or your rich magical heritage. Be proud of all that you have been taught. Study this volume, and when you are with your new family, do not be ashamed of your Norman and British lineage.

Never forget that we love you or that you have forever a home in our hearts.

Your loving father,
Hektor Aeneas Malfoy

Hermione began to cry. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she once more turned to embrace Narcissa. For she realised what this volume symbolised: it was the Malfoys' way of letting her know that she was indeed a part of their family. She now occupied the position of their daughter.

'How did this book stay with the Malfoys?' asked Hermione once she had regained control of her emotions. 'Didn't Vulpecula take the book with her?'

Lucius replied gravely. 'Vulpecula did take the book along with a number of her childhood possessions with her. But she died young and her in-laws, knowing how precious she had been to her parents, returned some of her personal belongings to her bereaved family. And since her husband Igor did not read or write English, her collection of books and journals was returned in its entirety. This was among the items returned. There has never been another daughter of the Malfoy line to take possession of this book. You are now custodian of this family heirloom. If Draco does indeed have a daughter one day, I beg of you to leave this to her in your will.'

'Of course,' said Hermione. Standing up, she walked over to Lucius and took his hand. 'I promise to look after this book and make sure that it finds its way to the next daughter born of the Malfoy line.'

'Good girl,' said Narcissa, for she could see that her husband was feeling too emotional to respond to Hermione's earnest and solemn promise.

Not long after, Narcissa said. 'Well, my love, I think it is time that we women retire for our afternoon tea. I've promised to have Hermione back at Hogwarts by half past four.'

Lucius nodded his head lost in thought. He was still pondering on the mysteries of life that had forced him to acknowledge a Muggle-born as an honorary member of his family. But he did concede that it was not unheard of within the realms of pure-blood feudal traditions. Indeed, many a time, especially after great wars and upheavals, many pure-blood overlords had taken in Muggle-born children with strong magical signatures for their own. Knowing that he had found a solid justification that would soothe the indignant posturing of his forebears with a demonstrable adherence to pure-blood tradition helped ease some of the worry from Lucius' mind.