Harry Potter and the Daemon Sidhe


Story Summary:
In the aftermath of the events of the Ministry, Harry is in dire need of help. That help arrives in the form of six mysterious people, along with his friends and even foes, who give him the strength and support he will need to defeat Voldemort. Written post-OotP but will take some factors of HBP into account.

Chapter 05 - 5

Chapter Summary:
Some discussion and some rebellion and Harry and Remus get a new gift while Percy proves himself.
Author's Note:
Here you are - another chapter. I will still be updating here. The message about the Yahoo group in the previous chapter was just to let you know that there are more chapters available if you don't want to wait.

Chapter 5

Devante used the same technique to inform the women as to what had happened as he had with Remus and Kolos. When he finished, Asa was the first one to react.

"Those...those people!" she said angrily. "Oh Harry, I'm so glad you're away from them. How dare they treat a young child like that! It's positively criminal!"

Harry stared at the normally gentle Healer with a look of stunned surprise. Devante caught his look and chuckled.

"Beware Asa in a temper," he said with amusement. "She's more dangerous than the other five of us put together."

The others chuckled and Asa blushed. "Oh, yes, well," she said with a slightly embarrassed smile. "What they did was just wrong!"

"Yes, we're aware of that," Kolos replied dryly. "It was Dumbledore's actions we're more interested in."

"Hmmph," Asa said with an arch look. "Yes, that's a good point. I'm none too pleased with what he's done either."

"Indeed," Malini said with a shake of her head. "Some of his treatment towards you, Harry, has bordered on reprehensible. To willingly allow you to face someone with the power of this Voldemort when you were only eleven is something that I'm having trouble comprehending."

Awena had sat through all of this silently but now she spoke up. "I find this prophecy troubling."

Harry started and looked at the Seer with worried eyes. "Why?"

"Most prophecy is vague," she explained carefully. "This is because the future is not set in stone, it's fluid and malleable. One action now could change many things tomorrow. As such prophecy can only ever be a loose description of what is most likely to happen. Even the best of prophecies can be derailed by the unexpected actions of a person or people. That's what bothers me about the prophecy surrounding you. It's very direct. The first part is what I would expect. You said it could refer to you or another boy." She paused. "I suspect there was more than just the two of you it could have referred to; they just weren't as obvious. It's that last bit; either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. It's very specific, which is quite unusual."

"Yeah, I know. Kill or be killed," Harry said miserably. "Just what I want to do with my life, be a murderer."

"Will you really?" Gwydion asked intently.

"Well, I have to kill him, don't I?" Harry said incredulously. "What is that other than being a murderer?"

"If you leave him alone, will he leave you alone?" Gwydion asked patiently.

Harry sighed. "No," he said heavily. "At least he hasn't so far."

"You'd let him live, if you could?" Gwydion pressed.

Harry paused for a moment. "Yes," he said slowly. "I'd have him sent to Azkaban for his crimes but I wouldn't kill him, if I could."

"Then I really don't think you can call yourself a murderer," Gwydion said calmly. "I think if he continues to come after you the way he has, you can put this one firmly in the category of self-defence."

"I'll still have killed him though," Harry said softly.

"I know," Devante replied. "And you can take some comfort in the fact that you will never be like Voldemort. From what you have said, he doesn't blink an eyelid before killing people and he certainly doesn't regret it. You'll never be a monster, Harry, as long as you keep looking for ways to neutralise your enemies without killing them. Killing should only ever be a last resort."

Harry stared into space for a while as he processed that then he nodded and sighed. "I...guess you're right."

Awena, who had been sitting patiently thought this, raised her hand slightly. "There is another factor in this that I don't think you've considered, Harry. That very specific line from the prophecy states: neither can live while the other survives. To me, that suggests that either one of you is killed by the other or both of you die."

Both Harry and Remus stared at her in shock.

"I...didn't even think about that!" Harry breathed.

"I'm not even sure Albus has read that interpretation into that line," Remus said slowly. "I think he wouldn't have been so cavalier about things if he had."

