Rave Dragon

Kaida Ryu

Story Summary:
She's a seventh year prodigy, the inventor of the MedSeven, a year older than Harry Potter and the rest of the gang. Kaida Ryu is only interested in making lives easier and incorporating muggle ideas into the wizarding world, one magical device at a time. The Dark Angel with black wings has a darker secret, however, one that involves losing innocence to an elder as a family rite of passage. She chooses someone who would rather rejoin the Dark Lord. (Revamped for inclusion of Half-Blood Prince, obvious AU)

Chapter 01 - Chapter One

Chapter Summary:
Kaida fulfills tradition

Rave Dragon

Chapter One

In various containers lay pine nuts, vanilla, a moonstone, ginger, garlic, yohimbe bark, mallow, lovage, leek, cloves, caraway, deadly nightshade, basil, and other various potions ingredients. All around lay spell books, potions books, and a few things from home. The time had come, and she needed to be ready before the school year ended. This was, after all, her seventh year. She'd be graduating soon enough. She had tradition to fulfill.

Yes, that which was little known about her family was the tradition, handed down from the mother's side. The family was of a matriarchal society, one of the extreme few in Japan's wizarding world. However, girls who have not achieved womanhood were considered to be delicate, and to be handled with extreme care. The way for a girl to move beyond that was to loose the innocence of childhood. Boys were considered too rough for this special event, and so the girls chose an elder that they looked up to.

As time moved on, girls were not allowed to pass into womanhood prior to coming of age. After the wizarding world became more standardized, girls were not considered ready until a year after the wizarding coming of age, so that they were more relaxed in their adult lives. At this point they chose a mentor or a teacher that they were comfortable with to bring them into adulthood. And ever since the family began coming to Hogwarts, this was done in their 7th year.

This line had been shaken slightly by Kaida's mother, Zellanna Metallium, who had sex for the first time with Aaron Othort, a boy slightly older than her, in her fifth year. This union came to produce Melissa Othort, who from there had a rather shaky childhood. In fact, the poor girl was raised by her great-uncle, Kyto, to think he was her father and have no knowledge of her true parents. When he died in the first war against Voldemort, however, she returned to her parents and was told what had happened back at Hogwarts. By this time Zellanna had married Val Ryu and was pregnant with Kaida. Val had already known of her past with Aaron and offered that they'd keep Meli in Japan until the war was over.

As news of the war's end spread, as well as the Boy-Who-Lived, Zellanna made ready to return Meli to her father. The girl had been going to Lamyria, a joint school for young wizards and muggles. Kaida was two by then and even now could faintly remember her mother kissing her big sister's forehead and hugging the other man who was Meli's father. Kaida got to see Meli once a year, a month in the middle of summer. She remembered the letters from Hogwarts Meli sometimes got then, and she couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts herself.

Kaida was nine, and Meli in her seventh year when she sat Kaida down and told her about the tradition. Meli had come home for winter holidays and went to the Metalliums this year, under request of Zerasu, the head elder. Zerasu knew that Zellanna was unwilling to pass on the tradition and asked Meli to do it in her place, as the eldest daughter. Meli did as she was told, and passed on to Kaida everything she knew. Kaida listened raptly, having always looked up to her mother's side of the family, regardless of the joint schools she went to and the muggles she was forced to deal with. They were all elegant, when you looked past the muggle-loving. Perfect examples of purebloods, and they always married into pureblood families.

Meli took on Nathan Covington that year, the DADA teacher. Instead of moving on to a younger husband, however, they married. After their first child was born, in Kaida's first year, Nathan retired from the position to watch the child while Meli continued work. Nathan was replaced by Professor Aranth for a year, who was replaced by Quirrell the next year. Of course, it was found he'd become possessed by Voldemort, though they didn't say when.

Kaida didn't really care for Quirrell anyway. She much rather preferred Professor Snape, who was technically there for her the moment he became her head of house, just after sorting. She'd decided there and then that he would help her fulfill the tradition and did the best she could to please him. If she went by his reactions to her, of course she'd be an abysmal failure. However, her marks in his class were good, and he always allowed her extra credit so long as she kept up her work. He even allowed her in the restricted section a few times for research.

These times she was always writing down potions ingredients or useful spells to tuck away until her seventh year. They lay scattered about her desk at the moment as she worked on the potion she needed. The formula the family used would have been sufficient, of course, but she wasn't content with it. Something Snape likely instilled in her. But she refused to work with a simple aphrodisiac then work on being there at the right place at the right time. Nor was she about to just walk up and ask, like Meli did. No, this time things were being done her way.

By the time she was done she had an aphrodisiac which would only work on Snape, thanks to an identification spell, and would be activated by the smell of vanilla. There were elements of love potions there, some tending to be effective, though she'd managed to cancel those out just enough that Snape would not be falling for her. Well, not outside of free will, anyway. Plus some ground moonstone to ensure that what happened was meant to be a one time affair. The better part was anyone who drank this would be slightly gigglier than normal, giving her the perfect excuse to use, as well as making things fun for everyone. The potion had taken her a better part of a week to prepare and had to sit the rest of the week. But the stage was set; all she had to do was cue the lights.

