The Road You Take Don't Always Lead You Home

Kelsey Potter

Story Summary:
After ten years...most of the secrets are gone. After ten rarely see anything that surprises you anymore. After ten think you know everything there is to know. After ten years...there is nothing left to unwrap. After ten secret can still be deadly.

Chapter 08 - Pax Requiem, Part 1

Chapter Summary:
It's Christmas Eve, and the residents of Aspenloch are preparing for the onslaught of visitors. But...are they REALLY ready for one visitor in particular?
Author's Note:
I know, long wait for a crappy chapter, but there are more, I promise...


Yekyl looked up and smiled. "Hello, dear."

Hermione sat next to him on the sofa. "I'm glad you got the next couple of days off," she said softly.

"So am I," Yekyl answered with a smile. "Erm, do you have any Christmas plans?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, why?"

"Draco invited us to come spend Christmas day with them. He gave me the address. Do you want to go?"

"Of course," Hermione answered promptly. "It might be fun."

Yekyl grinned. "Still planning to pump him for information on your friends, huh?"

Hermione looked sheepish. "You haven't found anything, have you?"

Yekyl shook his head. "Truth be told, I haven't asked. It's been a hard week." He didn't elaborate; describing his work-related activities made her nervous.

Hermione sighed. "I just wish I knew where they were is all. What they're doing." She bit her lip. "If they're happy."

Yekyl sighed. "I'm sure they're fine, love. They've been married for ten years, they're very deeply in love, and they're expecting their fifth child."

"Oh, good, I--wait, what?" Hermione yelped.

Yekyl laughed softly. "Just wanted to see if you were listening, Jitterbug. Honestly, I have no idea how they're doing. But I'm sure they're doing well."

Hermione sighed and snuggled against Yekyl, then looked up at him again. "Are you sure Christmas day won't be too...uncomfortable for you?"

"I'll be fine," Yekyl assured her. "Just because I'm not a Christian doesn't mean I can't enjoy a holiday with my family and friends."

"Did Draco say who else was going to be there?"

"Just his friends and family. Why do you ask?"

Hermione bit her lip. "We-ell...his family consists of his father and mother, his friends are mostly Slytherins like himself, and as I recall they all hate me because I'm Muggle-born."

"I don't think that's who he hangs out with anymore, Jitterbug. The other day, one of the other Aurors got hurt on the job and had to be taken to St. Mungo's. Draco said something about getting a Neville to take care of him. Sound familiar?"

Hermione blinked. "Neville...Neville Longbottom? No way! He's a Healer?"

Yekyl chuckled. "Apparently, and quite good. Jonas came back yesterday good as new."

"I can't believe it," Hermione said incredulously. "Neville...he was so hopeless at Potions. I thought that was part of what you needed to be a Healer."

"Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought," Yekyl suggested gently.

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. "Jake...I know you're Jewish, but I have an early Christmas present for you."

"Oh, and what's that?"

"I'm pregnant."


Lisa smiled. "This is nice. Cosy."

"I thought so." Harry carefully stoked the fire. The Christmas Eve service was an early one, now over, and the tenants of Aspenloch, with the additions of Terry, Percy, and Justin, had decided to sit around the fire and talk. The service had left them all with a warm, rosy glow. A blizzard was going on outside, but around the fire it was nice and warm.

Draco sat forward, his chin in his hand. Ron looked over at him and tossed him a half-grin. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Why is it that it's only a 'penny for your thoughts' but you 'put your two cents in'?" was the reply. "Where's the extra penny going for? Taxes?"

Percy laughed. "'Put my two cents in' originates from the older 'put my two bits in' and has its origin in the game of poker. When playing poker you have to make a small bet before the cards are dealt called an 'ante' to begin play in that hand. The phrase draws an analogy to the poker ante (two bits) and gains your entry into the conversation."

"Oh." Draco shook his head. "I was just thinking about tomorrow. I'm looking forward to meeting this 'gentleman friend' of yours, Lis."

Lisa blushed. "What is going on between me and Oberon is none of your business. Besides, don't we have the honour of meeting Sarah tomorrow too?"

"She might come," Terry said casually, a faint flush in his cheeks. "But we were talking about you and Oberon."

"Actually, we were discussing tomorrow," Harry said, breaking up what was quickly developing into a good argument. "Personally, I'm looking forward to meeting this partner I've been hearing so much about. Yekyl, right?"

"Yeah, but he prefers Jake." Draco gave Harry a half-smile. "He's a great guy, wonderful with kids. He's got three of his own. Two little girls and a little boy...they're such sweet kids, I've met them."

"Have you met their mother? What's she like?" Neville wanted to know.

"Does it matter?"

"A little, yeah."

Draco hesitated. "Yeah, I've met her." He hesitated a moment more, then decided to go for it. "Aw, heck. You've met her too."

"I have?" Neville asked, confused.

"You all have." Draco swallowed hard. "Guys...his wife is Hermione. Née Hermione Granger."

Frozen shock sat on every face but one, which looked confused. "Who's Hermione Granger?"

"Our..." Harry swallowed hard and tried again. "She was our best friend at Hogwarts--Ron's and mine."

Ron suddenly got up from his seat and rushed out of the room without saying a word.

"Oh, dear," Kate mumbled, starting to stand, but Harry shook his head and rose to his feet. Without another word, he followed Ron down the hall.

"Will they be all right?" Kate asked in an undertone.

Neville nodded. "Harry knows what Ron's going through better than the rest of us do."

Clicky the pretty blue words. Cliiiiiiiiiiiick...