Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/12/2004
Updated: 08/26/2004
Words: 25,937
Chapters: 11
Hits: 15,194

Snogs Galore!


Story Summary:
It’s the beginning of February and a Slytherin has gotten their hands on Cupid’s bow and set of arrows. The plan goes awry and the arrows are being found all around school. Love is running amok and no one is safe. NO ONE! This fic will contain numerous ships.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Summary ---It’s the beginning of February and a Slytherin has gotten their hands on Cupid’s bow and set of arrows. The plan goes awry and the arrows are being found all around school. Love is running amok and no one is safe. NO ONE! Find out who got cut.
Author's Note:
A great big thanks to my wonderful 'SuperBeta'

Chapter Four

Luna quickly pulled out another handkerchief and handed it to Harry to wrap around his bleeding finger. She then put her bloody thumb up to her mouth. "That stings," she mumbled while sucking on the sore spot.

"Let me see your wounds boys." They both held out their hands. "Watch," she said while holding hers out as well. All three scratches slowly vanished. "Just as I suspected."

"You expected us to make a great cock-up of the situation and lose the only clue we had?" Harry stated with surprise and a touch of sarcasm. Neville was still staring mutely at his unscathed palm.

"No, once the arrow cuts someone, it disappears along with any wounds. It did the same thing this morning with Ginny and Draco. I have a sneaky suspicion that it was an arrow that wounded Ron as well." Luna smiled.

"How did you know it would do that?" Neville asked.

"My father and I found a cache of enchanted scimitars in Egypt when we were looking for the Mummy of Ramses III. The scimitars would disappear after an attack so the enemy would find no weapon. Unfortunately, we never did find the mummy, he had left his tomb already." Harry and Neville just shook their heads. They were used to getting little snippets about her father's escapades.

"Madam Pomfrey said it was some kind of spell; she just didn't know what kind. So do we just wait around to see what the effects are?" Harry said with annoyance.

"No, we need to find out about the arrow. Let's go find Hermione." Luna looked to Neville. "Come on with us Nev, you're part of this now whether you like it or not."

"I'd say I don't like it. Did I hear you right that even Madame Pomfrey doesn't know anything?" he gulped.

"That's right," Harry said. "She simply told Ron to let her know if he started growing things."

Luna smacked Harry hard on the arm. "What'd you wanna go telling him that for?" She motioned to Neville who looked ill.

"Er, sorry Neville," Harry apologized. "Ron's doing fine! So is Ginny, although I'm not sure about Malfoy."

"We're not the only ones who have been hurt by one of these arrows. I guess that's good to know." Neville brightened up a little. "At least I'm in good company."

They helped Neville gather his books and went off to search for Hermione and any information she had found. With some luck she had all the answers already.


Pansy was once again sitting her bedroom crying. She stood up and headed over to the mirror to try and pull herself together before dinner. What in the world was I thinking, snogging Ron Weasley in the corridor?

"Not again dear. What has you so down today?" the mirror spoke with concern.

"Unfortunately, I'm in love." Pansy said snidely.

"Ah yes, love will do that to you. I once adorned the bedroom of a Gryffindor, many years ago. She was quite a pretty little thing, always in love with a different boy from one day to the next. Until one day she came in looking much as you do now. She had fallen head over heels for a Slytherin. Can you believe it? Well let me tell you, I was sure she was doomed but I was wrong. The day before graduation she was looking happier than I'd ever seen her before. When I told her so, she informed me she was marrying him."

"Wait a minute, I thought you belonged to my mum."

"I can't say dear. We vanity mirrors don't keep track of such things. Now that you mention it, you do resemble her a little, same cute little nose, rosy lips."

"I've got to get to the owlery." Pansy rushed out of the room.

"Tut, tut, she left here with those red swollen eyes. What will the mirrors in the hall think of me when she walks by?"


Ginny was in her room sitting at her desk sketching a more detailed picture of the arrow.

"I thought the point was more heart shaped?" Hermione said from behind her.

Ginny jumped. "Crikey, Hermione! What are you trying to do take years off of my life? Wait a minute, how do you know what the point looks like?"

Hermione put Blaise's drawing down in front of her. "I got this from the best mate of a certain silver haired Slytherin."

"Blaise! Why would he have this?" Ginny turned in her chair to face Hermione.

"It seems Malfoy sent him on a research mission. Blaise suggested we work together to find some answers." Hermione blushed remembering his exact words.

"What did you tell him?" Ginny quietly observed the blush on the girl's face.

