Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 07 - Chapter Seven: Repercussions

Chapter Summary:
The wizarding world learns of Severus’ survival.

Chapter Seven: Repercussions

The wizarding world learns of Severus' survival.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of J.K. Rowling. I just play with them because they are so fabulous.

(ii) Thank you most sincerely to everyone who left such kind reviews. I am so touched and encouraged. Please, please do continue to let me know what you think of the story.

(iii) A big thank you to Queen_of_Stars, my lovely beta. Your help has been much appreciated.


Minerva McGonagall was flabbergasted. She could do nothing but look at Harry in amazed silence for a long moment. Then, as if coming to her senses, she whispered furiously, 'Not dead? You mean Severus is alive. Why didn't any of you say something before this?'

Not waiting for their response, McGonagall turned to Kingsley, who was still speaking with the visiting Ministers for Magic, and said, 'Excuse me, Minister, but Harry has some important news that he neglected to mention before this press conference.'

Kingsley looked startled. McGonagall's voice had been unusually harsh; it was almost as if she was trying desperately to hang on to her composure. Excusing himself from the other Ministers, who were now looking on with blatant interest, Kingsley joined the group standing before the Headmistress. Looking intently at Harry, Kingsley asked, 'More information, Harry? What have you been keeping from us now?'

Before Harry could speak, however, Minerva replied in an urgent whisper. 'Severus Snape is alive.'

'What?' exclaimed Kingsley. Then, turning to look searchingly at Harry, Luna and Hermione, he continued. 'Alive you say. Hmm...' Kingsley seemed lost in thought for a moment, but finally he said with a broad smile, 'Well played. I must say that getting a pardon for a believed-to-be-dead Severus Snape was much easier to achieve than a pardon for a live, universally disliked former Death Eater.'

Kingsley turned to look searchingly at Hermione, who he strongly suspected of orchestrating the ruse. Nodding to Minerva, he said, 'Shall we adjourn to the Headmistress' Office?' Then, realising his error, he added, 'I mean, of course, the Headmaster's Office.'

After excusing himself from the visiting dignitaries, Kingsley offered his arm to Hermione. Then, glancing pointedly at Harry, Kingsley escorted Hermione out of the Great Hall. At the entrance, they were once again mobbed by the press. As more photographs were taken, Hermione tried her best to smile brightly at the cameras while holding on to Kingsley's strong arm. Luna, who was being escorted by a clearly tired Harry, looked very serene. The two couples were followed out by an extremely uncomfortable Professor McGonagall.

'The press are going to have a field-day,' said Hermione conversationally as they walked up the stairs. Then, as she realised how the wizarding world would perceive them, she added, 'the photos of Harry and Luna are going to drive Ginny round the bend. She's always been jealous and insecure.'

Kingsley chuckled darkly. 'Don't forget the rumours that are bound to circulate about us, Hermione; we, the brains of the golden trio and the Interim Minister for Magic. Skeeter, especially, is going to enjoy dragging us both through the mud for this. I haven't forgotten the delightful things she wrote about you during the Triwizard Tournament.' Still chuckling, Kingsley added, 'There's sure to be a so-called in-depth article written in the next issue of Witch Weekly discussing our vast age difference and the impropriety of me dallying with a teenager.'

'Oh, dear,' Hermione said. 'Ron's going to be worse than Ginny. He'll think we deliberately failed to include him in the press conference.'

'People are going to think all kinds of things in the coming weeks, my dear,' said Kingsley kindly. He patted her hand gently before continuing. 'It is inevitable. You and Harry will both have to grin and bear it. The press conference was a brilliant move politically, but personally, well, that's an entirely different matter.'

'I know,' said Hermione with a sigh. 'I couldn't let the moment pass. It was essential that Harry speak, and the sooner it was done, the less likely it was that he would back away from the limelight.' After a moment's silence, she added, 'I felt that us addressing the world, instead of waiting for them to come up with outlandish suppositions, would help Harry put all of this behind him and do something for the Order at the same time.'

Kingsley chuckled once more. He had always thought highly of Hermione, and this morning's interaction had merely emphasised her sterling qualities.

Once they were all seated round the low coffee-table in the Headmaster's Office, Kingsley spoke. 'The three of you have been wonderfully strategic. Every aspect of the press conference was well planned and well executed. I do hope that you will all work with me and the Ministry. Harry, you especially have a large role to play in ensuring that peace is established and maintained. Hermione, you are going to be the face of the Muggle-borns around the world. Miss Lovegood, you, of course, are the new face of the purebloods.'

'Of course,' said Harry while nodding his head, 'but only if I agree with what the Ministry is saying and doing.'

Luna and Hermione nodded their agreement.