Awena held up a cautionary hand. "I may, of course, be wrong but that is how that line reads to me."

"Well, you're rarely wrong, my dear," Gwydion said. "But let's get back to the matter at hand. This endless manipulation by this Albus Dumbledore."

"Yes," Devante said dryly. "I'm not exactly sure what I'm more appalled about. The fact that he left you with those people for all this time, though I do understand about the blood protection, I'm sure there was a better way. Or the fact that he's been moving you around like a pawn on a chess board since you started school."

"I'm more interested in why he chose someone who you dislike and distrust to give you lessons in Occlumency," Kolos said stiffly. "Surely he must know that it is impossible to learn Occlumency in that sort of environment, particularly if the feelings are mutual as they clearly were. I am starting to wonder if he wasn't setting you up for failure. And if so, why?"

Harry looked a bit stunned at all of this. "So what am I supposed to do? Openly defy him?"

"Why not?" Remus said slowly, much to Harry's surprise. "He won't take it seriously or rather he'll tolerate it for now, thinking that it is just a reaction to Sirius' death. As long as you do it right, you should be able to manage a certain amount of independence before he knows what is happening. If we do it right, by the time he figures it out, there will be nothing he can do about it. Particularly with the Daemon Sidhe and your court standing with you."

Harry grinned at Remus. "That's...very militant of you, Mr Moony. What brought this on?"

Remus blushed. "Well, you should never have been left with the Dursleys and this is the first time I've realised how much Dumbledore has been muddling with all our lives." He looked a little guilty. "There are times I think that I should have made more of an effort to gain custody of you after James and Lily died."

"Why didn't you?" Harry asked.

"Partly it was because I had just had my entire world chopped apart but mostly it was because I knew it would be a long hard fight," Remus said sadly. "The Ministry would have been extremely reluctant to give you to a werewolf and I just didn't have the heart in me for that kind of fight. I'm sorry, Harry. I should have been stronger."

Harry looked slightly appalled. "Remus, there is nothing to be sorry for! You'd just lost your best friends in pretty ghastly ways. Anyway, I suspect Dumbledore would have blocked you if you had tried."

Remus scowled. "Hmm, you've probably got a point there. Either that or he would have talked me out of it. It probably wouldn't have been difficult at that particular point in time; I was pretty depressed."

"It sounds like he would have got his way in any way that he could," Asa said primly.

"Anyway," Remus said with a shake of his head, "there is a perfect opportunity for some of this teenage rebellion coming up very soon. Sirius has been officially cleared by the Ministry. Merlin knows how Dumbledore managed it but that is at least one good thing he's done lately. Sirius has also been officially declared dead by the Ministry as well." Remus paused. "He had a will, Harry. It was read a couple of days ago. He split everything equally between you and I and he named me your new guardian, if that's what you wanted. It actually happened before I could speak to Albus about your guardianship."

"Of course it's what I want!" Harry said indignantly. "I told you that."

Remus grinned shyly. "Well, in that case, I think the first militant act we can try is to get that made official. I think we could do it quietly."

"How?" Harry asked dryly. "Not much to do with me gets done quietly."

"True," Remus said with amusement, "but I think we might have a chance with this. The goblins have already made a recommendation that they agree with Sirius' request. If we take that and go and see Percy..."

"Percy!" Harry interrupted in surprise. "Why Percy?"

"Because Percy has reconciled with his family after the disaster at the Ministry and because he's still working as Fudge's assistant," Remus replied patiently. "I'm sure, considering the level of guilt he's been expressing regarding his actions towards you, that he'll be overjoyed to help us in any way he can."

"You really think he'd push this through quietly?" Harry asked sceptically.

"I think he just might," Remus replied. "He feels terribly guilty about the way he treated you. After all, he did live in Gryffindor Tower with you for the better part of three years. He certainly knows you better than Fudge. I think he'd be willing to do a lot to make up for that. And it's not like this is anything dangerous." He grinned.