"I told him I would have to speak to someone first. Then he proceeded to tell me that he thought you wouldn't mind." She raised her eyes to meet Ginny's.

"Can't say I'm surprised by that," Ginny snorted, she traced the drawing with her finger. "Hermione, have you ever been attracted to someone that you knew you shouldn't be attracted to?"

Hermione started to think of all the feelings that had come from her conversation with Blaise. "Honestly, I'd have to say yes. Why?"

Ginny looked up sheepishly. "I was this close to snogging Malfoy in the hallway this morning." She held her thumb and forefinger up about a centimeter apart.

Hermione put her hand over her mouth in surprise. "What happened?" she whispered.

"Do not repeat any of this! Understand?" Ginny looked her in the eye.

Hermione held up her hand. "I swear I won't," she said with conviction. If Ginny was snogging Malfoy, then it wasn't so bad if she got all hot and bothered by Zabini. Ginny proceeded to tell her exactly what happened this morning.

"You mean to tell me that not only were you and Malfoy almost snogging but that you did it in front of Luna?" Hermione said in disbelief.

Ginny hung her head. "Yes," she murmured. "I don't understand why."

Hermione caught herself rubbing her chin while she was thinking. Stop It! Zabini does that. She put her hands in her lap. "So just out of the blue you're attracted to Malfoy?"

"Well I wouldn't say 'out of the blue'. I've always thought he was a good-looking git. But since the beginning of this year I've caught myself staring at him across the Great Hall at meal times. I've even had, shall we say, naughty dreams about him." Ginny's face turned a light shade of red at this confession. Hermione giggled.

"What is so funny?" Ginny demanded.

"I was just thinking of what Ron's reaction would be if he knew you were dreaming of Malfoy." Hermione laid back on the bed in a fit of laughter.

"Could you imagine the look on his face?" Ginny chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure he would throw quite a fit. I'm certain he would order you to stop, and probably threaten Malfoy, even though he would have done nothing." Hermione sat up and wiped the tears of mirth out of her eyes. "All right back to serious business. Do you think I should work with Blaise on this?"

"I don't mind. Do you feel comfortable spending time with him?" Ginny stood up and started to get ready for dinner.

"I think I can manage the smug Slytherin." Hermione smiled. This could be fun.

"Let's go on down to dinner. Maybe we can meet the others on the way there." As they coming down the stairs Ron came in through the portrait hole.

"Hey Ron," Ginny said with a smile. "Where are the others?"

"Um. . . In the library," he said quietly while running his hand through his hair.

"What's the matter Ron?" Ginny asked.

"There you are!" Harry stepped through the portrait hole with Neville on his heels. He walked up to Hermione. "Please tell me you found something out while at the library," he begged.

"Well Harry, the only thing I found out is that Draco is researching the arrow as well. Blaise was there looking up the same information I was. When I questioned him about it, he showed me this." She held out the picture Draco had drawn.

"That's a good likeness," Harry replied while looking at the drawing.

"Except it's missing the words," Neville piped up. Four sets of eyes turned towards him. "What'd I say?" He was puzzled by the varying degrees of shock on their faces.

"How the do you two know anything about it?" Hermione asked.

Harry proceeded to tell them about the incident in the library.

"You, Neville and Luna were all injured by the same arrow? Then it disappeared just like mine and Draco's?" Ginny asked pensively.

"Yes," stated Harry. "Luna seems to think that once the arrow has caused an injury it will disappear. She also thinks it's what happened to Ron this morning." All eyes turned to the tall lanky redhead who had been unusually quiet. Harry's eyes narrowed. "Speaking of Ron, what happened between you and Pansy mate?"

"Ron and WHO?" Ginny shouted.

Ron was nervously running a hand through his already disheveled hair. "I don't want to talk about it right now. We've more important things to think about rather than discussing my love life."

"YOUR WHAT?" Ginny shouted once again.

His eyes pinned his sister. "I mean it, not now! I can't even understand it myself. When I do you'll be the first to know."

Harry noisily cleared his throat. "Yes, well, you and Harry will be the first to know," Ron muttered.

Hermione gave a little huff. "Alright, I'll bloody well make an announcement in the Great Hall. Will that satisfy everyone?" Ron gazed at his friends in frustration. They were all quietly shocked.

"Luna is waiting for us outside the Great Hall. Remember, Harry?" Neville mumbled.

"That's right. I was supposed to come back here and get everyone. Are we all going down there now?" Harry walked towards the portrait and stopped when he realized no one was following him.

"Neville did you say your arrow had writing on it? What did it say?" Hermione was excited at the chance for more information.