'Fair enough,' said Kingsley affably. Then, looking very serious, he fired a series of questions at the trio. 'Severus is alive? Are you sure? How do you know? Where is he, and is he safe there?'

Hermione looked at Harry. At his nod, she responded. 'He was alive when I went to retrieve his body from the Shrieking Shack. He is now in a secure location. We don't know how severe his injuries are, but we did see him lose a lot of blood. We need to speak to our collaborators before we reveal anything further.'

Dumbledore had been feigning sleep in his portrait, but had stopped the act once hearing of Severus' survival. Unable to mask his surprise, he interrupted. 'Severus is alive? How extraordinary. I did not expect him to see the end of this war,' he murmured absentmindedly.

Dumbledore seemed oblivious to the growing anger on the faces of both Harry and Hermione. If he had, he would not have carried on speaking. As it was, he continued in what clearly sounded like a tone of dismay. 'Severus always was a slippery chap. Bloody difficult to do away with, in fact. I can't imagine what he has to live for. I thought he would be grateful for the reward of death.'

Hermione was shocked and disgusted to hear the note of dismay in Dumbledore's voice. Unable to control herself, she exclaimed, 'What? How dare you? How can death be seen as a reward when he's never had any chance of a life yet?'

Harry was even more incensed. Hearing Dumbledore speak had brought out all of Harry's anger and resentment of his handling of the war to the surface.

Turning to look directly at Dumbledore's portrait, Harry spoke. 'I have been your man through and through, just as Snape has been. I've not been completely blind to your manipulations, your lies, and your totally despicable behaviour. I followed you because I knew you'd probably help us win the war. You, with your false pretence of being a caring old man, when in reality all you were, all you have ever been, is a ruthless bastard.'

Standing up, Harry continued. 'You threw away Sirius' life like yesterday's old news when there was no reason to do so. You trapped him in that house and allowed him to die. You admitted it yourself, so don't you dare deny it. You did it again with Professor Snape; you used him, and then, when you felt he was no longer useful, you sent him off to die without doing anything to ensure his safety or to even ensure that his name would be cleared at the end of the war. Now you sit there like a sanctimonious old saint and wonder what Snape has to live for? What right have you got to say something like that? He has his whole life ahead of him and is finally free to be his own man, as I am. You gambled with my life, and you did nothing to help us speed up the search for the Horcruxes or the Deathly Hallows. Because of you, there are more deaths than there should have been; there are more orphans, widows and grieving families. You disgust me, you smug bastard. Your hands have as much blood, if not more, than Voldemort. At least he didn't pretend to be anything other than a blood-thirsty, power-hungry megalomaniac.'

Harry paused, since he was nearly panting by this part. Looking towards Hermione, who nodded her encouragement, he continued more calmly. 'I have nothing more to say to you. I have lost all regard for you as a human being. I respect you as a brilliant general, but that is all. I am not your boy, and I am not your pawn any longer.' Then, turning to Kingsley, he asked, 'Can we please go? I think it's safe to assume that I have nothing more to add.'

Hermione was pleased but slightly perturbed at Harry's insightful denouncement of Dumbledore. She couldn't understand where this new Harry was coming from. But as she thought about it further, she realised that having a part of Voldemort had probably coloured much of Harry's earlier behaviour. He had been rash, impulsive; this more mature, more thoughtful and more insightful Harry was perhaps the real Harry finally coming to the forefront. It was another issue that she would have to look into, thought Hermione. Her mental list of things to understand and decipher was starting to fill up again.

Kingsley nodded in understanding, for though a loyal member of the Order, Kingsley had not always agreed with Dumbledore either. With a nod to the speechless McGonagall, Kingsley said, 'I'll walk you out.'

Luna waved serenely at Headmistress Dilys Derwent before following the others out.

As the others left the office, Minerva McGonagall realised that she had some serious thinking to do. Listening to Harry speak had brought her up short. She had always thought that Dumbledore was loved and respected by everyone. She herself had believed in Dumbledore and had thought of him as infallible. Hearing Harry's scathing remarks and seeing Miss Granger, Miss Lovegood, and above all Kingsley's acceptance of Harry's denouncement of the Headmaster, had made her question her understanding of the war and Dumbledore's actions.

She realised that there had been no need to completely isolate Severus throughout his harrowing ordeal as a persecuted murderer and Death Eater. She realised that Severus had done his best to protect the students of Hogwarts, as well the staff during the past year. She realised that the Death Eaters had not taken Miss Lovegood away from the school because they knew that Severus would not allow a student to be harmed. Miss Lovegood had been abducted from the Hogwarts Express as it was about to depart from Hogsmeade Station.