Harry nodded slowly. Gwydion had been watching this with interest and now he spoke up.

"I think I know something that might make your...rebellion a little easier," he said slyly. "Isn't one of the problems with this idea the possibility that you might rebel over the wrong thing?"

"Well, yes," Harry said. "What did you have in mind?"

"This is a little early for this, I'll admit," Gwydion said slowly. "But it might be a good answer to your problem. Usually you would have a mental link, not only with the six of us but also with the members of your court. To allow for easy communication in times of trouble and whatnot. You won't be able to link in with us until we are able to become corporeal but, even at your current level of training, you should be able to manage this with Remus."

Harry and Remus exchanged speculative glances.

"I...I think I'd like that," Harry said hesitantly. "If that's okay with you, Remus?"

"Yeah," Remus said with a pleased smile. "It's definitely okay."

The Daemon Sidhe smiled indulgently then Gwydion clapped his hands, garnering their immediate attention.

"Now, Harry," the wizard said briskly. "This is a little bit similar to the way you pulled Remus out of his dream except this will still be there when you two wake up in the morning. You should have the theory of how to do this in that new knowledge of yours. So, just reach out with your mind and find Remus' mind."

Harry closed his eyes and allowed the information regarding this kind of mental linkage to float to the surface. Most of it didn't make much sense and he rather suspected that he wasn't really meant to be doing this so quickly but the how of establishing the linkage was actually fairly easy to understand. Keeping his eyes closed he tentatively reached out with his mind towards Remus.

"Now, Remus," he heard Gwydion saying softly. "When you feel Harry's mind, just stay relaxed and let him do what he has to do."

By this time, Harry had reached Remus mind and he felt the other man's initial surprise and then his anticipation and good humour. This reassured Harry no end and he was able to rather quickly establish the linkage between the two of them. He then retreated to his own mind and opened his eyes.

Remus, he thought tentatively.

Harry! came the delighted reply.

It worked, Harry thought with relief. The actual theory of how to do this was pretty easy but most of the rest of it was fairly impenetrable.

What do you mean? Remus asked curiously. Can you show me?

Harry thought for a moment. Yes, I think so, he said hesitantly and then very carefully began to feed the information regarding the linkages through the bond he now shared with Remus. After he finished he could feel Remus sorting through it all and organising his thoughts.

Well? he asked.

Okay, I think I've got most of it sorted, Remus said absently. Some of it doesn't make much sense to me either and I suspect that's because I'm not you. A sense of strong amusement came through to Harry. Mostly it has to do with some of the pitfalls associated with this kind of linkage. For example, we can shield our thoughts from each other quite easily. The details of how to do that flooded into Harry's mind from Remus. But, and I don't want you to start feeling guilty about this Harry, strong emotions can overcome these shields. I'm not talking about normal strong emotions, like anger or grief or... The flash of embarrassment from Remus confused Harry until the werewolf continued then he joined in that feeling. ...er, well, sex. But...well...your visions and nightmares will probably leak through. Harry heard a mental sigh. Actually they will leak through, just as mine are going to leak through to you. And...you're likely to get some interesting things through the bond when I...change. The deep sense of shame that came through the bond at that last sentence got to Harry.

Remus, he said firmly. You know I don't care about the fact that you're a werewolf, don't you? Or, well, I do care actually. I wish you didn't have to go through it every month. I just wish you weren't going to have to feel my visions.

The wash of emotions that flew back on forth through the bond seemed to explain things much better than words and very shortly they were looking at each other with sympathetic smiles.

Actually the bond may just help with the visions, Remus said eventually. I may be able to help you block them out or at least make sure that bastard doesn't do anything to you.

Harry smiled softly. "Yeah, that'd be good," he said.

"It all worked then," Gwydion said with satisfaction. "Good. That will make things easier for you."

Malini leaned over and tapped Gwydion on the knee. "It's time," she said softly then looked over at Harry and Remus. "It's morning. You two should wake up."

