The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Multiple Eras
Published: 07/04/2004
Updated: 01/18/2005
Words: 8,257
Chapters: 9
Hits: 2,157


Kelsey Potter

Story Summary:
Did Harry Potter really never have friends when he was a child, or were there one or two insignificant enough that they were never mentioned? What happened to them? Did Harry ever see them again?````This is the story of a lonely little boy, how he found two friends, lost them, and found them again. This is the story of Harry Potter, but you'd never get his friends to recognise it as anything but the tale of Jimmy.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 5: Nightlights. Janey and Harry continue to walk to school every day. Harry finally tells Janey the story of his scar. And Christmastime rolls around.

Chapter 5: Nightlights

Two weeks into November, Becky went down with the 'flu. Since Janey's parents started work early and worked until late, and Becky's parents couldn't give her a ride, she took to walking with Harry the six or seven blocks to and from school. Morning and evening people could see the two of them, often underneath Janey's big red umbrella, talking very seriously. Occasionally, on sunny days, the two of them would walk with their nose buried in a big book. Janey lived a block closer than Harry, so Harry walked to pick her up.

One particularly sloppy morning, Harry rushed through the puddles to Janey's house. As usual, she was waiting under the big red umbrella, but she stopped when she saw Harry.

"Jimmy, what happened?" she gasped, reaching out a trembling hand to touch a long gash across Harry's cheek.

"I ran into a tree," Harry lied quickly, full aware that Janey would know he was lying when they got to school. The clouds overhead made it so dark that she couldn't see the bruises all over his face.

As it turned out, she guessed anyway. "Jimmy, you don't get cuts like that from running into a tree," she said sternly. "What happened?"

Again, Harry lied, but this time it was closer to the truth. "Dudley hit me again."

Janey gasped. "Jimmy...you ought to tell Ms. Stites."

"What can she do?" Harry asked her sadly. "I had Mrs. Allan last year, and she couldn't do anything about it. And you know that if Mrs. Allan can't do it, the only one who can is Mrs. Morgendorf." He gave her a gap-toothed grin. "Besides, now I don't have to worry about my loose tooth."

Janey looked up into his battered face. "I've never noticed that before," she said, reaching out and brushing the lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. "Is it new?"

Harry shook his head as the two of them started off down the street. "No, I've had it since I was a baby. I got it in the car accident that killed my parents."

"I'm sorry," Janey said softly. "Do you...do you remember much about the accident?"

"Nope," Harry told her. "I was only a year old. Sometimes if I try really hard, I remember a lot of green light, but that's all. I can't figure out where it all comes from."

Janey frowned. "Logically, there's nowhere it could've come from, unless the other car had green headlights or you had green tinted windows."

Neither one of them said anything for a while as they sloshed through the puddles, heads bowed against the sleet. Harry happened to glance up as they stepped off a curb.

"Janey, look out!"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the sidewalk as a black car zoomed around the corner, ignoring both the speed limit and the two six-year-olds huddled on the sidewalk. Harry happened to catch a glimpse of the driver--it was Uncle Vernon.

They were both safe, but Harry didn't let go of Janey's hand. They walked to school, hand-in-hand, Janey trembling much of the way.

As they reached the front of the school, Janey stopped again and turned to Harry. "Thank you," she said softly. "You saved my life."

"That's what friends are for," Harry told her, squeezing her hand.

Janey stood on her tiptoes and kissed Harry on the cheek, then closed her umbrella and hurried into the school. Harry stared after her, touched his cheek lightly, looked at his hand, and then followed her inside.


Becky came back as November rolled into December. Rather than drive, as the weather was crisper and less sloppy, Becky joined Janey and Harry in walking to school every day. Occasionally, if her father had to go in early, he would drive her, but although she always extended an invitation to Janey and Harry they always declined and walked. They enjoyed it.

As it got closer to Christmas, more coats began appearing. Aunt Petunia had finally pulled out an old coat of Dudley's, which was, like everything else Harry owned, too big for him. Still, it was warm. The coat was bright blue. Janey's coat was a very becoming pink. Becky's was brown.

Ms. Stites announced that there was going to be a 'Secret Santa' project in their class. She passed around a bowl for everyone to pick out of. Harry looked down at his scrap of paper and half-smiled. He had Janey's name.

Dudley's class was doing the project as well. Uncle Vernon drove him to town and bought a large and expensive toy for his partner. Harry was up until very late in his cupboard, constructing what he deemed to be the perfect gift.

The next morning. Janey and Harry walked to school as usual. Becky joined them. All three had boxes wrapped in shiny paper. None of them disclosed the contents to the other.

The class milled around for a while until the teacher clapped her hands for attention. "Settle down, class," Ms. Stites called. "Okay. Girls, you first. Get up and present your partner with their present. But no one open them yet."

Janey stood up and crossed the aisle, then handed Harry her package. "Happy Christmas, Jimmy," she said with a smile.

"Thank you, Janey," Harry said with a smile, accepting the gift.

When all the girls sat down, the boys were released and Harry handed Janey his present. "Happy Christmas, Janey."

"Thanks, Jimmy!" she beamed.

"Ready?" Ms. Stites called. "Open your gifts!"

Harry opened his gift and smiled. It was a toy knight and horse. A small card enclosed read My Knight in Shining Armor.

Across the aisle, Janey gasped. "Oh, Harry...it's beautiful!"

Harry smiled. It was a painting he had done. A white horse stood against a castle background. A prince with messy black hair and glasses, wearing a dark blue cape and a gold crown, sat astride the horse, holding the reins and smiling. A princess with bushy brown hair, wearing a scarlet cape and gold tiara, sat behind the prince, her arms around his waist, a smile on her face. At the bottom he had written Prince James and Princess Jane.

Janey jumped up, ran across the aisle, and threw her arm around Harry's neck. "Thank you so much! I love it--I'll keep it forever!"

"I'm glad you like it," Harry said with a gentle smile.

Author notes: Okay, the horse thing came from the movie. So sue me.

I have a website where I will be replying to my reviews now. It is located at http://s8.invisionfree.com/fanfic/index.php?
People who visit may get a sneak peek at the next chapter!