"I'm not sure what it said, it was in a strange language. It was written very small around the edge of the arrowhead." Neville quietly answered. "I might be able to write it out. I can't quite seem to picture it right now but if I remember I'll let you know."

Hermione rubbed her hands together. "What you need to do is some research. Later we'll find some books on ancient languages to see if you can find one that looks similar."

Neville groaned. Ron grabbed Hermione and pushed her towards the exit "Let's go eat; I'm starving." They made their way out of the portrait hole and down the winding moving staircases.

Luna was waiting anxiously at the bottom of the staircase. "Well?" She looked expectantly at Hermione.

Harry spoke up, "she didn't find out much. Except that the Slytherins are also looking for information."

Luna turned to say something but couldn't get out any words. Her blue eyes locked with Harry's green ones. She had a funny feeling in her gut. It felt like a bolt of lightning, first a tingling sensation then warmth throughout her entire body.

"Neville remembers something written on the arrow he found, now he just needs to remember what it looked like," Ron spoke up breaking the moment.

"That's great, Neville. I didn't notice writing on it when you gave it to me." Luna turned to smile at him. Neville's kind eyes met hers. She felt drawn into them. The need to touch him was overwhelming. What in the world is happening to me? She was jostled as more students were making their way down the staircase and into the Great Hall.

"Okay then, we'll all meet after dinner?" She looked to each of her friends, but didn't make eye contact with Harry or Neville.

"I have something to do." Ron refused to meet anyone's eyes as this was muttered.

"So do I," said Hermione.

"I'm going with you Hermione," Ginny said this while staring at her brother.

"Okay, I guess that leaves me and-" she faltered a bit as her eyes were drawn back and forth between Harry and Neville. "Maybe we should just plan to meet tomorrow, after classes?"

"That would be fine with me, I should have some more information by then. Neville maybe you could try and work on remembering what was written on the arrow." Hermione arched an eyebrow at Ron, "as for you-" she was cut off mid-sentence.

"Not now 'Mione." Ron turned and went in to eat. Luna headed for the Ravenclaw table while the four Gryffindors went to theirs.


She could feel his eyes on her, but refused to give him the satisfaction of looking up from her plate. Ginny turned to face Harry as he was regaling them all with a Quidditch story. She laughed in the right places and touched Harry on the arm so she could interrupt with her own quip. After the story was done she turned to finish up her dinner. She was reaching for her glass when his gray eyes caught hers. She had to remind herself to breathe. Even from this side of the room she could feel the heat. He didn't look happy. Harry touched the sleeve of her robe to tell her he was leaving and the gray eyes narrowed. Ginny blinked, that looked like jealousy. She decided to test her theory. She turned to Harry and lightly touched his cheek with her hand. She then pulled his head down and whispered in his ear. "One of us needs to find out what is going on with Ron and Pansy. I think you should take first watch." She was watching Draco the whole time. He tensed up and put his hands on the table.

Harry smiled and whispered back. "Okay, but if I see anything disturbing and need to be admitted to St. Mungo's it's all on your head."

They both laughed. Draco stood up abruptly, never taking his eyes off of Ginny. She merely smirked at him. He arched a blond eyebrow at her and left the room.

Harry hadn't caught any of this because he was too busy staring at the blue-eyed girl seated at the Ravenclaw table. Luna had also noticed the interaction between her two friends. Once she would have been delighted to see them happy together, but now, it hurt. She quickly got up and left the table.

"See ya' Gin," Harry muttered as he followed Luna out the door. He didn't make it far however as he ran into Neville who had the same idea. "Neville, I see you're in a hurry to get back upstairs and work on that writing."

"Er, yes I was. I heard you tell Ginny you were going to be watching over Ron tonight. Well there he goes." Neville pointed to Ron who was sneaking down to the dungeons.

Bugger, thought Harry. "Yes, well, I'd better be off. See you later then." Harry quickly followed where his friend had gone.

Once Neville saw Harry's head disappear down the stairs he took off after Luna.


"Are you ready to go find Blaise?" Ginny asked Hermione as she finished off her dessert.

"Oh I know where the insufferable git is." Hermione was irritated.

"How do you know that?" inquired Ginny.

"It's just so obvious. He sits over there and stares at me through my entire meal, just to aggravate me, mind you. Then he stands up mouths the words 'See you later' and strolls out of here as if it's a foregone conclusion." Hermione was practically shouting the last part.

"So, we're going to meet him in the library?" Ginny stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes, sod it all. We're going to go meet him in the library," Hermione huffed.

Author notes: Click it, go ahead, I won't tell !