"Er, how do I do that?" Remus asked hesitantly.

"Just think about waking up and you will," Harry replied reassuringly. "It sounds too easy but it actually does work."

The others chuckled.

"We didn't get a chance to work on your Occlumency tonight," Kolos said. "Keep working on your shielding and we'll do more tomorrow night."

"You take the first shift then, brother," Devante said genially. "There's no arcane reason why we have to be first."

Kolos nodded and Harry allowed himself to wake. He opened his eyes to the see the ceiling of Sirius' room and grinned; that had certainly been an interesting session.

Remus? he thought carefully.

Harry! came the reply. Well, this is handy, isn't it?

Oh? How?

Easier to check up on you. Amusement came through the bond. Of course, now you can't just say you're fine when I ask you how you're going. I think I'll know when you're fibbing.

That works both ways, you know, Harry responded dryly.

Bugger! That's true, isn't it! Again there was a strong sense of amusement. We shall both have to stop being secretive sods, won't we?

Well, at least with each other, Harry agreed.

True, Remus replied. Now, I think we both ought to get up. I think we should put this plan in motion today before Albus can get wind that anything unusual has occurred.

Harry sent his assent through and crawled out of bed. This bedroom had an ensuite bathroom which Harry was thrilled about. He had a quick shower and got dressed then headed downstairs. He walked into the kitchen to find Remus pulling out pans.

"Breakfast?" Remus asked when he saw Harry standing in the doorway. Then he frowned as he looked at what the young man was wearing. "Harry? Don't you have anything that fits better that that?"

Harry blushed and looked at the floor.

Harry? he heard Remus ask softly in his mind.

Harry looked up to see the sympathetic look in Remus' face and he sighed. They never bought me new clothes. I always had to wear Dudley's cast-offs.

How about a trip to Muggle London today as well? Remus suggested.

Harry was relieved that there was not a hint of pity in Remus' manner. Yeah, that sounds good. Probably about time I spent some of my money on me.

That's the spirit, Remus said cheerfully and he continued with the breakfast preparations.

After breakfast they headed out to the Ministry. After the trip down and checking their wands with the guard, Harry and Remus headed down to the offices of the Minister. They found Percy in his office, already working hard.

"Hello, Percy," Remus said amiably.

Percy looked up in surprise and smiled briefly at Remus. Then he caught sight of Harry and he flushed and dropped his eyes to his desk.

"Hi, Percy," Harry said quietly.

Percy swallowed and he looked up briefly at Harry, his face full of remorse and guilt. "H...hello, Harry, Remus."

Harry exchanged glances with Remus. You're going to have to make the first move, I think, Remus thought to Harry.

Harry nodded and walked up to the desk. "Percy," he said quite firmly, "let's just forget about it and move on."

Percy paled and stared at Harry. "What?" Then he flushed again. "I...don't think I deserve that from you, Harry. I should have believed you and I should have stood by you and my family. I really am sorry, you know."

"Its okay, Percy," Harry said softly then he gave a wry smile. "Just don't do it again."

Percy gave a small chuckle. "That's what my brothers said." He then seemed to remember something and winced.

Harry smothered a grin; he was fairly sure he knew what that wince was about. "Ginny?" he said, letting the grin out.

Percy looked at him with surprise and then grinned rather sheepishly back. "Er, yes."

"She's got an interesting temper, hasn't she?" Harry said innocently and Percy started laughing.

Remus chuckled as well and stepped forward to join Harry. He pulled a sheaf of papers out of his robes.

"Percy, we actually came because we need your help," he said quietly.

A smile crossed Percy's face. "Well, what can I do for the two of you? And please, have a seat."

Remus and Harry sat down and Remus fidgeted for a moment. "Percy, feel free to say no to this. We want to keep this under the radar as much as we can. We'd rather the Minister and Albus not find out about this until it's all done."

Percy looked a little nervous. "Er, it's not...illegal, is it?"