She made her way with the potion to the kitchens, where she'd seen Harry going once. Once there she looked for the house-elf named Dobby (who was surprisingly easy to find) and pulled him aside to talk.

"Dobby, I heard a lot about you. In fact, you're the most caring one here, aren't you? I even heard you helped save Harry Potter, against your master's wishes."

Dobby nodded enthusiastically. "Dobby did, but Harry Potter also was the first to treat Dobby equal, too. Great wizard, Harry Potter is."

Kaida nodded. "He is. I like him. He's getting kinda cute, too. But Dobby, what do you think about Professor Snape?"

Dobby frowned. "Dobby does not talk with him often, miss. Dobby is right scared of him at times."

Kaida laughed. "Yes, he likes doing that, I'm sure. But listen, I think I have a way to make him more friendly. I don't know if it'll work, but I doubt he can get much worse. So think you can do something for me, Dobby?" She pulled out the small vial. "Just put a little bit of this in their drink? I'm hoping it'll make Snape smile. Don't you think that'll be nice?"

He shook his head. "Dobby really shouldn't, miss. Against the rules, and all. Terrible things been happening. Might be poison. Not that Dobby is being accusing-"

Kaida cut him short. "Tell you what. I'll drink some, and you drink some. Then you'll know it's okay."

He nodded and they both took a small sip of the potion. At once she couldn't help smiling. The potion gave her a warm giggly feeling that she used to get from wine when she was younger. Dobby apparently felt the same because he was smiling uncontrollably, which he seemed to do a lot anyway.

He let out a small giggle then looked at the vial. "This is a wonderful thing, miss. But Dobby shouldn't do it."

She giggled softly, giving her the most motherly pathetic look she could muster. "Please, Dobby? I'm so sure it'll make Snape smile. And the whole table will be laughing. You could give it to all the students if you want."

The potion wore off and they both shook off the effects. Dobby, seeing that it didn't last all that long, gave a short nod. "Alright. Dobby will do."

She smiled at him. "Alright. I'd better get to class. Bye Dobby. I'm looking forward to dinner."

Dinner went as expected, with everyone giggling here or there after finishing a drink. Well, most giggled. Some only smiled, and she was sure that both Snape and Dumbledore knew she was the one who did it. Dumbledore would smile down at her, though not always the times after he took a drink, so she had a feeling he didn't mind at all. Snape, however, would glare at her slightly. All the teachers at the head table would lean over and whisper something every so often, making her feel slightly pleased. She hadn't been much of a prankster before, but she pulled this one off. She just hoped that her punishment for tonight wouldn't be detention. After all, she had Cyberia to tend to.

After dinner she was preparing to go to Snape's before heading to the Room of Requirement when a small owl entered the room. It dropped a small bit of parchment in her lap then flew off. She looked around at the other girls in the dorm, who seemed too busy preparing for tonight to care. She unfolded it and read the note:

I will not restrict you from Cyberia tonight; however I request that you come to see me prior to opening the club. --Professor Severus Snape

She smiled and put the note away. She styled her hair and grabbed her jacket. After all, now this would explain how she came to be wearing the clothes she was. She'd been planning on going to his office and asking for help on something, but it bugged her that it didn't make sense. Now she was simply on her way to Cyberia and stopped by. She accented her attire with a vanilla pheromone lotion (couldn't be too careful) and made her way.

She got there and was let in, closing the door behind her. "What did you wish to speak with me about, professor?"

Snape snarled. Not only was she acting innocent, but she had the nerve to do it in that outfit. The one she danced in last Friday night. The one that seemed to arouse him in every move. Thankfully, she was not dancing at the moment, and he could think straight. Her jacket was draped over her arm for the moment, her bag slung over her shoulder, and the box of butterbeer and glasses gratefully blocking the view of her chest. Yet something was bothering him even then. Vanilla? Yes, the smell was vanilla, and it seemed to be affecting him somehow.

"As if you didn't know," Snape said, his voice as cold as ever. "Interesting little stunt you pulled tonight, though I do not want that happening again. Is that understood?"

She nodded, setting her things down. "Understood." She smirked. "But I liked seeing you smile."

"You are my best student, Miss Ryu, and I expect you to act that way, regardless of what you enjoy." He sighed with exasperation. "Though I must admit, this was very unlike you, as the Headmaster pointed out. Thus, knowing the things you use your talents for, there must have been some other agenda." Why did she have to put the box down? his mind cried out. He had been doing fine until then, and now found that it was taking most of his concentration to control himself. This was rather annoying, being that it kept him from concentrating on other things, with which he was sure to find out what the other agenda was.

"I just wanted to see you smile, Professor." She pouted a little. "You never do. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it anyway. It's not like I drugged everyone."

He decided to give in and looked into her. Kaida noticed him watching her, his eyes boring into hers as though peering into her soul. She forced away a shudder. Snape came away with only one thought: but she drugged me. But his control was broken. During this bit they'd moved closer to one another and he now smelled vanilla strongly, the scent enticing him and taking control. But he knew that wasn't the only thing controlling him. It was too late.

He had known he could only concentrate on one thing or the other, now he surrendered it all to have used an ability which took most of his mind. Occlumency may have been his only way out now, but again, it was too late.

He could feel a hand lightly touch his jaw line, then soft lips pressing his own. He would have to deal with the consequences later.