Minerva realised that she owed Severus her apologies on more fronts than she had previously suspected. She vowed to herself that she would not be as blind as she had been. She was ashamed of her reaction on learning of his survival. Harry, Miss Granger and Miss Lovegood had been remarkably perceptive in doing their utmost to acknowledge Severus' enormous sacrifices. Minerva could not, and would not, be any less gracious or grateful. No, Minerva promised to herself, she would beg forgiveness and grovel if need be, but she would make things right between herself and Severus. She had failed in her duty as a friend, and she would not fail again. Severus would not forgive her easily, she knew him well enough to realise that, but was she not the Head of Gryffindor? The challenge of repairing their odd friendship and of ensuring that the difficult Slytherin ultimately accepted her heartfelt apologies, was something that would motivate her future actions and decisions.

Meanwhile, the others made their way down the spiral staircase. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Luna said quietly, 'I think we should tell Kingsley about Headmaster Black.' Looking closely at Kingsley, she stated dreamily, 'You're different; I think we'll be friends.'

Kingsley looked extremely amused. A quick glance at Hermione confirmed that she was also smiling fondly at Luna. Harry, however, seemed dead on his feet. Kingsley rested his hand on his shoulder and said, 'You look done in, Harry.'

Harry nodded. 'I feel like I've fought at least three battles since this morning. Can we go back to Ravenclaw Tower and finish all of this? I just want to go to bed.'

Kingsley looked confused at the mention of Ravenclaw Tower. 'I thought you were Gryffindors?' he questioned needlessly.

'Yes,' said Hermione. 'We are Gryffindors, but Ravenclaw Tower is more secure, and it lacks the excess of portraits.' After a pause, she added, 'Besides, no one would think to look for us there.'

Kingsley smiled. He liked their simple, rather sensible way of thinking. Realising that he had found people with a similar bent of mind, Kingsley suddenly felt much better. He had grown especially close to Remus and Tonks over the past year, and their deaths, along with the earlier death of his superior, Mad-Eye, had left the tall man feeling almost bereft of people he could trust and rely upon. These three youngsters, in their different ways, were like a balm on his fractured soul.

Once more ensconced in Ravenclaw Tower with a pot of tea, Hermione pulled out the portrait of Phineas Nigellus. 'Headmaster Black,' said Hermione politely. 'Have you any news?'

Phineas Nigellus looked round at expectant faces. 'I've spoken to Lucius. He is aware of our plans.'

At the mention of the elder Malfoy's name, Kingsley's face registered his surprise.

Phineas Nigellus smirked. He loved baiting the live ones. 'Abraxas has assured me that Severus is awake. From what I gather, Narcissa was just in time to prevent long-term nerve damage. They have, of course, been listening to the press conference on the wireless.' Phineas Nigellus carefully stroked the end of his nose. He was trying to decide how much information to divulge. Then, resolving to lay all the facts he had collected before the waiting quartet, he continued. 'I heard from the portrait network at Malfoy Manor that all signs of the Dark Lord's stay have been removed. Suspicious objects and Dark artefacts that could incriminate them have been destroyed. From what I've gathered, it seems Lucius and Narcissa are fully prepared to fit in to the new mood of Britain.'

Kingsley seemed to be taking the news of the Malfoys involvement in stride. Turning to Harry, he asked curiously, 'Who approached the Malfoys for aid?'

Hermione responded. 'I did.'

At that, Kingsley laughed out loud. 'Circe and her powers! If you've already got the Malfoys on your side, you've got the pureblood contingent well and truly beat. The others will follow the Malfoys' example. We should have no problems with a revivalist movement. That was our biggest fear, and the main reason why the other Ministers for Magic made it a point to be present this afternoon. They have a fair number of Voldemort sympathisers in their countries as well. The Aurors can now focus on rounding up the extremists, especially if Severus and Lucius are willing to collaborate.' Turning his attention to Phineas Nigellus, he asked, 'Do you think they will work with the Ministry?'

Phineas Nigellus responded. 'Yes, indeed. It seems certain that the Malfoys will be eager to prove that they support the changing of the guard at the Ministry.'

Extremely pleased, Kingsley thanked Phineas Nigellus for his support. The others joined in.

Phineas Nigellus nodded graciously. Then, he added to Hermione, 'Miss Granger, please see to it that I am returned to the house of my ancestors. I have been mobile long enough.'

Hermione agreed and moved to put the portrait into her bag. However, she was stopped by Phineas Nigellus, who seemed to have more to say.

'One last thing, may I suggest that you leave me out for the present? If I hear any more information, it will be much easier to pass it across.'

It was Kingsley who responded with a gracious, 'That would be much appreciated, Headmaster. Thank you.'