"No, no," Remus replied with a laugh. "It's just that they would probably rather this didn't happen."

"Er, well, alright," Percy said nervously. "What is it?"

"I'm sure you know that Sirius Black was Harry's godfather and was named in James and Lily's wills as his guardian in the event of their deaths," Remus began. "Obviously that all got a bit derailed when he was falsely imprisoned. Well, with the recent declaration of his innocence and the acknowledgement of his death, his will was read. In it he asked that I be named as Harry's guardian. The goblins have written an approval of this and both Harry and I want it as well. We want it to be more than just the words, Percy. We want that guardianship made official by the Ministry. We just don't think that either the Minister or Albus would be too pleased about a werewolf being the Boy-Who-Lived's guardian."

"Why not?" Percy said indignantly. "You would make an excellent guardian."

Remus blushed and Harry beamed. "Thank you, Percy," Remus said. "But you can see my point."

"Hmm, yes," Percy mused. He then leaned back in his chair, obviously thinking hard. "Well, I do know some people in the appropriate department who I'm sure would be willing to keep things under the weather," he mumbled to himself. He looked back up at Remus. "You said the Gringotts goblins approved of this."

"Yes," Remus said. "Here is the letter they wrote."

He pulled a piece of parchment out of sheaf and handed it to Percy. The younger man looked it over and nodded. "And do you have the forms?"

"Yes," Remus replied. "Harry just needs to fill some things out and for the whole lot to be signed and witnessed."

"Look, you two do that now while I go and speak to some people." Percy stood and strode out of the office.

Remus pulled out a couple of the pages and handed them to Harry. "These are the ones you need to fill out. They're pretty standard. Use Percy's quill."

Harry grabbed the quill and started reading the forms. Mostly they just wanted some basic information from him; age, current residence, what school he goes to etc. But they also wanted some information on who he wanted as his new guardian and why. Harry quickly filled in the easy information and then thought hard before answering the bigger questions. He was just finishing up the last of these when Percy walked back into the office.

"Have you finished with those forms?" he asked. "Good, good. Now if you two would sign them. I'll witness them."

Once this was accomplished, he picked up the papers and gestured for the two of them to follow him. "It's a good thing you came in early. We should be able to get this done before most of the others come in. Then you two can be out of here before anyone recognises either of you." He led them down an array of passages until they came to a nondescript door. He knocked on the door then opened it.

"Here we are, Penny," he said cheerfully as he ushered the other two in. Harry was surprised to find Penelope Clearwater sitting behind the desk and he turned around and grinned at Percy.

"Clever," was all he said and Percy blushed and grinned back. He walked over and placed the papers in front of Penelope. He then leaned against the wall. Penelope picked up the papers and shuffled through them, checking that everything was filled in and signed.

"Well, they all look in order. Have a seat, you two. I just have some routine questions." She smiled at both of them as they sat.

"Now, Harry, I understand this was the wish of your godfather. Is it also your wish?" she asked.

"Yes, definitely," Harry said firmly.

"Good," Penelope said warmly. "Nobody is pressuring you into it?"


"You are aware that Mr Lupin is a werewolf?"

"Yes, of course."

"That is not of concern to you?"

"Well, only because it's so hard on him."

Penelope smiled at him, clearly pleased with his obvious concern for his soon-to-be guardian. "Do you think your current guardians will have any objections to this?"

"Er, no," Harry said a little uncomfortably. "They...don't like me very much. They'll probably be rather pleased they don't have to look after me anymore."

Penelope looked a little shocked at this. "They won't contest it?"

"No," Harry said sourly. "They won't miss me."

Penelope scowled and Harry could see the same expression on Percy's face. He then heard Penelope mutter under her breath, "Well, the nerve of those people," and he suddenly felt a lot better.

Penelope cleared her throat. "Well, I don't have any further questions. Do either of you have any?"

Both Harry and Remus shook their heads and Penelope filled in a few final areas on the forms, signed and stamped them. She then separated out the forms. "This copy is for the two of you," she said handing one set of papers to Remus. "The other two get filed here. Percy and I will make sure that's done quickly without anyone knowing. Congratulations, both of you."

She smiled warmly and shook their hands. Percy took and copy of the papers and did the same. He was just leading them towards the door when he stopped and looked at Harry.

"Oh, Harry," he said hesitantly. "I'm not sure if Ron and Ginny will have told you this but you're practically part of the family anyway so you ought to know. Penny and I are engaged."

Harry stared for a second then beamed. "Really? That's great! Congratulations!" He turned the smile on both Penelope and Percy.

"Thank you, Harry," Penelope said gently. "You will come to the wedding, won't you? You and Remus?"

"Of course!" Harry said and Remus nodded.

"Thank you, Harry," Percy said in a heartfelt tone and Harry knew he was talking about more than his acceptance of the wedding invitation. Harry nodded to the former Head Boy. Percy flushed and cleared his throat.

"You two better get going before the crowd gets in," he said gruffly. "The fewer people who see you here, the less talk there will be."

"Good idea," Remus said with alacrity and the two of them hastily made their way out of the Ministry. When they were standing in the street again, Remus turned to Harry. "Diagon Alley and then London?" he asked.

Harry nodded and Remus led him down a small alleyway. "I'll apparate the two of us from here," he said. "I think that'll be the easiest."

Harry nodded and Remus wrapped his arms around the young man. Then with a crack, they disappeared and reappeared on the edges of Diagon Alley. It was still early enough that there weren't many people around and they hurried over to Gringotts. As they were waiting in line, a few things occurred to Harry.

Remus? That seemed awfully easy. He thought to his new guardian. Is that all it really takes?

Well, no, not usually, Remus admitted. The letter from the goblins cut through a lot of the red tape though. Admittedly, I didn't know Penelope was also working for the Ministry. That was bit of a stroke of luck for us.

So it's really official? Harry pressed. And why does the goblins' opinion matter so much?

Yes, it's really official, Remus thought with a reassuring smile. I really am your guardian now and not those damn Dursleys. As for the goblins, well, I don't know what's happened with you in your dealings with Gringotts but I got the opinion at the reading of Sirius' will that they seem to like you. Of course, it could be something to do with something your parents or Sirius did, I don't know. They weren't elaborating on why. All I know is they thought it was a very good idea that I be named your guardian and that kind of recommendation counts for a great deal. They don't often do that, you know. Anyway, one of the main signatories on the letter was a recently promoted senior goblin by the name of Griphook.

Griphook? Harry thought with astonishment.

You know him? Remus asked with surprise.

Er, not really. He was the goblin that took Hagrid and I down to my vault when I was eleven, Harry said wonderingly.

Was there anything interesting about the trip? Remus asked.

Not really, Harry replied. We went down to my vault then we went to the vault where the Philosopher's Stone was being kept. I think I asked Griphook a question about that particular vault but that was about it.

They had reached the front of the line by this point and had to stop their rather interesting conversation. The next hour was filled up with filling in a large amount of paperwork to take care of not only Harry's change of guardian but also the inheritance they had both received from Sirius' estate. Neither of them really wanted the money but there wasn't much they could do other than accept it. If they didn't, it would go to the deceased's nearest living relatives which meant the Malfoys and the Lestranges and neither of them wanted that. Harry also took the opportunity to get some money out of his vault. He was about to change some of that into Muggle money for the trip into London but Remus stopped him.

"I think buying your clothes is a guardian's responsibility," Remus said, mock-sternly as he pocketed a fair amount of muggle money.

Harry grinned and relented. He was honestly rather charmed at the idea; he'd never had anyone buy clothes for him. After profuse thanks to the goblins who had helped them, which seemed to please them immensely, they left the bank and then Diagon Alley. Harry had stared longingly at some of the shops but had subsided when Remus reminded him that he would get other chances to come back to Diagon Alley. They then descended upon Muggle London.

Two hours later they were sitting exhausted in a small café with several large bags around them. They had just given their order to the sympathetic waitress and Harry looked at all the bags.

"I will never understand why women like shopping so much," he said tiredly. "I don't think I want to go shopping again for the next ten years."

Remus chuckled wearily. "I wouldn't leave it that long, Harry. You'll have no clothes left if you do that and you have to repeat this all over again."

Harry groaned and buried his head in his hands. "No, I don't think I could do that," he said weakly.

They were interrupted by the return of the waitress with their drinks and Harry gratefully gulped down his juice.

"Ahh, I needed that," he said with relief. "Remus? Were we supposed to be staying at Grimmauld Place? I mean, I know I'm not really supposed to be wandering around."

"No, we're okay," Remus said calmly. "I closed the floo this morning before we left. I mentioned to Albus I might to that after you arrived." Remus looked uncomfortable. "I...wasn't sure how you would be doing and I thought we might need some...privacy without Order members popping in. He understood, thought it was a good idea actually. And I think we're pretty safe in Muggle London. I don't think Vol...er, You-Know-Who will be looking for you here."

Harry nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He was silent for a while and stared at his hands. "I miss him so much, Remus," he said quietly after that long pause. "I feel like it's my fault he died."

Remus leaned forward and placed a hand over Harry's. "It's not your fault, Harry. It was just one bad situation after another all piling up at the worst possible moment." He paused. "And, yes, I miss him too."

They were interrupted again by the arrival of the waitress with their food and Remus leaned back and looked sharply at Harry.

You do believe me when I tell you it's not your fault, he thought as he picked up his sandwich.

Harry stared his own sandwich for a long time before he picked it up and took a bite. Yeah, he thought heavily. At least mostly. It's just... His thought trailed off.

No, Harry, Remus said firmly. It was not your fault. Think about it for a moment, Harry. Albus said you'd been having those odd visions about the Department of Mysteries for months. Correct? Harry nodded and Remus continued. So I think we can safely say that Voldemort was trying to get you into the Department of Mysteries for most of the year.

And he succeeded, didn't he? Harry snarled back.

Yes, he did, Remus replied calmly. But not exactly in the way he wanted, hmm?

What? Harry thought in confusion.

Well, think about it, Remus said patiently. Voldemort wanted you in the Department of Mysteries because he wanted to get his hands on that prophecy. But, Harry, somehow I don't think he wanted you to come there with your friends. He probably wanted you there alone and scared. That would have made it so much easier for Lucius Malfoy and the other Death Eaters. The end result of the whole things would have been Voldemort getting his hands on the prophecy and you dying. He paused. And probably Sirius dying.

Harry stared at Remus, a little stunned. What do you mean?

Remus looked at Harry kindly. What? Do you really think Sirius would have taken the news you had run off the Department of Mysteries calmly if you'd gone on your own. It would have been worse in fact. He still would have gone there himself and...he probably still would have died. Remus ran a hand through his greying hair. Harry...Sirius would have done anything to keep you safe. Anything. Including laying down his life for you.

But I didn't want him too, Harry said plaintively.

I know, Remus replied heavily. But that was just the way he was. He would have done that when you were a baby, he would have done that for you anytime.

Harry sighed and nodded. He finished off his sandwich and brushed his hands. He looked around at the bags surrounding the table.

"I suppose we'd better get back," he said glumly.

Remus wiped his mouth with his napkin and nodded. "Probably a good idea," he replied.

The werewolf stood and walked over to the register to pay while Harry organised the bags. When his guardian walked back over, they spilt up the bags and headed home.

Thanks for all the reviews. Aberforth's Avatar - Oh, don't worry, I will be finishing Crystalline. I've uploaded another chapter just before this one. Won't be too much friction between Harry and Dumbledore - more a case of Harry doing what he needs to do and only letting Dumbledore know what he wants him to know. Kind of the situation in reverse - let's see how Dumbledore reacts! *grins*